Article Information
- May 16, 2022.
Author Information
- Agnes P. Chan2,†,
- Azeem Siddique1,†,
- Yvain Desplat1,
- Yongwook Choi2,
- Sridhar Ranganathan1,
- Kumari Sonal Choudhary1,
- Josh Diaz1,
- Jon Bezney1,
- Dante DeAscanis1,
- Zenas George1,
- Shukmei Wong2,
- William Selleck2,
- Jolene Bowers2,
- Victoria Zismann2,
- Lauren Reining2,
- Sarah Highlander2,
- Yaron Hakak1,
- Keith Brown1,
- Jon R. Armstrong1 and
- Nicholas J. Schork2,3,4,*
- 1Jumpcode Genomics, San Diego, CA 92121
- 2The Translational Genomics Research Institute (TGen), An Affiliate of the City of Hope National Medical Center, Phoenix, AZ 85004
- 3The University of California San Diego, San Diego CA 92093
- 4The Scripps Research Institute, San Diego, CA 92037
- ↵*Nicholas J. Schork, 445 N. Fifth Street, Phoenix, AZ 85004, 602-343-8429, nschork{at}
↵† These authors contributed equally to the work as co-first authors
Author Contributions: A.P.C., A.S., J.R.A., K.B., and N.S. designed research; Y.D., J.D., J.B., D.D., Z.G., S.W., W.S., J.B., V.Z., L.R., and S.H. performed research; A.S., Y.H., J.R.A., K.B., and N.S. supervised research; A.P.C., A.S., S.R., and K.S.C. contributed new reagents/analytic tools; A.P.C., Y.D., Y.C., S.R., and K.S.C. analyzed data; A.P.C., A.S., Y.H., J.R.A., K.B., and N.S. wrote the paper