Article Information
- March 1, 2022.
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Author Information
- Gudmundur L Norddahl*,1,
- Pall Melsted*,1,2,#,
- Kristbjorg Gunnarsdottir1,
- Gisli H Halldorsson1,
- Thorunn A Olafsdottir1,
- Arnaldur Gylfason1,
- Mar Kristjansson3,
- Olafur T Magnusson1,
- Patrick Sulem1,
- Daniel F Gudbjartsson1,2,
- Unnur Thorsteinsdottir1,4,
- Ingileif Jonsdottir1,4 and
- Kari Stefansson1,4
- 1deCODE genetics/Amgen, Inc., Reykjavik, Iceland
- 2School of Engineering and Natural Sciences, University of Iceland, Reykjavik, Iceland
- 3Internal Medicine and Rehabilitation Services, Landspitali – The National University Hospital of Iceland Reykjavik, Iceland
- 4Faculty of Medicine, School of Health Sciences, University of Iceland, Reykjavik, Iceland
- ↵#Corresponding author; email: pall.melsted{at}
↵* These authors contributed equally.