Article Information
- March 12, 2022.
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Author Information
- Janell Kwok1,*,
- Hildigunnur Anna Hall1,
- Aja Louise Murray1,
- Michael Vincent Lombardo2 and
- Bonnie Auyeung1,3
- 1Department of Psychology, University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, United Kingdom
- 2Laboratory for Autism and Neurodevelopmental Disorders, Centre for Neuroscience and Cognitive Systems, Italian Institute of Technology, Genoa, Italy
- 3Autism Research Centre, Department of Psychiatry, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, United Kingdom
- ↵*Corresponding author information: Janell Kwok, Department of Psychology, University of Edinburgh, 7 George Square, Edinburgh, EH8 9JZ, United Kingdom, Email: jkwok{at}
Contributorship statement JK and HAH contributed to the conception and design of the work, analysis and interpretation of data, manuscript drafts and revisions, and towards the final approval of the version to be published. ALM, MVL, and BA contributed to the concept and design of the work, interpretation of data, manuscript drafts and revisions, and toward the final approval of the version to be published. All authors agree to be accountable for all aspects of the work in ensuring that questions related to the accuracy or integrity of any part of the work are appropriately investigated and resolved.