Article Information
- October 18, 2021.
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Author Information
- Eric D. Laing1,
- Carol D. Weiss2,
- Emily C. Samuels1,3,
- Si’Ana A. Coggins1,3,
- Wei Wang2,
- Richard Wang2,
- Russell Vassell2,
- Spencer L. Sterling1,3,
- Marana A. Tso1,
- Tonia Conner1,
- Emilie Goguet1,3,
- Matthew Moser1,3,
- Belinda M. Jackson-Thompson1,3,
- Luca Illinik3,4,
- Julian Davies3,4,
- Orlando Ortega3,4,
- Edward Parmelee1,3,
- Monique Hollis-Perry4,
- Santina E. Maiolatesi3,4,
- Gregory Wang4,5,
- Kathleen F. Ramsey4,5,
- Anatalio E. Reyes4,5,
- Yolanda Alcorta4,5,
- Mimi A. Wong4,5,
- Alyssa R. Lindrose1,3,
- Christopher A. Duplessis4,
- David R. Tribble1,
- Allison M.W. Malloy1,
- Timothy H. Burgess1,
- Simon D. Pollett1,3,
- Cara H. Olsen1,
- Christopher C. Broder1 and
- Edward Mitre*,1
- 1Uniformed Services University, Bethesda, MD, USA
- 2US Food and Drug Administration, Silver Spring, MD, USA
- 3Henry M. Jackson Foundation for the Advancement of Military Medicine, Bethesda, MD, USA
- 4Naval Medical Research Center, Silver Spring, MD
- 5General Dynamics Information Technology, Falls Church, VA
- ↵*Address for correspondence: Edward Mitre, Department of Microbiology and Immunology, Uniformed Services University, 4301 Jones Bridge Road, Bethesda, MD 20814; email: edward.mitre{at}, tel: 301-295-1958