Importance Substantial racial/ethnic disparities in COVID-19 mortality have been documented. Social class is a likely explanation of mortality disparities across and within racial/ethnic groups. This is the first U.S. study of social class and COVID-19 mortality in working age adults.
Objectives To determine the joint effects of social class, race/ethnicity, and gender on the burden of COVID-19 mortality. A secondary objective was to determine whether differences in opportunities for remote work were correlated with COVID-19 death rates for sociodemographic groups.
Design Annual mortality study which used a special government tabulation of 2020 COVID-19 related deaths stratified by decedents’ social class (educational attainment) and race/ethnicity.
Setting United States in 2020.
Participants COVID-19 decedents aged 25 to 64 years old (n=69,001).
Exposures Social class (working class, some college, college graduate), race/ethnicity (Hispanic, Black, Asian, Indigenous, multiracial, and non-Hispanic white), and gender (women, men). Detailed census data on occupations held by adults in 2020 in each of the 36 sociodemographic groups studied were used to quantify the possibility of remote work for each group.
Main Outcomes and Measures Age-adjusted COVID-19 death rates for 36 sociodemographic groups defined by social class, race/ethnicity, and gender. Disparities were quantified by relative risks and 95% confidence intervals. College graduates were the (low risk) referent group for all relative risk calculations.
Results A higher proportion of Hispanics, Blacks, and Indigenous people were working class in 2020. COVID-19 mortality was five times higher in the working class vs. college graduates (72.2 vs. 14.6 deaths per 100,000, RR=4.94, 95% CI 4.82-5.05). The joint detriments of lower socioeconomic position, Hispanic ethnicity, and male gender resulted in a COVID-19 death rate which was over 27 times higher (178.0 vs. 6.5 deaths/100,000, RR=27.4, 95%CI 25.9-28.9) for working class Hispanic men vs. college graduate white women. In regression modeling, percent employed in never remote jobs explained 72% of the variance in COVID-19 death rates.
Conclusions and Relevance SARS-CoV-2 infection control efforts should prioritize the working class (i.e. those with no college education), particularly those employed in “never remote” jobs with inflexible and unsafe working conditions (i.e. blue collar, service, and retail sales workers).
Question Did COVID-19 mortality rates among non-elderly adults vary significantly by social class, race/ethnicity, and gender in 2020?
Findings Among 69,001 COVID-19 decedents, age-adjusted COVID-19 deaths rates were 5 times higher in working class vs. college graduate adults 25-64 years old. Working class Hispanic, Black, and Indigenous men suffered the highest burden of COVID-19 mortality, while college graduate white women experienced the lowest death rate.
Meaning COVID-19 mitigation efforts should prioritize the working class (i.e. those with no college education), particularly blue collar, service, and retail sales workers.
COVID-19 is a viral infectious disease with a simple etiology (infection with the novel coronavirus SARS-CoV-2) and a complex clinical course which encompasses pathological derangement of multiple organ systems (e.g. respiratory,1 vascular,2 neurological,3 endocrine,4 and reproductive5); both an acute (days to weeks) and chronic (months to >1 year) clinical phase,6,7 and as yet unknown long-term clinical sequelae. Human-to-human transmission of SARS-CoV-2 occurs via exhalation of viral-laden aerosols by an infected person, suspension of these viral-laden aerosols in ambient air for extended periods of time, travel on expiratory plumes, and inhalation by susceptible persons at both near-field and far-field distances.8-10 Put simply, the social environments which can lead to SARS-CoV-2 infection are those in which people are breathing other people’s breath.11,12
Social class privilege creates the flexibility and space (quite literally) for the deployment of multiple strategies to reduce and prevent exposure to the highly infectious airborne novel coronavirus SARS-CoV-2. People in privileged social class positions live in larger homes with fewer people and in less densely populated neighborhoods (whether horizontally spacious in the suburbs or vertically spacious in metropolitan downtown areas), and rarely use public transportation. Additionally, the upper and professional classes have ready access to both high quality outpatient healthcare and the best tertiary care hospital centers.13 College education and related forms of social capital facilitate navigation of a complex healthcare system.14
Our study is the first national investigation of social class disparities in working age adult COVID-19 mortality, and it takes advantage of an ad hoc death certificate tabulation released by the U.S. National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS) in February 2021.15,16 These data permitted the calculation of age-adjusted COVID-19 mortality rates stratified simultaneously by social class, race/ethnicity, and gender. We take an explicitly anti-essentialist stance17 on the meaning of race and ethnicity18 in the epidemiology of COVID-19. Reductionist narratives of race and cultural, moral, and biological inferiority19,20 persist in public health and medicine when race is cited as an explanatory variable for negative health outcomes in the absence of social and historical contexts. We recognize race not as a genetic or physiological risk factor, but rather as a social construct21 that is embedded within a nexus of social oppression, exploitation, and conflict. This nexus amplifies exposure risks that result in higher burdens of morbidity and mortality among racial and ethnic minority populations.
The vast majority of working class adults are employed in blue collar, service, or retail sales jobs which require onsite attendance and prolonged close contact with others. In addition, working conditions vary by gender22 and race/ethnicity as well as social class.23,24 The most physically hazardous occupations are highly segregated by gender and performed largely by men (e.g. meatpacking). At the same time, under racialized capitalism, whites enjoy advantages of occupational status within social classes and even within narrowly defined job categories, compared with Hispanic, Black, and Indigenous workers.24-26 Moreover, elevated infection risks are amplified across multiple social environmental scales for working class adults,27 who may reside in poorly ventilated housing,28 commute in a crowded carpool, and labor in a crowded, poorly ventilated worksite.
We hypothesized that there were (1) significant social class disparities in working age adult mortality; (2) significant social class disparities in every racial/ethnic group; and (3) within-social class gender and racial/ethnic differences in opportunities for remote work that would be correlated with within- and between-class gender and racial/ethnic disparities in COVID-19 mortality.
Population at Risk
Our target population included adults aged 25 to 64 years who were U.S. residents during 2020. We included six racial/ethnic groups: whites, Hispanics, Blacks, Asians, Indigenous, and multi-race. The Indigenous group included American Indians, Alaska Natives, Native Hawaiians, and other Pacific Islanders, who were grouped together because of small numbers of deaths in some age-social class strata.
Definition of Social Class
We used educational attainment as a proxy of social class, defined as follows: working class (no college), some college (including associate’s and other 2-year degrees), and college graduate (bachelor’s degree and higher).
COVID-19 Deaths
COVID-19 involved deaths included all deaths for which COVID-19 (ICD-10 code U07.1) was listed as the underlying or a contributing cause of death on the death certificate. We analyzed provisional death counts for 2020 stratifed by four sociodemographic variables: 1) educational attainment (no college, some college, college graduate); 2) race and ethnicity (white non-Hispanic, Hispanic, Black non-Hispanic, Asian non-Hispanic, American Indian/Alaska Native non-Hispanic, Native Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander non-Hispanic, more than one race non-Hispanic, unknown); 3) gender (male, female, unknown); and 4) age group (25-39 years, 40-54 years, 55-64 years).15,16
Population Denominators
We used the 2020 Annual Social and Economic Supplement (ASEC) to the Current Population Survey (CPS) to calculate national population estimates stratified by educational attainment, race/ethnicity, gender, and age to exactly match the strata available in the COVID-19 death dataset.29
Public-use CPS datasets include statistical weights to calculate national population estimates from the household-based sample.30 We used special alternative weights that compensated for lower 2020 response rates in the CPS which were found to be differential by respondent income.30,31
Death Rate Calculations
We first calculated age-specific death rates (deaths/population) for three age strata (25-39 years, 40-54 years, and 55-64 years) by social class for the following groups: (a) all adults combined; (b) men and women; (c) six racial/ethnic groups, and (d) 12 groups defined by both gender and race/ethnicity. Next, we verified that social class patterns of mortality were similar across age for all population groups. Then we calculated age-adjusted mortality rates for ages 25-64 combined, using the direct method with the U.S. 2020 population as the standard.
Social Class Occupation Distributions
For the 36 sociodemographic groups aged 25 to 64 years (3 social class strata x 2 gender strata x 6 race/ethnicity strata), we used the 2020 CPS ASEC29 to identify the percent of adults with reported occupation in the following mutually-exclusive categories: (1) blue collar, (2) service, (3) retail sales, (4) health professionals, and (5) white collar (excluding health professionals and retail sales). Further details and specific examples of common job titles in each of these categories can be found in Table S1.
We rated each job title in the CPS on its potential for remote work (i.e. work from home). All blue collar, service, and retail sales jobs were classified as “never remote” jobs. All other jobs were classified as “sometimes remote” (health professionals) or “feasibly remote” (all other white collar jobs).
Analytic Methods
We calculated social class rate ratios (RRs) of the age-adjusted death rates for the entire study population, by gender, by race/ethnicity, and finally by gender and race/ethnicity simultaneously. College graduates were the referent group for all comparisons. Then, we calculated disparity RRs that compared COVID-19 mortality in 35 sociodemographic groups with a single low-risk referent group (white women college graduates). Finally, we regressed the population-weighted log-transformed age-adjusted COVID-19 mortality rates against the percent of workers employed in never remote jobs for the 36 sociodemographic groups described above.
There were 71,484 COVID-19 involved deaths among adults aged 25 to 64 years old during calendar year 2020 (Figure S1), as reported to NCHS by the end of February 2021. There were very few missing data; 2,483 deaths (3.5%) were excluded for missing race/ethnicity (0.5%) or social class (3.0%). The final analytic dataset included 96.5% of the total deaths (n=69,001) (Figure S1).
Social Class Distribution of the Population at Risk
There were 168.4 million adults aged 25 to 64 years old in the U.S. in 2020. Figure 1 presents social class population pyramids for each of the 12 gender-race/ethnicity groups. In each pyramid, college graduates are represented in the top tier, those with some college in the middle tier, and the working class in the bottom tier. White men and women comprised approximately 60.2% of the total population at risk for working age COVID-19 mortality, and college graduates comprised the largest class among whites. Hispanics were predominantly working class. The working class also predominated among Black and Indigenous men.
Social Class and COVID-19 Mortality: Total Population
The age-adjusted COVID-19 mortality rate among college graduates aged 25-64 years was 14.6 deaths per 100,000 (Table 1). The death rate was twice as high among adults with some college but no 4-year degree (30.4 deaths/100,000; RR=2.08, 95% CI 2.02-2.14) and five times as high among working class adults (72.2 deaths/100,000; RR=4.94, 95% CI 4.82-5.05). The majority (68%, n=46,966) of COVID-19 decedents were working class, and only 12% (n=8,421) were college graduates.
Social Class and COVID-19 Mortality by Gender
Women experienced lower COVID-19 death rates than men (college grad women 10.0 deaths/100,000 vs. 19.8 deaths/100,000 in college grad men), but a slightly higher social class disparity (RR=5.06, 95% CI 4.87-5.26 in women vs. RR=4.65, 95% CI 4.52-4.79 in men) for the working class vs. college graduates. Numerically, both the age-adjusted death rate (92.1/100,000) and the number of deaths (n=31,258) were highest for working class men (Table 1).
Social Class and COVID-19 Mortality by Race and Hispanic Ethnicity
In all six racial/ethnic groups, there was a monotonic association between social class and COVID-19 mortality, with the lowest age-adjusted death rates among college graduates, and the highest rates among the working class (Table 1). Social class disparity RRs ranged from 2.18 (95% CI 2.00-2.38) among Asians to RR=4.90 (95% CI 4.11-5.84) among Indigenous adults. Within each social class, death rates were highest for Indigenous, Hispanic, and Black adults, and lowest for multiracial, Asian, and white adults.
Disparities in COVID-19 Mortality: Independent and Joint Effects of Social Class, Gender, and Race/Ethnicity
The independent effects of social class, gender, and race/ethnicity on COVID-19 mortality are evident in Figure 2 for Hispanics, Blacks, and whites, who together comprised 90.5% of the total population at risk. Across all six groups defined by gender and race/ethnicity, there was a strong and statistically significant association of social class with age-adjusted COVID-19 mortality (see Table S2 for all RRs and 95%CI). Similarly, across all nine groups defined by social class and race/ethnicity, age-adjusted death rates were always higher for men than for women. However, there was effect modification by gender when stratifying by social class. Among men, the highest death rates were suffered by Hispanics in each social class. But among women, Blacks suffered the highest death rates in each social class.
Finally, disparity RRs which capture the joint effects of social class, gender, and race/ethnicity on working age COVID-19 mortality confirm that white women college graduates were at lowest risk for COVID-19 mortality (6.5 deaths/100,000). The joint detriments of working class socioeconomic position, Hispanic ethnicity, and male gender resulted in a COVID-19 age-adjusted death rate which was over 27 times higher (178.0 deaths/100,000, RR=27.4, 95%CI 25.9-28.9) (Figure 2). While in all social classes Hispanic and Black women experienced lower death rates than Hispanic and Black men, respectively, they suffered higher death rates than white men across social classes. Full results for all 36 sociodemographic groups are available in Table S2.
Low-Level Jobs and Never Remote Work by Social Class, Gender, and Race/Ethnicity
As expected, the majority of employed college graduates had white collar jobs, and those with some college were employed in a mixture of blue collar, service, retail sales, and white collar jobs, with no category in the majority (Figure 3). Conversely, the majority of working class adults were employed in the lowest-level jobs (blue collar, service, and retail sales) with no potential for remote work. However, majority employment in low-level jobs varied from 51.1% of working class white women to 85.9% of working class non-white men. Across social classes, non-whites were more likely to be employed in service jobs than whites, and men were much more likely to be employed in blue collar jobs than women.
A population-weighted regression of the natural log-transformed age-adjusted 2020 COVID-19 death rates revealed a good fit of an exponential model in which the percent of adults employed in never remote jobs during 2020 explained 72% of the variance in the age-adjusted death rates across the 36 population groups defined by social class, gender, and race/ethnicity (Figure 4).
For individuals, the accumulation of economic and social capital gives rise to a privileged social class position, which grants power relative to others in society.32 Class power manifests itself through control over economic resources (including labor and the means of production) and in a high social status that opens access to less tangible privileges via well-resourced social networks.33
Most importantly, people with social class power and privilege retain a far greater degree of discretionary control over their professions, work lives, and daily schedules than the working class. For many, a college degree and professional status provides a measure of autonomy and flexibility in meeting job requirements.34 In contrast, the working class (in blue collar, service, and retail sales occupations) are subjected to authoritarian control35 and inflexible requirements of work.24,34,36,37 Moreover, the worksites in which the working class perform their wage labor often are replete with physical, chemical, and biologic hazards which directly and negatively impact workers’ health and well-being.34,38-40
In the United States, social class is an intrinsically racialized set of economic and social status relationships.41-43 The legacies of colonialism, slavery, and other forms of structural racism shape local labor markets, housing opportunities, and other material aspects of workers’ lives.23,44 Consequently, a given level of educational attainment usually provides fewer economic benefits to Blacks and other minorities.23,44
Our results support the hypothesis that hazardous material conditions of work were a primary driver of joint social class and racial/ethnic disparities in COVID-19 mortality. During the first year of the COVID-19 pandemic in the United States, working class adults aged 25-64 years old were five times as likely as college graduates to die from COVID-19, and adults with some college but no four-year degree were twice as likely as college graduates to die. White college graduates aged 25 to 64 years were largely shielded from COVID-19 mortality during the first year of the pandemic. They comprised more than one-quarter of the study population, but accounted for only 5% of the COVID-19 deaths. White women college graduates, the numerically largest population group (n=22.9 million), accounted for only 2% of working age COVID-19 decedents. In contrast, Hispanic and Black working class men comprised only 8% of the 25-64 year old population, but they were 29% of the premature COVID-19 decedents. Non-white working class men were most likely to be employed in never remote occupations (i.e. blue collar, service, and retail sales) compared with every other sociodemographic group.
Our results are consistent with those of a smaller study of excess mortality by occupation in California during March – October 2020,45 and with a small study of worksite COVID-19 transmission in Asian countries which found the most commonly affected occupations were healthcare, drivers, sales, cleaners, and public safety.46 A major report on social inequalities in COVID-19 in the United Kingdom found social class patterns of COVID-19 mortality that were very similar to what we observed for the U.S.28 However, the magnitude of the social class mortality disparities was much lower in the U.K.
COVID-19 Case Fatality
Axiomatically, mortality rates (deaths/population) are a function of two underlying phenomena: the incidence of disease in a specified population (cases/population) and the case fatality rate (deaths/cases) of the disease. We hypothesize that disparities in both case fatality and incidence have contributed to the strong and highly significant mortality disparities observed in our study. Access to high quality evidence-based medical care is not universal in the U.S.47 Barriers to accessing timely and appropriate COVID-19 medical care include lack of health insurance, inadequate health insurance (e.g. high deductible/co-pay plans), lack of or inadequate paid sick leave,48 geographic location, transportation access/costs/timeliness, lack of respite dependent care, threat of job loss, immigration status, racism and discrimination, and distrust of healthcare and government institutions.49 An analysis of place of death of U.S. COVID-19 decedents found that 22% of 30-49 year olds and 14% of 50-64 year olds died either outside a hospital or in the emergency department (OH/ED).50 Minimizing COVID-19 case fatality requires that individuals have access to timely diagnosis and high-quality hospital medical care before they become critically ill.
Study Limitations and Public Health Data Gaps
It is likely that COVID-19 deaths in the U.S. have been undercounted (i.e., cause of death has been misclassified), and this misclassification is likely to be differential by social class, resulting in a bias toward the null in our estimates of social class disparities. Misclassification occurs when there is insufficient medical information available at the time of death. Lack of access to medical care and out-of-hospital mortality can result in the use of non-specific cause of death coding on death certificates. We have previously shown that the percent of all non-injury deaths coded to “symptoms, signs, and ill-defined conditions” increased from 2019 to 2020 among working age adults.50
A simple step toward improving COVID-19 surveillance data, which could be implemented immediately across a wide range of data systems, is to add one yes/no question to all individual adult patient encounter medical records: “Has this person completed one or more years of college?” A “no” response on this single data item would identify the working class. A follow-up question for those who replied “yes” (“Does this person have a 4-year college degree?”) would easily identify the three social classes analyzed in this study.
The most urgent implication of our study points to immediate actions needed to protect blue collar, service, and retail sales workers from infection with the SARS-CoV-2 virus. Expert recommendations include strengthening federal and state labor laws,51 empowering OSHA,40 adopting the Total Worker Health Framework,52 and direct actions for unions to organize for greater protections for worker safety.39
Competing Interest Statement: None.