Objectives The COVID-19 has led to many studies of seroprevalence. A number of methods exist in the statistical literature to correctly estimate disease prevalence in the presence of diagnostic test misclassification, but these methods seem to be less known and not routinely used in the public health literature. We aimed to show how widespread the problem is in recent publications, and to quantify the magnitude of bias introduced when correct methods are not used.
Methods We examined a sample of recent literature to determine how often public health researcher did not account for test performance in estimates of seroprevalence. Using straightforward calculations, we estimated the amount of bias introduced when reporting the proportion of positive test results instead of using sensitivity and specificity to estimate disease prevalence.
Results Of the seroprevalence studies sampled, 87% failed to account for sensitivity and specificity. Expected bias is often more than is desired in practice, ranging from 1% to 10%.
Conclusions Researchers conducting studies of prevalence should correctly account for test sensitivity and specificity in their statistical analysis.
1 Introduction
Since the beginning of the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic, thousands of papers have been published detailing seroprevalence estimates in various populations [1]. As a reader and sometimes reviewer of such publications, I noticed that while some researchers used simple approaches such as proportions or logistic regression, others used complicated methods like Bayesian hierarchical models. This made me wonder how often these methods are used in epidemiological studies and what, if any, degree of bias was introduced by using one method or the other.
As diagnostic tests are not 100% accurate, it is expected that some small number of test results will be either false positives or false negatives. Using a simple proportion of the number of positive diagnostic tests over the total number of tests ignores any misclassification inherent to the test. In the case where there are similar numbers of true positives and true negatives in the population, the bias introduced by using the proportion of positive tests to estimate the proportion of subjects with the disease may not be very high. However, if the rate of false positives differs greatly from that of false negatives, the bias may be quite large.
For example, in Table 1, 25.6% (256/1000) of subjects had a positive test result, but the true disease prevalence in this population is 19.6% (196/1000). So there is a bias of 6% because there are many more false positive test results (n = 80) than false negatives (n = 20). Statisticians often talk about sensitivity and specificity of the diagnostic in relation to these quantities (described in more detail below), but it is accepted that without an accepted “gold standard” diagnostic tool, it is difficult to accurately assess disease prevalence.
Accounting for such misclassification in the interpretation of diagnostic tests is certainly not new in the literature. A straightforward method of adjusting observed prevalence is available [2], which gives a maximum likelihood estimate of true prevalence assuming predefined test sensitivity and specificity. The Rogan-Gladen correction has been extended to compute confidence intervals [3, 4]. Recently, an adaptation of the Rogan-Gladen correction that accounts for sampling bias, for example if only hospitalized subjects as opposed to the general population have been tested, has been proposed [5, 6, 7]. Bayesian approaches have also been developed [8, 9, 10]. A comparison of Bayesian and frequentist methods [11] showed that Bayesian methods are to be preferred, or the method of [2] with confidence intervals of [4].
Despite this extensive treatment of the misclassification problem in the statistical literature, many public health researchers appear to not realize they may be publishing biased results or know what to do about it. In what follows, a brief review of some recent publications of COVID-19 seroprevalence will be described to explore the extent of incorrect methodology used in epidemiological studies. I quantify the bias introduced in using the proportion of positive tests to estimate the proportion of subjects with disease in order to emphasize the need for methods other than simply using the proportion of positive tests (a naive approach, assuming that all subjects with a positive test are also disease positive, and that there are no false negatives). I will describe key concepts, and derive an estimate of the bias, as well as a range of prevalences where such naive estimates show low bias. Bias estimates will be described according to test sensitivity and specificity, and I will apply these results to a real example of SARS-CoV-2 seroprevalence in children. A brief discussion will follow.
2 Methods
To start, I introduce some notation. Disease status, D, is denoted 1 if a subject has the disease in question (or for the case of seroprevalence, has antibodies for it), and 0 otherwise. Similarly, the result of the diagnostic test, Y, is given as 1 if the subject tests positive for the disease, and 0 otherwise. FP is often used to refer to false positive test results, and similarly FN for false negatives, TN for true negatives and TP for true positives.
Prevalence is the probability of having the disease, P = Pr(D = 1). Sensitivity, denoted Se, sometimes also called the true positive fraction (TPF), is the probability of having a positive test result, given that the subject has the disease, Pr(Y = 1|D = 1) [12]. On the other hand, specificity, Sp is the probability of having a negative test result when a subject does not have the disease, Pr(Y = 0|D = 0) (sometimes 1 - specificity is discussed, which is often referred to as false positive fraction, or FPF [13]). In real settings where true disease status is known via another method, sometimes referred to as the “gold standard”, Se can be computed as TP/(TP + FN), where TP is the number of true positives and FN is the number of true negatives. Similarly, Sp can be computed as 1 − FP/(FP + TN).
The proportion of positive tests can be expressed as while the disease prevalence in the sample can be expressed as The difference between these two quantities is simply (FP − FN)/(FP + TP + TN + FN), that is, the proportion of false positives minus the proportion of false negatives.
According to the definition of joint probability Pr(A, B) = Pr(A|B)Pr(B), the proportion of false positives can be written as which simplifies to (1 − P)(1 − Sp). In a similar fashion, the proportion of false negatives can be written as which simplifies to P(1 − Se). The bias when using the proportion of positive tests (Pr(Y = 1) to estimate the proportion with disease Pr(D = 1) is therefore (1 − P)(1 − Sp) − P(1 − Se) or equivalently 1 − Sp + P(Sp + Se − 2).
Suppose we want to guarantee that the bias is no larger than, say, δ = 0.02, that is +/- 2% in either direction. We can solve for P, to get: The lower bound will be 0 if δ ≥ 1 − Sp, while the upper bound will be 1 if δ ≥ 1 − Se. Therefore, if both Se and Sp are very high, say 99% or higher, then the proportion of positive tests is a good estimate of the true prevalence. If only Se is that high, this is will be true only when the true prevalence is quite high, and conversely if only Sp is very high, this will be true only when true prevalence is quite low. When neither Se nor Sp is high, the proportion of positive tests may or may not be a good estimate of the true prevalence.
One simple way to reduce this bias, if no dependence on covariates is assumed, is to use the Rogan-Gladen correction[2]. Assuming an observed fraction Pobs of positive test results, the corrected prevalence is The brief review of recent studies of seroprevalence in the literature started with a pubmed (https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/) search for “covid-19 seroprevalence”, which yielded 1704 publications, 589 of which were published in 2022. A random sample of 100 of those 589 publications were examined in further detail. Language of publication was not an exclusion criterion. The following information was extracted: 1) whether the aim of the study was to assess seroprevalence, 2) the sensitivity and 3) specificity of the diagnostic test, 4) the reported seroprevalence estimate, and 5) which statistical methods were used to calculate seroprevalence.
3 Results
To examine the methods actually used in seroprevalence studies in the literature, I selected a random sample of 100 of the 589 publications published in 2022 which may have estimated COVID-19 seroprevalence. 48 papers were excluded because they did not directly estimate seroprevalence. Of the remaining 52 publications (Supplementary Material), 45 (87%) did not adjust for test performance in any way, while the remaining 7 (13%) adjusted for test performance (5 using the Rogen-Gladen correction, 1 using a Bayesian approach, and 1 using a bootstrap approach). Of the 45 that did not adjust for test performance, 24 (53%) reported sensitivity and specificity, and 21 did not report any test characteristics (expect perhaps the name and manufacturer). Based on the reported sensitivity and specificity, 11 of the publications reporting seroprevalence to within +/-1% of the true value despite not using any adjustment, while the remaining 13 (54%) needed adjustment for test performance (4 of those were not even within +/-5%). It could be inferred therefore that approximately 11 of the 21 publications not reporting test performance are also in need of adjusted seroprevalence estimates, even though all of those publications reported naive estimates. So, while the need to adjust seroprevalance estimates for test performance is well known the the statistical literature, the vast majority of published analyses on this topic fail to account for it when they should have. This problem is also not restricted to “low quality” journals, as such analyses can be found also in prominent journals.
Next, using the result bias = 1 − Sp + P(Sp + Se − 2) described above, I calculated the expected bias for a range of reasonable combinations of sensitivity, specificity and disease prevalence (Table 2, Figure 1). When sensitivity and specificity were both 90%, bias was as high as 10%, especially near prevalences of 0% or 100% (bottom row of Table 2, red line in leftmost panel of Figure 1). When specificity was 90%, a bias of 10% could be expected with small prevalences near 0% even if sensitivity was 99% (e.g. 3rd line of Table 2). The least bias, 1%, could be expected where sensitivity and specificity were both 99% (1st line of Table 2).
Next, using the bounds of prevalence as derived above, I explored where the maximum tolerated bias is limited to 1%, 2.5% and 5% (Figure 2). When Se and Sp are each 90%, bias is within a tolerance of 1% only very close to 50% disease prevalence, within 2.5% tolerance in the range of 38% - 62% disease prevalence and to within 5% tolerance as long as disease prevalence is between 25% and 75%. When the desired tolerance is 1%, the range of disease prevalence where a naive approach will yield unbiased results is fairly narrow in all cases, unless Se and Sp are each at least 99%. Outside of these ranges, using the proportion of positive test results to estimate seroprevalence will be too biased, and more sophisticated analysis methods should be used.
As an example of this, take the Ciao Corona study [14], a school-based longitudinal study of seroprevalence in Swiss school children with 5 rounds of SARS-CoV-2 antibody testing between June 2020 and June 2022, covering a range of seroprevalences in the population (Trial Registration: ClinicalTrials.gov NCT04448717). The study was approved by the Ethics Committee of the Canton of Zurich, Switzerland (2020-01336). All participants provided written informed consent before being enrolled in the study. The antibody test used has a sensitivity of 94% in children, and a specificity of 99.2%. In June 2020, 98 / 2473 (4.0%) of subjects showed as seropositive, compared to 154 / 2500 (6.2%) in October 2021, 17.3% (426 / 2453) in March 2021, 48.5% (910 / 1876) in November 2021, and 94.5% (2008 / 2125) in June 2022. Given the diagnostic test characteristics, absolute bias can be expected to be less than 1% in the range of 0% - 26.5% disease prevalence, and less than 2% for disease prevalence of up to 41.2%. These results imply that reported seroprevalence estimates based on a naive logistic approach are likely relatively unbiased for the first 3 rounds of Ciao Corona antibody testing (0.5%, 0.4% and -0.4% respectively), but that after that any seroprevalence estimates that do not adjust for test characteristics are likely quite biased (−2.4% and -5.6%). In order to adjust for covariates and survey sampling weights, we corrected the seroprevalence estimates using a Bayesian hierarchical model approach in all rounds of testing.
4 Discussion
I have demonstrated that average bias in prevalence estimates can be higher than desired when using a naive approach of calculation based on the proportion of positive test results, even if sensitivity and specificity are 90% or higher. Further, I have derived a range of disease prevalence values for which the naive approach gives reasonably unbiased prevalence estimates. A brief look into the literature indicates that many public health researchers are not aware of methods for reducing this potential bias, and do not correct for this in their own studies of prevalence. Nor do peer reviewers and editors seem to notice this widespread problem. Taken together, the results emphasize the necessity to not simply report raw proportions of positive tests, even if those are adjusted for demographic characteristics using logistic regression. Since disease prevalence is of course not known precisely prior to study conduct, the most straightforward approach is then to plan statistical methods so that sensitivity and specificity are accounted for. Care should also be taken in reading publications reporting (sero)prevalence estimates to insure that suitable statistical methods have been used.
These results are based on the definitions of sensitivity and specificity only and require no complicated derivations. I have not adjusted for demographic characteristics, such as age and gender, or used weighting to approximate the target population, as is typical in surveys of disease prevalence. However, such adjustment cannot alleviate any general concerns of bias as presented here. The bias demonstrated here is also an average bias, and observed bias may vary more or less depending on the size of the sample. The results do not account for other possible issues with a diagnostic test [15, 16, 17], that can often not be corrected with statistical methods. The results described are average results and do not account for sampling bias, which has been described elsewhere[6]. Additionally, the examination of publications reporting on seroprevalence studies in the literature was a sample of relevant studies, not a systematic review, and therefore the actual proportion of studies reporting only naive seroprevalence estimates may be somewhat different than what has been described here.
The question remains as to how best to account for diagnostic test sensitivity and specificity when estimating disease prevalence. A nice outline of some appropriate methods along with implementation in R [18] code is given by [19, 20, 11]. To calculate corrected confidence intervals for prevalence in studies where covariates do not need to be adjusted for, and no survey weights are needed, the R package bootComb [21] and website “epitools” (https://epitools.ausvet.com.au/trueprevalence) are available, while Bayesian methods are available in prevalence [22]. Adjusting for covariates, or application of post-stratification weights may unfortunately need to be done without the use of such prepackaged code. Collaboration with experienced statisticians is invaluable in insuring that correct analysis techniques are used so that unbiased prevalence estimates can be reported.
Data Availability
All data produced in the present study are available upon reasonable request to the authors
Conflict of Interest Statement
No conflicts of interest have been declared.
Funding statement
The Ciao Corona study, used in our example, is part of Corona Immunitas research network, coordinated by the Swiss School of Public Health (SSPH+), and funded by fundraising of SSPH+ that includes funds of the Swiss Federal Office of Public Health and private funders (ethical guidelines for funding stated by SSPH+ will be respected), by funds of the Cantons of Switzerland (Vaud, Zurich, and Basel) and by institutional funds of the Universities. Additional funding, specific to this study is available from the University of Zurich Foundation. No additional funding was acquired for the analysis presented here.
SRH initiated the analysis, developed the methodology, performed the statistical analysis, and wrote the manuscript. No others meeting criteria for authorship have been omitted.
Thank you to Thomas Radtke and Julia Braun for their critical comments, and to Agnė Ulytė for suggesting the literature review.
Corrected several typos.