Article Information
- November 21, 2021.
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Author Information
- Gabriel Rainisch, MPH*,†,1,
- Seonghye Jeon, PhD*,1,
- Danielle Pappas, MPH2,
- Kimberly D. Spencer, MSPH2,
- Leah S. Fischer, PhD1,
- Bishwa B. Adhikari, PhD1,
- Melanie M. Taylor, MD1,
- Bradford Greening Jr., PhD1,
- Patrick K. Moonan, DrPH1,
- John E. Oeltmann, PhD1,
- Emily B. Kahn, PhD1,
- Michael L. Washington, PhD1 and
- Martin I. Meltzer, PhD1
- ↵†Corresponding Author:
Gabriel Rainisch, Mailstop H24-11; 1600 Clifton Rd NE, Atlanta, GA 30329-4027; office: 404.639.0395; email: buu8{at}
↵* Authors contributed equally to this work