Article Information
- December 16, 2021.
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Author Information
- Darci R. Smith1,*,
- Christopher Singh1,2,
- Jennetta Green1,
- Matthew R. Lueder3,4,
- Catherine E. Arnold3,5,
- Logan J. Voegtly3,4,
- Kyle A. Long3,4,
- Gregory K. Rice3,4,
- Andrea Luquette3,4,
- Haven Miner3,4,
- Lindsay Glang3,4,
- Andrew Bennett3,4,
- Robin Miller3,4,
- Francisco Malagon3,4,
- Regina Z. Cer3 and
- Kimberly A. Bishop-Lilly3,*
- 1Naval Medical Research Center, Biological Defense Research Directorate, Microbiology and Immunology Department, Fort Detrick, MD, USA
- 2Parsons, Centreville, VA, USA
- 3Naval Medical Research Center, Biological Defense Research Directorate, Genomics and Bioinformatics Department, Fort Detrick, MD, USA
- 4Leidos, Reston, VA, USA
- 5Defense Threat Reduction Agency, Fort Belvoir, VA, USA
- ↵*Corresponding authors: Darci R. Smith (darci.r.smith.civ{at} and Kimberly A. Bishop-Lilly (Kimberly.a.bishop-lilly.civ{at}