Vaccines against SARS-CoV-2 were authorized at the end of 2020 and are effective in preventing deaths; however, many persons remain unvaccinated. We used weekly publicly available CDC data from 26 U.S. jurisdictions, which include COVID-19 death rates by age and vaccination status, to estimate the number of excess deaths that might have been averted by vaccination from May 30 to December 4, 2021 among unvaccinated persons ≥ 18 years old. We subtracted the death rate in the vaccinated from rates in the unvaccinated to estimate the death rate each week that could be attributable to non-vaccination and multiplied this rate difference by the number of people in the unvaccinated group for each age group and each week, to estimate the excess mortality among the unvaccinated. Then, we extrapolated the number of deaths due to non-vaccination in the 26 jurisdictions to the whole US population using 2020 census estimates. In the 26 participating jurisdictions, there were an estimated 83,400 excess deaths among the unvaccinated populations, from May 30 to December 4, 2021. The largest number of excess deaths occurred in those 65–79 years old (n=28,900; 34.7% of total), followed by those 50-64 years old (n=25,900; 31.1%). Extrapolated to the US population we estimated approximately 135,000 excess deaths during the study period in persons ≥18 years old. Our estimates are an underestimate of all excess deaths that have occurred since vaccine became available because our analysis period was limited to May 30 to December 4, 2021 and many excess deaths occurred before and after this period. In summary, we used retrospective data to provide an estimate of the substantial number of COVID-19 deaths among the unvaccinated illustrating the importance of vaccination to prevent further unnecessary mortality during this pandemic.
Vaccines against SARS-CoV-2 were authorized at the end of 2020 and are effective in preventing deaths; however, many persons remain unvaccinated. We used weekly publicly available U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) data from 26 U.S. jurisdictions (Appendix I), which include COVID-19 death rates by age and vaccination status, to estimate the number of excess deaths that might have been averted by vaccination from May 30 to December 4, 2021 among unvaccinated persons ≥ 18 years old. May 30 was chosen because vaccine was readily available to the public by then. We subtracted the death rate in the vaccinated from rates in the unvaccinated to estimate the death rate each week that could be attributable to non-vaccination, obtained from [1] (Appendix II). We multiplied this rate difference by the number of people in the unvaccinated group for each age group and each week, to estimate the excess mortality among the unvaccinated. This accounts for the changing attack rate, and changing proportion vaccinated, during this time period. Then, we extrapolated the number of deaths due to non-vaccination in the 26 jurisdictions to the whole US population using 2020 census estimates, after excluding those partially vaccinated [2] (Appendix III).
The 26 US jurisdictions had similar age structure to the overall US population and a similar cumulative incidence of COVID-19 per 100 persons. However, the 26 jurisdictions had a higher proportion unvaccinated compared to that in the US overall, when considering only the fully vaccinated and unvaccinated. (Table 1).
Comparing the 26 participating jurisdictions with the overall US population
In the 26 participating jurisdictions, there were an estimated 83,400 excess deaths among the unvaccinated populations, from May 30 to December 4, 2021. The largest number of excess deaths occurred in those 65–79 years old (n=28,900; 34.7% of total), followed by those 50-64 years old (n=25,900; 31.1%) (Appendix IV). We extrapolated the estimate to the US population after excluding those partially vaccinated based on the national vaccination rate data [3], and estimated approximately 135,000 excess deaths during the study period in persons ≥18 years old. In our sensitivity analyses, the excess deaths varied by the assumed size of the unvaccinated population in the non-26 jurisdictions, which dropped to 119,000 were the population unvaccinated 30% lower and increased to 150,000 were it 30% higher for the rest of the country (Appendix V), and also varied by proportion partially vaccinated (Appendix VI).
Handling of partial vaccination is a challenge because the proportion partially vaccinated is not reported for the 26 jurisdictions and because of possible reporting lags and misclassification in the national dataset [3]. This was further evaluated in Appendix VI. We used data that represented over half of the total US population, and the 26 US jurisdictions have age structure and incidence similar to the national overall. In addition, rates of underlying conditions and prevention behaviors may vary between vaccinated and unvaccinated individuals and confer differing risks for acquisition of SARS-CoV-2 infection and mortality. Although we cannot be certain that all the excess deaths in unvaccinated could have been prevented with vaccination, subtracting rates of death among vaccinated from deaths in unvaccinated should partially account for deaths that would have occurred even if persons were vaccinated. Our estimates are an underestimate of all excess deaths that have occurred since vaccine became available because our analysis period was limited to May 30 – December 4, 2021 and many excess deaths occurred before and after this period. In addition, we only estimated direct effects of vaccination, however the number of excess deaths could be augmented by indirect effects since vaccines likely reduce transmission to others. In summary, we used retrospective data to provide an estimate of the substantial number of COVID-19 deaths among the unvaccinated illustrating the importance of vaccination to prevent further unnecessary mortality during this pandemic.
Supplementary Materials
We acknowledge the CDC for curating and sharing the data for this analysis, with special thanks to Akilah Ali, Avnika Amin, Amelia Johnson, and Heather Scobie, for coordinating with individual states, establishing standardized methods, and collating the data.
Appendix I.
Appendix II.
The bar plot shows the total number of individuals 18 and older in the 26 jurisdictions by vaccination status (A). The line graph shows the mortality rate for COVID-19 associated deaths in the two groups. The number of excess deaths was estimated by multiplying the red bars in (A) by the difference (i.e., excess mortality rate) between the red and the green lines in (B), when data are disaggregated by age and week.
Appendix III.
Data collection and analysis
Data on COVID-19 associated mortality by vaccination status
Data on vaccination status and COVID-19 associated mortality are from the U.S. CDC, aggregated across participating US jurisdictions (CDC, 2022a). Included jurisdictions had to regularly link their case surveillance and immunization data with CDC. Twenty-six of the jurisdictions reported deaths among vaccinated and unvaccinated persons and are included in the analysis.
Vaccination status
Individuals were considered as fully vaccinated if they completed a primary series of FDA-authorized COVID-19 vaccines at least 14 days before the date of record (Scobie et al 2021). The number of unvaccinated is estimated by subtracting the numbers of fully and partially vaccinated (which were determined by vaccine administration data) from the US 2019 population estimate (Johnson et al 2021). However, the partially vaccinated individuals were excluded from the data set (CDC, 2022a), and thus we excluded the partially vaccinated during extrapolation to the US total.
Ascertainment of COVID-19 associated deaths
A COVID-19 associated death was defined by any person who had a positive documented SARS-CoV-2 diagnosis and died. The data set recorded deaths among vaccinated and unvaccinated individuals based on the week of a positive specimen collection, and for most cases this was a few weeks ahead of the date of death (CDC, 2022a). Methods of outcome ascertainment varied across jurisdictions: it was common to use vital records, while some jurisdictions combined it with provider reporting and/or case investigations (Scobie et al, 2021).
Mortality rate difference
For each week in the study period, we estimated the mortality rate difference, by subtracting the rate of deaths among unvaccinated individuals with that among vaccinated individuals, for each age group in each week. This measure will account for both the changing attack rate over the course and the proportion vaccinated that increased over time.
We then multiplied the mortality rate difference to the total number of unvaccinated individuals in the 26 jurisdictions to estimate the number of excess deaths.
Thirdly, we extrapolated the excess deaths to the whole US population, after excluding those partially vaccinated. The percentage partially vaccinated was obtained by subtracting the percentage fully vaccinated from the percentage vaccinated with at least 1 dose(s) by week, for each of the age groups: the 18-24, 25-39, 40-49, 50-64, 65-74, and the 75+ years old (CDC, 2022b). We multiplied the total US resident population of each year-age with the factor (1 -%partially vaccinated), for each age group (U.S. Census Bureau, 2022). The excess mortality in the 26 jurisdictions was then extrapolated as follows
Lastly, we summed the weekly number of excess deaths by age and by week to obtain the total number of excess deaths among the unvaccinated population from June to December 2021, which captured the delta wave.
Appendix IV.
Estimated weekly excess COVID-19 associated deaths among the unvaccinated by age
Estimated weekly excess COVID-19 associated deaths among the unvaccinated population in the 26 US jurisdictions (A) and in the country (B)
Appendix V.
Estimated total number of excess deaths under varying assumptions on the population unvaccinated in the non-26 U.S. jurisdictions
The excess mortality for the whole US population is given by
By allowing the number of unvaccinated in the non-26 jurisdictions to change by a percentage m%, we have
The resulting estimates are:
Weekly number of excess deaths among the unvaccinated population in the country, under various percentage changes on the population unvaccinated for the non-26 U.S. jurisdictions
Estimated total number of excess deaths among 18 or above in the country (May 30 – December 4, 2021), under different assumptions on the proportion unvaccinated in the non-26 U.S. jurisdictions, after excluding those partially vaccinated
Appendix VI.
Estimated total number of excess deaths under varying assumptions on the proportion partially vaccinated in the United States
In this sensitivity analysis, we extrapolated the excess deaths among the unvaccinated by considering different percentage changes in the proportion partially vaccinated in the whole US population. We allow it to change by p% for each scenario, as in:
As seen from the plot below, the estimated excess deaths decreased if there were a higher percentage of partially vaccinated in the population, vice versa.
Estimated excess deaths among the unvaccinated population by varying the proportion partially vaccinated in the US
Estimated total number of excess deaths among 18 years old or above in the US (May 30 to December 4, 2021), by varying the proportion partially vaccinated in the population