No difference in retinal fluorescence after oral curcumin intake in amyloid proven AD cases compared to controls
View ORCID ProfileJurre den Haan, Frederique J. Hart de Ruyter, Benjamin Lochocki, Maurice A.G.M. Kroon, E. Marleen Kemper, Charlotte E. Teunissen, Bart van Berckel, Philip Scheltens, Jeroen J. Hoozemans, Aleid van de Kreeke, Frank D. Verbraak, Johannes F. de Boer, Femke H. Bouwman
Jurre den Haan
1Amsterdam UMC, location VUmc, Alzheimer Center, Neurology, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
MD, PhDFrederique J. Hart de Ruyter
1Amsterdam UMC, location VUmc, Alzheimer Center, Neurology, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
MDBenjamin Lochocki
2VU Amsterdam, Department of Physics, LaserLaB, The Netherlands
PhDMaurice A.G.M. Kroon
3Amsterdam UMC, location AMC, Department of Pharmacy and Clinical Pharmacology, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
PharmDE. Marleen Kemper
3Amsterdam UMC, location AMC, Department of Pharmacy and Clinical Pharmacology, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
PharmD, PhDCharlotte E. Teunissen
4Amsterdam UMC, location VUmc, Neurochemistry lab, Department of Clinical Chemistry, Amsterdam Neuroscience, Amsterdam UMC, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, The Netherlands
PhDBart van Berckel
5Amsterdam UMC, location VUmc, Department of Nuclear Medicine, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
MD, PhDPhilip Scheltens
1Amsterdam UMC, location VUmc, Alzheimer Center, Neurology, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
MD, PhDJeroen J. Hoozemans
6Amsterdam UMC, location VUmc, Department of Pathology, Amsterdam Neuroscience, The Netherlands
PhDAleid van de Kreeke
7Amsterdam UMC, location AMC, Ophthalmology Department Amsterdam, The Netherlands
MD, PhDFrank D. Verbraak
8Amsterdam UMC, location VUmc, Ophthalmology Department, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
MD, PhDJohannes F. de Boer
2VU Amsterdam, Department of Physics, LaserLaB, The Netherlands
PhDFemke H. Bouwman
1Amsterdam UMC, location VUmc, Alzheimer Center, Neurology, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Data Availability
Available upon reasonable request
Posted August 17, 2022.
No difference in retinal fluorescence after oral curcumin intake in amyloid proven AD cases compared to controls
Jurre den Haan, Frederique J. Hart de Ruyter, Benjamin Lochocki, Maurice A.G.M. Kroon, E. Marleen Kemper, Charlotte E. Teunissen, Bart van Berckel, Philip Scheltens, Jeroen J. Hoozemans, Aleid van de Kreeke, Frank D. Verbraak, Johannes F. de Boer, Femke H. Bouwman
medRxiv 2021.10.07.21264420; doi:
No difference in retinal fluorescence after oral curcumin intake in amyloid proven AD cases compared to controls
Jurre den Haan, Frederique J. Hart de Ruyter, Benjamin Lochocki, Maurice A.G.M. Kroon, E. Marleen Kemper, Charlotte E. Teunissen, Bart van Berckel, Philip Scheltens, Jeroen J. Hoozemans, Aleid van de Kreeke, Frank D. Verbraak, Johannes F. de Boer, Femke H. Bouwman
medRxiv 2021.10.07.21264420; doi:
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