Article Information
- February 25, 2022.
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Author Information
- Martin Šmída,b,1,
- Luděk Bereca,c,d,
- Ondřej Májeke,f,
- Tomáš Pavlíke,f,
- Jiří Jarkovskýe,f,
- Jakub Weinera,g,
- Lenka Přibylováh,
- Tamara Barusovái,j and
- Jan Trnkaa,k
- aCentre for Modelling of Biological and Social Processes, Na břehu 497/15, 19000 Praha 9, Czech Republic
- bCzech Academy of Sciences, Institute of Information Theory and Automation, Pod Vodárenskou věží 4, 18200 Praha 8, Czech Republic
- cCzech Academy of Sciences, Biology Centre, Institute of Entomology, Department of Ecology, Branišovská 31, 37005 České Budějovice, Czech Republic
- dCentre for Mathematical Biology, Institute of Mathematics, Faculty of Science, University of South Bohemia, Branišovská 1760, 37005 České Budéjovice, Czech Republic
- eInstitute of Biostatistics and Analyses, Faculty of Medicine, Masaryk University, Kamenice 126/3, 62500 Brno, Czech Republic
- fInstitute of Health Information and Statistics of the Czech Republic, Palackého náměstí 4, 12801 Praha 2, Czech Republic
- gSiesta Labs, Konopišt’ská 739/16, 10000 Praha 10, Czech Republic
- hDepartment of Mathematics and Statistics, Faculty of Science, Masaryk University, 61137 Kotlářská 2, Brno, Czech Republic
- iFirst Faculty of Medicine, Charles University, Kateřinská 32, 12108 Praha 2, Czech Republic
- jCzech Academy of Sciences, Institute of Computer Science, Department of Statistical Modelling, Pod Vodárenskou věží 2, 18207 Praha 8, Czech Republic
- kDepartment of Biochemistry, Cell and Molecular Biology, Third Faculty of Medicine, Charles University, Ruská 87, 10000 Praha 10, Czech Republic
- ↵1To whom correspondence should be addressed. E-mail: smid{at}
LB, MŠ, JT and LP conceived this study. JJ, OM, JW, and TB prepared and checked the data, TP provided the methodological expertise, JW and MŠ conducted the analyses. LB and JT wrote the first draft of the manuscript. All authors contributed to writing the manuscript and interpreting the results. All authors approved the final version and had final responsibility for the decision to submit for publication.