Machine learning models are increasingly adopted for facilitating clinical decision-making. However, recent research has shown that machine learning techniques may result in potential biases when making decisions for people in different subgroups, which can lead to detrimental effects on the health and well-being of vulnerable groups such as ethnic minorities. This problem, termed algorithmic bias, has been extensive studied in theoretical machine learning recently. However, how it will impact medicine and how to effectively mitigate it still remains unclear. This paper presents a comprehensive review of algorithmic fairness in the context of computational medicine, which aims at improving medicine with computational approaches. Specifically, we overview the different types of algorithmic bias, fairness quantification metrics, and bias mitigation methods, and summarize popular software libraries and tools for bias evaluation and mitigation, with the goal of providing reference and insights to researchers and practitioners in computational medicine.
1 Introduction
The recent years have witnessed a surge of interests on development and deployment of machine learning algorithms in healthcare. These algorithms were learned from massive health data and have demonstrated promising performance in a diverse set of problems such as skin cancer detection from lesion images1, prediction of the risk of acute kidney injury based on electronic health records (EHR)2, adaptive learning of the optimal treatment regimes for sepsis patients in intensive care3, and others4.
Despite the promise, there is growing concern that machine learning algorithms may lead to unconscious bias when making decisions against ethnic minorities, both through the algorithms themselves and the data used to learn them. For example, associations between Framingham risk factors and cardiovascular events have been shown to be significantly different across different ethnicity groups5. Video stream analysis algorithms for measuring the body’s spontaneous blink rate have been found to be particularly challenging for Asian individuals6, 7. Undiagnosed silent hypoxemia, which can be detected by pulse oximetry using light to monitor vital signs, occurred approximately three times more frequently in Black people due to the fact that dark skin responds differently to those light wavelengths 8. In these cases, the software system may bring in additional or exacerbate health equity issues7.
With machine learning models gaining more and more attentions in medicine, it is crucial to be aware of the potential related bias and disparities, understand their causes, and mitigate them. This review will help achieve this goal by providing an overview of the existing literature studying the sources of bias and disparities in computational medicine, their quantification metrics, and mitigation strategies. We will also summarize outstanding questions and point out future directions.The PRISMA diagram of the literature reviewed in this paper is shown in Fig. 1.
PRISMA flow diagram: disparity and fairness in computational medicine.
Difference with Existing Reviews
Mehrabi et al.9 built a taxonomy of machine learning related fairness in different real world application contexts. Rajkomar et al.10 introduced the principles of distributive justice and provided guidance to clinicians on how to prioritize each principle when facing with potential bias in model development and deployment. Gianfrancescogian et al.11 summarized the potential bias sources for electronic health records (EHRs) and provided recommendations on appropriately mitigating them. Fletcher et al.12 described three basic criteria (i.e., Appropriateness, Fairness, and Bias) for evaluating machine learning and AI systems in the context of global health. Mhasawade et al.13 focused on the interactions among different cultural, social, and environmental factors and their impact on individual and community health, how they will impact the fairness of machine learning algorithms and how machine learning, public and population health can work together to achieve health equity. Different from these existing works, this review summarizes sources and quantification methods for bias in computational medicine and how they will impact downstream machine learning models, as well as potential strategies to mitigate them through computational algorithms.
2 Computational Bias
We categorize computational biases into three different types according to their sources, data bias, measurement bias, and algorithm bias. We will introduce them in this section and provide examples in medical context.
2.1 Data Bias
Machine learning algorithms are all learned from data sets14. For example, classification models try to accurately map the sample input features to a set of pre-specified classes based on the observations from a set of training data. Clustering models aim at identifying grouping structures of a given data set. In this case, if the data set is over or under representing certain sample groups, the machine learning models learned from the data will be biased. For instance, studies found that patients of low socioeconomic status may have limited access to health care15, 16. Consequently, compared to patients with better socioeconomic status, these patients may have less information in their EHRs or imaging and thus underrepresented in the data from which a machine learning model will be learned. This will lead to poorer model performance on this particular patient group. Below we list potential sources of data bias in medicine.
2.1.1 Sample bias
Sample bias, also known as selection bias, occurs when the selected data can not represent the real environment in which a model will be deployed17. For example, melanoma detection algorithms based on classification of skin lesion images1 may perform poorly on colored skins if the training images are mostly with white skin18. For the same reason, Face2Gene, a machine learning algorithm to recognize Down syndrome based on facial images, performed much better in Caucasian (accuracy 80%) than in African (accuracy 36.8%)19.
2.1.2 Allocation Bias
Allocation bias is relevant to clinical trials of interventions, which arises if there are systematic differences in how participants are allocated to treatment and control groups20. If researchers know or are able to predict which participants would benefit from an intervention, it would affect how they recruit participants and how they assign them to different groups so that they can select subjects with a good prognosis for trials. Allocation concealment could protect the randomization process, keep participants unaware of the intervention to be assigned before entering the study, and prevent prediction of subsequent allocations in actual clinical trials20. Recently there were studies trying to emulate clinical trials with real world data such as EHRs21, 22. In this case, allocation bias could exist as the treatment and control groups are already observed in the data. This can lead to potentially bias estimations of treatment effects with machine learning models23.
2.1.3 Attrition Bias
Attrition bias can occur if there are systematic differences in the way participants are dropped from the study, as different rates of losses to follow-up in the exposure groups may alter the characteristics of these groups20. Attrition bias will be more severe in observational data analysis as patients may move to another place or be transferred to another hospital, which will impact the machine learning model aiming at prediction of clinical events.
2.1.4 Publication bias
Publication bias occurs when a study is published and not depending on its own results24. Empirical studies consistently show that studies with positive or statistically significant results are easier and take less time to be published than studies without significant results25, 26. This can make it difficult for decision makers to distinguish between sound evidence and overestimate the effectiveness of treatment or models26. For example, since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, studies on COVID-19 is being published at a rapid rate. However, many peer-reviewed publications were with a limited number of patients included and showed a high risk of bias 27.
2.2 Measurement bias
Measurement bias is a systematic error that occurs when the data are labeled inconsistently, or study variables (e.g., disease, exposure) are collected or measured inaccurately28. A recent example is there is a large disparity in the quality of COVID-19 data reporting across India29. Below we list several common causes of measurement bias.
2.2.1 Response bias
Response bias usually occurs in survey-based studies. When respondents tend to give inaccurate or even wrong answers on self-reported questions, the survey results will be affected30. For instance, people tend to paint the best picture of themselves, or feel pressured to provide socially acceptable answers31. In addition, misleading questions can lead to biased answers. Respondents may not have realized they weren’t giving the answers in the way the investigator wanted them to30. In addition, people who are willing to answer survey questions are often different from those who are not32. Consequently, this will impact the machine learning algorithms trained on surveys or patient reported outcomes.
2.2.2 Recall Bias
Recall bias usually occurs during the data annotation phase of a project33. This happens when similar data are inconsistently labeled, thus leading to low accuracy. A participant may erroneously provide responses that rely on his/her ability to recall past events. However, recalling events of interest that happened long ago can be particularly difficult. For example, a publicity related to association between measles, mumps and rubella (MMR) vaccine and autism34 influenced how often parents of autistic children recalled their child’s regressive symptoms35. This may lead to the observation of a completely or partially untrue association between MMR and autism, which would subsequently impact the algorithms for inferring such associations.
2.2.3 Observer Bias
The observer bias occurs when the methods or procedures used to observe and record information for research leading to a systematic deviation from the facts36, due to bad habits or lack of training in using measuring equipment or data sources37. Although some results of the diagnostic studies and physical examinations are objective, the symptoms and most findings of medical examinations are more or less subjective and prone to observer bias38, 39. Hrobjartsson et al.40 provided empirical evidence for observer bias in randomized clinical trials with results that involved subjective measurement scales. Consequently, these bias will be carried on to the machine learning models trained from these data.
2.3 Algorithm Bias
Another source of bias is from the algorithms themselves41, which can be algorithm specific or agnostic. Algorithm specific bias is linked to their intrinsic hypotheses42. For example, logistic regression models assume the relationships between input and target variables are linear, but this may not be the reality. This bias makes the algorithm challenging to capture the actual input-output relationships in the data. We also list two types of algorithm agnostic bias as below.
2.3.1 Loss Function Bias
The loss function measures the difference between the output produced by the machine learning algorithm and the ground truth outcomes. It is used to evaluate how well the machine learning algorithm fits the data. Typical machine learning algorithms attempt to minimize such prediction loss on the training data, which is typically measured by adding up all prediction losses on individual samples. However, if certain group of samples are more representative (e.g., white patients in a population43), the corresponding model will be better trained for this group.
2.3.2 Post-hoc Confirmation Bias
Although many machine learning models have been developed for binary classifications (e.g., disease diagnosis), they typically generated continues prediction scores and a cutoff threshold was needed for dichotomizing the predictions, and its optimal value is typically determined with post-hoc data driven analysis. The choice of cut points can introduce bias to diagnostic research. For example, Ewald analyzed the simulated data sets of test results from subjects with or without a particular disease and found that the use of data-driven cut points exaggerated test performance in many cases44.
3 Fairness Metrics
The previous section has summarized the various potential sources of computational bias. Another important question is how can we quantify such bias given a specific healthcare context or data set. In this section, we will review the various bias quantification measures, which are referred to as fairness metrics. Mathematical notations that are used in this section are summarized in Table 1.
Notations and Symbols.
To facilitate the description of fairness metrics, we begin by a case study to build an alerting algorithm in ICU setting (e.g., for developing sepsis45) with machine learning based on EHR, and race (i.e., Black and White is considered) as the protected attribute, which means we want to quantitatively examine if the algorithm behaves differently for black and white patients using various fairness metrics46, 47.
3.1 Fairness through unawareness
Fairness through unawareness requires to not include the protected attribute (e.g., race in our case study) as an independent variable in the model51–53. This method has been shown to be ineffective in situations where there are highly relevant features (e.g., proxies for protected attributes). For example, race may be related to zip code, socioeconomic status or disease predisposition. Therefore, simply removing protected attribute is not enough.
3.2 Demographic parity
Demographic parity, also known as statistical parity or independence, requires that the overall proportion of individuals in a protected group predicted as positive (or negative) to be the same as that of the overall population49. Although it is intuitive to understand, prior studies54 found that optimizing demographic parity may prevent the model from taking into account relevant clinical characteristics related to protected variables and outcomes, thereby reducing the performance of the model for all groups.
3.3 Equalized Odds
Unlike demographic parity, equalized odds50 allows the prediction Ŷ to depend on protected attribute A, but only through the target variable Y. This encourages the use of features that are directly related to Y, rather than through A50. To achieve equalized odds, both true positive rates (TPR) and true negative rates (TNR) of all groups defined by A are equal up to a fixed tolerance T. Compared to demographic parity, equalized odds is more flexible as it does not prevent learning a predictor where there is a real association between the protected attribute and the outcome54.
3.4 Equal Opportunity
Equal opportunity checks whether the positive label is equally and accurately predicted by classifier for all values of the protected attribute50. In contrast to equalized odds, it is stronger because it means that all possible thresholds are equally likely to be met and therefore requires that all groups get the same ROC curve, but the decision threshold can be adjusted to satisfy equalized odds54.
3.5 Individual Fairness
At a high level, individual fairness requires that any two individuals who are similar in the context of a given task should be treated similarly51, 55. Clearly, individual fairness is more strict than group fairness defined by the protected attribute. The practical use of this concept is often limited due to the challenges of defining a appropriate similarity metric to encode the desired concept of fairness51, 54. In addition, there were also arguments that individual fairness is an inadequate as similar treatment is not enough to achieve fairness, thus it shouldn’t be used alone to detect bias or evaluate whether algorithms are fair56.
3.6 Counterfactual Measures
Counterfactual fairness is a potential way to explain why bias occurs. It states that a model is fair if its predictions about a particular individual in the real world is the same as it is in the counterfactual world, i.e. if the individuals is in a different protected group48. We list the mathematical definition of counterfactual fairness in the last row of Table 2, where ŶA←a represents the the prediction Ŷ if A had taken value a. This metric considers the predictor to be fair if its prediction remains unchanged when the protected attribute of each sample is flipped to its counterfactual value. A close concept of counterfactual fairness is counterfactual reasoning57. Some studies have shown that counterfactual reasoning is susceptible to biases such as outcome bias (that is, evaluating the quality of decisions when the outcome is known)58. In addition, it has been suggested that counterfactual reasoning may negatively affect the process of causality identification59. These concerns raise questions about the practical applicability of counterfactual measures.
Summary of Fairness Metrics
Different metrics have different characteristics, and these aforementioned fairness metrics cannot be achieved at the same time, except in highly restricted special cases60. Both equalized odds and demographic parity focus on group fairness. Although their calculations and reasoning are simple and intuitive, the derived models may be discriminatory to structured subgroups with protected attributes, leading to fairness gerrymandering54, 61. The concept of individual fairness potentially alleviate the issues of group fairness metrics by forcing any two individuals who are similar at a given task should be similarly classified. However, it is challenging to a domain-specific similarity measure, thus the practical use of individual fairness is often limited. Clinical prediction models may produce unfair results based on particular metrics. There is no clear consensus on what metric should be used in each scenario, researchers should choose the fairness metrics based on the given context.
4 Bias Mitigation
With the various sources of bias and different fairness metrics, in this section we will summarize different bias mitigation approaches for achieving algorithmic fairness. These methods can be categorized as pre-processing62, in-processing63–66, and post-processing methods67, which are detailed below.
4.1 Pre-processing
Data pre-processing refers to the procedures of cleaning and preparing raw data for building machine learning models68. Pre-processing methods can potentially remove the bias from the data.
4.1.1 Sampling
Sampling is a popular preprocessing method to ensure the datasets are balanced across different groups69. If the data set is large, the majority group can be randomly sampled to the same size as the minority group without much information loss. However, if there is no redundant data, it is more common to oversample minority groups. Popular algorithms, like synthetic minority oversampling technique (SMOTE)70 or its variations, such as SMOTE-ENC71, Borderline-SMOTE72. However, healthcare data (such as EHRs or questionnaires) are typically complicated, and are thus challenging to be synthesized without overfitting12. In addition to sampling, collecting more data with good planning is also important to mitigate potential bias more objectively 43.
4.1.2 Reweighting
Reweighting is to impose different weights on each group-class combination based on the conditional probability of class by protected attribute, so that the protected attribute is independent of the outcome62. As a representative method, inverse propensity score weighting (IPW)73 is often adopted to adjust poorly sampled data. It involves estimating the probability of individual participants in particular groups and then analysing the re-weighted samples of these participants74. However, IPW adjusts the distributions of all variables simultaneously, which may potentially increases imbalances and bias75. Borland et al.,76 presented dynamic reweighting (DR) to correct selection bias with interactive visual analysis.
4.2 In-processing
In-processing methods aims at developing unbiased models directly from the data. A straightforward approach to achieve this goal is to remove the protected attribute from the model as we introduced in Section 3.1. However, if there are dependencies between the protected attribute and other covariates, the information of the sensitive attributes will “leak” into the decision.
4.2.1 Prejudice Remover
Prejudice refers to the fact that there is statistical dependence between the protected attribute and the predicted outcome or other independent variables77. Prejudice remover aims at learning a predictor whose predictions are independent of the protected attribute. For example, Kamiran and Calders et al.78 proposed the concept of discrimination-aware classification and developed an algorithm to “clear away” such dependencies by “massaging the data” before applying traditional classification algorithms. Calders and Verwer 63 proposed a discrimination-free naive-Bayes through post-hoc processing, independent model training and balancing across different protected groups, or latent variable modeling. Kamishima et al.65 proposed a prejudice remover regularization to enforce the prediction’s independence on the protected attribute. Zafar et al.64 proposed the concept of “disparate mistreatment” as different misclassification rates across different protected groups, and introduced a measure for decision boundary based classifiers, which further can be incorporated into the classifier optimization objectives as constraints to remove prejudice. With more and more machine learning models being developed for clinical risk prediction, there has been intense discussions on the ethical concerns79, 80. These prejudice remover approaches can potentially make these algorithms fair.
4.2.2 Adversarial Learning
Adversarial learning81 is a learning paradigm originally designed for generating fake samples to confuse the model. Typically there is a generator guaranteeing the generated fake samples which are close to real samples, and a discriminator to discriminate the fake samples from the real ones. The goal of adversarial learning is to learn a generator to generate samples that the discriminator cannot really tell they faked or no. Pfohl et al.54 applied adversarial learning for developing an “equitable” risk prediction model for atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease (ASCVD) with EHR. They used the generator to build the risk predictor and discriminator to enforce equalized odds for the predicted risks across different protected groups.
4.2.3 Other Learning Strategies
Another closely related topic is interpretable learning82, as interpretable models can allow the decision makers to better understand why certain predictions are made and make necessary modifications. Recent work at the FICO Data Science Lab has shown that interpretable neural networks can help uncover and eliminate data biases in models. Even in cases where the data is deliberately biased toward one subset of the population over another, the method minimizes the pickup of signals that are biased toward the core relationship83. Similar argument has also been made by Rudin84 that interpretable models are more preferred in high stakes decision making scenarios such as healthcare than black-box models.
Independent learning is another bias mitigation strategy which trains a machine learning model for each protected group85. However, this may sacrifice the training data sample sizes and reduce the model performance85. Gao and Cui85 introduced a transfer learning approach to align the sample distributions across different protected groups. They demonstrated their method can achieve improved performance in underrepresented groups and effectively reduce disparity with cancer multiomics data.
4.3 Post-processing
The post-processing approach treats off-the-shelf predictors as black boxes and achieves fairness through adjustment of their predictions. For example, Hardt et al. 50 proposed equalized odds post-processing and calibrated equalization odds post-processing, which aims to solve for the probabilities of changing output labels to achieve the equalized odds objective. Kallus et al.86 proposed to adjust the risk scores of the instances in the disadvantaged group with a parameterized monotonically increasing function to minimize the performance disparity. Cui et al.87 proposed to adjust the ranking order of the samples across different protected groups according to their predicted scores with a dynamic programming procedure to achieve fairness without sacrificing prediction accuracy. One practical challenge for post-processing methods is that the involved adjustments are typically not explainable. Pan et al.88 proposed a causal analysis approach that can quantitatively attribute algorithm performance disparity onto different causal decision paths, so that the paths with large contributions can be removed as post-processing.
In practice, these three types of methods work at different stages of a machine learning pipeline: pre-processing manipulates the data through sampling or weighting before building the model, in-processing enforces fairness constraints during model building, and post-processing makes adjustments after the model was built. Different strategies have different assumptions, therefore it is challenging to have a golden standard. A recent research from Park et al.89 compared different risk mitigation methods in the context of postpartum risk prediction and found that these methods could indeed reduce bias but different methods can lead to different results. Therefore the practitioners should try to test different approaches and evaluate their impact in the particular context they were applied to.
5 Popular Software Libraries
We summarize existing popular algorithmic fairness research software libraries in Table 3.
Popular library for fairness research
6 Conclusions
In this review, we summarized the current research on algorithmic fairness in computational medicine. We first described the three types of computational bias: data bias, measurement bias, and model bias. Then we presented the fairness quantification metrics that are used in various literature. Additionally, we introduced three types of bias mitigation methods, namely, pre-processing, in-processing and post-processing, and listed the popular software libraries and tools for bias evaluation and mitigation. Fairness is not just the result of rigorous and thoughtful research, but rather the social and political processes needed to advance health equity99. With machine learning and artificial intelligence models gaining more and more attentions, we should be aware of these issues when designing the models and appropriately mitigate them. To help achieve this goal, we further list some probably encountered directions or open questions in Table 4.
Open questions and future directions.
All authors read and approved the final version of the manuscript. JX drafted the manuscript. FW made thorough revisions to the draft. YX performed an initial literature review on computational bias. WW, YN and ES performed the literature review and data abstraction on bias mitigation methods. All authors contributed to the writing and editing of the manuscript. JB and FW conceived the idea.
Declaration of Competing Interests
None declared.
FW is supported by NSF 1750326, NIH R01AG076234, R01MH124740 and RF1AG072449. YX is supported by CORONAVIRUSHUB-S-21-00188. YN is supported by NSF 1948432 and 2047843. WHW is supported by NSF 2029038 and 2135988. JB is supported by NIH R01AG076234, R01CA246418, R21CA253394, R21AG068717, and R21CA245858.
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