Background Older age is the main risk factor for chronic lung diseases including idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF). Halting or reversing progression of IPF remains an unmet clinical need due to limited knowledge of underlying mechanisms. The lung circulatory system, composed of blood (pulmonary and bronchial) and lymphatic vessels networks, has been implicated in IPF pathophysiology in elderly people, based solely on reports of altered density and increased permeability of vessels.
Aim We aimed to define heterogeneity and IPF-associated changes of lung endothelial cells (EC or endothelium) by comparing gene expression in tissues from elderly people - transplant donors and recipients with IPF.
Methods Single-cell RNA sequencing (scRNAseq) datasets of “ageing lung” tissues were selected only from those publicly available sources that contain age-matching samples for both groups (49- 77 years old donors and IPF patients; nine pairs in total), integrated and compared. Findings were validated by immunohistochemistry using EC-specific markers.
Results The generation of integrated single-cell maps of ageing lung tissues revealed 17 subpopulations of endothelium (12 for blood and 5 for lymphatic vessels, including 9 novel), with distinct transcriptional profiles. In IPF lung, the heterogeneity of ageing lung endothelium was significantly altered - both in terms of cell numbers (linked to disease- related changes in tissue composition) and differentially expressed genes (associated with fibrosis, inflammation, differentiation and vasodilation) in individual pulmonary, bronchial and lymphatic EC subpopulations.
Conclusions These findings reveal underappreciated extent of heterogeneity and IPF-associated changes of ageing lung endothelium. Our data suggest direct involvement of specific subpopulations of ageing lung endothelium in IPF pathophysiology, uncovering cellular and molecular targets which may have potential diagnostic, prognostic and therapeutic relevance. This study creates a conceptual framework for appreciating the disease-specific heterogeneity of ageing lung endothelium as a hallmark of IPF.
Increasing age is the main risk factor for diagnosis and prognosis of major non- communicable lung diseases, including lung cancer, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF) [1, 2]. IPF is the most common, progressive and lethal interstitial lung disease with a prevalence of 33 to 450 per million people globally [3]. IPF progression leads to declining quality of life, respiratory failure and eventually lung transplantation or death. While the number of older people suffering from this disease is steadily increasing and histopathological pattern of usual interstitial pneumonia (UIP), hallmarks of ageing, particularly cellular senescence and extracellular matrix (ECM) dysregulation, are prominent in the IPF lung, the aetiology of this disease remains unclear [2, 4–7]. Detailed understanding of cellular and molecular mechanisms underlying IPF- associated changes in ageing human lung will be essential for diagnostics or prognostics of IPF, and for developing effective therapies to halt or reverse disease progression.
Several lines of evidence implicate a role for the circulatory system, composed of blood (pulmonary and bronchial) and lymphatic vessel networks, in IPF [7–18]. Some studies report structural or functional changes in blood or lymphatic vessels, which are lined with a monolayer of endothelial cells (EC or endothelium), although often without a comparison between IPF patients and age-matched controls [10, 15, 17]. The precise contribution of specialized lung vessel subtypes [19, 20] and distinct EC subpopulations that comprise them to the pathophysiology and progression of IPF remain insufficiently characterized [21, 22].
Recent advances in single-cell RNA sequencing (scRNAseq) [23] have allowed characterisation of cellular heterogeneity in healthy and diseased lung, resulting in the generation of a human lung cell atlas (HLCA; [22]) and the IPF cell atlas [24]. Studies of heterogeneity of human lung endothelium have reported up to nine subpopulations of EC in healthy and/or diseased lung [22, 25, 26]. These reports utilised data from either a diverse population of subjects (patients with COPD, IPF or other lung diseases, commonly placed together for comparison) with a range of ages (varying from 21 to 80 years in some cases), ethnicities and tobacco smoker statuses, or used samples from different areas of the lung, e.g. distal lung parenchyma [27], longitudinal sections [25] or multiple lobes [28]. One recent study generated a cell atlas of ageing lungs in COPD, comparing age-matched healthy subjects and patients, and identifying 6 subpopulations of EC [21]. However, currently there is still a major gap in knowledge about properties and roles of individual cell subpopulations composing ageing human lung endothelium in other chronic lung diseases, including IPF. Our report is the first to define (characterize, compare and contrast) the heterogeneity and disease-associated changes of ageing lung endothelium in IPF patients and age-matched older healthy subjects.
Integrated Single Cell Map of Ageing Human Lungs Displays Endothelial Cell Contribution in Disease
To characterise ageing human lung endothelium in IPF and to account for its intra- and inter-lung heterogeneity within and between individuals [29], we performed comparative analysis of scRNAseq data from lung tissue samples selected only from age-matched (63± 14 years old) transplant donors and recipients with IPF. Specifically, we selected data from only those studies (cohorts) that contained samples for both conditions (transplant donors and IPF patients). From all publicly available scRNAseq datasets of human IPF lungs (4 in total, to our knowledge; [25, 27, 28, 30, 31]), only two, representing independent cohorts of subjects/individuals of different ethnic backgrounds, with controlled sample locations, fulfilled these selection criteria [25, 27] and therefore were used for generating a single dataset of ageing human lungs for integrative comparative scRNAseq analysis (Table 1; Figure 1A; for full details on dataset selection see Additional file 1: Detailed methods / Dataset Selection).
The integration of the two datasets resulted in generation of a multi cohort single cell map revealing 25 distinct populations (Figure 1A-B, Additional file 2: Figure S1), based on specific gene expression patterns (Figures 1C, Additional file 2: Figure S2, Additional file 3: Table S1) that include known cell type-specific transcriptomic markers [22, 25–27]. Identities of two closely related blood and lymphatic vessel EC (BEC and LEC respectively) populations (Figure 1B) were confirmed by detailed analysis of expression of a panel of pan- EC and lymphatic EC-specific markers (Figure 1D).
Quantitative analysis of cell numbers for each of 25 populations in age-matched groups revealed IPF-associated changes in ageing human lungs in both cohorts (Figure 1E). The analysis reflected differences in location of tissue samples (Table 1), matching contribution of different cell types to the total human lung cell population and alterations in IPF lung reported in age non-matching studies [21, 22, 25–27, 30, 32] (Additional file 3: Table S2). Also, it uncovered statistically insignificant changes in proportions of ageing human lung BEC and LEC populations between cohorts and conditions (Figure 1E, Additional file 3: Table S3), which is in agreement with similar analysis in age non-matching study of IPF lungs [25]. Data integration revealed comparable spatial profiles of ageing human lung EC populations in two conditions and two cohorts (Figure 1F) and their similar contribution in donors and IPF patients (Figure 1G).
Blood Vessel Endothelium in Ageing Human Lung Exhibits Disease-Specific Heterogeneity and Alterations in Cell Numbers of Individual Subpopulations
Unsupervised clustering of ageing human lung BEC alone (n=3192) identified 12 distinct subpopulations (Figures 1A, 2A) based on their differentially expressed genes (DEG; Figures 2B, Additional file 2: Figure S3). Expression analysis of pan-EC markers and LEC-specific genes confirmed their identities as BEC (Figure 2C). The analysis of top 10 DEG for each subpopulation (110 in total) determined their selection for inclusion (or not) in 10 signatures of ageing human lung BEC subpopulations (Figures 2B, D, Additional file 2: Figure S3, S4; Additional file 3: Figure Table S4). 49 selected subpopulation-specific DEG contribute to distinct transcriptional profiles for subpopulations 1-4 and 6-11 (Figure 2D). Subpopulations zero and 5 lack obvious markers or signatures (Figures 2D, Additional file 2: Figure S5).
Expression analysis of the 49 subpopulation-specific DEG (Figure 2D) in the total lung revealed that the majority of them were not EC-specific, i.e. also expressed in other cell types (Additional file 2: Figure S4A). 39 of them have not been previously assigned as markers of 8 generic subpopulations of BEC identified and characterised earlier in human or mouse lung [21, 22, 25, 26, 33], and thus are newly associated with ageing human lung endothelium (Figure 2D; Additional file 2: Figure S4A, B). A pathway analysis uncovered their belonging to specific classes of proteins, including secreted molecules, cell surface receptors, transcription factors and sub-cellular distribution (Additional file 2: Figure S4B-C).
Three-dimensional pseudo-time lineage analysis revealed close relationships between identified BEC subpopulations (Figure 2E; Additional file 4: Video S1). This included a direct link between subpopulations 5 and 3, and manifestation of subpopulation zero as a “convergence point” for seven subpopulations - 1, 2, 4, 6, 9, 10, 11 and, partially, 8. The expression analysis of markers of EC sub-types proposed in other transcriptional studies in human and murine lungs [21, 26, 33–38] was applied to 12 ageing human lung BEC subpopulations identified in our study, and revealed only few distinct “marker / ageing human lung BEC subpopulation” matches (Additional file 2: Figures S6, S7). Further exploration of identities of 12 subpopulations by using these markers and also those proposed for specific EC subpopulations in HLCA and IPF cell atlas studies [21, 22, 24–26], when coupled with module scoring (Figure 2F) and cell cycle (Additional file 2: Figure S8) analyses, confirmed these findings, whilst 4 subpopulations (zero, 5, 10 and 11) remained un-matched (Figures 2F). Finally, quantitative analysis revealed a significant increase in representation of two subpopulations (1 and 2) and overall decrease in subpopulation 7 in IPF (Figure 3A-C; Additional file 3: Tables S5, S6), with specificity by the cohort (Figure 3D).
Annotation of Blood Vessel Endothelial Cell Subpopulations and Identification of Dedifferentiated Cells in Ageing Human Lung
Altogether, our findings formed the foundation for the annotation of 12 ageing human lung BEC subpopulations with distinct transcriptional signatures (Figure 4A; in-depth description is provided in Additional file 1: Detailed methods, Annotation of BEC subpopulations). Integrative analysis revealed that ageing human lung BEC belong to three and 8 subpopulations of bronchial and pulmonary circulation networks respectively (with one, inflammatory, being “intermediary” as also identified in other reports [24]), and include two previously undescribed subpopulations - designated as “de-differentiated” endothelium - in pulmonary circulation (Figures 4A, 2F, Additional file 2: Figure S9). Ten subpopulations of ageing human lung BEC have distinct transcriptional signatures, whilst no obvious DEG could be identified for subpopulations zero and 5 (Figures 2B, 2D, 4A, Additional file 2: Figures S5, S11; in-depth description is provided in Additional file 1: Detailed methods, Annotation of BEC subpopulations).
Subpopulations zero, 5, 10 and 11 had similar expression levels and ridgeplot profiles (histograms) to all other BEC subpopulations for the housekeeping gene beta-2 macroglobulin (B2M; Figure 2D; Additional file 2: Figure S12A). These subpopulations also exhibited low, but similar in ridgeplot profiles to other BEC subpopulations, expression of pan-EC genes (Figure 2C-D, Additional file 2: Figure S15A, B). Subpopulations zero and 5 contained a lower average number of genes per cell compared to other BEC subpopulations (Additional file 2: Figure S12B) and did not express markers of 23 non-EC cell clusters of human lung (Additional file 3: Table S1; Additional file 2: Figure S12C) or EC progenitors (Additional file 2: Figure S12D).
Next, we used these novel identified signatures (Figure 4A) to test the hypothesis that BEC subpopulation zero (the largest one in donor group in integrated dataset; Figure 3C) is exclusively associated with ageing in the human lung. The comparison of scRNAseq datasets of four ageing and three non-ageing/young human lungs against these signatures led to annotation of BEC subpopulations in both age groups (Additional file 2: Figures S13, S14). All signatures, except for subpopulations 1 and 2 (bronchial venules IPF Endo 1 and 2, which are noticeably associated mainly with ageing IPF lung in cohorts 2 and 1 respectively; Figure 3C-D), were matching specific subpopulations in both age groups (as expected, since these were donor lung samples, Additional file 2: Figure S14E). Cell number analysis revealed that BEC subpopulation zero (identified as subpopulation A in ageing vs non-ageing/young lung analysis), which has no obvious DEG, was present within ageing human lung only (Additional file 2: Figures S13B-C, S14E), supporting our hypothesis and its annotation as an ageing-related “de-differentiated” BEC (Figure 4A).
Finally, unsupervised hierarchical clustering of 12 subpopulations of ageing human lung BEC revealed two distinct groups - “capillary/microvascular” and “macrovascular” (Figure 4B). In IPF, the relationships between subpopulations were altered, with “bronchial venule/IPF Endo 1” and “intralobular venule” subpopulations “translocating” to “capillary/ microvascular” (Figure 4B).
Cell Numbers for Bronchial Blood Vessel Endothelial Cell Subpopulations in Ageing Distal Lung Depend on Fibrosis Degree and Bronchi Number in IPF
To investigate the reason for differential cell numbers observed for two bronchial BEC subpopulations (2 and 7; bronchial venule and capillary BEC respectively) in IPF (Figure 3C, D), we focused on analysing scRNAseq data from the distal part of human ageing lungs (cohort 1; four donors and four IPF patients; Figure 5 A, B). This analysis exposed considerable variation in a percentage of subpopulation 2 cells between individual samples in IPF (5.48 - 91.6 %), suggesting inter-lung sample heterogeneity. The comparison of scRNAseq data with IPF lungs histology (based on haematoxylin and eosin staining) for each individual case, which has been made available by the authors in the supplementary materials section of the original study [27], revealed that the lowest percentage of subpopulation 2 cells was detected in sample IPF04, where there was a noticeable lack of bronchial structures. Based on these findings, we hypothesised that in IPF lung, significantly altered heterogeneity (in terms of differential cell numbers) of ageing bronchial (and also possibly pulmonary and lymphatic) endothelium reflects association with histological changes, i.e. tissue composition, and, in particular, with the increase in percentage of (i) areas occupied by peri-bronchial spaces undergoing fibrotic alterations and/or (ii) a number of bronchi, in particular, which both underpin inter- and intra-lung heterogeneity in IPF.
To test this hypothesis, we analysed a distal lung surgical diagnostic lung biopsy from a 58-year-old male patient with IPF, confirmed by a histopathological pattern of UIP. First, we identified 8 BEC subpopulations, including 2 and 7, by spatial position/localisation in ageing human lung tissue of EC by immunostaining using two pan-endothelial (for various human tissues, including lung) markers - platelet endothelial cell adhesion molecule (PECAM-1), also known as cluster of differentiation 31 (CD31; [41]) and calcitonin receptor-like receptor (CLR, encoded by CALCRL gene; [42–44]; see also Figure 1D) (Additional file 2: Figure S15). Next, image analysis allowed quantification of IPF-associated changes in cell numbers for subpopulations 2 and 7 (Figure 5C-I). The comparative analysis of low vs high degree fibrotic areas within peri-bronchial regions in distal lung parenchyma identified no differences in the number of CLR-positive nuclei in venules (vessel diameter >7µm) and a significant decrease in capillaries (vessel diameter <7µm; Figure 5C-E; Additional file 2: Figure S16), reflecting BEC from subpopulations 2 and 7 respectively, between groups.
Furthermore, comparative analysis of sections from two different areas of a distal lung parenchyma from the same IPF patient revealed the association of percentage of CLR- positive nuclei for both capillaries and venules with the number of bronchi (Figure 5F-I; Additional file 2: Figure S17).
Altogether, these findings from immunohistochemistry corroborated the scRNAseq analysis of IPF-associated changes in cell numbers of bronchial BEC subpopulations 2 and 7 in distal lung parenchyma in four IPF patients from cohort 1. Importantly, it revealed the association of changes in cell numbers of ageing human BEC subpopulations 2 (venules) and 7 (capillaries) in peri-bronchial areas with the fibrosis degree and bronchi number.
scRNAseq and Immunohistochemistry Reveal Fibrotic Alveolar Regions as Potential Niches for Dedifferentiated Blood Vessel Endothelial Cell Subpopulations in IPF
To investigate the possible location of BEC subpopulation zero in IPF, we focused on analysing scRNAseq data from the distal part of human ageing lungs (cohort 1; four donors and four IPF patients; Figure 6A). This exposed a noticeable variation in a percentage of cells between individual samples in IPF (3.79 - 73 %; Figure 6A), suggesting their inter-lung heterogeneity (similar to findings for BEC subpopulation 2; Figure 5B), and revealing a negative correlation between subpopulations zero and two (Figure 6B). Interestingly, the highest percentage of subpopulation zero cells was detected in the sample IPF04 (Figure 6C), which according to histology of individual IPF lungs (based on haematoxylin and eosin staining) for each individual case, which has been made available by the authors in the supplementary materials section of the original study ([27]), was associated with the lack of bronchial structures. Based on these findings and association of subpopulation zero with pulmonary circulation (4A; based on negative score for bronchial circulation signature, Figure 2F), we hypothesised that BEC subpopulation zero resides mainly in the alveolar regions or “niches” of the distal part of human ageing lungs in IPF, where it is likely to derive from BEC subpopulations 3, 4, 6 or 8 (Figures 2A, E, 3D and 4A).
To test this hypothesis, scRNAseq data analysis was focused on distal ageing human lung samples (cohort 1), revealing that the increase in percentage of subpopulation zero cells in IPF lungs was associated with a decreased in percentage of alveolar subpopulations 3, 4, 6 or 8 BEC, when they are analysed together, as a “single alveolar pool” in ageing human lung (Figure 6D). Interestingly, subpopulation zero has expression profiles for housekeeping gene B2M (Figure 1B, Additional file 2: Figure S12A) and pan-EC markers (PECAM1/CD31 and CALCLR/CLR) (Additional file 2: Figures S15A, B) comparable to all other ageing human lung BEC subpopulations, whilst having a considerably larger proportion of cells with lower expression of the latter two genes. Furthermore, quantitative analysis of PECAM1 expression in donor and fibrosis samples confirmed similarities in ridgeplot profiles between subpopulation zero and alveolar BEC subpopulations 3, 4, 6 and 8 (in terms of presence of both PECAM1 positive and negative cells, as well as a trend for increased number of PECAM1 negative cells in fibrosis; Figure 6E, top and middle panels). Integrative analysis of alveolar BEC subpopulations (3, 4, 6 and 8) and subpopulation zero taken together, as a “single alveolar pool” in ageing human lung, revealed the trend for a reduction of PECAM1 expression (reflected by the decrease in percentage of positive cells) in fibrosis, also linked to an increased variability between individual samples (Figure 6E, bottom panel). Immunohistochemistry and image analysis of CD31 expression in distal alveoli in IPF lung revealed a statistically significant decrease in proportion of CD31-positive nuclei and CD31 signal intensity in fibrotic compared to non-fibrotic alveoli (Figure 6 F-H; Additional file 2: Figure S18). Combining analysis of PECAM1/CD31 expression by scRNAseq and immunohistochemistry revealed similar decreases in expression (compare last graphs in Figures 6E and H), thus supporting our hypothesis that BEC subpopulation zero resides mainly in the alveolar regions/niches of the distal part of human ageing lungs in IPF.
Expression of Genes Linked to Disease-Specific Signalling Pathways and Endothelial Cell Processes is Altered in Ageing Lung Blood Vessel Endothelium in IPF
Comparison of gene expression between donor and IPF lungs led to identification of 3596 significantly regulated (1600 down- and 1996 up-) DEG across 12 BEC subpopulations (Figures 7A-B, Additional file 2: Figure S19A; Additional file 3: Table S7). There were significant associations with specific signalling pathways in 7 (two bronchial and 5 pulmonary, including two “de-differentiated”) from 12 subpopulations (Figure 7C). DEG in subpopulations zero, 8 and 11 were directly linked to IPF-associated pathways, and in four others (1, 3, 5 and 11) - with fibrotic or inflammatory pathways (Figures 7C, Additional file 2: Figure S19B). Next, the utilisation of published gene set enrichment analysis (GSEA) libraries for the assessment of expression of marker genes which are associated with ten EC- relevant processes revealed positive module scores in 5-12 of the BEC subpopulations for individual processes on average (Additional file 2: Figure S20) and significant changes in several (3 bronchial and 6 pulmonary, including two “de-differentiated”) BEC subpopulations in IPF (Figure 7D-E). This reflected subpopulation-specific pattern of endothelium response to the fibrotic lung environment in all processes, ranging from two (for senescence) to 8 (for vasodilation) subpopulations amongst 9 analysed (Figures 7E).
Integrated Single Cell Map and Immunohistochemistry of Ageing Human Lung Lymphatic Endothelium Reveal Its Heterogeneity and Contribution in IPF
Unsupervised clustering of subtracted ageing human lung LEC alone in integrated dataset (689 cells) identified two main populations consisting of five distinct, and to our knowledge previously uncharacterised, subpopulations in total (Figures 1A, 8A), as based on their DEG patterns (top 10 DEG for each, 50 in total, with 20 not associated with LEC formerly [22, 26] (Figures 8B-D; Additional file 2: Figure S21, 22F) and cell cycle analysis (Additional file 2: Figure S23). All signatures were specific in recognising individual LEC subpopulations (Additional file 2: Figure S21A-B). Intriguingly, ageing human lung LEC subpopulations 1 and 2 were present only in cohort 1 and subpopulations zero, three and 4 – exclusively in cohort 2 (Additional file 2: Figure S24). Quantification of cell numbers revealed a trend for a decrease (for subpopulations 1 and 2) but overall a lack of non-significant changes for all subpopulations between donor and IPF lungs in integrated (Additional file 2: Figure S24A-B; Additional file 3: Table S9) or percentage contribution when split by cohort (Additional file 2: Figure 24C-E; Additional file 3: Table S9) datasets, in contrast to cell number data on BEC (Figure 3C, D). Altogether, our findings formed the foundation for detailed transcriptional characterisation of five distinct (informed by DEG, our transcriptional signatures, sample collection site and cell cycle information) LEC subpopulations in ageing human lung (Figure 8D; in-depth description is provided in Additional file 1: Detailed methods, Annotation of LEC Subpopulations).
To investigate the reason for non-differential cell numbers observed for ageing human LEC in IPF (Additional file 2: Figure S24), compared to differential cell numbers observed for two bronchial BEC subpopulations (2 and 7), we focused scRNAseq data analysis on two LEC subpopulations (1 and 2) detected in the distal part of human ageing lungs from four donors and four IPF patients (cohort 1; Figure 8E). This exposed very small variation in a percentage of subpopulation 2 (PDPN-positive) cells between individual samples in IPF (0.71 - 5.20%; Figure 8E), contrasting findings for BEC subpopulations zero, two and 7 (Figures 5B and 6A, C). Based on this observation and on histology from 4 previous reports, jointly covering 5 different structures in ageing lung in donors or IPF patients [9, 11, 26, 46], we hypothesised that PDPN-positive LEC are distributed uniformly in all tissue regions (bronchial and alveolar) within ageing human distal lung parenchyma in IPF.
For testing this hypothesis, we immunostained human IPF lung tissue using anti-PDPN antibody D2-40 (Figure 8 F, G). The quantification analysis of immunostaining in this distal lung parenchyma sample uncovered signs of developing fibrosis and substantial intra-lung heterogeneity throughout the section areas/regions and revealed the distribution of PDPN- positive vessels (Additional file 2: Figure S25). Interestingly, the comparison to inter-lung heterogeneity, which was detected across four samples within cohort 1 (as demonstrated by histological analysis using haematoxylin and eosin staining; [27]) and cohort 2 (as demonstrated by immunohistochemistry images presented by the authors; [25]) detected the presence of all identifiable structures from both cohorts (non-fibrotic and fibrotic alveolae, bronchiole and honeycomb cyst in cohort 1; and large artery and veins, bronchiole and pleura in cohort 2) within the surgical distal lung biopsy. It also revealed uniform distribution of PDPN-positive LEC nuclei in all detected tissue regions (bronchial, alveolar and pleural) within ageing human distal lung parenchyma and honeycomb cyst regions (Figure 8 F-G; Additional file 2: Figure S25). Together with finding from scRNAseq data analysis, which showed that in ageing human lung PDPN-positive LEC subpopulation 2 was present only in cohort 1, whilst PDPN-positive LEC subpopulations zero and 4 - exclusively in cohort 2 (Figure 8C), these data suggest that our immunostaining detected all three subpopulations of PDPN-positive LEC subpopulations (zero, two and 4) in ageing human lung in IPF within our single diagnostic biopsy (Figure 8 F-G).
Next, high content image quantification of cell numbers/percentage of cells revealed uniform percentages of PDPN-positive LEC across analysed bronchial, alveolar and subpleural regions, including both fibrotic and non-fibrotic regions (ranging from 4.5% to 20.9%; Figure 8 H; Additional file 2; Figure S25). These findings support scRNAseq analysis data, which revealed lack of significant differences for these subpopulations in IPF lungs in the integrated dataset (Additional file 2: Figure S24A-B; Additional file 3: Table S9), thus supporting our hypothesis.
Finally, gene expression comparison between donor and IPF lungs led to identification of 101 significantly up-regulated DEG across 5 LEC subpopulations (Figures 8I), compared to 3596 DEG for ageing human ling BEC (Figure 7B) and significant linkage to IPF-associated pathways in subpopulations zero and one (Additional file 2: Figure S26). Finally, the utilisation of GSEA libraries identified significant alterations in ageing human lung LEC, in IPF (Figure 8J; Additional file 2: Figure S26 C-L).
The role of the lung circulatory system, including both blood and lymphatic vessel networks, has been implicated in IPF pathophysiology, but subpopulations of endothelium in ageing human lung and their disease-specific properties remained insufficiently characterized. Previous studies aimed at generating cellular atlases have predominantly used diverse datasets from healthy donors and patients with different diseases covering a wide range of ages, ethnicities and other characteristics [22, 25–27, 30, 32]. This complicated the deconvolution of a highly heterogeneous population of specialized cells in human lung and detection of changes triggered by the ageing process itself, as well as additional alterations caused by individual age-associated diseases. We generated a first integrated (multi-cohort) map of individual cell populations in ageing human lung in IPF and identified the contribution of blood and lymphatic vessels endothelium. This resource can be used as a foundation for identifying and studying ageing endothelium in other age-associated chronic lung diseases.
The identification and annotation of 17 subpopulations of endothelium (12 BEC and 5 LEC), with distinct molecular signatures and percentage contribution in ageing human lung in donors and IPF patients, is of particular significance. Integrated single-cell maps of the ageing human lung endothelium advanced resolution of BEC and LEC populations, increasing the number of formerly identified in ageing human lung EC subtypes [21, 22] from 9 to 17 and revealing previously underappreciated extend of their diversity and heterogeneity, especially in distal lung. Apart from confirming the presence of three bronchial and 8 pulmonary, as well as one “intermediary” (inflammatory), subpopulations, our integrative analysis detected four to our knowledge previously uncharacterised subpopulations of BEC in ageing human lung, when compared to previous scRNAseq reports [21, 22, 24]. Spatial validation based on immunohistochemistry using pan-EC markers confirmed the presence of 8 of these 12 BEC subpopulations in the distal ageing human lung. Our study also revealed the existence of 5 subpopulations of ageing LEC by transcriptional analysis. DEG signatures for 17 subpopulations of ageing human lung endothelium contain 59 novel subpopulation-specific candidate genes (39 for BEC, 20 for LEC). The pathway analysis of these DEG provides a springboard for exploring their roles and potential as biomarkers for diagnostics and/or prognostics in IPF.
Our study identified two BEC subpopulations (10 and 11, “Pneumocyte marker (low) expressing” and “Immune marker (low) expressing” respectively) in both the young and the ageing human lung. These subpopulations have been previously characterised in murine and porcine models [47–49], but to our knowledge have not been yet identified in the human lung. The pneumocyte marker (low) expressing subpopulation had been found in the context of pulmonary hypertension or obesity in mice [47, 48] and surfactant proteins have been detected in the circulation in IPF [50, 51]. The immune marker (low) expressing subpopulation had been found in porcine vasculature via generation of a multiple-organ single-cell transcriptomic map [49]. In human lung, these cells express markers of EC progenitors, including hematopoietic cells and hemogenic endothelium [52, 53]. These findings and abundance of both BEC subpopulations 10 and 11 in distal human lung warrant further studies to dissect their functions/roles in physiological conditions and chronic lung diseases.
To our knowledge, the identification of ageing human lung BEC subpopulations belonging to bronchial or pulmonary circulation or specific lymphatic networks [19, 20], including two subpopulations of “de-differentiated” cells (zero and 5), has not been conducted before our study. These “de-differentiated” BEC subpopulations were present in all nine analysed ageing human lungs from 49-72 years old subjects and belonged exclusively to pulmonary circulation. Findings from our scRNAseq analysis in IPF are in accordance with reports about the plasticity of endothelium and loss of EC identity, frequently associated with Endo- MT in vascular disorders [7, 54–56]. In our study, decreases in EC differentiation scores in three BEC subpopulations (zero, 4 and 7) and one LEC subpopulation (zero) in IPF co- occurred with increases in mesenchymal score. These findings suggest that Endo-MT, which has been previously proposed in IPF [56, 57], is also one of the subpopulation-specific features of the ageing human lung endothelium in this disease.
Lower average number of genes per cell associated with ageing human lung BEC de- differentiation in subpopulations zero and 5 has been also observed in few subpopulations of other cell types within ageing human lung in our study, concordant to findings for individual cell subpopulations identified in scRNAseq studies of ageing tissues from other organs [58, 59]. Importantly, subpopulations zero and 5 have comparable levels of the housekeeping gene B2M and pan-EC marker expression profiles (ridgeplots) to other ageing human lung BEC subpopulations, whilst having a considerably larger proportion of cells with lower expression of PECAM1 and CALCRL. Together with distinct clustering of BEC population, including these two subpopulations, away from the rest of cell populations within the integrated single cell map of ageing human lungs (Figure 1B), these data support the identity of subpopulations zero and 5 as EC. The age-associated de-differentiation of human lung endothelium subpopulations, especially from alveolar regions (BEC sub-populations 3, 4, 6 and 8), is the most likely explanation for their “contribution” to subpopulation zero, which contained ∼30% of BEC in ageing human lungs. Together with pseudotime analysis data demonstrating that subcluster zero potentially act as a convergence “hub” for 7 subpopulations of ageing BEC, these findings could serve as an explanation for immunohistochemistry-based findings in our study and other reports using pan-EC markers and suggesting a loss of vasculature in IPF lung [10, 60].
Cell cycle analysis revealed that the majority (over 50%) of the cells in subpopulations zero, 4-7 and 9 in ageing human lung were in S phase. Cell cycle arrest and increase in S phase proportion have been linked to cell senescence in studies using in vivo or in vitro models, including murine lung EC [59, 61]. All nine analysed ageing human lung BEC subpopulations had positive senescence scores, which increased only in two pulmonary subpopulations, “de-differentiated capillary” and “aerocyte”, in IPF. Senescence has been classified as a hallmark of ageing [4], but remains challenging to analyse in human tissues and EC within any organ. To date, the presence of senescent endothelium has been associated with hypertension and increased cardiovascular disease risk, but not chronic lung diseases or lung circulatory system pathology, in elderly subjects [62–64]. In our study, we report the presence and location of senescent EC in ageing blood vessels within distal lung parenchyma diagnostic biopsy of IPF, warranting further investigation.
The age-associated decline in properties of highly specialized EC subpopulations in human lung (de-differentiation due to Endo MT, global reduction in gene expression, and senescence) is likely to contribute to alterations of function of individual vessel sub-types comprising respective blood and lymphatic systems. Further exploration is needed into dissecting whether further de-differentiation or senescence [65] in individual subpopulations of IPF endothelium contribute to disease pathophysiology and/or progression and may present further avenues for therapy using drugs targeting these pathways in elderly. Furthermore, although rare, IPF can occur in younger adult populations (11.3 per 100LJ000 individuals; [66]), with a significant paucity of studies investigating the mechanisms of lung fibrosis pathogenesis. The contribution of revealed in our study ageing human lung BEC- related processes, and “de-differentiation” in particular, to IPF pathophysiology and susceptibility in young population requires further investigation.
Disease-specific heterogeneity of ageing human lung endothelium in IPF patients involves changes in the percentage contribution and transcriptional profiles of individual EC subpopulations. In IPF, observed significant increase in cell numbers in two (bronchial venules IPF Endo 1 and 2) and decrease in one (bronchial capillary) BEC subpopulations is associated with fibrosis, bronchi number and tissue sample location (distal parenchyma or other regions within lung), but accompanied by the lack of significant changes in lymphatic endothelium. These findings for ageing BEC are in accordance with IPF-associated changes for “VE peribronchial” subpopulation, which was identified by conducting analysis of age- unmatched lung tissue samples [25]. This subpopulation shares a degree of similarity with two subpopulations of ageing human lung BEC identified in our study - IPF Endo 1 and 2, which are transcriptionally distinct and derived from two independent cohorts (Figures 2F, 3D), with only one being from the same scRNAseq dataset as “VE peribronchial” subpopulation. Observed in our study decrease in percentage contribution of total LEC (Figure 1G) or LEC sub-population 2 in cohort 1 (distal lung samples) in IPF was non- significant, but concurs with decline observed by others in lymphatic vessel density in distal lung parenchyma in IPF [9]. These findings warrant further investigation of the specific bronchial BEC and LEC subpopulations as potential cellular targets for therapeutic management in IPF.
Changes in transcriptional profiles of individual subpopulations of ageing human lung EC related to key EC-relevant processes suggest their subpopulation-specific functional responses within the fibrotic lung microenvironment and roles in IPF pathophysiology. Alterations in three pulmonary BEC and one LEC subpopulation in IPF lung included DEG which significantly mapped to IPF pathways. This finding suggests previously unrecognized direct involvement of “de-differentiated”, “aerocyte” and “immune marker (low) expressing” BEC (subpopulations zero, 8 and 11 respectively) and LEC subpopulation 1 from ageing human lung in IPF and their potential utility as targets for therapy. Moreover, the association of DEG in one bronchial and three pulmonary BEC subpopulations with fibrotic or inflammatory pathways implies their active roles in IPF progression. Finally, the translocation of IPF Endo 1 subpopulation from the macrovascular to the capillary/microvascular group in IPF suggests a disease-specific shift in its transcriptional phenotype to a capillary/microvascular-like endothelium, which co-occurs with changes to its vascular tone and permeability.
Previous studies of lung vasculature in IPF suggest a contribution of increased permeability [15, 16], aberrant angiogenesis [67] and endothelial dysfunction [17] in blood vessels to the fibrotic lung microenvironment and disease progression. Our data show that eight BEC and two LEC subpopulations exhibit decreases in vasodilation scores, with five of these subpopulations (including two bronchial and two pulmonary “de-differentiated” BEC and LEC subpopulation one) also showing reduction in permeability scores in IPF. Two common co-morbidities in IPF are cardiovascular disease and pulmonary hypertension [68, 69], suggesting that systemic as well as lung-specific endothelial dysfunction could be contributing to IPF. Secondary endpoints in a recent clinical trial of the prostacyclin analogue treprostinil via non-systemic delivery (inhalation) to treat IPF patients with pulmonary hypertension, included improved lung function and a decrease in fibrosis progression events compared to placebo [70, 71]. These data are intriguing in the context of our findings indicating that pulmonary “de-differentiated” endothelium (subpopulations zero and 5) and the BEC from the “singular alveolar pool” (3, 4, 6 and 8) in IPF could be primary cellular targets for inhalation-based therapies affecting expression of genes involved in regulation of EC identity and vascular tone. Avenues for targeting these and other BEC or LEC subpopulations, which show changes in vasodilation and permeability scores in IPF, for therapy should be therefore explored/investigated.
To our knowledge, a limited number of studies characterizing individual lymphatic system networks (and vessel sub-types or LEC composing them) in physiologically ageing or ageing-associated IPF lungs have been conducted to date with main focus on intralobular and sub-pleural lymphatics [9, 11, 20, 26, 46]. Our study revealed 5 distinct sub-populations (based on 20 novel DEG and including three PDPN-positive subpopulations) of LEC, all with statistically unchanged cell numbers and modest changes in gene expression in IPF (101 vs 3596 DEG, when compared to BEC). The study also uncovered uniform distribution of PDPN-positive vessels in all tissue regions (bronchial, alveolar and pleural) within ageing human distal lung parenchyma detected using a single diagnostic biopsy of IPF. These findings bridge and substantially expands knowledge available from previous studies [9, 11, 26, 39, 40, 45, 46] to include honeycomb cysts. At the same time, this warrants further annotation and spatial validation of these subpopulation to facilitate dissection of their roles in pathophysiology of IPF and other chronic lung diseases.
IPF-associated changes in transcriptional profiles of LEC suggest subpopulation-specific pattern of responses to the fibrotic lung environment (with only 101 DEG in LEC subpopulations compared to 3596 identified for BEC), affecting EC-relevant processes predominantly in LEC from sub-populations zero and two. Transcriptional changes in LEC from ageing lung are likely to account for the alterations in their properties and reported “disappearance” of subpleural and interlobular lymphatics in IPF by others [9]. Furthermore, the network of subpleural lymphatic capillaries drains lymph from the surface of the lung [20] and presents potential route for drug delivery to distal lung tissue affected by fibrotic changes in IPF [72]. Lymphatics have been considered an attractive option for targeted therapy in cancer and should be also exploited for the management of IPF and other chronic lung diseases [73]. Therefore, further investigations of the roles of ageing human LEC in the fibrotic lung environment is warranted.
Current therapy for IPF patients aims to slow disease progression and maintain lung function [74, 75]. Two medications, nintedanib and pirfenidone, have been approved for the treatment of IPF on the basis of reductions in the rate of physiologic decline, but the disease still progresses in treated patients and there remains no cure [76]. Promising clinical trials such as the recent trial of treprostinil [70, 71] continue to improve the outlook for future therapy. Understanding the properties of individual circulation networks, blood and lymphatic EC subpopulations and their altered functions within pre-fibrotic and fibrotic microenvironments in IPF lung presents possible avenues for management (halting or reversing progression) of this debilitating and life-threatening disease. IPF endothelium and its individual subpopulations present potential cellular targets for therapy repurposing appropriate anti-fibrotic, -inflammatory or -senescence drugs in IPF, including the possibilities for personalised medicine.
In summary, our study discovered the phenomenon of the distinct “IPF endothelium” phenotype/state in ageing human lung, which contributes to UIP pattern in IPF. We propose that disease-specific heterogeneity of ageing human lung endothelium (from blood and lymphatic vessels) should be considered as a hallmark of IPF. In the future, the exploitation of the knowledge about EC heterogeneity, including properties and functions of individual EC subpopulations, in ageing human lung has the potential in IPF to protect lung function, improving patients’ quality of life and survival. Our molecular findings should help with building a conceptual framework for appreciating the endothelium in ageing human lung as a significant contributor and a probable target for biomarker development and/or therapy in IPF, other chronic lung diseases and diseases associated with fibrosis in other organs, including lymphoedema and cancer.
To characterise ageing human lung endothelium in IPF and to account for its intra- and inter- lung heterogeneity (within and between individuals; [29]), we conducted the comparative analysis of lung tissues from elderly IPF patients and healthy donors (49-72 years old for both groups) by integrating scRNAseq datasets from two independent cohorts, each composed of age-matched healthy and IPF lung samples [25, 27]. We generated integrated single-cell maps of ageing human lung endothelium, identified EC subpopulations and characterised their transcriptional profiles, differences in percentage contribution and gene expression signatures, and also conducted spatial analysis of findings by performing immunohistochemistry and high content microscopy using distal lung diagnostic biopsy of IPF (with confirmed histopathological pattern of usual interstitial pneumonia). Full details of the methods are provided in Additional file 1: Detailed methods.
Data Availability
All data produced in the present study are available upon reasonable request to the authors
Ethics approval and consent to participate
This study utilised publicly available data. Detailed information can be found in the original articles [25; 27]. Analysis of surplus human lung biopsy tissue by immunohistochemistry was approved by the Hull and East Riding Research Ethics Committee (reference 08/H1304/54).
Consent for publication
Not applicable.
Availability of data and materials
The datasets analysed during the current study are available in gene expression omnibus (GEO). Data from cohort 1 [27] is available at GSE122960_RAW: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/geo/query/acc.cgi?acc=GSE122960 and in cohort 2 [25] - from GSE136831_RAW: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/geo/query/acc.cgi?acc=GSE136831.
Competing interests
The authors declare that they have no competing interests.
Kate Garthwaite Pulmonary Fibrosis Research Fund; University of Hull Endothelial Cell Research Fund; University of Hull PhD Scholarships Fund for “Health Global Data Pipeline (Health*GDP) for Biomedical Research and Clinical Applications” cluster; The Anatomical Society.
Author contributions
ECF, SPH and LLN contributed to study conception and design. ECF, AAM and LLN performed bioinformatic analysis. ECF and LLN performed immunohistochemistry staining and image analysis. ECF and LLN analysed and interpreted data. SPH and LLN supervised study execution. ECF and LLN drafted the manuscript. All authors reviewed the manuscript.
We thank all transplant donors and IPF patients who participated in the several studies analysed in this manuscript and the authors who made scRNAseq datasets publicly available. Mr Collins and Viper HPC Team, Drs Peter O’Toole, Joanne Marrison (both from The University of York Biotechnology Facility Team), Professors Adrian Harris, Anthony Maraveyas, Tatsuo Shimosawa and John Greenman, Drs Sarah De Val, Stephen Henderson, Camille Ettelaie, Markus Queisser, Veronica Carroll, Vicky Green, Mr Matthew Morfitt, Mr Dimitrios Manolis, Mrs Shirin Hasan and Mrs Nicola Briggs for their support.
↵* These authors share senior authorship.
1). Previously presented figures have been updated. More specifically, in Figure 2D, novel genes in the signatures have been coloured in red. Furthermore, in Figure 3C and D, subpopulations with statistically significant differences in cell numbers between donor and fibrosis groups have been marked with an asterisk. Also, in Figure 4, the signature specificity ridgeplot and table have been moved to the Supplementary Material. Finally, Figure 5 has been renumbered as Figure 7, due to introduction of three new figures (see below). 2). New figures have been introduced to validate the scRNAseq findings by using immunohistochemistry and IPF biopsy. This includes Figures 5, 6 and 8. More specifically, Figures 5 and 6 contain new data on scRNA seq data analysis, immunostaining and high content imaging quantification for CLR and CD31. Next, Figure 8 includes lymphatic endothelial cell data which has been relocated from the Supplementary Data and also new data on immunostaining and high content imaging quantification for podoplanin. 3). Supplemental files have been updated by providing additional graphs for 5 of the previous figures and including 5 new figures and one table. 4). The main text has been updated to reflect the above mentioned changes, improve clarity of expression, update section titles (e.g. Integrated Single-Cell RNA Sequencing Analysis Reveals Endothelial Cell Contribution to Ageing Human Lung Tissue Microenvironment in IPF has been updated to Integrated Single Cell Map of Ageing Human Lungs Displays Endothelial Cell Contribution in Disease). Also, two new sections have been added to the text to describe new data presented in Figures 5 and 6 (see above). Furthermore, additional details have been provided to the description of findings on lymphatic endothelium - to reflect new data and relevant relocations from the Supplementary Material (see above). Finally, new sub-sections have been included in Methods section to reflect new experimental procedures which were used for generating data presented in Figures 5, 6 and 8. 5). Author affiliations have been updated to reflect recent changes.