Objective Evaluate potassium for reducing joint pain in rheumatoid arthritis (RA)
Methods 172 consenting patients with painful RA (median duration 6.5 years) on standard treatment with conventional DMARD (median duration 22 months) were randomized into an assessor blind multi-arm study (80% power) of 16 weeks duration; potassium rich vegetarian diet (Arm A) and with additional potassium food supplement (Arm B) or regular diet (control, Arm C). Efficacy (American College Rheumatology), safety and food consumption (three-day retrospective recall) were assessed at four-weekly intervals. Potassium and diet were analyzed according to India recommendations. Standard statistic tests were used (significance at p <0.05, two sided). Study arms were matched at baseline. Background medication remained stable except reduced analgesics.
Results 155 patients (90.1%) completed study. Patients improved several measures with good safety and tolerance (potassium). Adverse events were mild; none caused withdrawal. The mean change in pain visual analogue scale/VAS (-2.23, 95% confidence interval -2.99 to -1.48) at week 16 (primary efficacy) in Arm B was significantly superior by study arms as per protocol analysis; better improvement in function and quality of life. High potassium intake (≥ 5 gm daily) showed significant association with low pain (< 4ms VAS) on study completion; Odds Ratio 2.5 univariate analysis, Likelihood Ratio 2.9 stepwise forward logistic regression adjusted for several clinical and diet variables. Compliance and food record were important concern.
Conclusion High potassium intake using diet and a novel food supplement reduced joint pain in RA and seemed a safe adjunct. Further validation is required.
Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is a difficult to treat systemic disease (1). The burden of disease in India is enormous (2). Standard guidelines predominantly favor pharmacotherapy (1,3). But adjuvant therapy like diet seems neglected in clinical practise (4).
Diet is important in RA but evidence for a therapeutic role is limited (5,6). There may be a link between diet and symptoms and disease activity in RA (7,8,9). The nexus between gut and inflammatory arthritis is deeply rooted in the popular ancient India medicinal system of Ayurveda and a proper personalized diet is central to the holistic treatment (10).). A recent food survey reported significant low dietary potassium intake in the RA patients attending a community clinic (11). Potassium is an essential micronutrient in health and disease ( 12,13). There are few published reports to suggest a clinical and a therapeutic role for potassium in RA but the evidence so far seems meager (14,15,16,17,18). The current study was planned against this background.
The primary objective of the current study was to evaluate an adjunct role of potassium in the treatment of RA. It was based on the hypothesis that potassium reduced joint pain in RA. The safety and tolerability of potassium were of prime concern. A suitable vegetarian diet rich in potassium and a novel potassium food supplement were used as active interventions.
This was a non-commercial investigator-initiated research study as part of a doctorate thesis and approved by the local (CRD) ethics committee. The study conformed to the tenets of the ‘Helsinki Declaration’ (updated) and standard GCP/ICH and national guidelines (19). The protocol was registered with the Clinical Trial Registry of India (20). The main study was completed during the period Jan 2014 to Aug 2015.
This was a randomized, single blind (assessor), active control, parallel efficacy, three arm single center trial study of 16 weeks duration. The trial was carried out in a popular community rheumatology center (CRD) in West India. The study data was entered into a data base (MS Excel platform) by independent data operators at study site. Participation in the study was essentially free of cost and included investigations and potassium food supplement (intervention). Patients were paid a modest allowance to cover travel and meal. Trial participants were followed and efficacy and safety measures, and daily diet consumption was recorded at predetermined time points at four weekly interval beginning with randomization baseline till study completion at week 16 as per protocol.
There were no amendments to the protocol after the study was begun.
Inclusion criteria
Prior to enrollment, randomized patients completed at least sixteen weeks of continuous rheumatology care along with painful joints of at least eight weeks duration. Other criteria included (i) RA classified as per American College of Rheumatology (ACR) 1987 criteria (21) (ii) duration of illness ≥ six months (iii) maximum pain (joints) ≥ 4 cms on a visual analogue scale (VAS) in the previous 24 hours
Exclusion criteria
This included (i) age <18 years or >75 years (ii) daily dose of prednisolone > 10 mg anytime during the previous four weeks (iii) recent onset and/or unstable medical or surgical disorder requiring specialized medical care (iv)abnormal serum creatinine or blood urea nitrogen assay (v) serum potassium assay ≥ 5.5 mEq/L (vi) any medication such as diuretics that was known to interfere with body potassium status.
Participants: Patients attending the rheumatology clinic at study site (CRD) were informed about the study by the clinic nurse. Volunteer and willing patients signed informed consent and were screened for eligibility as per protocol. The screening results were reviewed within 1-2 days by the study rheumatologist and those eligible were referred to the study coordinator for randomization and enrollment (within the next 24 hours or so).
Randomization: A standard computer-generated randomization schedule was prepared in confidence by a biostatistician and a copy handed over to the study coordinator who then randomized and enrolled eligible patients to a study arm on first come first serve basis in a private and confidential manner. The study enrollment was completed during the period 12 Feb 2014 to 02 July 2014 and the last patient last visit completed on 03 Nov 2014..
Diet food record (DFR) & Measurements: A retrospective daily diet record of three successive days prior to the study visit, beginning with baseline, was completed in a face-to-face interview by the dietitian (TK) using a validated questionnaire (9). Standard house-hold measures (such as spoons and utensils) with known and pretested capacity (weight and volume) were used. Standard portable standardized scales were also used.
Clinical: Study rheumatologist and trained assessor paramedics were blinded to study intervention allocation and completed study case record forms the unique identification code and initials of the patient. Adverse events (AE) were recorded as per protocol.
The primary efficacy measure was an improvement in the pain visual analogue scale at week 16 (study completion) from baseline. There were several secondary efficacy measures.
A 68/66 joint count (American College of Rheumatology/ ACR) for pain/tenderness and swelling was recorded (22). Patients recorded maximum joint pain experienced in the previous 24 hours using a visual analogue scale (VAS, anchored at 0 for nil pain and 10 for maximum pain). Physician and patient global assessment of disease activity was recorded on a Likert scale (five categories-asymptomatic to severe). A RA pain score (RAPS) based on 24 questions recorded a composite pain index (range 0-144) (23). A validated Indian version of modified Stanford health assessment questionnaire (HAQ) assessed activities of daily living (such as dressing and personal hygiene) and higher score indicating more difficulty (range 0-24 (24). Short form (SF 36, with permission from the vendor) was based on a questionnaire to capture composite measures for physical and mental health; higher score meant better health (25). ACR improvement and DAS 28 composite indices were used to assess disease status and activity and improvement (22,26)
Others: All laboratory, radiology and other (such as EKG) investigations were carried out at the local site (CRD, Pune).
Study Intervention
Patients were advised to adhere to the diet allocation and follow routine meal timings. They were instructed not to fast or follow any other diet plan. Arms A and B received a diet of similar nature but a special supplement was provided in Arm B. No placebos were used.
Diet Target: Patients in Arm A and Arm B consumed a suitable vegetarian diet which provided at least 3200 mg of elemental potassium. The latter was based on the India recommended daily allowance (RDA); 3225 mg for women and 3750 mg for men (27,28,29). Patients in Arm B also consumed a novel food supplement which was expected to further enhance the total daily potassium intake to about 4.8 gm (approximate one and half times the RDA).
Diet Intervention (Arm A & B): The allocated intervention was explained on an individual basis by the study nutritionist in a face-to-face interview. A comprehensive diet brochure in the local language was provided which explained the daily meal plan (including quantity) with multiple choices in vegetables, fruits, pulses and cereals and other instructions including cooking. Local availability and cost of food items was considered.
Potassium Food Supplement (Arm B): One hundred and forty-two gram (1 unit) of potassium food supplement contained green gram (V radiate, 25 gm), cow pea (V unguiculata, 25 gm, coriander seed (C sativum, 25 gm), cumin seed (C cyminum, 25 gm) and 42 gm of oral rehydration salt (Indian pharmacopeia, 3 gm potassium chloride, 5.2 gm sodium chloride, 5.8 gm trisodium citrate, 27 gm glucose). The latter contained 2638 mg elemental potassium (green gram 294.6 mg, cow pea 287 mg, coriander seed 247.4 mg, cumin seed 245 mg, oral rehydration salt 1564mg); natural ingredients analysed as per India food composition tables (28).
The dose was three tablespoon taken twice a day with sufficient water and along with meals. It was expected to provide 1.7-2 gm potassium daily. A five-week supply was pre-packed and provided at baseline and weeks 4, 8 and 12; unused portion was returned prior to resupply. The supplement was not to be shared with any other subject in the study or family.
Advanced testing of the formulation was carried out for spectrophotometric composition, stability and safety (as per WHO norms) in an accredited food lab and results are described in the patent document (30).
Diet Control (Arm C): There was no formal discussion of diet in the control arm. Patients were asked to continue with their routine diet and as per earlier guidance received from rheumatology consultations (CRD) and which was of a general nature-balanced healthy diet including vegetables and fruits.
Compliance: Participants were contacted telephonically every 10-14 days. The unused portion of food supplement was weighed at every follow-up visit and adjusted to daily food consumption. Daily potassium intake was a marker of compliance (diet). A spot urinary potassium assay was also carried out at every study visit.
Concurrent medication
Patients continued their previous RA medication with disease modifying antirheumatic drugs (DMARD) with or without prednisolone and analgesics/non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAID) under supervision of the study rheumatologist. The latter was to remain stable but could be modified as per clinical judgement. Patients were counselled to use pain medication sparingly on need basis for severe/intolerable pain. Other co-morbid disorders were treated by the primary care physician.
Statistical Plan and Analysis
Supplementary material made available online provides a more elaborate description of exploratory data and statistical methods (including correlation matrix, univariate and multivariate regression) and further results of efficacy, diet and laboratory analysis,
There was no prior data available on the effect size of the active and control interventions used in the current study. As the objective was to evaluate an adjunct role, the effect size of the active interventions (Arm A and B) was assumed to be modest. The improvement in the mean pain VAS in Arm B was expected to be at least 10% superior to control (Arm C). The sample size tables published in a classic paper by Cohen (1992) were used to calculate the sample size (31). A 20% drop out rate was expected. The study would require 171 subjects to ensure 80% power and with significance p <0.05, two tailed, to minimize Type I and II errors. Fifty seven subjects would be enrolled in each of the 3 study arms.
The diet data (DFR) was analyzed in a blind manner by TK (author). An average of the three-day record was calculated for individual measures. Energy and nutrient measures were derived using the recommended India ‘Food Composition Tables’ (uncooked and cooked foods); potassium content was calculated manually while web-based software was used for other nutrients (26,27).
Both intention to treat (ITT) and per protocol (completer) analysis was carried out. The ITT analysis included every randomized subject with confirmed participation and was based on last observation carried forward. Standard statistical soft-ware package (IBMSPSS-20, version 2015 and 2018) were used; significance p<0.05, two tailed. Standard correction was applied for repeated measures. Both parametric and non-parametric statistical tests were used but both primary and secondary efficacy measures were compared between study arms using one way analysis of variance (ANOVA). Unless stated otherwise, the p value shown in the current report is by one way ANOVA.
Several multiple variable regression models (including logistic regression) were run to identify significant predictor response (independent variables) for low pain VAS (dependent variable) and other dependent disease activity variables for exploratory research. There were 54 independent variables-34 clinical (including medication) and 20 diet variables. Limited results are presented in this paper (also see online supplement).
Fig 1(A) shows patient disposition and withdrawals during the study period. Seventeen (9.9%) patients withdrew but non due to an adverse event (AE). One patients withdrew consent immediately after randomization and was excluded from the ITT analysis (171 patients); 155 (90.1%) completed the study and qualified for per protocol analysis.
The study arms were well matched at baseline (Table 2, Table 3, Table 4). At baseline, patients were found to suffer from moderately severe pain, active RA (DAS 28 ESR) and mild functional limitation (HAQ) (Table 4).
Fifty-one patients (29.6%) recorded co-morbidity- diabetes 10, hypertension 27, ischemic heart disease 7, chronic acid-peptic disorders 34, hemorrhoids 7, renal calculi 5 and hypothyroidism 8; number of patients shown. None suffered from extra-articular complication; elbow rheumatoid nodules recorded in 5 patients.
Diet (Table 3)
The results are shown for randomization baseline and study completion.
Compliance: Data on potassium intake (median, range, 90th percentile) is shown in supplementary material (File 1). Though potassium intake was increased in 73% patients in Arm A, only 46% patients achieved the preset RDA criteria. All patients in Arm B achieved RDA and 84 % consumed 5 gm or more potassium daily. 30% patients in the control arm also achieved RDA for potassium. Spot urinary assay showed increased potassium excretion over time but there were no significant difference by study group (supplementary material, File 1).
Diet Analysis (Table 2): At baseline, there was no difference (p=0.68) between the study arms for daily potassium intake but is was lower than the India RDA across the board (Table 2) (19). However, the daily potassium intake differed in each arm following enrollment and it was several fold higher in Arm B (range 3419 -7945 mg); Arm A higher than Arm C (adjusted p=0.02). Daily calorie consumption and intake of several nutrients was increased substantially in Arm B.
Safety and Tolerability (Table 5)
The total number of AE were 25 in Arm A, 24 in Arm B and 19 in Arm C. Number of patients reporting AE were 14 in Arm A, 16 in Arm B and 11 in Arm C (p=0.67, Chi-square statistic). All AE were mild and mostly related to gut. At least 3 patients in Arm B (higher potassium intake) reported episodic abdominal discomfort which was relieved by reducing the food supplement intake. Laboratory investigations including serum hepatic transaminases remained within normal range (data not shown). Serum K assay remained within normal limits and did not differ by study arm (Supplementary material File 2). Electrocardiograms results remained within normal limits (data not shown).
Primary Efficacy: Pain (VAS) was reduced at all study time points (Fig 1 B). The difference in the mean change from baseline to week 16 was significantly different as per protocol analysis (p=0.039) but not intention to treat analysis (p=0.17) The mean change in Arm B (-2.23, 95 % confidence interval -2.99, -1.48) was significantly superior to Arm C (adjusted p=0.02) and Arm A (adjusted p=0.04) (Table 4). The mean change in pain VAS in Arm B by intention to treat analysis was -1.98 ( 95% confidence interval -2.62, -1.34) (supplementary material File 1). Patients who achieved a minimum of RDA (see method) in Arm A and B were included in the compliant subset (75 patients) and the difference in the mean pain VAS from control arm was 0.62 mm (95% confidence interval -0.14 to 1.38).
Secondary Efficacy: Patients improved in several measures (Table 4). The improvement in function (HAQ), general health (VAS), quality of life (SF-36 physical) and ESR was comparatively conspicuous in Arm B. The ACR 20 improvement did not differ by study groups (data not shown). Interestingly, 2 patients in Arm A and 5 patients in Arm B showed ACR 70 response; none in Arm C.
RA Medication
A comprehensive analysis of DMARD and prednisolone and analgesic use (proportions and mean dose) is shown in Table 3. In retrospect, there were some changes in the use of methotrexate but overall there was no major imbalance or significant differences between the study arms. Importantly, there was an increase in proportion of patients using methotrexate in Arm C (control) at week 16 while there was a corresponding reduction in Arm B. A modest reduction in anlageis use in Arm B was not statistically different form other study arms. It is prudent to add that none of the patients in the current study ever (current or past) received biological DMARD or JAK inhibitors.
Other Results
Correlations (Supplementary material File 2, shown online): The correlation between potassium intake and painVAS on study completion was modest (r = -0.19, p<0.05); significant higher correlation (potassium) with several nutrients was seen. Urine potassium assay did not correlate with oral potassium intake or serum potassium.
Univariate Analysis (Supplementary material File 2, shown online): Potassium intake 5 gm or more (OR 3.14) and baseline urinary potassium excretion (OR 0.47) were significantly associated with low pain VAS (4 cm or less) at week 16; lower potassium intakes ( more than 3gm or 4 gm daily) were not significant.
Regression Analysis (Supplementary file 2, shown online): Models for stepwise (forward) multiple regression did not yield significant predictors of low pain VAS or DAS 28 (ESR). Using stepwise (forward) logistic regression model (R square 32.9), potassium intake 5 gm or more (LR 2.87) and methotrexate (LR 16.1) were found to be significantly associated with low pain VAS (4 cm or less) on study completion when adjusted for several variables.
Serum Cortisol (morning) assay (Supplementary material File 2: This was increased significantly in all study arms at week 16; numerically superior in Arm B (mean 10.6 microgram/dl).
Several patients of RA who were randomized and consumed a combination of potassium rich vegetarian diet and a novel potassium food supplement showed substantial improvement in joint pain which was superior to that shown by the potassium rich vegetarian diet only or a routine diet (control) in a 16-week assessor blind study. Patients were continued on supervised previous RA medication. The compliance, tolerability, and safety of high potassium intake (often > 5 gm daily) was good. AE were mild and none led to a withdrawal. 155 (90%) patients completed the study.
To begin with, the data on potassium intervention in RA was found to be sparse. Weber (1974) advocated a strong link between potassium and RA (15,32). NHANES population surveys in USA reported a relatively low serum potassium in RA patients and an inadequate intake of potassium (16,33). A study from UK reported a low body potassium status (17). A randomized double blind parallel efficacy two arm single center study in 36 female RA patients (hypokalemia on enrollment) with active disease showed a significant reduction in joint pain and disease activity (DAS 28) after an increased potassium intake (6 gm potassium chloride in grapefruit juice along with routine diet) over 28 days period; reportedly safe and well tolerated (34).
We were aware of several limitations in the study design and methods that required continuous diligence to ensure a meaningful outcome. Diet intervention studies are inherently complex. Blinding, compliance, recording and analysis of diet were important issues. It is prudent to note that RA is a difficult to treat painful complex systemic disorder and posed several more challenges of compliance and medication. Patients were well matched for several disease characteristics and activity measures, diet measures and medication at randomization baseline (Table 1, Table 2, Table 3, Table 4). The compliance to the study intervention seemed good. An additional useful observation was a modest reduction in mean systolic blood pressure, albeit not standardized a-priory, in the active intervention arms only (data not shown). The salubrious effect of potassium on blood pressure is well established (12). The diet and potassium intervention were handled by an dietitian experienced in food survey (11). However, some degree of bias in diet measurements cannot be dismissed. Also, patients may have defaulted in their recall of diet intake in the past. The diet food recall method used in the current study was reported to be more comprehensive (35). ‘Food Composition Tables’ were used, and this is a popular method. But some elegant studies have reported the latter method to underestimate nutrients by as much as by 15-20% (17,35). We did not assess diet qualitatively (36).
The participants were enthusiastic about the current trial and especially in view of the ‘diet’ evaluation. The latter was obvious in the control arm also. All said and done, diet is of overwhelming concern amongst patients of RA and their families. Patients were not blinded in the current study. A certain extent of placebo response cannot be excluded despite the strengths of good randomization and blind assessment. A sixteen-week study period was considered sufficient to blunt the placebo response. Also, despite counselling, some patients might have shared their intervention (Table 3). However, despite these limitations, patients in Arm B showed a remarkable reduction in pain (primary efficacy) compared to other arms (Table 4).
The RA medication in the current study was likely to be a confounding factor. The study was carried out in a real-life community setting and patients on enrollment suffered from painful active disease (Table 1). The medication was to be kept stable as per protocol but the rheumatologists were allowed to modify medication as per their clinical judgement. An elaborate analysis of DMARD, and prednisolone use is shown in Table 3. There were few changes across the board. A modest increase in the number of patients using methotrexate were observed in the control arm; correspondingly a reduction was seen in Arm B. An important caveat was a modest reduction in analgesic consumption despite significant pain relief. Perhaps the pain medication was not recorded properly. But we have often observed in clinical practise a continued use of analgesics/NSAID in several patients because of fear and apprehension (pain) rather than true joint pain (unpublished).
Use of medicinal potassium is fraught with life threatening toxicity (12,14). We anticipated that a dietary approach would be safer. Interestingly, several patients (Arm B) consumed a potassium intake greater than 6 gm daily without any obvious AE (Table 3 and Table 5). The latter dose is likely therapeutic. Healthy subjects can safely handle potassium intake but worrying enough the safe upper limit is not known (37,38). The safety concerns are much more in disease state such as renal and cardiac (18,37). The excellent safety and tolerability of oral potassium in the current study is indeed encouraging for further clinical research. Considering the usefulness of the vegetarian diet and in particular with adequate potassium content, shown in the current study, the overall results are relevant to general management of RA in different clinical settings.
Global guidelines emphasize on diet rather than food supplement as a source of potassium intake (37,38,39,40). Potassium in food supplement should not exceed 500-1000 mg (37,38). However, the Americans advocate a potassium intake less than 100 mg (39,40). In the current study, an intake of potassium several fold higher than the India RDA was achieved. Notably, several patients in the intervention Arm A (diet only) could not achieve the RDA (potassium). Food supplements seem to be of an advantage in some patients of RA and especially those with deficient potassium.
It is prudent to emphasis that no single nutrient can explain the total benefit accrued from a diet intervention. Clinical effect of a single nutrient is difficult to assess. We used predominantly an Indian (Asian) vegetarian diet and a focus was on potassium. And as mentioned above potassium correlated significantly with several other nutrients and may be a marker of healthy diet. We did evaluate several other nutrients described in Table 2 as explanatory variables in univariate and multivariate analysis to predict low pain and disease activity (see online supplement). Though potassium intake showed significant association with low pain in several models, few other nutrients (such as zinc, protein, sodium) also infrequently showed modest association; elaborate results to be published in a separate paper. We did not identify several micronutrients such as manganese and selenium in the diet. Also we did not study the role of fiber. In retrospect, the diet food records in the current study infrequently mentioned consumption of eggs or meat or fish. The benefits of a healthy vegetarian diet are yet to be exploited in clinical practice (41,42).
Several purported benefits of vegetarian diet in RA pertain to osteoporosis, dysbiosis, metabolic abnormalities, catabolic state and debility, cardiovascular dysfunction and blood pressure control (13,14,43,44,45). Muscles are storehouse for potassium and sarcopenia is common in RA (46). Therapeutic use of potassium ion channels is a promising domain (17,47). The focus in the current study was pain relief. It is notable that the optimum mean serum cortisol assay (morning) was achieved in Arm B (higher potassium intake) in the current study and this may be an important mechanism. The latter was also suggested by earlier studies (32,34).
We briefly review selected diet studies. The popular Mediterranean diet (MD) actually showed fair to modest improvement (RA) in controlled studies (6,48). Though predominantly vegetarian, the research (MD) was focused on n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (fish oils) and none of the other nutrients have been sufficiently evaluated (49). A recent Swedish controlled diet study in RA (ADIRA) showed impressive clinical improvement which was not significant as per a-priori plan- the intervention was mostly a MD like diet (including vegetables) plus probiotics (50). Patients (ADIRA) suffered from chronic RA (mean duration ∼20 years) and were reportedly treated mostly with conventional DMARD and steroids which was also the case in the current study. However, in contrast, the symptoms and the disease activity (ADIRA) were minimal/ mild.
From a rheumatology clinical perspective, the current study also attempted to address some of our unmet needs. Patients invariably question the role of diet and often seek adjuvant therapy and alternative medicines (complementary) in our setting to further improve RA. We did not find benefit with the stringent Ayurveda diet (11). But we need evidence-based medicine to guide patients. Despite optimum medication, several chronic RA patients suffer from intermittent breakthrough joint pains and/or unexplained short lived disease flares. We ought to assess diet in rheumatology practise rather than quickly resort to further medication.
In conclusion, a combination use of a novel potassium food supplement and a potassium rich vegetarian diet over 16 weeks administration showed substantial improvement in joint pain in several patients of RA who were on supervised standard rheumatology care in our setting. The latter was statistically significant compared to routine diet and seemed a useful adjuvant in difficult to treat RA. Higher intake of potassium, and often more than 5 gm daily, was well tolerated and remarkably safe. Pending further validation, patients of RA should be encouraged to consume a healthy vegetarian diet and ensure adequate potassium intake. Some patients may benefit from a judicious use of higher potassium intake using a standardized food supplement.
Data Availability
All data produced in the present study are available upon reasonable request to the authors
Authors contributions
All the authors actively participated in drafting and finalizing the version of the current manuscript prior to submission. Dr Toktam Kianifard and Dr Arvind Chopra had full access to all of the study data and data analysis and take full responsibility for its integrity and accuracy. All the authors approved the final version of the manuscript to be published.
Study Conception and design. Kianifard, Chopra
Acquisition of data. Kianifard, Saluja, Venugopalan
Analysis and Interpretation. Kianifard, Sarmukkaddam, Saluja, Venugopalan, Chopra
Arthritis Research Care Foundation-Centre for Rheumatic Diseases CRD), Pune, India, provided generous material and logistic help for the study. Several colleagues (rheumatologist) assisted in the study and namely Dr Nachiket Kulkarni, Dr Naisar Nahar, and Dr Kiran Adams. Several administrative, nursing and paramedic staff of CRD Pune provided wholehearted assistance and participation. We remain indebted to our patients who volunteered and consented to participate in the study despite several personal and logistic hurdles.
Funding and Support: Non-commercial investigator initiated study and partly funded by Arthritis Research Care Foundation - Center for Rheumatic Diseases, Pune, India. No funds or material help received from any commercial source. Subsequent to the completion of the study, Dr Toktam Kianifard (principal investigator), Ms Manjit Saluja and Dr Arvind Chopra applied and were granted a patent (India) for the novel potassium food supplement that was used in the study.