Article Information
- August 28, 2021.
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Author Information
- Sofía Puvogel1,2,3,a,
- Kris Blanchard1,2,a,
- Bárbara S. Casas1,
- Robyn Miller4,5,
- Delia Garrido1,
- Magdalena Sanhueza2,# and
- Verónica Palma1,#
- 1Laboratory of Stem Cells and Developmental Biology, Department of Biology, Faculty of Sciences. Universidad de Chile. Santiago, Chile
- 2Cell Physiology Laboratory, Department of Biology, Faculty of Sciences, Universidad de Chile, Santiago, Chile
- 3Department of Biomedical Sciences of Cells and Systems, University Medical Center Groningen, Groningen, The Netherlands
- 4Georgia State University, Dept of Computer Science, Atlanta GA, USA
- 5Tri-institutional Center for Translational Research in Neuroimaging and Data Science (TReNDS Center), Atlanta, GA, USA
- ↵#Co-Corresponding Authors: Verónica Palma (vpalma{at}, Phone number (56-2) 2978 7221, Las Encinas 3370. Milenio Building, Floor 3, Ñuñoa, Santiago, Chile. 7800024. Magdalena Sanhueza (masanhue{at} Phone number (56-2) 2978 7344. Las Encinas 3370. Milenio Building, Floor 3, Ñuñoa, Santiago, Chile. 7800024
↵a These authors contributed equally to this work