Data Availability
The code generated during this study is available at Data used in preparation of this article were obtained from controlled access data from the IPDGC, including the Baylor College of Medicine / University of Maryland cohort, Finnish PD GWAS, McGill Parkinson's cohort, Oslo PD Study, Spanish Parkinson's cohort, UK PD GWAS, Vance PD cohort, Dutch PD GWAS, German PD GWAS, NIA PD GWAS, PROPARK study, PROBAND study, TUBI (Tubingen) cohort, Myers-Faroud cohort, and LARGE-PD cohort. As the analyses in this manuscript utilize secondary analyses of suitably anonymized datasets, they do not require ethics committee review. The respective ethical committees for medical research approved involvement in genetic studies and all participants gave written informed consent in the original publications for the datasets used. The details of these studies can be obtained upon contacting the IPDGC ({at}