Acinetobacter baumannii is an insidious nosocomial pathogen that poses a serious threat due to the rise of incidence of multidrug resistant (MDR) strains. During the COVID-19 pandemic, MDR A.baumannii clones have caused several outbreaks worldwide. Here we describe a detailed investigation of an MDR A. baumannii outbreak that occurred at Fondazione IRCCS Policlinico San Matteo (Pavia, Italy). A total of 96 A. baumannii strains, isolated between January and July 2020 from 41 inpatients (both SARS-CoV-2 positive and negative) in different wards, were characterized by phenotypic and genomic analyses combining Illumina and Nanopore sequencing. Antibiotic susceptibility testing revealed that all isolates were resistant to carbapenems and the sequence analysis attributed this to the carbapenemase gene blaOXA-23. Screening of virulence factors unveiled that all strains carried determinants for biofilm formation. A core genome-based phylogeny was inferred to integrate outbreak strain genomes with background genomes from public databases and the local surveillance program. All strains belonged to the globally disseminated ST2 clone and were divided into two main clades. Strains from the outbreak clustered with surveillance isolates from 2019, suggesting that the outbreak was caused by two strains that were already circulating in the hospital before the start of the pandemic. The intensive spread of A. baumannii in the hospital was enhanced by the extreme emergency situation of the first COVID-19 pandemic wave that resulted in minor attention to infection prevention and control practices.
Acinetobacter baumannii is an opportunistic gram-negative pathogen frequently associated with community-acquired and healthcare-associated infections (HAIs). This pathogen is a member of the ESKAPE group, despite causing only 2% of HAIs (1), due to its virulence and the substantial prevalence of antibiotic resistance. Currently, the greatest cause of concern are strains that have shown to be rapidly capable of becoming resistant to a wide range of antibiotics (including front-line agents like carbapenems), thus becoming multidrug resistant (MDR). This is a critical issue in Southern Europe, especially in Italy, where the percentage of carbapenem-resistant A. baumannii (CRAB) strains during 2020 was 80.8% (WHO Regional Office for Europe/European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control. Antimicrobial resistance surveillance in Europe 2022 – 2020 data. Copenhagen: WHO Regional Office for Europe; 2022). In conjunction with antibiotic resistance, A. baumannii is concerning because of its exceptional capability to persist for long periods in the environment, even in the hospital setting, aided by biofilm production. This persistence on abiotic and biotic surfaces leads to chronic infections and facilitates its spread (2), especially in Intensive Care Units (ICUs) (3). Indeed, A. baumannii infections are typically related to medical equipment such as catheters and ventilators (i.e. pneumonia and bloodstream infections), while urinary infections and those affecting skin, soft tissues and surgical sites are less common (4). In light of this, the World Health Organization included MDR A. baumannii in the critical group, a list of bacteria that pose the greatest threat to human health and for which the development of novel antibiotics is urgently needed (5).
The COVID-19 pandemic has been posing an arduous challenge for hospitals worldwide, especially in the early period. The increasing COVID-19-related hospitalizations led to shortages in personnel, personal protective equipment and medical equipment. These, in turn, often resulted in the impossibility to maintain strict infection prevention and control (IPC) practices and consequently in an increase of bacterial and fungal infections. In fact, several A. baumannii outbreaks have been described during the first pandemic wave worldwide; e.g. (6), (7). Fondazione IRCCS Policlinico San Matteo (Pavia, Italy) played a key role in the management of COVID-19 pandemic in North Italy, especially during the first wave, being one of the largest hospitals (∼900 beds) in the Lombardy region. An active genomic surveillance programme and IPC containment strategies for ESKAPE pathogens were already in place in the hospital before COVID-19. Thanks to surveillance measures, the prevalence of A. baumannii in the 2018-2019 biennium was less than one isolate per 1000 days of hospitalizations. However, during the first wave of COVID-19 a large outbreak of MDR A. baumannii emerged. Here we report a detailed genomic characterization of this outbreak.
Data collection
This retrospective study was conducted at IRCCS Fondazione Policlinico San Matteo in Pavia (Italy), where 151 isolates of A. baumannii were collected from 06 January, 2020 to 30 July, 2020. 96 isolates were chosen to conduct this study; the choice was made favoring the inclusion of both samples from colonization and infection materials for each patient (where available) and of multiple samples in case of long hospitalizations (1 sample/7 days/material). The isolates selected were identified with MALDI– TOF mass spectrometry (Bruker Daltonik, Bremen, Germany) equipped with Bruker biotyper 3.1 software. Antibiotic susceptibility was tested with both Sensititre™ Gram Negative EUMDROXF Plate (ThermoFisher Scientific, Rodano, Italy) and Phoenix™ NMIC/402 panel loaded on BD Phoenix™ M50 instrument. Values were interpreted according to the European Committee on Antimicrobial Susceptibility Testing (EUCAST) clinical breakpoints (vr. 10). Tigecycline was interpreted following Clinical Laboratory Standard Institute (CLSI) breakpoints (30th ed.).
Patient information was retrieved from the hospital database. COVID-19 positivity was defined at the time of admission, consulting the results of real-time reverse transcriptase PCR tests for the presence of SARS-CoV-2.
DNA extraction and genome characterization
The genomic DNA of the 96 strains was extracted with DNeasy Blood & Tissue Kit (QIAGEN) for short-read sequencing using Illumina platform and with MagAttract HMW DNA Kit (QIAGEN) for long-read sequencing using Nanopore technology. Short and long reads were combined with the Unicycler software (8) in order to perform hybrid assemblies. The genomes obtained were then in silico sequence typed (ST) using the Pasteur MLST scheme (9) with an in-house script. Presence of plasmids, virulence and resistance genes was assessed using ABRicate [https://github.com/tseemann/abricate] with the NCBI AMRFinderPlus (10), CARD (11), Resfinder (12), VirulenceFinder (13), and PlasmidFinder (14) databases. The presence of insertion sequences was determined with MobileElementFinder (15). A more in-depth plasmid search was performed by visualizing the assembly graph in Bandage (16) for the least fragmented isolates and checking for circularity and higher depth coverage. The presence of the plasmids identified was assessed in all the remaining assemblies using BLASTn. Plasmid genes were finally annotated using Prokka (17).
Surveillance program genomes
Strains selected by the genomic surveillance program of the Hospital are routinely processed for short-read sequencing as follows: DNA is extracted using DNeasy Blood & Tissue Kit (QIAGEN), sequenced with Illumina platform and assembled using Unicycler with default parameters. We retrieved all the ST2 genomes obtained by the surveillance program (N = 23) in the months before and after the outbreak period (12 from 2019, five from 2020 and six from 2021) and we added them to our dataset.
Phylogenetic analyses
In order to characterize the outbreak of A. baumannii a genomic background was constructed. In detail, the twenty high-quality genomes most similar to those in our set according to k-mer content similarity (MASH (18)) were retrieved from the PATRIC DB (https://www.patricbrc.org). Then, the Purple pipeline (19) was used to align all genomes in our dataset to an internal reference (the complete genome of strain 4946) and to extract coreSNPs. Maximum Likelihood phylogeny was inferred with RAxML (20) (using 100 bootstraps resamples) on the resulting coreSNP alignment using the general time reversible model, as suggested by ModelTest-NG (21), with ascertainment bias correction (22).
Dataset characterization
During the first COVID-19 wave an increase of incidence of A. baumannii strains was registered in the study hospital; the cases raised from a baseline of less than one isolate in the 2018-2019 biennium to 2.8 isolates per 1000 days of hospitalization. We characterized 96 strains collected in this period (from January to July 2020) from 41 individuals hospitalized in the ICUs (N = 37), Pneumology (N = 2) and Otorhinolaryngology (N=1) wards. Three samples were collected from one outpatient, who was later admitted to the Emergency department. Patients had a mean age of 61 (SD: +/- 10 years), ranging from 30 to 83 years old and were predominantly male (87.8% - N = 36). The median length of stay was 47 days (interquartile range [IQR] = 25-74 days) and 43.9% (N = 18) of patients died (median length of stay = 52 days; IQR = 37-85 days). Thirty patients tested positive and seven negative to SARS-CoV-2; the remaining four were hospitalized before the pandemic period. 33.3% (N = 32) of the A. baumannii isolates were related to lower respiratory tract infections and 22.9% (N = 22) to bloodstream infections; 3.1% of strains were isolated from the urinary tract (N=3) and the other 40.6% from rectal swabs (N = 38) and nasal swab (N = 1). Table 1 summarizes isolate and patient information.
Isolates of A. baumannii information and patient metadata.
All 96 isolates were sequenced using both long- and short-read technology. The hybrid assemblies enabled us to obtain eight complete and 87 high-quality genomes (mean length of the genomes = 4 Mbp; mean number of contigs = 11.3, Table S1). The remaining one was discarded (sample 4964) and excluded from all downstream analyses. Genome analysis revealed that all 95 isolates belonged to ST2, which is part of the globally disseminated International Clone II (IC2) (23).
Phylogenetic analysis
In order to further characterize the outbreak, we performed a phylogenetic analysis using the 95 A. baumannii genomes from the outbreak, 23 from the sourvilliance program, and 367 from the PATRIC database as background. The estimated phylogeny (Figure 1) depicts a situation in which the A. baumannii outbreak in the hospital was caused by multiple strains. The majority of the outbreak isolates (N = 93) are divided into two monophyletic clades: one larger (Cluster 1 - 71 strains out of 80) and one smaller (Cluster 2 - 23 strains out of 23). Cluster 1 also includes nine isolates from the hospital surveillance program (one from 2019, four from 2020 and four from 2021). Cluster 2 is exclusively composed of 2020 isolates, nonetheless, isolate 4200_2019 from 2019 is basal to this cluster. A background isolate from Belgium (470.13595 of PATRIC DB) interposes between the 2019 surveillance isolate and Cluster 1; however the common branch to these genomes has very limited support (29/100 bootstrap). Interestingly, the genome of one of the two remaining isolates from January 2020 (4636_2020) clustered with four 2019 surveillance genomes, while the second one (4614_2020) clustered with one surveillance genome from late 2020.
Maximum likelihood phylogeny of 485 A. baumannii strains: 95 outbreak genomes (red labels), 23 surveillance genomes (green labels) and 367 PATRIC genomes (gray labels) inferred on coreSNPs with RAxML. Date of isolation (innermost crown), ward (second crown), and SARS-CoV-2 positivity (third crown) were retrieved from the hospital and microbiological database. The presence of 100 kb plasmid (blue dots) and pgaC gene (red dots) were determined by genomic analyses. The two main outbreak clusters are highlighted in blue (Cluster 1) and red (Cluster 2). Bootstrap values above 50/100 are indicated on tree branches. This figure was obtained using iTol (https://itol.embl.de/).
Antibiotic resistance and resistance/virulence genes
All 95 outbreak isolates were found resistant to carbapenems (100% to imipenem and meropenem). Almost all isolates presented resistance to aminoglycosides: 97.9% (N = 93) were found to be resistant to gentamicin and 98.9% (N = 94) to amikacin. Moreover, only 8.9 % (N = 7) of isolates tested were resistant to tigecycline and eight isolates were susceptible to increased exposure to this antibiotic. Additionally, the totality of isolates tested for the ciprofloxacin (N = 90) were resistant. None of the isolates was found resistant to colistin. The antibiotic resistance factors predicted in the genomes were concordant with the phenotypes. Resistance to carbapenems was confirmed by the presence of blaOXA-23. The intrinsic blaOXA-51-variant blaOXA-66 was also detected but no ISAba1 sequence insertion was found upstream. All strains carried blaADC-25, the majority (N = 89) also presented blaADC-73, other five blaADC-56 and the remaining one had none of these two (Tab. S2).
Virulence determinants were also found in outbreak isolates, particularly involved in biofilm formation. In detail, all isolates presented ompA gene which is important for the development of robust biofilms on abiotic surfaces (24) and bap gene which ensures a strong biofilm formation (25). 94/95 isolates had csuAB, csuA, csuB, csuC, csuD and csuE that encodes for Chaperon–Usher secretion (CUS) system, fundamental for the first bacterial attachment on abiotic surfaces (26). The 4614_2020 strain isolated in January did not carry the CUS system. Strains also had genes for the BfmS/BfmR, a two-component system that plays a key role in CUS systems regulation and ompA (27). Finally, 23.3% (N = 25) isolates presented a cluster of four genes (pgaA, pgaB, pgaC, and pgaD) encoding for the Poly-β-(1, 6)-N-Acetlyglucosamine (PNAG), a component involved in biofilm development (28). Interestingly, these isolates included the two from January 2020 (4636_2020, 4614_2020) and all of Cluster 1. In other isolates (N = 70) the pcaC gene was interrupted by the ISAba1 insertion sequence (Tab. S3).
We investigated the presence of plasmids and found that all the samples shared a plasmid of 8731 bp which perfectly matches with NZ_CP008708.1, containing 12 coding sequences, 10 being hypothetical proteins. Most of the genomes of Cluster 1 (51/79) presented a second plasmid around 100 kbp long (highly similar to CP081146.1). By analyzing the 100 kbp plasmid with Prokka, 116 out of 131 coding sequences were annotated as hypothetical. Neither plasmid encodes virulence or resistance genes.
In this work we present the data from a hospital-wide outbreak of MDR A. baumannii that occurred during the first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic. A rise in the incidence of HAIs during COVID-19 pandemic waves was observed in the study hospital and also in other hospitals and countries worldwide (29, 30, 31). This is particularly true for A. baumannii, which was the most frequently reported cause of hospital outbreaks, together with methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus and fungal infections (32, 33, 34). For example, during the first wave, Perez et al. reported a hospital-acquired CRAB outbreak of 34 isolates harboring blaOXA-23 which involved 34 patients admitted to ICUs for COVID-19 patients in New Jersey hospital (6). Also Gottesman and colleagues (7) reported an outbreak in Israel of five CRAB carrying blaOXA-24 and belonging to IC2 in ICUs patients.
The inclusion of genomes from isolates sequenced before and after the outbreak by the hospital genome surveillance program, enabled our phylogenetic analysis (Fig. 1) to clearly show that multiple strains were circulating in the hospital before the start of the pandemic, including the two from 2019 (3996_2019 and 4200_2019) that caused the outbreak. Mapping patient information on the tree revealed that SARS-CoV-2 coinfection was approximately equally distributed between the two phylogenetic clusters. Thus, no association between A. baumannii clusters and the viral infection can be hypothesized. The possibility of transmission of A. baumannii between COVID-19 positive and negative patients, without viral co-transmission can be explained by the high capability of A. baumannii to survive on abiotic surfaces due to biofilm formation. Moreover no association can be hypothesized between clusters and wards, outcome, or age of patients.
Our analysis indicates that the spread of the bacterial pathogen was enhanced by the extreme emergency situation. Personnel and bed shortage, and the prioritization of self-preservation from the viral infection of healthcare workers, led to unavoidable diminished attention towards the standard patient handling measures (e.g. changing gloves between patients). In accordance with this hypothesis, the incidence of A. baumannii decreased to lower than one isolate per 1000 days of hospitalizations after the first pandemic wave and remained under control during the following waves, thanks to a better management of COVID-19 patients and to a better knowledge of the viral disease.
Ethical statement
The study was designed and conducted in accordance with the Helsinki declaration and approved by the Ethics Committee of Fondazione IRCCS Policlinico San Matteo in Pavia, Italy (internal project code: 08022298/13, Project number: 733-rcr2013-34). The work described herein is a retrospective study performed on bacterial isolates from human samples that were obtained as part of routine hospital care.
Funding section
J.C. was supported by the ERC grant 742158.
Table legend
Tab. S1 - Characteristics of the 96 A. baumannii genomes.
Tab. S2 - Phenotypic resistance and presence of antibiotic resistance genes in the 95 A. baumannii isolates.
Tab. S3 - Presence of virulence genes in the 95 A. baumannii isolates.
Acknowledgement section
We acknowledge Anna K. Pöntinen and Francois Cleon for experimental assistance and the Genomics Support Centre Tromsø, UiT The Arctic University of Norway for the short- and long-read sequencing.