Associations between general sleep quality and measures of functioning and cognition in subjects recently diagnosed with bipolar disorder
View ORCID ProfileBruno Braga Montezano, Taiane de A. Cardoso, Luciano D. de Mattos Souza, View ORCID ProfileFernanda Pedrotti Moreira, View ORCID ProfileThaíse Campos Mondin, Ricardo A. da Silva, View ORCID ProfileKaren Jansen
Bruno Braga Montezano
aGraduate Program in Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, Porto Alegre, RS, Brazil
Taiane de A. Cardoso
bDepartment of Health and Behavior, Catholic University of Pelotas, Pelotas, RS, Brazil
cMood Disorders Program, Department of Psychiatry and Behavioural Neurosciences, McMaster University, Hamilton, ON, Canada
Luciano D. de Mattos Souza
bDepartment of Health and Behavior, Catholic University of Pelotas, Pelotas, RS, Brazil
Fernanda Pedrotti Moreira
bDepartment of Health and Behavior, Catholic University of Pelotas, Pelotas, RS, Brazil
Thaíse Campos Mondin
dDepartment of Student Affairs, Federal University of Pelotas, Pelotas, RS, Brazil
Ricardo A. da Silva
bDepartment of Health and Behavior, Catholic University of Pelotas, Pelotas, RS, Brazil
Karen Jansen
bDepartment of Health and Behavior, Catholic University of Pelotas, Pelotas, RS, Brazil

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Posted July 25, 2022.
Associations between general sleep quality and measures of functioning and cognition in subjects recently diagnosed with bipolar disorder
Bruno Braga Montezano, Taiane de A. Cardoso, Luciano D. de Mattos Souza, Fernanda Pedrotti Moreira, Thaíse Campos Mondin, Ricardo A. da Silva, Karen Jansen
medRxiv 2022.07.24.22277972; doi:
Associations between general sleep quality and measures of functioning and cognition in subjects recently diagnosed with bipolar disorder
Bruno Braga Montezano, Taiane de A. Cardoso, Luciano D. de Mattos Souza, Fernanda Pedrotti Moreira, Thaíse Campos Mondin, Ricardo A. da Silva, Karen Jansen
medRxiv 2022.07.24.22277972; doi:
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