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Article Information
- August 31, 2021.
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Author Information
- Shaun Truelove, PhD1,*,#,
- Claire P. Smith1,*,
- Michelle Qin2,
- Luke C. Mullany, PhD1,3,
- Rebecca K. Borchering, PhD4,
- Justin Lessler, PhD5,
- Katriona Shea, PhD4,
- Emily Howerton4,
- Lucie Contamin, MS6,
- John Levander6,
- Jessica Salerno, MPH6,
- Wilbert van Panhuis, PhD6,
- Harry Hochheiser, PhD6,
- Matt Kinsey, PhD3,
- Kate Tallaksen, MS3,
- Shelby Wilson, PhD3,
- Lauren Shin3,
- Kaitlin Rainwater-Lovett, PhD3,
- Joseph C. Lemaitre, MS7,
- Juan Dent, ScM1,
- Joshua Kaminsky, MS1,
- Elizabeth C. Lee, PhD1,
- Javier Perez-Saez, PhD1,
- Alison Hill, PhD1,
- Dean Karlen, PhD8,
- Matteo Chinazzi, PhD9,
- Jessica T. Davis9,
- Kunpeng Mu9,
- Xinyue Xiong, MSc9,
- Ana Pastore y Piontti, PhD9,
- Alessandro Vespignani, PhD9,
- Ajitesh Srivastava, PhD10,
- Przemyslaw Porebski, PhD11,
- Srinivasan Venkatramanan, PhD11,
- Aniruddha Adiga, PhD11,
- Bryan Lewis, PhD11,
- Brian Klahn, MS11,
- Joseph Outten11,
- James Schlitt, PhD11,
- Patrick Corbett11,
- Pyrros Alexander Telionis, PhD11,
- Lijing Wang, PhD11,
- Akhil Sai Peddireddy, MS11,
- Benjamin Hurt, MS11,
- Jiangzhuo Chen, PhD11,
- Anil Vullikanti, PhD11,
- Madhav Marathe, PhD11,
- Stefan Hoops, PhD11,
- Parantapa Bhattacharya, PhD11,
- Dustin Machi11,
- Shi Chen, PhD12,
- Rajib Paul, PhD12,
- Daniel Janies, PhD12,
- Jean-Claude Thill, PhD12,
- Marta Galanti, PhD13,
- Teresa Yamana, PhD13,
- Sen Pei, PhD13,
- Jeffrey Shaman, PhD13,
- Nicholas G. Reich, PhD14,
- Jessica M. Healy, PhD15,
- Rachel B. Slayton, PhD15,
- Matthew Biggerstaff, ScD15,
- Michael A. Johansson, PhD15,
- Michael C. Runge, PhD16,† and
- Cécile Viboud, PhD17,†
- 1Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, Baltimore, Maryland
- 2Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts
- 3Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratories, Laurel, Maryland
- 4The Pennsylvania State University, State College, Pennsylvania
- 5University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
- 6University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
- 7École polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne, Lausanne, Switzerland
- 8University of Victoria, Victoria, British Columbia, Canada
- 9Northeastern University, Boston, Massachusetts
- 10University of Southern California, Los Angeles, California
- 11University of Virginia, Charlottesville, Virginia
- 12University of North Carolina at Charlotte, Charlotte, North Carolina
- 13Columbia University
- 14University of Massachusetts Amherst, Amherst, Massachusetts
- 15CDC COVID-19 Response Team
- 16U.S. Geological Survey, Laurel, Maryland
- 17Fogarty International Center, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, Maryland
- ↵#Corresponding author; email: shauntruelove{at}