Testing for COVID-19 has been deployed globally as a tool to interrupt transmission through isolating positive contacts from the broader population. Financial support systems have been deployed to increase the isolation compliance, there is uncertainty as to the effectiveness of these measures.
Three reviews were identified, as well as four primary studies that were published after the review search dates.
Six studies showed that financial support for isolation was associated with a higher compliance to isolate. Two epidemiological modelling studies found that increased levels of social isolation were associated with a reduction in COVID-19 transmission. The findings from a DCE demonstrated a positive relationship with longer isolation duration and higher financial requirements. An economic model showed that support programmes have the potential to be a cost-effective intervention. A retrospective observational study offered evidence supporting the viability of delivering medically assisted isolation hotels for people unable to isolate at home. Further to the COVID-19 literature, two household surveys found that financial support and improved social restriction information was associated with compliance with H1N1 isolation
Policy and practice implications: There is limited evidence to suggest that financial support for isolation can increase compliance, lower social engagement, and reduce infection levels. There is insufficient evidence to inform the optimal scale of financial support required. There was no evidence related to effectiveness of financial support for disadvantaged populations who are required to isolate or any insight to the impact of financial support on equality
The overall certainty in the evidence is relatively low. Most studies relied on participant reported data on preference or behaviour, and where observational data were used there were issues with data quality and unobserved cofounders.
Rapid Review Details
Review conducted by
Review conducted by Health Technology Wales
Review Team
Review Team Lauren Elston, Jenni Washington, Elise Hasler, Tom Winfield
Review submitted to the WCEC on
Review submitted to the WCEC on 27th July 2022
Stakeholder consultation meeting
Stakeholder consultation meeting 13th June 2022
Rapid Review report issued by the WCEC on
Rapid Review report issued by the WCEC on August 2022
Adrian Edwards, Alison Cooper, Ruth Lewis, Jane Greenwell and Micaela Gal involved in drafting Topline Summary and editing
This review should be cited as
This review should be cited as RR00020.Wales COVID-19 Evidence Centre. A rapid review of the effectiveness of financial support schemes for individuals requested to self-isolate following a positive Covid test or positive contact. August 2022
This report can be accessed from the WCEC library: https://healthandcareresearchwales.org/wales-covid-19-evidence-centre-report-library
Disclaimer The views expressed in this publication are those of the authors, not necessarily Health and Care Research Wales. The WCEC and authors of this work declare that they have no conflict of interest.
What is a Rapid Review?
What is a Rapid Review?Our rapid reviews use a variation of the systematic review approach, abbreviating or omitting some components to generate the evidence to inform stakeholders promptly whilst maintaining attention to bias. They follow the methodological recommendations and minimum standards for conducting and reporting rapid reviews, including a structured protocol, systematic search, screening, data extraction, critical appraisal, and evidence synthesis to answer a specific question and identify key research gaps. They take 1-2 months, depending on the breadth and complexity of the research topic/ question(s), extent of the evidence base, and type of analysis required for synthesis.
Who is this summary for?
Who is this summary for?Welsh Government
Background / Aim of Rapid Review
Background / Aim of Rapid Review Testing for COVID-19 has been deployed globally as a tool to interrupt transmission through isolating positive contacts from the broader population. Financial support systems have been deployed to increase the isolation compliance, there is uncertainty as to the effectiveness of these measures.
Key Findings
Key Findings Three reviews were identified, as well as four primary studies that were published after the review search dates. Due to the diversity and paucity of evidence identified, the primary studies included in the reviews (n = 5) were extracted and reported alongside the other primary evidence. This resulted in 9 primary studies extracted and summarised in this report.
Extent of the evidence base
Extent of the evidence base
The primary studies focused mainly on the COVID 19 pandemic (n=7) with two studies set in the context of the H1N1 pandemic.
The study types included: epidemiological modelling studies (n=2), economic modelling study (n=1), questionnaire-based publication (n=1), discrete choice experiments (DCEs) (n=2), retrospective observational study (n=1), and household surveys (both H1N1, n=2).
The studies were conducted in the USA (n=3), Brazil (n=1), Iran (n=1), Australia (n=2, H1N1 studies), or across multiple countries (USA, Mexico, and Kenya; n=1). No UK-based studies were identified.
Most studies (n=7) included a general population, but one study focused on a homeless population, and one study included staff and students at university.
Recency of the evidence base
Recency of the evidence base
7 primary studies were conducted in the last 2 years; the 2 studies from the H1N1 pandemic were conducted in 2011-12.
Evidence of effectiveness
Evidence of effectiveness
Six studies showed that financial support for isolation was associated with a higher compliance to isolate.
Two epidemiological modelling studies found that increased levels of social isolation were associated with a reduction in COVID-19 transmission.
The findings from a DCE demonstrated a positive relationship with longer isolation duration and higher financial requirements.
An economic model showed that support programmes have the potential to be a cost-effective intervention.
A retrospective observational study offered evidence supporting the viability of delivering medically assisted isolation hotels for people unable to isolate at home.
Further to the COVID-19 literature, two household surveys found that financial support and improved social restriction information was associated with compliance with H1N1 isolation.
Policy Implications
Policy Implications
There is limited evidence to suggest that financial support for isolation can increase compliance, lower social engagement, and reduce infection levels.
There is insufficient evidence to inform the optimal scale of financial support required.
There was no evidence related to effectiveness of financial support for disadvantaged populations who are required to isolate or any insight to the impact of financial support on equality
Strength of Evidence
Strength of Evidence The overall certainty in the evidence is relatively low. Most studies relied on participant reported data on preference or behaviour, and where observational data were used there were issues with data quality and unobserved cofounders.
This Rapid Review was conducted as part of the Wales COVID-19 Evidence Centre Work Programme. The above question was developed through collaboration with a range of stakeholders including from the Welsh Government, the WCEC Core Team, and Health Technology Wales.
1.1 Purpose of this review
Testing for COVID-19 has been deployed globally as a tool to interrupt transmission through isolating positive contacts from the broader population. Financial support systems have been deployed to increase isolation compliance, there is uncertainty as to the effectiveness of these measures.
2.1 Overview of the Evidence Base
Preliminary scoping searches identified three reviews that were relevant to this review question: two rapid reviews (Cardwell et al. 2022, Patel et al. 2021) and one systematic review (Bahji et al. 2021). A summary of the included reviews is provided in Table 1. Cardwell et al. (2022) identified and assessed the effectiveness of measures to support people in isolation or quarantine during the COVID-19 pandemic, and reported on two primary studies (Kavanagh et al. 2011, Kavanagh et al. 2012). Patel et al. (2021) evaluated the effectiveness of financial support interventions and reported on two studies (Bodas & Peleg 2020, Pichler et al. 2020). The third review by Bahji et al. (2021) aimed to evaluate strategies to aid self-isolation and quarantine for individuals with severe and persistent mental illness during the COVID-19 pandemic, and included one relevant study (Fuchs et al. 2021). All five studies identified by these reviews were unique, and no studies overlapped between the reviews. Due to the lack of primary evidence identified for this report, each of these five studies have been extracted and reported individually alongside the other primary evidence in Table 2.
We identified a further four studies published after the review searches were undertaken (Albani et al. 2021, Bourdeaux et al. 2021, Homaie Rad et al. 2021, Johnson et al. 2022). Alongside the five studies identified from reviews, a total of nine primary studies are included in this report. Most of the included studies focused on the COVID-19 pandemic (n=7), with two publications set in the context of the H1N1 pandemic. The study types included: epidemiological modelling studies (n=2), an economic modelling study (n=1), a questionnaire-based publication (n=1), discrete choice experiments (n=2), a retrospective observational study (n=1), and household surveys (both H1N1 studies, n=2). A summary of all included primary studies is provided in Table 2 and their findings summarised in Section 2.
We also identified one ongoing systematic review by Mendonca et al. (2020), which aims to identify barriers and facilitators to population level adherence to COVID-19 prevention measures. The review focuses on qualitative methods and synthesis. The inclusion criteria are adults who have received protective behaviour recommendations related to a pandemic. A summary of the review protocol is provided in Table 3. No results have yet been reported for this review.
2.2 Effectiveness of financial support for isolation
2.2.1 Evidence from epidemiological modelling studies
Two epidemiological modelling studies evaluated whether there was a reduction in COVID-19 transmission due to an increase in social isolation (Albani et al. 2021, Pichler et al. 2020). Pichler et al. (2020) estimated the impact of unconditional sick leave to support individuals who may need to self-isolate in the USA. Their state level analysis was used to compare outcomes for states where the intervention of sick leave associated with the families first coronavirus response act (FFCRA) had been enacted with states that had not implemented the act during the assessment period of March to May 2020. The model included data on new daily infections, daily testing, sick leave policies enacted, and state population size. A reduction in daily new infections was estimated to be associated with the FFCRA availability of sick leave. The scale of the effect is estimated as 400 fewer cases per day for states implementing FFCRA. The reduction in new infections meant that for every 1,300 workers who received unconditional sick pay, there was one fewer new infection per day. The authors noted that a large number of potential confounders were not accounted for by the model.
Albani et al. (2021) used mobile phone data in order to identify the effectiveness of financial supports (Auxílio Emergencial [AE]) in reducing COVID-19 transmission in Brazil. State level social financial support data was paired with social isolation scores to identify a relationship between financial support and higher levels of social isolation. A pre- and post-social financial support comparison was adopted. It estimated that the higher level of social isolation seen during the period that AE was available was associated with a reduction in viral spread. The authors highlight the limitations of their study and potential confounding factors that may influence the results, such as potential behavioural changes in different phases of the pandemic and due to the initial compliance being motivated by the emergence of a deadly disease. The later period may be characterised with lower social isolation due to the psychological saturation of having endured prior periods of the pandemic. Changes in season may also be a confounding factor.
2.2.2 Evidence from economic modelling studies
Bourdeaux et al. (2021) developed an economic model to compare the cost of delivering financial support and the cost of inaction. Their model setting was the Massachusetts state population with employment characteristics and COVID-19 transmission figures reflecting this population. The modelling period was between 1 February 2021 and 31 August 2021, and estimated costs to support a quarantine programme to be $430 per person. The total estimated cost of the financial support was estimated to be between $300m and $570m and would cover the 800,000 to 1.3 million Massachusetts residents through to August 2021. Their cost-effectiveness equation assumed that the increase in social isolation may result in a reduction of 0.01 to the reproduction rate from the figure of 1.09 that was measured at the time of developing the model. There was no rationale provided to support the 0.01 figure. Under the assumption that social isolation would reduce the reproductive rate by 0.01, the authors found the intervention offer a possible reduction in cases of 100,000, with 1,800 fewer deaths and a reduction in direct medical costs of $265 million.
2.2.3 Evidence from questionnaire-based publications
Bodas & Peleg (2020) reported findings from an internet-based questionnaire on attitudes towards various COVID-19 related factors. The Israel-based survey included questions on the likelihood of isolation compliance (2 weeks) according to whether government financial support to compensate for lost wages was available or not. Findings suggested that compliance with isolation increased if financial support was offered, with 94% of individuals reporting an intention to comply when offered finance compared to 57% when compensation was not available.
2.2.4 Evidence from Discrete choice experiments
Johnson et al. (2022) and Homaie Rad et al. (2021) undertook discrete choice experiments (DCEs) to elicit public preferences regarding COVID-19 in the United States of America and Iran, respectively. Johnson et al. (2022) undertook their DCE across universities in the USA, Mexico and Kenya to try to represent an income spread in their findings. Respondents reported a preference to receive financial government compensation during the pandemic. In addition to preferring financial support, individuals were willing to shelter in the same place for a longer duration in order to reduce their COVID-19 risk. Homaie Rad et al. (2021) constructed a willingness to accept framework within the DCE in order to identify levels of financial support where individuals were indifferent when accepting a 7-day isolation. The amount of US dollars individuals would require in order to accept a 7-day isolation was $51.71.
2.2.5 Evidence from retrospective observational studies
Fuchs et al. (2021) undertook a retrospective cohort study looking at the impact offered by a medically supported isolation hotel for people experiencing homelessness in the USA. They reported outcomes from 1,009 hotel guests who were unable to safely isolate at home during the period 19 March to 31 May 2020. The authors included 955 of the 1,009 guests in an analysis of retention and voluntary premature discontinuation; 54 guests were excluded from the analysis due to other discharge reasons. Overall, 95% of guests completed their quarantine stay (776 of 955 guests). These findings suggest that medically supported isolation/quarantine hotels can be safely deployed during the COVID-19 pandemic to individuals experiencing homelessness.
2.2.6 Evidence from the H1N1 pandemic
Kavanagh et al. published two papers, one in 2011 and a second in 2012, both focused on the H1N1 pandemic. The papers report findings from an Australian household survey questionnaire. Kavanagh et al. (2011) found that households that received financial support reported a higher likelihood of having all of their family members at home for most of the quarantine period compared to the situation where no financial support was offered (88% versus 75%, respectively). Kavanagh et al. (2012) identified an increase in compliance likelihood according to improved information regarding understanding of restrictions.
2.3 Bottom line results for effectiveness of support for isolation
A limited evidence base suggests that financial support for isolation is associated with an increase in isolation compliance, lower social engagement, and a reduction in infection levels. The hypothesised causal pathway between the implementation of financial support for isolation and a reduction in COVID-19 cases is well documented, however, the extent to which the components interact is uncertain. There is evidence suggesting individuals are more likely to comply with isolation when they are financially supported to do so (Albani et al. 2021, Bodas & Peleg 2020, Homaie Rad et al. 2021, Johnson et al. 2022, Kavanagh et al. 2012, Pichler et al. 2020). Evidence suggesting a positive relationship with longer isolation duration and higher financial requirements (Homaie Rad et al. 2021). Increased levels of social isolation are associated with reduced transmission of COVID-19 in epidemiological models (Albani et al. 2021, Pichler et al. 2020). Financial support programmes have the potential to be a cost-effective intervention (Bourdeaux et al. 2021). In addition to the evidence on epidemiological and cost-effectiveness, Fuchs et al. (2021) offered evidence supporting the viability of delivering medically assisted isolation hotels for people unable to isolate at home. Further to the COVID-19 literature, two studies found that a financial support and improved social restriction information was associated with compliance with H1N1 isolation (Kavanagh et al. 2011, Kavanagh et al. 2012). However, direct real-world evidence on the implementation of financial support for COVID-19 and its effectiveness on self-isolation compliance and subsequent reduction in SARS-CoV-2 transmission, is limited.
3.1 Summary of the findings
This rapid evidence review aimed to identify evidence on the effectiveness of financial support for people who are required to isolate. Multiple questionnaire-based publications have reported higher isolation compliance because of financial support. Two epidemiological modelling studies have observed higher levels of social isolation in locations which made finance for isolation/sick leave accessible compared to those without support. A major limitation with this literature is that the studies either rely on reported behaviours or, where observed levels are assessed, there is a range of confounders not accounted for. Whilst there are multiple publications concluding that financial support is associated with a higher compliance to isolate, there remains considerable uncertainty as to its effectiveness on transmission.
There is limited evidence to suggest that financial support improves isolation compliance and reduces COVID-19 transmission levels. The two epidemiological studies, which observed higher social isolation, both suffer from short data collection periods, uncontrolled confounders, generalisability concerns and issues with seasonality. As with support for isolation compliance, there is uncertainty as to the extent to which financial support impacts transmission.
The nature of assessing the effectiveness of an intervention during a dynamic pandemic has meant that the certainty with which we can conclude effectiveness is relatively low. For studies that utilise observed trends and outcomes there is a consistent lack of appropriate comparator and the risk of unobserved confounders. Studies which undertook a questionnaire approach must accept the uncertainty related to behavioural adaptation to the constantly moving pandemic setting.
There was no evidence related to effectiveness of financial support for disadvantaged populations who are required to isolate or any insight to the impact of financial support on equality.
3.2 Limitations of the available evidence
The evidence base consists of a small collection of studies with no randomised control trials (RCTs). The range of limitations inherent in the current literature can be broadly broken up into structural study limitations and poor generalisability of findings. The structural limitation heading includes the factors associated with the undertaking of the research, such as, inappropriate comparator, unobserved confounders, and hypothetical scenarios.
The pandemic setting offers an ever-changing landscape for researchers to try to isolate causal inference. The lack of well controlled studies means that the study designs risk having inherent bias. Whilst there were efforts taken to offer appropriate comparators within the comparative studies, it is difficult to control for potential differences across timelines or geographies. Findings were adjusted according to the relative characteristics of the comparator, however, there, was a high likelihood of unobserved confounding. Confounding effects which are not accounted for may influence the outcomes of interest and introduce bias.
Most primary studies in this review are based on questionnaire response assessments. The central issue with questionnaire studies is that the outcomes are reported as opposed to observed. Participants may signal a proposed behaviour which doesn’t correlate with observed action. In addition to this central limitation, questionnaire responses may suffer from responder agenda, in this case, wanting to support a policy to offer financial support.
The second limitation area is that of generalisability. There is uncertainty as to the likelihood that the conclusions drawn from the literature would be observed in another time period, location or population. The pandemic is dynamic, whether that is current infection levels, dominant COVID-19 variant, season, vaccination coverage or non-pharmaceutical intervention status. Findings based on data collected on a sub sample of the pandemic duration may find that their conclusions are not observed when the study is repeated at a later date.
Location generalisability is a major limitation when drawing conclusions from a geographically disparate literature like the one included in this review. The variability of financial and social behaviours, social policy, and earnings is highly heterogeneous across the country settings for the studies. When assessing the impact of financial support, the country’s financial situation, distribution of finance within the country, behaviours towards finance, and current social support measures are important considerations. There may be population generalisability limitations in the included studies. The sample sizes reported are relatively small and may not reflect the true population preference.
3.3 Implications for policy and practice
Findings corroborate the use of financial support for isolation to increase isolation compliance, however there are caveats. Whilst the general finding that financial support is associated with a reduction in COVID-19 transmission there are significant limitations with the evidence base. There is no generalisable evidence to inform the optimal scale of financial support. Current evidence is insufficient to offer an insight into the scale of effectiveness of financial support for isolation may achieve. The most informative current evidence makes use of large routine data collections, it is possible that further research will offer more definitive and instructive conclusions.
3.4 Strengths and limitations of this Rapid Review
The studies included in this rapid review were identified using a systematic literature review of a range of carefully selected publication databases. The research question and study protocol were developed with significant input from experts in the field. The abstract and full text screening was conducted by a single researcher, uncertainty was checked by a second reviewer. The data extraction was performed by a single reviewer and checked for consistency by a second researcher.
Whilst the review methods undertaken have been pragmatically robust, there remains the possibility that additional eligible texts have been missed. The search was limited to English language publications which may have induced bias. We developed our search strategy and implemented a date restriction informed by the two rapid reviews that established the basis of this review. There may be eligible literature that was not identified in either review or was published prior to our date restriction.
The literature includes studies with serious limitations, whilst much of this is due to the difficulty of hypothesis testing within the COVID-19 context, this reduces the strength of conclusions. Efforts have been made to summarise the limitations of each study; however, this review undertakes no formal risk of bias assessments, therefore we are unable to say with appropriate context the strength of conclusions.
Data Availability
All data produced in the present study are available upon reasonable request to the authors
Funding statement
Health Technology Wales was funded for this work by the Wales Covid-19 Evidence Centre, itself funded by Health & Care Research Wales on behalf of Welsh Government.
5.1 Eligibility criteria
The focus of the report is on evidence relevant to the effectiveness of financial support for isolation during the COVID 19 pandemic, other pre-covid pandemics are considered.
5.2 Literature search
A systematic literature search was conducted between the 25th – 29th April 2022 across a range of databases for English language publications, and then 5th−6th May 2022 for ongoing trials and ongoing reviews. The searches were restricted to studies published after 1st Jan 2021 as the rapid reviews by Cardwell et al. (2022) and Patel et al. (2021) undertook searches of the prior literature. The search databases and search dates are listed in table 5. Appendix 1 documents the search strategy used for MEDLINE. Search strategies for other databases are available on request.
5.3 Study selection process
The rapid reviews by Cardwell et al. (2022) and Patel et al. (2021) were identified during initial scoping searches, and form the base of the literature included in this review. As these rapid reviews align closely to the research question of this report, we searched for evidence published following the search terms from Cardwell et al. (2022) and Patel et al. (2021) (i.e. 2021 onwards). A further rapid review was identified, across the three rapid reviews there was a total of five primary studies with none appearing more than once in the reviews. Due to the scarcity of evidence, each primary study included in the three rapid reviews was extracted individually. Cardwell et al. (2022) included two studies reporting evidence from the H1N1 pandemic, aside form these two publications all evidence reports on the COVID 19 pandemic.
5.4 Data extraction
A single researcher performed the data extraction with consistency checks being carried out by a second researcher. The following information was extracted form secondary evidence:
Review period
Review purpose
Included study designs and outcomes
Number of included studies
Key characteristics
Findings and observations
Data extraction from primary evidence was undertaken by the same methods as for secondary reviews, the information extracted was:
Study design
Type of intervention
Data extraction methods
Sample size
Dates of data collection
Key findings
5.5 Quality appraisal
No formal quality appraisal was undertaken.
6.1 Study selection flow chart
7.1 Conflicts of interest
The review team declare no conflicts of interest
The WCEC integrates with worldwide efforts to synthesise and mobilise knowledge from research.
We operate with a core team as part of Health and Care Research Wales, are hosted in the Wales Centre for Primary and Emergency Care Research (PRIME), and are led by Professor Adrian Edwards of Cardiff University.
The core team of the centre works closely with collaborating partners in Health Technology Wales, Wales Centre for Evidence-Based Care, Specialist Unit for Review Evidence centre, SAIL Databank, Bangor Institute for Health & Medical Research/ Health and Care Economics Cymru, and the Public Health Wales Observatory.
Together we aim to provide around 50 reviews per year, answering the priority questions for policy and practice in Wales as we meet the demands of the pandemic and its impacts.
Professor Adrian Edwards
Contact Email
7.2 Acknowledgements
The authors would like to thank Nick Srdic, Jonathan Price, Sue Leake, Russell Williams and Chris Pavlakis for their contribution in guiding the focus of the review and to interpreting the findings.
9. APPENDIX 1: MEDLINE search strategy
Database(s): Ovid MEDLINE(R) ALL 1946 to April 25, 2022
- Acronym
- Full Description
- COVID-19
- Coronavirus disease 2019
- CI
- Confidence interval
- OR
- Odds ratio
- Discrete choice experiment
- Families first coronavirus response act
- AE
- Aux’ silio Emergencial (Financial support program)
- Randomised control trials