Aim We aimed to estimate the current dietary energy content of food exports for Aotearoa New Zealand (NZ) and food security after “nuclear winter” scenarios following a nuclear war.
Methods From published sources we estimated dietary energy available from the major domains of food exports, with adjustments for wastage. The impacts on food production in NZ after three nuclear winter scenarios were based on those published in Nature Food in 2022 and from an earlier NZ Planning Council study.
Results Current major food exports are equivalent to 3.9 times current dietary energy intakes for all NZ citizens ie, 34,100 kJ (8150 kcal) per person per day. Exported dairy products were estimated to be able to provide 338% of this energy intake, followed by exports of: meat (34%); fruit (8.6%), alcohol (4.8%), marine products (4.6%), and vegetables (2.7%). After the various nuclear winter scenarios considered (minimal to severe), food production available from diverted exported foods was estimated to still be 3.6 to 1.5 times current daily energy intakes.
Conclusions This analysis suggests that NZ could have excess food production capacity, even after a severe nuclear winter scenario. But substantial further research is needed to clarify agricultural impacts and the role of nuclear war impacts on the interlinked domains of energy, transport, manufacturing, finance, industrial materials, trade and societal functioning.
The survival of human civilization, or its continued flourishing, could be threatened by a global catastrophe abruptly reducing sunlight reaching the earth.1,2 Such scenarios could include nuclear winter arising from a nuclear war;3 large volcanic eruptions4,5; and a large asteroid/comet impact.6 Resulting global climate impacts could include a drop in mean temperature that would limit food production possibly causing a catastrophic global food shock.1 Modelling studies indicate that the impacts of such catastrophes are likely to be highly heterogeneous around the world.3,7 It is sometimes thought, for example, that islands in the Southern Hemisphere might do better than countries in Northern Hemisphere landmasses during nuclear winter.8,9
Collectively these threats are not improbable. Estimates for the annual probability of inadvertent nuclear war include 1% 10, or in the 0.3% to 3% range.11 However, the uncertainty may even be higher and could be increasing with the Russian invasion of Ukraine in 2022. Another consideration is the risk of major volcanic eruptions on the scale of the Indonesian volcano Tambora in 1815. This eruption cooled global climate and contributed to famines in parts of Europe, India and China.12 Eruptions of a scale of Tambora or greater occur around 1.6 times per millennium,13 equivalent to around a one in six chance per century.5 But some estimates put the overall likelihood of a catastrophic global food shock (of >10% loss of production) at 80% this century.14
Other catastrophic scenarios include severe pandemics (such as those arising from engineered bioweapons), or global industry-disabling scenarios such as coronal mass ejections or electromagnetic pulses,15 that might collapse the global economy and isolate remote nations like Aotearoa New Zealand (NZ).
Vastly greater efforts are needed to prevent and mitigate all these threats to humanity, but it is also prudent to consider what happens if prevention fails for nations and the international community to plan effectively. In terms of catastrophic pandemics, past work has suggested that isolated island refuges could have a role in ensuring human survival. NZ appears relatively well placed in terms of survivability compared to other island nations, with it ranked first in one study16 and only behind Australia in others.17,18 Self-sufficiency on dimensions including food supply would have to be assured, although the previous work also reported the large per person food production capacity of NZ.17,18
Past work for NZ on the impact of nuclear war is substantively out of date as it was done in the 1980s eg, by the Commission for the Future,19 the NZ Planning Council20–24 and others.25 Since this time NZ society has changed in many ways, including the expansion of agricultural production, the growth in food exports, population growth, and technological developments. The scientific understanding of the impacts of abrupt sunlight reduction catastrophes has evolved as well.26–29
Given the above, we aimed to begin to explore the food security issues for NZ after such catastrophes by describing the current food export economy as well as the potential food supply when accounting for the climate impacts of a nuclear winter. In this preliminary work, we focused on the food export sector as the data appeared to provide a much clearer picture of food production than the far more diverse and complex domestic food production sector.
Business-as-usual dietary energy intake of New Zealanders
Adult,30 and child,31 nutrition survey data for NZ was used to estimate dietary energy intakes for these population groups by sex. These estimates were then multiplied by the relevant estimated NZ population sizes for the fourth quarter of 202132 to estimate the national dietary energy intake.
Food export analyses
Food export weights were obtained from the NZ Harmonised System for export data33–35 and five-year annual averages were calculated for the five-year period ending June 2020. We ignored food export categories that were under a 10,000 tonnes annual average in volume.
Food wastage adjustments
The adjustments for potential food wastage are shown in Table These used data from the United States, United Kingdom and Europe. Although work on waste has been conducted in NZ,36 this work has not identified waste as a proportion of specific food products taken into the household.
Dietary energy data
For the food exports that were available for intake at the household level after unavoidable wastage (inedible components) and avoidable wastage, we calculated the food energy available. This was done by matching typical foods within each food export category using the NZ Food Composition Database.42 We used representative foods within each category eg, in the cheese category: “cheddar cheese, code F1015”; and for the apple category: “Royal Gala, code L1150”. A full list of codes and the Excel spreadsheet is available on request to the authors.
Nuclear winter scenarios
There is much uncertainty concerning the global impacts of nuclear war and if “nuclear winter” impacts would even occur. Nevertheless, to inform potential planning purposes we considered the three scenarios outlined in Table 2. The key driver of climatic impacts in these scenarios is stratospheric soot injection following nuclear weapon explosions on targets in the Northern Hemisphere. This stratospheric soot results in global cooling which impedes food crop production. In all these scenarios we assumed an effective end to NZ’s food trade with other countries (including Australia) for both exports and imports. This was also the approach taken in previous NZ research.43
Assumptions around inedible fractions of foods and typical avoidable food wastage (for food previously prepared for export which was then assumed to be diverted to the domestic market after a global catastrophe)
Three nuclear war and nuclear winter scenarios considered in this study
Business-as-usual dietary energy intake of the NZ population
The estimated dietary energy intake of the entire NZ population was estimated at 44.4 billion kJ per day (8686 kJ per person per day; Table 3).
Estimated daily dietary energy intake of the total NZ population
*We used the energy intakes for the 5-6 year old age-groups. Intakes for the <5 year age-group were not collected in the survey data. For the 11-14 year age-group the intakes were fairly similar to adults (boys: 10,303; girls: 8323).31** We recognize that this total might be slightly below the ideal for planning purposes since some of the adult survey respondents reported food insecurity, some people may have been dieting to control their weight at the time of the survey, and because of under-estimation of food intakes associated with the use of food diaries.44
Food energy availability from diverted exports
The estimates for the major food exports are detailed in Table 4 and summarised in Table 5. After food wastage adjustments, dairy products were estimated to provide 338% of all the current dietary energy, followed by: meat (34%); fruit (8.6%), alcohol (4.8%), marine products (4.6%), and vegetables (2.7%). Overall, these exports were estimated to provide 3.9 times dietary energy intakes for the whole NZ population (or 34,098 kJ [8150 kcal] per person per day).
Food exports and available dietary energy estimates for NZ after adjusting for unavoidable food waste (inedible components) and avoidable food wastage (as per Table 1)
Daily dietary energy provided by major food export categories relative to the daily dietary energy intakes of the current NZ population and after three nuclear winter scenarios
Impact of nuclear winter scenarios
The impacts on food availability from currently exported food after the various nuclear winter scenarios (as detailed in Table 2), are shown in Table 5. In the most severe scenario for climate impacts of a nuclear winter (a 61% reduction in food production), diverted food exports could still provide 1.5 times the current dietary energy intakes for the whole NZ population (or 13,298 kJ [3178 kcal] per person per day). In the much smaller regional nuclear war scenario (5 Tg of stratospheric soot, 8% reduction in food production), diverted food exports could still provide 3.6 times the current dietary energy intakes of the population.
Main findings and interpretation
This preliminary analysis suggests that NZ’s current food production for export is theoretically able to provide an excess of dietary energy for the whole population, even after a severe nuclear winter that reduced food production across-the-board by 61%. As such, this baseline excess food production capacity would also be a resilience factor after other sunlight-reducing planetary catastrophes such as large volcanic eruptions and asteroid/comet impacts. Furthermore, given the breadth of food production in NZ, there are no survival-critical food products that would be missing from the national diet after such catastrophes.
Despite the preliminary estimates in this study considering climate effects of nuclear winter on agricultural production, the agriculture sector is very much interconnected with other key systems in modern technological society. Therefore, there is a need for further research on all interlinked domains considered by Zeihan,45 in addition to international trade and societal functioning, as detailed in Table 6.
Domains (other than the agriculture) of relevance to food security in a post-nuclear war/nuclear winter setting
Study strengths and limitations
A strength of this preliminary study is that it is the first one to take such an in-depth bottom-up look at food security in NZ after a nuclear winter. That is, other analyses have taken a higher level approach to dietary energy availability in the business-as-usual case54 (ie, 9569 kcal/per person/day in 2013 for NZ), and in the post-nuclear-winter case.26,28 Nevertheless, our work is still preliminary given we have not explored all the important other sectors that agriculture, food processing and food delivery are interlinked with (as per Table 6). Other notable limitations of our analysis include the following:
It does not consider the size of NZ’s non-export food economy – due to its vastly greater complexity. This domain includes the food produced for the domestic market, household level production (eg, vegetable gardening and on lifestyle blocks), and citizen harvesting food from the environment (eg, fishing, hunting and shellfish gathering). Nevertheless, one estimate for 2018 was that the country produced 7768 kilotonnes of food, of which 2216 kilotonnes (28.5%) was for the domestic market. However, this previous estimate did not consider stocks from previous years and production waste (ie, losses during transportation and storage).48 Also, our analysis only considered major food export domains by ignoring average annual food exports of under 10,000 tonnes (ie, excluding such food exports as: beans, berry fruits, brassicas, capsicums, carrots, citrus, eggs, honey, pears, squash, and tomatoes).48
The nuclear winter impacts involved various simplifying assumptions. For example, the estimates from Xia et al28 were for selected crops and marine fish and we extrapolated from these to across-the-board reductions in food productivity. Although the model by Xia et al considered impacts on “surface air temperature, precipitation and downward direct and diffuse solar radiation”, it did not consider potential damage to agriculture from increased ultra-violet light after a nuclear war.55 There may also be complex nuclear winter effects on sea-ice and oceans that impact on fisheries for very long periods.29
The nutrition analysis was only for dietary energy and so further work could consider the scope for achieving nutritionally-balanced diets. Nevertheless, protein availability would not seem to be a major concern, given the current extent of exported dairy products, meat, and marine products. NZ is also self-sufficient in egg production, and produces grains and legumes that are protein sources (eg, beans for the export market).48
Potential implications for further research and resilience building
Given the uncertainties, further work into food security after nuclear winter and other sunlight-reducing scenarios is desirable, and could focus particularly on the issues detailed in Table 6. More specific research domains within the agricultural sector are detailed in Table A1 in the Appendix.Some of these also have the potential co-benefit of strengthening the resilience of NZ’s food systems, following Tendall et al’s definition of food systems resilience, “including social, economic and biophysical processes operating at many scales”.56
This analysis suggests that NZ could have excess food production capacity, even after a severe nuclear winter scenario. But substantial further research is needed to clarify agricultural impacts and the role of nuclear war impacts on the interlinked domains of energy, transport, manufacturing, finance, industrial materials, trade and societal functioning.
Data Availability
All key data are within the paper. The Microsoft Excel file with specific food energy calculations is available from the authors on request.
Centre for Effective Altruism Long-Term Future Fund grant (NW and MB); and the Future Fund Regranting Program (MB and NW).
Competing interests
The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.
Potential research areas for enhancing food security resiliency in NZ after a nuclear winter and other sunlight reducing catastrophes
This version of the manuscript includes additional nuclear winter impact scenarios and additional context (eg, domains that are interlinked with the agricultural sector).