Persistent SARS-CoV-2 infections have been reported in immune-compromised individuals and people undergoing immune-modulatory treatments. It has been speculated that the emergence of antigenically diverse SARS-CoV-2 variants such as the Omicron variant may be the result of intra-host viral evolution driven by suboptimal immune responses, which must be followed by forward transmission. However, while intrahost evolution has been documented, to our knowledge no direct evidence of subsequent forward transmission is available to date.
Here we describe the emergence of an Omicron BA.1 sub-lineage with 8 additional amino acid substitutions within the spike (E96D, L167T, R346T, L455W, K458M, A484V, H681R, A688V) in an immune-compromised host along with evidence of 5 forward transmission cases. Our findings show that the Omicron BA.1 lineage can further diverge from its exceptionally mutated genome during prolonged SARS-CoV-2 infection; highlighting an urgent need to employ therapeutic strategies to limit duration of infection and spread in vulnerable patients.
Emergence of antigenically diverse SARS-CoV-2 variants of concern (VOC) poses a challenge to SARS-CoV-2 vaccine-induced immunity. Prolonged evolution in immunocompromised hosts is thought to have played a role in the emergence of several SARS-CoV-2 VOC such as Alpha and Omicron1,2. However, although persistent SARS-CoV-2 replication with stepwise acquisition of mutations in spike within immunocompromised COVID-19 patients has been documented3-7, clear evidence for forward transmission has been lacking.
The Mount Sinai Pathogen Surveillance Program (MS-PSP) has profiled the evolving landscape of SARS-CoV-2 in New York City (NYC) since the beginning of the pandemic8,9. We routinely perform complete viral genome sequencing from at least 10% of randomly selected contemporaneous SARS-CoV-2 positive specimens collected from patients seeking care at our health system.
We describe a persistent SARS-CoV-2 Omicron BA.1 infection in an immuno-compromised individual during a 12-week period and document the accumulation of eight additional amino acid substitutions in the already antigenically distinct Omicron BA.1 spike protein. In addition, we identified five subsequent cases harboring the same genotype; three of which were identified in the same health system. The presence of the unique combination of mutations in all six cases is indicative of forward transmission of this novel Omicron BA.1 sub-lineage. Although the majority of amino acid changes occur at positions known to confer either immune escape10,11 or altered viral fusogenicity12-14, some of the mutations have rarely been seen in other lineages, and their overall constellation is unique.
Materials and Methods
Molecular SARS-CoV-2 diagnostics
SARS-CoV-2 molecular diagnostic testing was performed in the Molecular Microbiology Laboratories of the MSHS Clinical Laboratory by nucleic acid amplification tests (NAAT) that have been validated for nasopharyngeal, anterior nares swabs and saliva specimens. All but one positive samples included in this study were tested using the PerkinElmer® New Coronavirus Nucleic Acid Detection Kit which provides qualitative detection of nucleic acid from SARS-CoV-2. It includes two SARS-CoV-2 targets (ORF1ab, N) and one internal positive control (IC; bacteriophage MS2). Cycle threshold (Ct) values are generated for all three targets and provide a quantitative estimate of the viral load. The only other positive sample that was run on another testing platform was the first specimen of the index case (P1). It was tested as a point of care test (POC) using the LIAT SARS-CoV-2 assay, and the biospecimen was discarded prior to transfer to the MS-PSP. In addition, two other negative specimens registered for patient P3 during the same time window were run in the LumiraDx assay, which does not provide Ct values.
The Mount Sinai Pathogen Surveillance Program (MS-PSP)
Residual nasopharyngeal and anterior nares (AN) swab specimens were collected after completion of the diagnostic process, as part of the Mount Sinai Pathogen Surveillance Program (IRB approved HS#13-00981).
Complete SARS-CoV-2 genome sequencing
RNA was extracted using the Chemagic™ Viral DNA/RNA 300 Kit H96 (PerkinElmer, CMG-1033-S) on the automated Chemagic™ 360 instrument (PerkinElmer, 2024-0020) from 300uL of viral transport media per the manufacturer’s protocol. cDNA synthesis followed by whole genome amplification with two custom primer panel sets targeting 1.5 and 2kb regions across the SARS-CoV-2 genome was performed as previously described8 with addition of new oligonucleotides to minimize amplicon dropout for Omicron lineages derived from PANGO lineage B.1.1.529 (available on request). Paired-end (2×150bp) Nextera XT (Illumina, cat. FC-131-1096) libraries prepared from amplicons were sequenced on a MiSeq instrument. SARS-CoV-2 genomes were assembled using a custom reference-based pipeline as previously described8. The final sequencing depth per genome ranged between ∼135k to ∼415k reads.
Phylogenetic analysis
Global background SARS-CoV-2 sequences were downloaded from the GISAID EpiCOV database (as of 2022-05-13). The GISAID database was queried for the novel mutations observed in P1-P4 sequences in order to identify their closest matches. Sequence hits were confirmed by their Mash distance15. For this, a genome sketch was generated from the sanitized alignment of the global sequences filtered for lineages BA.1.* as produced by Nextstrain16,17 v11 for SARS-CoV-2 with default parameters (https://github.com/nextstrain/ncov). This allowed pairwise comparisons of our data with high-quality global sequences with available metadata. Phylogenetic inferences of the MS-PSP SARS-CoV-2 genomes, including the closest sequence matches and all other BA.* lineage sequences from the MS-PSP surveillance program were done using an Omicron BA.* and New York State-focused background with proximity subsampling scheme with Nextstrain. Clade and lineage assignments were done with Nextclade CLI v3.2 (2021-11-04)18 and with PANGO-v1.8 (pangolin v3.1.17, pangoLEARN v.2022-04-22) 19,20.
Viral cultures
Replication-competent SARS-CoV-2 was obtained as previously described21. Briefly, Vero-E6 cells expressing TMPRSS2 were cultured in Dulbecco’s Modified Eagle Medium containing 10% heat-inactivated fetal bovine serum and 1% Minimum Essential Medium (MEM) Amino Acids Solution, supplemented with 100 U/ml penicillin, 100 μg/ml streptomycin, 100 μg/ml normocin, and 3 μg/ml puromycin. 200ul of viral transport media from the nasopharyngeal or anterior nares swab specimen was added to Vero-E6-TMPRSS2 cells in culture media supplemented with 0.5 μg/ml Amphotericin B. Cultures were maintained for 10 days. Culture supernatants were collected and clarified by centrifugation (4000g, 5min) upon the appearance of cytopathic effect (CPE). The viral stocks were sequence-verified. Viral cultures were successful for the initial specimens obtained from P2, P3 and P4, but failed for all P1 specimens.
Results and Discussion
In this study we report the genomic analysis of serially collected nasopharyngeal (NP) and anterior nares (AN) samples from an immunocompromised patient with persistent SARS-CoV-2 Omicron BA1 replication between December 2021 and March 2022. Over a 12-week period, we documented the accumulation of eight amino acid substitutions in the spike N-terminal domain (NTD), the receptor binding domain (RBD), and cleavage site region (CSR) (Figure 1) within the same patient. The first three mutations R346T, K458M and E484V were detected simultaneously 40 days after initial SARS-CoV-2 diagnosis and were fixed. Two weeks later (day 64), L167T and the furin cleavage site mutation P681Y were detected in addition to three mutations listed. During the following weeks (day 72 and day 81), two different viral populations emerged each carrying shared (L455W) as well as additional distinct signature mutations (E96D at day 72, S477D at day 81). The majority of the amino acid substitutions that accumulated in spike have been associated with neutralization escape10,11 or improved viral fusogenicity12. All but one of the mutations observed in the consensus sequences outside the spike gene were non-synonymous, further supporting positive intrahost selection of spike changes with competitive advantage.
Background health system-wide SARS-CoV-2 genomic surveillance by MS-PSP conducted during the same time period identified three other patients with COVID-19 harboring SARS-CoV-2 Omicron variants that were similar to that of the index case and consistent with multiple forward transmissions based on the timeline of infection (Figure 1, and see Table 1 and Figure 2 for details and the CT values for the individual specimens). These three forward transmissions were detected in immunocompromised individuals. In one case, infection persisted for more than three weeks resulting in acquisition of an additional mutation in the spike RBD (V445A) (Figure 1). In some specimens we detected minority alleles at variant positions suggesting ongoing intra-host selection (Figure 1 and Figure 3). Although viral isolation failed for specimens available for the index case, we successfully cultured SARS-CoV-2 from the initial positive specimens of the three forward transmission cases, confirming the transmission of replication-competent virus.
Lastly, two additional related SARS-CoV-2 genomes from the NYC area were identified from the GISAID database (Figure 1). Based on the metadata provided, these two cases differed by age and gender from our cases, consistent with limited community spread of this new Omicron BA1 sub-variant. All transmission cases contained one synonymous change in Orf1a (T6001C) previously only observed at day 72 in the index case (Figure 4), narrowing the time window of the first transmission to a few weeks following day 64. As of mid-May 2022, the most recent case was detected in mid-April 2022 and the last SARS-CoV-2 positive specimen from a forward transmission was collected in early May 2022.
In conclusion, our data demonstrate that intra-host evolution of SARS-CoV-2 occurring during persistent infection in immunocompromised individuals can drive the emergence and spread of novel (sub)variants with extensive mutations in key antigenic regions, even in the context of the already highly divergent Omicron lineage. Our data suggest that genomic monitoring of persistent long-term infections is warranted and further underscore the need to limit the duration of viral infection. Improved early detection of novel SARS-CoV-2 variants, a better understanding of the selection processes driving SARS-CoV-2 evolution, and therapies that limit virus persistence and shedding are essential to reduce emergence of highly mutated viral variants in the future.
Data Availability
All data produced in the present work are contained in the manuscript or available upon reasonable request to the authors
Funding Sources
The work reported was in part supported by a contract from the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (75N93021C00014, Option 12A) awarded to the Center for Research on Influenza Pathogenesis and Transmission – (a Center of Excellence for Influenza Research and Response) as part of the SARS-CoV-2 Assessment of Viral Evolution (SAVE) Program, a contract from the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (HHSN272201400008C) awarded to the Center for Research on Influenza Pathogenesis – (a Center of Excellence for Influenza Research and Surveillance), philanthropic donations from the JPB Foundation, a research grant (2020-215611 [5384]) from the Open Philanthropy Project, and awards (S10OD026880 and S10OD030463) from the NIH Office of Research Infrastructure Programs.
Competing Interests
The Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai has filed patent applications relating to SARS-CoV-2 serological assays listing Viviana Simon as co-inventor. Mount Sinai has spun out a company, Kantaro, to market serological tests for SARS-CoV-2. Robert Sebra is VP of Technology Development and a stockholder at Sema4, a Mount Sinai Venture. This work, however, was conducted solely at Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai.
We thank the Mount Sinai Hospital and School Leadership, in particular Dr. David Reich and Dr. Dennis Charney, for their ongoing support of the MS-PSP throughout the pandemic. We thank the laboratory technicians in the Molecular Microbiology Laboratories and the Rapid Response Laboratories of the Mount Sinai Health System since without their assistance and help, none of this surveillance work would be possible.
We gratefully acknowledge the authors and originating and submitting laboratories of sequences from GISAID’s EpiCoV (www.gisaid.org) that were used as background for our phylogenetic inferences.