Background Schools have been closed in the Philippines since March 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic. In September 2021, the government already allowed a pilot run of limited in-person classes in low-risk areas around the country, in the face of the continuing threat of the virus.
Objective We aim to assess which regions in the Philippines can already reopen their schools.
Methods In this study, we simulate school reopening scenarios with our modified COVID-19 agent-based model for the seventeen regions of the country. We tested different vaccination coverages and calculated the coverage at which deaths and infections would begin to show a downtick. The School Reopening Viability (SRV) of a region is then determined by getting the difference between the current vaccination coverage (as of 13 February 2022) and the downtick in infection or death.
Results The recent data on the COVID-19 Omicron variant transmission shows that all regions except Regions 7, 9, and BARMM can reopen. Comparing the SRV of a region to its vaccination progress, we see that those with high vaccination rates are the ones most viable for school reopening, as in the case of regions in Luzon. On the other hand, those with low vaccination rates are the ones that would need to ramp up their vaccination efforts before reopening their schools.
Conclusions We recommend that with the current vaccination coverages for the regions, all regions except Regions 7, 9, and BARMM may undergo school reopening. Alongside efforts to reopen schools, vaccination efforts should still be continued and ramped up, especially in the regions of interest. Policymakers may take insights from this study.
As the threat of the Coronavirus extends to the remainder of the country, the Philippines decided to close its schools in March 2020. However, as the pandemic starts to ease, the government approved a pilot run of limited in-person classes, albeit in selected schools in low-risk areas in March 2021. Still, with most of the student population locked in their respective households, the quality of education through online classes will continue to be greatly compromised and will have a negative effect on their mental health.1 The Asian Development Bank also reported that an annual $180-worth earning loss is projected for every student due to school closures.2 As of February 2022, the Philippines already fully vaccinated 68% of its target population, with the National Capital Region at 79.9% of its regional population. Considering the necessity of school reopening and the country’s vaccination program, we ask: what regions can do a full school reopening? In this study, we simulate school reopening scenarios with varying vaccination coverages for every region of the country using a COVID-19 agent-based model.
COVID-19 Agent-Based Model
In this study, we used the same COVID-19 agent-based model (ABM) developed by Celeste et al.3 The ABM is based on the Age-Stratified, Quarantine-Modified SEIR with Non-Linear Incidence Rates Model (ASQ-SEIR-NLIR)4 which is defined by the following system of differential equations:
ASQ-SEIR-NLIR model is modified from the classic SEIR compartmental model. The classic model has compartments SEIR that represent the susceptible, exposed, infectious, and removed population. Parameters β, σ, and γ, are the transmission, incubation, and removal rates, respectively. The additional parameters of Q(t) account for quarantine,4 U accounts for age stratification,5 and non-linear incidence rates α and ε are for behavioral factors and disease-resistance factors, respectively.6 We implemented the same method that Celeste et al. used in translating the mathematical parameters of the ASQ-SEIR-NLIR model as agent-based model parameters and the same agent transition rules.3
Social Contact Probabilities
The ABM also used social contact probabilities from the pre-pandemic estimates of Prem et al. to simulate school reopening scenarios (see Figure 1).7 The matrix shows that age groups 1, 2, and 3 (5 to 19 years old) would interact more when schools are open.
Social Contact Matrices for Schools from the Philippines
In this study, we only simulated the no school opening scenario and the 100% school reopening scenario. The no school opening scenario reflects the situation when lockdowns are in place way before the pilot run of in-person classes was approved. On the other hand, the 100% school reopening scenario refers to the pre-pandemic situation where schools work at 100% capacity. We treated the no opening scenario as the control scenario and the 100% school reopening as the experimental scenario.
School Reopening Simulations
Vaccination Sensitivity Analysis
We performed a vaccination sensitivity analysis for both the no school opening and 100% school reopening scenario. For simplicity and consistency among the regions, the control vaccination scenario is taken as 0% vaccination or when no one is vaccinated yet. The other vaccination scenarios are varied by increments of 25 until 100% from the control scenario. Thus, the vaccination scenarios are as follows:
0% (control scenario)
25% vaccination
50% vaccination
75% vaccination
100% vaccination
The change in infections and deaths are then computed with respect to the control scenario (no opening scenario with 0% vaccination coverage). The computed vaccine coverage where the change in infection or death is zero will be the infection or death downticks.
Model Parameters and SEIRDV values
The parameter values used in the model are shown in Table 1. Note that we used NCR’s parameters for the infection, death, and recovery probabilities in simulating school reopening scenarios for all 17 regions of the country, instead of using the specific regional probabilities. This assumption is made as NCR has the most reported cases, owing to the concentration of testing centers and medical facilities in the region. This means that the NCR probabilities most likely represent how COVID-19 affects each age group infection, death, and recovery-wise.
COVID-19 Agent-Based Model Parameters
The model requires SEIRDV values for every region. For simplicity, we treated each region as a single space and opted to use data at the regional level instead of computing the SEIRDV values for every city and/or municipality in a region.
For the total population of a region, we used the 2020 Philippines census released by the Philippine Statistics Authority last 7 July 2021.10 Since no age-stratified population was provided, we used the age distribution from the 2015 Philippines census released on 30 June 201711 and applied the distribution to the total population of a region. The resulting vector is what we used for the total population of a region.
We assumed that there is no exposed population for every region, i.e., the Exposed compartment is 0 for every age group. This assumption was made since there is no available data to properly compute the Exposed compartment. On the other hand, the Infectious, Removed (disaggregated to Recovered, Dead, and Vaccinated) compartments are filled as extracted from the COVID-19 data released by the Department of Health.12
We performed two sets of simulations for the two peaks of COVID-19 infections recorded in the country. For the first set, we extracted data up until the date 15 September 2021—the peak of infections with the highest number of active cases reported amid the COVID-19 Delta variant surge (16,945 new cases and 21,287 7-day average of new cases). And for the second set, we extracted data up until the date 17 January 2022—the peak of infections where the highest number of active cases was reported amid the COVID-19 Omicron variant surge (36,978 new cases and 34,835 7-day average of new cases). We chose these dates to assume the worst-case scenario for our simulations.
For further simplification, being vaccinated means having already taken the full course of vaccination as required (e.g., Pfizer-BioNTech, requires two doses while Johnson & Johnson only requires one). As the vaccination scenarios are varied, we took the 0% vaccination coverage as having no one vaccinated yet, 25% vaccination coverage as having 25% of the vaccinatable population (18 years old and above) vaccinated, and so on. We computed the mathematical expectation of vaccine efficacy as 77.08%. We then multiplied the vaccinated by the mathematical expectation of vaccine efficacy and distributed it by age proportional to the age distribution of the region. The resulting vector is what we used for the Vaccinated compartment.
The Susceptible compartment is computed to be the total population vector, minus (vector subtraction) the vector sum of the Exposed, Infectious, Dead, Recovered, and Vaccinated compartments.
The computed compartment vectors were then rescaled using an agent-to-population ratio of 1:257. This means that highly-populated regions such as Region 4-A (CALABARZON) and National Capital Region (NCR) got more agents as opposed to lowly-populated regions such as Cordillera Administrative Region (CAR) and Region 13 (CARAGA).
Using the parameters and the resulting compartmental values, school reopening scenarios with varying vaccination scenarios are simulated. We ran the model 20 times, with 300 model steps each run, for all scenarios. The resulting 20 iterations were averaged and used for analysis.
Results and Discussion
Infection and Death Downticks
Infection and Death Downticks as of 17 January 2022 (Peak of the COVID-19 Omicron Variant Cases)
The resulting infection and death downticks from the Omicron simulations are shown in Table 2. For this set of simulations, Region 7 (Central Visayas) has the highest required vaccination coverage for infection downtick at 58% and Region 12 (SOCCSKSARGEN) has the lowest requirement for infection downtick at 0%. The magnitude of the infection downtick can be attributed to the starting SEIR values of each region (e.g the lower the starting population, the lower the possibility for infections). The average infection downtick of all 17 regions is 29.07%.
Computed Infection and Death Downtick of Each Region (Omicron data).
With regards to death downticks, all regions except Region 3 (Central Luzon) and Region 13 (CARAGA) produced a 0% downtick. We think that the collective decrease in computed downticks in deaths can be attributed to the following: (1) Reports that the Omicron variant is less deadly than previous variants, and thus it lowered the collective death probability13; (2) As is with the lower computed infection downticks, more individuals are fully vaccinated by the time of data extraction as compared with the Delta simulations.
The death downticks computed are considerably low relative to the infection downtick. Figure 2 shows the computed infection and death downticks with their Vaccination progress as of 13 February 2022. Lastly, the resulting changes in deaths in each region followed the trend of a flat line and almost 0% death change. As an example, Region 13 (CARAGA)’s highest computed change in death is around 0.02% only (Figure 3). This further supports our postulation that in order to answer our problem of school reopening, we need to focus more on managing infections school reopening may cause.
Computed Infection and Death Downtick of Each Region and their Corresponding Vaccine Coverage (Omicron data).
Vaccination Sensitivity Analysis with 100% School Reopening on CARAGA (Omicron data).
Infection and Death Downticks as of 15 September 2021 (Peak of the COVID-19 Delta Variant Cases)
The computed required vaccination coverage for infection and death downticks of each region is shown in Table 3. The region with the highest requirement for infection downtick is Region 8 (Eastern Visayas) at 76.14% vaccination coverage and the region with the lowest requirement for infection downtick is Bangsamoro (BARMM) at 3.85% vaccination coverage. The average infection downtick of all 17 regions is 36.76%. This is a much higher average as compared with the average from the Omicron simulations. We believe that this is due to the lower infection probabilities in older age groups since more individuals are already fully vaccinated by 17 January 2022, as compared to 15 September 2021.
Computed Infection and Death Downtick of Each Region (Delta data).
Figure 4 shows the computed infection and death downticks for every region and their corresponding current vaccination progress.14 Results from Delta simulations also showed the same behavior of the relationship of infection and death downticks as with the Omicron simulations. The death downticks computed are considerably low when compared with the infection downtick. All regions, with the exception of Region 13 (CARAGA) (which does not reach a downtick) and Region 11 (Davao) (downtick at 50%), reached the downtick at 25% vaccine coverage or lower. The average death downtick for all regions is 16%. Furthermore, it is important to note that the change in deaths for all regions at 100% opening, even if positive, is very low, as observed for the Omicron data.
Computed Infection and Death Downtick of Each Region and their Corresponding Vaccine Coverage (Delta data).
This trend of death change is almost 0% and an almost flat line is observed in all regions. This can be attributed to the fact that computed death probabilities of the younger population used in the model are significantly lower than the death rates of the older population. Given this information, we believe that, when answering the question of what regions can have a 100% school reopening, we only need to take note of the changes in infection in each region.
School Reopening Viability
To identify if a region can already reopen its schools fully, we compute the difference between the region’s vaccination coverage to their corresponding infection or death downticks. We call this measure the School Reopening Viability (SRV). A positive SRV means that a region can already reopen its schools at 100% capacity fully without the risk of having either infection or death upticks as compared to the control, no school opening scenario. However, it should be noted that this does not imply that there will be no more infections or deaths as schools reopen. This only means that even when schools reopen, infections and deaths will not increase anymore (similar to when brakes are applied to a car—still moving but decelerating). It should also be pointed out that among the regions that can already reopen their schools, priority may be given to regions that have much higher SRV values than regions with low SRV. On the other hand, Regions with negative SRV are not recommended to reopen their schools as upticks may occur. Table 4 shows the vaccine coverage of each region as of 13 February 2022 and Figure 5 shows its corresponding heat map. It is important to note that NCR has the highest vaccine coverage and BARMM has the lowest. Additionally, regions in Luzon have relatively higher vaccine coverages as compared with regions in Visayas and Mindanao.
Vaccine Coverage of Each Region as of 13 February 2022
Fully-vaccinated individuals as % of regional population as of 13 February 2022
School Reopening Viability as of 17 January 2022 (Peak of the COVID-19 Omicron Variant Cases)
Figures 6 and 7 show the heatmap of the Philippines based on the SRV in terms of downticks in infections and deaths, respectively. Figure 6 shows that Regions 7 (Central Visayas), 9 (Zamboanga), and BARMM might observe an increase in infections when they reopen their schools fully. Despite the spikes in cases, Region 13 is the only region that might observe an uptick in deaths, although low at −7.45% (see Figure 7). This may be due to infections caused by the Omicron variant being reported as less severe than infections caused by other variants.15 But, as we observed very low changes in deaths, with Region 13’s highest change in death at 0.02%, we only consider the changes in infections. Thus, we recommend a 100% school reopening to regions other than Regions 7, 9, and BARMM.
School Reopening Viability of the Philippine Regions in terms of Infection downticks (Omicron data)
School Reopening Viability of the Philippine Regions in terms of Death downticks (Omicron data)
Region 7 and BARMM have the lowest vaccination coverages for the Visayas and Mindanao island groups, respectively. This shows that our results are still consistent with the generalization that regions with lower vaccination rates have less protection from deaths and infections.
Although upticks in infections might be possible for the regions of concern, we believe their corresponding healthcare facilities could handle the influx of new cases should they choose to reopen schools as the regions are still under safe Occupancy Rate Level with Regions 7, 9, and BARMM having 22%, 11%, 5.9%, respectively, as of 3 March 2022.
School Reopening Viability as of 15 September 2021 (Peak of the COVID-19 Delta Variant Cases)
Figures 8 and 9 show the heatmap of the Philippines based on the SRV in terms of downticks in infections and deaths, respectively. From Figure 8, only Regions 8 (Eastern Visayas), 11 (SOCCSKSARGEN), and 12 (Davao) might observe an increase in infections when they reopen their schools fully. On the other hand, in terms of deaths, Regions 9 (Zamboanga) and 13 (CARAGA) are at risk. Because the changes in deaths are considerably low for the regions, we only take note of the changes in infections, and as such, we recommend a 100% school reopening to regions other than Regions 8, 11, and 12.
School Reopening Viability of the Philippine Regions in terms of Infection downticks (Delta data)
School Reopening Viability of the Philippine Regions in terms of Death downticks (Delta data)
Most of the regions of concern (Regions 8, 11, 12) are in Mindanao. This may be attributed to the low vaccination rate of Mindanao (45.0%), as compared to Luzon (62.9%). For instance, in the National Capital Region where 79.9% are already fully vaccinated, infections and deaths are not expected to increase (as also shown in our simulations) because the majority of the population is protected from severe COVID-19. Another case is CALABARZON where 55.8% are already fully vaccinated; upticks in infections and deaths are also not expected. Generally, places with high vaccination coverage are not expected to experience an uptick in infections and deaths because vaccines provide protection. However, if the population is low enough for the virus to be spread, school reopening viability may be reached even with a low vaccination coverage such as the case of BARMM with its current vaccine coverage at only 19.9%. Even if the protection is modeled as an imperfect measure (77.08% expected average efficacy only), simulations suggest that the change in infections is substantial (up to 76.14% downtick in infections). This model behavior is consistent with the call to vaccinate all students and school staff before returning to school.
In this study, we asked: what regions can do a full school reopening? We utilized our COVID-19 agent-based model and applied it to all 17 regions of the Philippines. Our results suggest that, with the current vaccination coverage of each region and the most recent Omicron variant transmission, all regions except Regions 7, 9, and BARMM can reopen their schools. Given the results, we recommend the following:
When schools reopen, safety precautions should still be observed—wearing of masks and physical distancing must still be mandatory, as in our assumption.
Vaccination efforts must be improved, especially in regions in Visayas and Mindanao.
Gradual school reopening instead of outright full reopening is also suggested.
For Regions 7, 9, and BARMM, a school reopening with limited capacity may be considered. We hope policymakers make insights and related measures from this study.
Nico thanks his family for support and Anna for her help in proofreading and providing valuable suggestions. Thomas thanks Edwin, Jess, Micko, Jeanne, Nikki, Carlo, and Vince for their support. This work will not come to fruition without the guidance of our advisers Vena Pearl Bongolan and Jimuel Celeste. This work is a continuation of the research on Modeling the Dynamics of COVID-19 by the System Modeling and Simulation Laboratory, and as such, we thank the past proponents of research leading to ours. We also thank DOST ASTI and COARE for the usage of their computing resources which greatly helped minimize our work.
Email: (vabongolan{at}up.edu.ph, ngfrancisco{at}up.edu.ph, mdsaliba{at}up.edu.ph, jnceleste{at}up.edu.ph)