Pharmacokinetics/pharmacodynamics by Race: Analysis of a Peginterferon β-1a Phase I Study
Yuan Zhao, Oksana Mokliatchouk, Nancy F Ramia, Maria L Naylor, Cherié L Butts
Yuan Zhao
1Biogen, Cambridge, MA, 02142, USA
PhDOksana Mokliatchouk
1Biogen, Cambridge, MA, 02142, USA
PhDNancy F Ramia
1Biogen, Cambridge, MA, 02142, USA
PhDMaria L Naylor
1Biogen, Cambridge, MA, 02142, USA
PhDCherié L Butts
1Biogen, Cambridge, MA, 02142, USA
PhDArticle usage
Posted April 03, 2022.
Pharmacokinetics/pharmacodynamics by Race: Analysis of a Peginterferon β-1a Phase I Study
Yuan Zhao, Oksana Mokliatchouk, Nancy F Ramia, Maria L Naylor, Cherié L Butts
medRxiv 2022.04.01.22272847; doi:
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