Data Availability
The National Institute of Health, Ministry of Health Malaysia (data ethics committee) has placed restrictions on sharing the full dataset due to cases involving researchers manipulating the data. Interested researchers will need to send a formal letter/email to the Director General of Health Malaysia, together with the data request form and proposal, available at (http://iku. Borangpermohonandatalatest.pdf). The proposal will be reviewed by the Data Repository team from Biostatistics Sector, National Institute of Health Malaysia to ensure no duplication with other projects that have used the NHMS 2017 data. The data request flow chart is available on the website and can be accessed here ( images/IKU/Document/Form/ FlowChartforIPHDataApplication.pdf). The authors also, confirm they did not have any special access privileges that others would not have for the NHMS 2017 data. The contact information of the Director General of Health Malaysia as below Address: Director General?s Office, Ministry of Health Malaysia, Kompleks E, Aras 12, Blok E7, Presint 1, 62590 Putrajaya, Malaysia Email: anhisham@moh. Contact number: +60388832545, Fax number: +60388895542