Article Information
- April 5, 2022.
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Author Information
- Nicholas W. West*,1,#,
- Adrian A. Vasquez*,1,#,
- Azadeh Bahmani*,1,
- Mohammed Khan1,
- James Hartrick2,
- Carrie L. Turner2,
- William Shuster3 and
- Jeffrey L. Ram1
- 1Department of Physiology, Wayne State University School of Medicine, Detroit, MI 48201
- 2LimnoTech, 501 Avis Dr., Ann Arbor, MI 48108
- 3Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Wayne State University, Detroit, MI 48202
- ↵#Corresponding authors: Adrian A. Vasquez (avasque{at} and Jeffrey L. Ram (jeffram{at}
↵* Denotes equal first author