Background Insulin resistance (IR)/hyperinsulinemia (HI), are early abnormalities in the etiology of prediabetes (preT2D) and type 2 diabetes (T2D). IR/HI also associate with increased erythrocytosis. Hemoglobin A1c (HbA1c) is commonly used to diagnose and monitor preT2D/T2D, but can be influenced by erythrocytosis independent of glycemi.
Methods We undertook bidirectional Mendelian randomization (MR), in individuals of European ancestry, to investigate potential causal associations between increased fasting insulin adjusted for BMI (FI), erythrocytosis and its non-glycemic impact on HbA1c. We investigated the association between Triglyceride-glucose index (TGI), a surrogate measure of IR/HI, and glycation gap (difference between measured HbA1c and predicted HbA1c derived from linear regression of fasting glucose) in people with normoglycemia and preT2D.
Results Inverse variance weighted MR (IVWMR) suggests increased FI increases haemoglobin (b=0.54+/-0.09, p=2.7 × 10-10), red cell count (RCC, b=0.54+/-0.12, p=5.38×10-6) and reticulocyte (RETIC, b=0.70+/-0.15, p=2.18×10-6). Multivariable MR indicates increased FI does not impact HbA1c (b=0.23+/-0.16, p=0.162) but reduces HbA1c after adjustment for T2D (b=0.31+/-0.13, p=0.016). Increased haemoglobin (b=0.03+/-0.01, p=0.02), RCC (b=0.02+/-0.01, p=0.04) and RETIC (b=0.03+/-0.01, p=0.002) might modestly increase FI. Increased TGI associates with decreased glycation gap, i.e. measured HbA1c was lower than expected based on fasting glucose, (b=-0.09±0.009, p<0.0001) in people with preT2D but not in normoglycemia (b=0.02±0.007, p<0.0001).
Conclusions MR suggests increased FI increases erythrocytosis and might potentially decrease HbA1c by non-glycemic effects. Increased TGI, a surrogate measure of increased FI, associates with lower-than-expected HbA1 in people with preT2D. These findings merit confirmatory studies to evaluate its clinical significance.
The type 2 diabetes (T2D) pandemic is a major public health challenge which now affects more than 420 million people worldwide (1,2). Insulin resistance (IR) and hyperinsulinemia (HI) are early abnormalities in the pathogenesis of prediabetes (preT2D) and T2D (3). Close surveillance and timely intervention in people with IR/HI and preT2D can potentially prevent T2D and remit/improve glycemia in those who do develop T2D (4–6).
Increasingly, haemoglobin A1c (HbA1c) has replaced fasting glucose and/or the 75 g oral glucose tolerance test to diagnose preT2D, T2D and T2D remission. HbA1c is also used to set glycemic targets for people with diabetes (7–9). Advantages to using HbA1c compared to fasting glucose, include convenience and use of an assay that is standardized, stable, reproducible with limited intraindividual variability (1,10). It provides an average measure of glycemia in the preceding 2 to 3 months (1). However, altered red cell lifespan and erythrocytosis, which is not routinely assessed, can affect HbA1c measurement by non-glycemic pathways, which has implications in patients with red cell disorders and haemoglobinopathies (1,11). In people without T2D, including those with preT2D, non-glycemic parameters are a major predictor of HbA1c: higher haemoglobin associates with lower HbA1c (12,13). Observational studies have also shown an association between IR/HI and increased haemoglobin and red cell count (14–16), but whether this association is causal is not established, nor is it known whether this impacts HbA1c measurement through non-glycemic pathways.
Mendelian randomization (MR) can be used to infer potential causal associations between an exposure and an outcome by assessing the effects of genetic variants robustly associated with the exposure in one population, on the outcome of interest in a separate cohort (2 sample MR) (17). We undertook bidirectional MR to investigate potential causal associations between fasting insulin adjusted for BMI (FI) and erythrocytosis (haemoglobin, red cell count and reticulocyte count) in people of European ancestry using summary statistics from the largest genome wide association studies (GWAS). We undertook multivariable MR to assess the non-glycemic effects of FI on HbA1c after adjusting for elevated fasting glucose (FG) and type 2 diabetes (T2D). We also explored the association between triglyceride-glucose index (18), a surrogate measure of IR/HI and glycation gap (difference between measured HbA1c and predicted HbA1c from fasted glucose measurement) in people with normoglycemia and preT2D.
Please see Supplementary File 1 for information outlining cohorts used for MR analyses (19–25).
Primary MR analyses
For our primary analysis we undertook bidirectional inverse variance weighted (IVW) MR with FI as exposure (Supplementary File 3) and Hb, red cell count (RCC), reticulocyte count (RETIC) as outcomes. A p value of <0.05 was considered significant for primary and secondary analyses. We followed the recently published STROBE-MR reporting guidelines (Checklist in Supplementary File 2)(26). As we used publicly available summary statistics from GWAS, we did not seek institutional approval. Informed consent was obtained from the investigators from each participant in the original study.
Secondary analyses
As we found a potential causal association between FI and erythrocytosis, we undertook univariable MR to investigate the association between FI and HbA1c followed by multivariable MR adjusted for FG, T2D and Hb.
MR assumptions: MR is based on three assumptions. First, the instrument is robustly associated with the exposure, therefore we only used SNPs that were genome-wide significantly associated for all the instruments (17). Second that the instrument does not influence the outcome via another pathway other than the outcome i.e. no horizontal pleiotropy (17). Finally, the instrument is not influenced by any confounders (17). For univariable MR, we used inverse weighted MR (IVWMR) and additional sensitivity analyses including MR-Egger, weighted median, weighted mode and leave-one-out analyses.
IVWMR was performed by undertaking meta-analysis of the individual Wald ratio for each SNP in the instrument. By permitting a non-zero intercept, MR-Egger relaxes the assumption of no horizontal pleiotropy and returns an unbiased causal estimate, in the case of horizontal pleiotropy, providing that the horizontal pleiotropic effects are not correlated with the SNP-exposure effects (InSIDE assumption) (17,27). The median effect of all SNPs in the instrument was used for analysis using weighted median MR, which permits SNPs with a greater effect on the association to be evaluated by weighting the contribution of each SNP by the inverse variance of its association with the outcome: this is robust even if only 50% of the SNPs satisfy all three MR assumptions (28). Finally, SNPs were clustered into groups based on similarity of causal effects for weighted mode MR, with the cluster with the largest number of SNPs deriving the causal effect estimate (29). Cochrane’s Q test was used to assess heterogeneity, while leave-one-out analyses were conducted to assess if any MR estimate was biased by a single SNP potentially with horizontal pleiotropic effect (17) and the F statistic was calculated to assess the strength of the instrument exposure (17,30,31).
Univariable MR was conducted using the “TwoSampleMR” package in R (R studio® v1.3.1073 and R® v4.0.3). Linkage disequilibrium (LD) pruning was used to select a proxy (r2>0.8) if a SNP was not directly matched from the 1000 Genomes project (Version 0.5.6, Released 2021-03-35). The “ggplot2” and “metaphor” packages in R were used to create plots. We undertook inverse variance weighted multivariable MR (IVW Multivariable MR) to assess the effect of FI on HbA1c after adjustment for FG and T2D as well as Hb (32). Multivariable MR was conducted using both the “TwoSampleMR”, “Multivariable MR” and “RMultivariable MR” packages in R (R studio® v1.3.1073 and R® v4.0.3) where the latter two packages assessed heterogeneity via Cochrane’s Q test and strength of the instrument via F statistics (30,32). Plots were; generated using “plotobject”.
Overlap between exposure and outcome cohorts
There is no reported overlap between the cohorts.
Observational Study
We received institutional approval from UHN research ethics board for the observational study. As we analyzed anonymized data, we did not obtain consent from individual patients. We undertook further analyses in a cohort of patients without T2D (n=7600 of whom 1096, i.e. 14.4%, have pre-T2D), who attended University Health Network (UHN) outpatient clinics between 2006 and 2022. We excluded patients who had attended diabetes clinics in the prior 2 years, those with fasting glucose ≥ 7mmol/L, HbA1c ≥ 6.5%, age >65 years or <18 years or Hb outside the sex-specific normal range. We did not undertake analyses in patients with diabetes as we did not have access to their medical records and could not ascertain the type of diabetes or their medications (e.g. insulin and sodium glucose co-transporter 1 inhibitors) which can impact both glycemia and erythrocytosis (33,34)
Using R studio® v1.3.1073 and R® v4.0.3, predicted HbA1c was assessed based on regression analysis of fasting glucose adjusted for age and sex. Glycation gap was calculated as the difference between measured HbA1c and predicted HbA1c. We assessed the association between triglyceride-glucose index(18), a surrogate measure of IR/HI, and the glycation gap. Triglyceride-glucose index (18) was calculated as ln[fasting triglyceride (mg/dL) × fasting plasma glucose (mg/dL)/2]. Correction factors of 88.57 and 18 were used to convert triglycerides to mg/L and fasting glucose to mg/dL, respectively.
The rms and lattice packages were used to fit a regression model and for estimation. The beta coefficient, standard error, y-intercept and p-value were analyzed in order to determine if there was an association between triglyceride-glucose index and glycation gap for all participants, those with pre-T2D (HbA1c 6-6.4% and fasting glucose 6-6.9 mmol/l) and those with normoglycemia (specified as HbA1c < 6% and fasting glucose <6 mmol/l). A p-value of < 0.05 was specified as being significant. The R2 and adjusted R2 were also analyzed to determine the fit of the model. An ANOVA table further analyzed if there was a linear relationship present.
Several diagnostic plots were created to test the presence of linearity and evaluate the fit of our model. A Normal Q-Q plot was created to test if the data had a normal distribution. If the data points fell onto a reasonably straight line, this would indicate a well fit model. Using the xyplot function, two plots were then created, both examining the residuals (residuals versus fitted values and residuals versus triglyceride-glucose index). If the plots produced a straight line, this would indicate a linear relationship. If the line was curved, this would indicate nonlinearity and splines would be required to analyze the cubic model.
Finally, the model was assessed for overfitting via validation. A set of random numbers was generated and the 0.632 Bootstrap method was used (35). The 0.632 Bootstrap method was chosen as to reduce bias by using correction factors. The R2 and mean squared error (MSE) were analyzed. An overfit model would produce a significantly different R2 and a higher MSE. Further, an optimism greater than 0.1 would suggest overfitting, as well as a slope with shrinkage. A decrease in g-index would also be suggestive of overfitting. It should be noted that MSE and g-index may be difficult to interpret as they vary based on sample size and range of data. The same analyses were undertaken for triglyceride-glucose index on Hb.
1. Primary analyses
Univariable MR Analyses of FI and erythrocytosis (Hb, RCC, RETIC)
Univariable inverse variance weighted MR suggests increased FI increases Hb (b=0.54+/-0.09, p=2.7×10-10, RCC (b=0.54+/-0.012, p=5.38×10-6) and RETIC (b=0.70+/-0.15, p=2.18×10-6), with concordant results with MR-Egger, weighted median, weighted mode and simple mode MR analyses. (Table 1, Figure 1-2).
Univariable Mendelian Randomization (MR) Analysis — Exposure: fasting insulin (FI), Outcome: haemoglobin (Hb)— (A) Scatter plot showing the single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) associated with FI against SNPs associated with Hb (vertical and horizontal black lines around points show 95% confidence intervals (CI) for five different Mendelian Randomization (MR) association tests (B) Funnel plot of the effect size against the inverse of the standard error for each SNP
Univariable Mendelian Randomization (MR) Analysis — Exposure: fasting insulin (FI), Outcome: red cell count (RCC) and reticulocyte count (RETIC)— (A) Scatter plot showing the single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) associated with FI against SNPs associated with RCC (vertical and horizontal black lines around points show 95% confidence intervals (CI) for five different Mendelian Randomization (MR) association tests (B) Funnel plot of the effect size against the inverse of the standard error for each SNP for FI against RCC (C) Scatter plot showing the single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) associated with FI against SNPs associated with RETIC (vertical and horizontal black lines around points show 95% confidence intervals (CI) for five different Mendelian Randomization (MR) association tests (D) Funnel plot of the effect size against the inverse of the standard error for each SNP for FI against RETIC (
Inverse variance weighted MR suggests increased Hb (b=0.03+/-0.01, p=0.02), RCC (b=0.02+/- 0.01, p=0.04) and RETIC (b=0.03+/-0.01, p=0.002) might modestly increase FI, but MR-Egger, weighted median, weighted mode and simple mode MR analyses did not find evidence for potential causal association (Supplementary File 4)
2. Secondary analyses
Univariable and Multivariable MR Analyses of FI as exposure (adjusted for FG, T2D and Hb) and HbA1c as outcome
Univariable inverse variance weighted MR suggests that increased FI does not significantly increase HbA1c (b=0.23+/-0.16, p=0.16). Multivariable MR suggests FI decreases HbA1c after adjusting for T2D (b=-0.30+/-0.13, p=0.02. After adjusting for Hb (b=0.36, p=9.14×10-4), FI increases HbA1c, but the F-statistic of <10 precludes definitive conclusion. There was no significant effect of FI on HbA1c after adjusting for FG alone (b=-0.221+/-0.13, p=0.096) (Table 3, Figure 3, Supplementary File 5).
Univariable Mendelian Randomization (MR) Analysis — Exposure: fasting insulin (FI), Outcome: HbA1c— (B) Scatter plot showing the single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) associated with FI against SNPs associated with HbA1c (vertical and horizontal black lines around points show 95% confidence intervals (CI) for five different Mendelian Randomization (MR) association tests (C) Funnel plot of the effect size against the inverse of the standard error for each SNP
3. Exploratory Analyses
MR Analyses exploring association between Hb and HbA1c
MR suggests a bidirectional relationship between Hb and HbA1c. Univariable inverse variance weighted MR suggests increased Hb decreases HbA1c (b=-0.105, p=1.17×10-13) concordant with MR-Egger, weighted median and mode but not simple mode analyses (Supplementary File 6). Reverse inverse variance weighted MR suggests increased HbA1c decreases Hb (b=-0.867, p=6.02×10-7) concordant with MR-Egger, weighted median and simple mode but not weighted mode analyses (Supplementary File 6).
Observational Study
Descriptive statistics regarding the 7600 participants can be found in Supplemental File 7. Consistent with the MR analyses, increased TGI was associated with increased Hb (b=1.88±0.19, p<0.001) (Figure 4a). Linear regression analysis yielded this equation for predicted HbA1c derived from fasting glucose and adjusted for age and sex: 4.163+0.172*(fasting glucose). In the cohort overall (the majority of whom had normoglycemia), (b=0.073±0.008, p<0.0001) and in people with normoglycemia (b=0.023+/-0.007, p<0.0001), increased triglyceride-glucose index was associated with an increase in glycation gap. However, among people with pre-T2D, increased triglyceride-glucose index was associated with a decreased glycation gap i.e.measured HbA1c was lower than that predicted by fasting glucose (b=-0.087+/-0.009, p<0.0001) (Figure 4b-d).
Data from UHN cohort. Hexbin plots represent number of study participants with the observed and calculated values, where the colour and size of each individual hexagon correlates to the number of participants with the corresponding values. The red line represents the regression line for each cohort. (A) Association between Triglyceride Glucose Index and Hemoglobin (B) Association between Triglyceride Glucose Index and Glycation Gap in all participants (C) Association between Triglyceride Glucose Index and Glycation Gap in with pre-T2D (D) Association between Triglyceride Glucose Index and Glycation Gap in those with normoglycemia.
For all analyses, the R2 adjusted and unadjusted were almost identical and the regression p-values were <0.005. Normal Q-Q plots for all data were suggestive of a normal distribution and good fit. Plots for residuals versus triglyceride-glucose index and residuals versus fitted values suggested linearity and that likely all relationships were accounted for in the model. Using the 0.632 Bootstrap method, validation was carried out and resulted in corrected R2 and corrected slopes that were relatively similar to the original values. The R optimism was found to be 0.0116, which was less than the cut-off of 0.1. The MSE increased by 1.57% and the g-index decreased by 3.97%. These results indicate that the model was not overfit.
Epidemiological data suggests that IR/HI is associated with increased erythrocytosis (14–16). Our MR analysis suggests that this association is causal. MR further suggests that increased FI after adjustment for T2D reduces HbA1c. MR also indicates a bidirectional inverse relationship between Hb and HbA1c. Collectively, these data suggest that increased IR/HI mediated erythrocytosis might potentially lower HbA1c by non-glycemic effects with the transition from normoglycemia to T2D. Our observational data was concordant with the MR analyses. shows Increased triglyceride-glucose index, a surrogate measure of IR/HI associated with both higher Hb and measured HbA1c which is lower than expected in people with preT2D, but not in those with normoglycemia. These findings await confirmation and assessment of clinical significance in well designed prospective studies across the glycemic spectrum from normoglycemia to preT2D and T2D.
Increased FI is a recognised manifestation of IR. Some features of IR/HI such as increased hepatic glucose production are likely a consequence of reduced insulin action, while others such as hepatic steatosis and dyslipidemia are likely due to increased insulin action via signaling pathways that are not perturbed in IR (36). In vitro studies suggest that insulin can increase erythrocytosis (37), suggesting that increased insulin action may underlie the increased in erythrocytosis with IR/HI. Further studies are needed to confirm these findings and explore underlying mechanisms.
The potential non-glycemic impacts of increased fasting insulin on HbA1c might lead to lower-than-expected HbA1c based on glycemia and thus have implications for people with IR/HI and preT2D and T2D. HbA1c is increasingly used to diagnose these conditions, in lieu of fasting glucose/oral glucose tolerance test measures, and to set glycemic targets for treatment (1,7–10). Interestingly, observational data indicate that ∼40% of people with T2D diagnosed based on more than one measure of elevated fasting glucose and/or post OGTT glucose, have HbA1c below the diabetes threshold (38). The potential non-glycemic effects of increased FI on HbA1c may also be particularly pertinent for weight loss induced T2D diabetes remission. HbA1c is the recommended glycemic parameter to define remission in a patient population with high prevalence of IR/HI (9).
The strengths of this study include MR analyses with the largest sample sizes in populations of European ancestry and likely minimal/no overlap between participants in the exposure and outcome cohorts. Our study has a number of limitations. The findings may not apply to other ethnic groups given that we used populations with European ancestry only. This may especially be a concern in populations with higher prevalence of hemoglobinopathies and red cell disorders (39–43). Additionally, analyses were not stratified by sex, which is a major determinant of body composition and IR/HI (44). For our observation data we did not have access to individual level data including medications and comorbidities. Due to these limitations, we also excluded patients with biochemical evidence of T2D as we could not reliably ascertain the type of diabetes and account for the potential impact of medications which might impact red cell parameters. We derived predicted HbA1c from fasting glucose and did not account for post-prandial readings which are a major limitation. Finally, we did not have measures of FI in the observational cohort and therefore used surrogate measures of IR/HI in our analyses.
In conclusion, our data suggests that increased FI may increase erythrocytosis and might potentially lower HbA1c independent of glycemia. As these findings might have implications for the diagnoses and management of preT2D and T2D, it merits well designed prospective confirmatory studies across the glycemic spectrum to confirm these findings and assess whether these effects are clinically relevant.
Data Availability
All data produced in the present work are contained in the manuscript
SD is funded by CIHR, Heart & Stroke Foundation of Canada and Banting & Best Diabetes Centre (DH Gales Family Charitable Foundation New Investigator Award and a Reuben & Helene Dennis Scholar in Diabetes Research).
SD, ADP, AN and RK designed the study. All authors analyzed the data. AN, RK and SD wrote the manuscript and all authors read and edited the manuscript. SD is the guarantor of this work.
Conflicts of Interest
Supplementary File 1 – Cohorts
Summary statistics from the largest published genome wide association study (GWAS) in people of European ancestry were used in MR analyses (Supplementary Table 1) (18–24). Informed consent and institutional approval were previously obtained by the individual cohort investigators.
Supplementary File 2. STROBE-MR checklist of recommended items to address in reports of Mendelian randomization studies1,2
Supplementary File 3. Fasting Insulin instrument
Supplemental File 4: Reverse MR analyses. Exposure: Hb, RCC and RETIC. Outcome: Fasting insulin
Supplementary File 5 — Bidirectional MR analyses assessing the effect of Hb on HbA1c
Description of Different Figure Types
Scatter plot showing the single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) associated with Hb against SNPs associated with HbA1c as the outcome (vertical and horizontal black lines around points show 95% confidence intervals (CI)) for five different Mendelian Randomization (MR) association tests.
Funnel plot of the effect size against the inverse of the standard error for each SNP.
Exposure: Hb, Outcome: HbA1c
Figures of Scatter Plot of MR Methods (A) and Funnel Plot (B)
Exposure: HbA1c, Outcome: Hb
Figures of Scatter Plot of MR Methods (A) and Funnel Plot (B)
Supplemental File 6: Baseline characteristics for participants of observational study and descriptive statistics
Supplementary File 7
Link: https://www.dropbox.com/s/827zwgfwszefe36/SF8_FP_LOO_Export_All_Analyses.xlsx?dl=0