Objective To determine whether nasal irrigation initiated within 24 hours of a positive PCR test result reduces hospitalizations for COVID-19.
Design, Setting and Participants Prospective case:cohort trial comparing clinical outcomes in patients aged 55 years or older who were PCR positive at a community testing site in Augusta, Georgia. Patients randomized to initiate one of two nasal irrigation regimens were compared to outcomes in the CDC national database from September 23 to December 21, 2020 with follow up until January 18.
nterventions Participants were assigned on alternate days to one of two pressure-based nasal irrigation systems (NAVAGE, Rhinosystems Inc.) or Neilmed Sinus Rinse (Neilmed Inc.), and randomized to include 2.5ml povidone-iodine 10% (antimicrobial) or 0.5 teaspoon sodium bicarbonate (alkalinization) to the standard saline rinse twice daily for 14 days with 14 day follow-up.
Main Outcomes and Measures The primary outcome was hospitalization for COVID-19 symptoms within 28 days of enrollment by daily self-report confirmed with phone follow up and hospital records compared to hospitalization rates publicly available from the CDC. Secondary outcomes in enrolled patients compared symptom resolution and home exposure, adherence to nasal irrigation, and any impact of irrigation system or antimicrobial or alkalization addition to the irrigant.
Results Of 79 patients assigned to nasal irrigation (63.99[7.96] years, 36[45.6%] female, 43[54.4%]male), 0/37 assigned to povidone-iodine and 1/42 patients in the alkalinization group had a COVID-19 related hospitalization (1.26%). From September 22 to December 21, 2020, in patients 50+ years the CDC reported 1022977 cases with 197777 hospitalizations, or 19.33% (OR:0.054, 95%CI0.0074 to 0.38, p=0.0036). Diaries were completed by 62 patients, averaging 1.79 irrigations/day. There were no statistical differences in outcomes by irrigation unit used, of those with symptoms, resolution was more likely in the povidone-iodine group (19/25) than the alkalinization group (15/33, OR.26 (95%CI 0.084 to 0.83,p=0.022).
Conclusion Patients who initiated isotonic saline nasal irrigation after a positive COVID-19 PCR test were 19 times less likely to be hospitalized than the national rate. Further research is required to determine if adding povidone-iodine to irrigation reduces morbidity and mortality of SARS-CoV-2 infection.
Trial Registration ClinicalTrial.gov Identifier: NCT04559035
Background and Objectives
As the novel SARS-CoV-2 spread throughout the world, scientists and clinicians from varied biomedical fields contributed their expertise. From immunological exploration to comparing the efficacy of mask fabrics, investigators joined to combat the scourge in an unprecedented outpouring of research. One of the earliest keys to the pandemic came from genetic exploration by Sungnak et al., suggesting that the nasal epithelia were the critical point of entry.(1) The finding that mutations in the viral “spike” protein increased infectiousness provided a second key, underscoring a mechanical relationship between the viral particle and ACE2 protein that initiated disease.(2)
Ignaz Semmelweis pioneered handwashing to reduce infection in 1847. In emergency medicine and surgery, debriding infectious material with copious high-powered irrigation is standard practice. Nasal irrigation under pressure, or “nasal lavage”, has been demonstrated to reduce the duration and severity of both Coronaviridae and illnesses like flu with shorter incubation periods,(3) and is an evidence-based home antimicrobial intervention in otolaryngology.(4, 5) In locations like Vietnam and Laos where COVID cases and deaths are lowest, 80% practice regular nasal irrigation hygiene.(6) As researchers began publishing potential benefits of nasal antimicrobials and irrigation for COVID-19 prevention,(7, 8) this study was initiated to determine the clinical impact of initiation of nasal irrigation within 24 hours of a positive SARS-CoV-2 PCR test.
We hypothesized patients’ rapid initiation of nasal irrigation twice daily after testing positive would reduce the severity of COVID-19. Our primary outcome was COVID-19 hospitalization within 28 days of a positive test. Secondary outcomes were resolution of symptoms compared to number of irrigation episodes out of 28 possible, and transmission to household contacts in the irrigation group compared to an average published meta-analysis rate of 18.8%.(9, 10) To have the greatest impact, we concentrated on patients aged 55 years and older receiving testing at a single location with a high proportion of minority and economically at-risk patients. Given research supporting the virucidal activity of povidone-iodine against MERS and SARS-CoV-2(11-13) and the possible impact of alkalinization to reduce SARS-CoV-1 viral cell fusion and entry,(14) patients were randomized to add either ½ tsp of sodium bicarbonate or ½ tsp of povidone-iodine to 14 days of 240cc twice daily nasal rinse.
Design, Setting and Participants
Our study was designed as a randomized controlled trial of alkalinization versus povidone-iodine nasal irrigation to reduce symptoms and morbidity from COVID-19, nested in a case:control structure. Consenting patients were matched in a 1:2 ratio with controls to evaluate the impact of irrigation itself on ED visits, hospitalization, and death. Signs at an Augusta, Georgia emergency department testing site informed patients of the irrigation trial and eligibility criteria, and a recruitment flyer was given with testing. This study was approved by the University of Augusta IRB.
Eligible patients had to live in a 25 mile catchment area of Augusta University, be able to speak and read the informed consent in English, agree to nasal lavage for 14 days with a 14-day follow-up, and be available to receive and initiate irrigation materials that day. Exclusion criteria included current supplemental oxygen therapy, unwillingness to try nasal irrigation or currently using nasal irrigation, nasal surgery within the past year or chronic sinusitis, prior COVID-19 infection or positive test, symptoms longer than 7 days prior to testing, and an allergy to iodine or shellfish. Hospital employees were initially excluded, given the unknown impact of greater risk due to exposure or lower risk due to T-cell immunity, but were ultimately included. Controls were matched on age +/-2 years, sex, race, and positive test result within 14 days of participants, drawing one control from patients declining participation and one control from patients who were unable to be contacted. Information from the controls via an Honest Broker review of EHR clinical records shared among the five hospitals was IRB approved, and 79 participants and 158 controls were enrolled and identified respectively in Augusta, Georgia from September 23 to December 21, 2020 and followed 28 days. Due to contracting issues rendering control information unavailable, the COVID-19 Case Surveillance Public Use Data collected by the Centers for Disease Control was used as a control group for hospitalization outcomes. (15)
Patients were randomized to include ½ tsp povidone-iodine or ½ tsp sodium bicarbonate to the standard saline rinse twice daily for 14 days. Randomization was stratified by sex in 10 blocks of 10 random numbers by the first author using Random.org. With odd numbers signifying alkaline and even povidone-iodine, numbered opaque envelopes were prepared in separate sequences for male or female participants to be opened after consent, indicating the appropriate additive to be given to the patient. In order to avoid bias toward any particular product, participants were assigned on alternate days to one of two pressure-based nasal irrigation systems (NAVAGE, Rhinosystems Inc.) or Neilmed Sinus Rinse (Neilmed Inc.).
After receiving the list of positive tests each morning in patients aged 55 and older, a contractor hired to assist with data collection, the Senior Research Assistant, and six volunteer medical students called patients between the hours of 9:00am through the early afternoon Tuesday through Saturday. For patients interested in participation, eligibility critera were assessed over the phone, and remote informed consent was completed. Study materials were delivered to their residence by a member of the research team using COVID-19 precautions (masks, maintaining 6 ft. or more physical distance, door drop off) later that day. Materials consisted of a nasal irrigation device (Neilmed sinus irrigation bottle or Navage unit) with 28+ accompanying saline pods/packets, two gallon jugs of distilled water, a physical copy of the consent form, an instructional sheet, and the randomly allocated additive (baking soda or povidone-iodine) with a 2.5ml scoop. The detailed instruction sheet contained instructions on mixing the irrigant materials, as well as links to a YouTube video demonstrating how to conduct irrigation with the relevant device. Intranasal irrigation devices are rated Class I 510(K) Exempt 874.5550 Product Code KMA. Povidone-Iodine (Betadine®) is an FDA approved over the counter drug at strengths of 10% and above and is labeled and indicated for nasal use NDA 019476.
Main Outcomes and Measures
The primary outcome was hospitalization for COVID-19 symptoms within 28 days of enrollment, by self-report and phone calls verified by the testing site hospital’s electronic medical records. Secondary outcomes in enrolled patients compared symptom resolution and home exposure, adherence to nasal irrigation, and any impact of antimicrobial or alkalization addition to the irrigant. Hospitalization data were compared to the National CDC Case Surveillance Public Use Dataset. This dataset has 12 elements for all COVID-19 cases shared with CDC including demographics, outcomes, and presence of any underlying medical conditions, but lacks geographic data. Between 9/21/2020 and 12/21/2020 there were 2,265,686 cases reported to the CDC in patients aged 50 and older. Of these, the 1,022,977 records for which hospitalization status was available (45.1%) served as the comparison group. This is one of three publicly available databases provided by the CDC. Using the COVID-19 Case Surveillance Public Use Data with Geography for Georgia-specific information was considered; however, between September and December 2020 of 65,909 reported cases in Georgia for ages 50 and up, hospitalization data was available for 3304 (5%), with a hospitalization rate of 50.1% (1655 hospitalized and 1639 not). While a Georgia Department of Public Health private communication indicated a minimum admission rate in age 50+ of 16.4%,(16) due to the poor reporting in Georgia as a whole the national database was selected.
Prompts to complete study materials were sent to participants via text from Qualtrics twice a day for the duration of the study period. To verify irrigation, patients uploaded pictures of used irrigation materials daily into the Qualtrics system. In addition to demographic data, patients were asked preexisting medical history as found on the CDC person of interest form, including Chronic Lung disease (Emphysema, COPD), Asthma, Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus, Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus, Cardiovascular Disease, Hypertension, Chronic Renal Disease, Weight and height to calculate obesity with BMI>30, Immunocompromised condition, and symptoms.
Symptoms included the number of days since first subjectively sick, loss of smell, loss of taste, fatigue, presence or absence of fever >100.4, chills, muscle aches, runny nose, cough (new onset or worsening of chronic cough), shortness of breath, nausea or vomiting, headache, abdominal pain, and diarrhea.
An investigator blinded to study allocation called the patient or their designated contact at day 2, 7, 14, and 28 to verify ED visits, hospitalization, or answer any questions about the study.
Statistical Analysis
Our initial power analysis to reduce hospitalizations from 25% to 10% estimated that 200 patients would be needed to determine if there was a difference between alkalinization or povidone-iodine. To examine irrigant composition differences on the hospitalization rate, Fisher’s exact test was used. For patient characteristics, t-tests were used unless non-normal distribution was noted, in which case the Mann Whitney U test was used. Baseline measures of duration of symptoms and ongoing reported symptoms by day were be compared across the conditions. To test the effect of treatment group in symptom persistence, either t-tests for normally distributed data or the Mann-Whitney U test was used. Pearson’s correlation coefficient was anticipated to determine if an inverse linear relationship existed between number of irrigation uses and illness severity outcomes, but the high compliance with the twice daily routine rendered this moot.
Between initiation of the study and completion of enrollment, new data led to re-evaluating the case to control power analysis. With an alpha of 0.5 and beta of 0.8, 80 patients could detect a reduction in admission rate from 25% to 10%. The patient outcome data was evaluated and the admission rate in the patients enrolled at that time was zero; compared to the percentage of patients admitted in Georgia (12.8%, private communication) the decision was made to stop enrollment. The results are compared to population data from the CDC.(15) We have performed Chi-squared tests for the difference of proportionality between the reported CDC cases for which hospitalization was recorded versus the hospitalizations reported and corroborated in the Augusta University Health hospital data in Georgia, with an odds ratio of cases to controls in the dataset. (MedCalc Software Ltd. Odds ratio calculator. https://www.medcalc.org/calc/odds_ratio.php (Version 20.009).
During the study period, 858 unique patients 55 and older were eligible to be contacted within 24 hours of a positive PCR; 164 did not meet inclusion criteria, 251 did not answer, 57 were unable to be contacted before delivery capacity for the day was full, 13 had wrong contact information, 297 refused to participate, and 79 were able to be enrolled and receive irrigation materials on the day of contact.(Figure 1). There was one COVID-19 related admission out of 79 patients assigned to nasal irrigation, 0/37 assigned to povidone-iodine and 1/42 patients in the alkalinization group (1.26%). One patient in the alkalinization group had a COVID-19 related ED visit but was not admitted. In addition to COVID-19 healthcare utilization, one patient reported an ED visit for a minor trauma, and one patient had a syncopal episode requiring admission for evaluation in the follow up period after resolution of COVID symptoms. These events were verified in the EHR database, and there were no additional ED visits or hospitalizations found in consented patients. During the same enrollment period, in patients 50+ years the CDC reported 1022977 cases with 197777 hospitalizations, or 19.33% admission rate (OR:0.054, 95%CI0.0074 to 0.3845, p=0.0036). These reported data were not adjusted for underreporting of hospitalizations and disease cases.(17) The CDC group was on average younger, more likely to be female, and had a lower reported proportion of minority patients (Table 1). For the 785,285 CDC cases for whom both hospitalization and death were reported, 8.22% of patients expired. There were no deaths in our cohort.
Of the 79 enrolled, 57 patients completed the symptom and history questionnaire; patients reported a median of 3.3 days (IQR 2,5) of symptoms prior to enrollment. 12 patients received their materials but didn’t record their first irrigation until the following day.
An online daily symptom and irrigation data collection survey was completed for at least 2 days of 14 by 62 patients (median of 12 of 14 days, IQR 1,13.75), rating symptoms as none, mild, moderate, and severe. Study staff called the patients on days 2,4,7 and 14 for irrigation and hospitalization information. Of 631 daily online surveys, patients reported irrigating once per day (7.29%), twice daily (88.43%), or none (4.25%). Patients were asked to take pictures of used irrigation materials, which corroborated reported irrigation. Two patients had irritation with the povidone-iodine that resolved.
Presenting symptoms present in over 50% of patients included fever, muscle aches, congestion, and headache. In other studies evaluating COVID symptoms, fatigue, headaches, anosmia and congestion persisted.(18) Full daily diaries were completed by 62 patients, averaging 1.79 irrigations/day. There were no statistical differences in symptomatic outcomes by irrigation unit used, but symptom resolution of all or only one mild symptom among headache, fatigue, anosmia and congestion in 14 days was more likely in the povidone-iodine group (21/27) than the alkalinization group (17/35, p=0.0192).
Thirteen participants (16.4% by intention to treat) had household contacts who tested positive, compared to 18.8% in a published meta-analysis.(9)
To the extent that our results generalize, pressurized nasal irrigation offers a safe and over the counter measure with potentially vital public health impact. Nationally, the reduction of hospitalizations from 19% to 1.3% as of the month this writing (August 2021) would have corresponded in absolute terms to 1.2 million fewer patients requiring admission. Improved patient outcomes would be accompanied by corresponding reductions in pressure on ICU capacity as well as stress and risk to healthcare providers.
The severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) pathogen is a single stranded positive sense RNA virus, with a similar spike protein-receptor binding mechanism as SARS-CoV and MERS-CoV. Clinically COVID-19 differs in several notable ways from previous viral Coronaviridae: younger patients are dramatically less impacted than the elderly; obesity, diabetes, African American race and hypertension are independent risk factors; male patients fare more poorly than females; the duration of the alpha variant from infection to mild symptoms to severe symptoms was prolonged, averaging 14-17 days; and the relatively pathognomonic symptom of anosmia is present in up to 80% of patients.(19)
In February of 2020 enough data had been accumulated about SARS-CoV-2 to perplex epidemiologists. The unusual transmission, environmental, and patient characteristics of SARS-CoV-2 infection presented an unprecedented challenge. The prolonged incubation with a multi-phase clinical course made reduction of spread and identification of those at risk difficult. The high number of infectious but asymptomatic patients generated multiple theories based on patient risk, until an association of viral load with severity (20-22) suggested a different kind of cumulative pathology. Association of transmission in drier rather than colder climes supported aerosol over fomite spread,(23) with the unusual observation of increased spread and severity in areas with greater pollution(24) while sparing even some pollution-heavy countries in Southeast Asia but not others. Finally, the correlation of older age, male sex, race, socio-economic status, obesity and renal disease with severity was an immunologic puzzle.(25, 26) If immunity were related, why would the very young not also be at risk?
One potentially unifying explanation for the constellation of presentations was identified in March of the epidemic: the location, density and activation of ACE2 receptors. Sungnak et al. published that nasal epithelial cells were the likely point of entry,(1) an observation refined to ciliated upper respiratory epithelia with subsequent research.(27, 28) In addition, the necessary activation of TMPRSS2, present in the nasal cavity but lagging behind in pulmonary tissues,(29) suggested the nasopharynx as a target of early mechanical intervention to reduce viral entry.
Other research supported mechanical parameters of the nasal cavity that directly correlated with observed illness. The size of the nasal cavity (and thus available ciliated epithelia) correlated with age and male sex.(30, 31) At a protein level, obesity and diabetes both increased expression of nasal ACE2 receptors, as did pollution and age.(24, 32) The observation that olfactory neuroepithelium ACE2 expression was elevated at 700 times the expression in lungs implied both a mechanism and rationale for interventions like masking,(33) reducing viral load and increasing numbers of asymptomatic patients.(20) Together, the nasal cavity size, ACE2 expression and variolation explanation could account for lower pediatric severity and spread.(34) The degree of methylation of the ACE2 receptors (and thus stiffness and ease of viral attachment) is related to both race and epigenetic stress.(35, 36) Thus, increased virulence correlating with increased stability of the spike proteins in variants supports the mechanical hypothesis.
Taken together, these factors support the concept that the primary entry of clinical significance is through the nasopharynx. Given the local cell to cell rather than hematogenous spread, the potential exists that mechanically debriding viral particles lodged in the ACE2 receptor but not yet fused can reduce viral load. Furthermore, the variation in methylation implies that not all particles are securely attached. The size variations in entire nasal cavity, rather than just anterior nares, supported the concept that full nasal cavity irrigation rather than just spray was worth testing. Finally, the number of asymptomatic cases and the correlation of illness severity with viral load implied that even after PCR positivity, a window existed wherein lowering the viral load through irrigation could be clinically advantageous. The theory that pulmonary spread results from micro-aspiration of newly replicated viral particles is supported by the higher correlation between infection and obstructive sleep apnea than obesity, despite the increased ACE2 receptors in obese patients.
Multiple commentaries have supported the concept and safety(37) of debridement.(7, 38-40) A host of investigators coming to the above-detailed conclusions initiated multiple prospective studies varying additives (Neem oil, ozone, surfactant, lactobacillis, virucidals), concentration, and chronicity for COVID prevention or treatment. Several of these ongoing studies in prevention have been limited by pandemic enrollment difficulties, or by statistical challenges from a lower-than-expected incidence in healthcare workers who may have T cell protection initially unanticipated during power analyses.
In the one study in print evaluating severity reduction, interim data from Vanderbilt showed both irrigation and irrigation with surfactant reduced median days to symptom resolution for nasal congestion (Non-irrigation(NI) 14 days; Hypertonic Saline Irrigation BID (HTS) 5 days; Hypertonic Saline Irrigation with Surfactant (HTSS) 7 days; p = 0.04) and headache (NI, 12 days; HTS, 3 days; HTSS, 5 days; p = 0.02),(18) further supporting that mechanical viral load reduction correlated with reduced symptoms.
To our knowledge, this is the first prospective nasal irrigation study demonstrating a significant reduction of morbidity in a high risk age group including pre-existing conditions.
Our results support that irrigation, whether accompanied by alkalinization or an effective virucidal, reduces the likelihood of hospitalization. There are a number of limitations to our study design and execution.
The primary concern without irrigation randomization or a matched control group is the generalizability of our sample. The CDC database had a nonsignificantly higher percentage of older patients, and the higher percentage with hospitalization could represent a reporting bias. Data suggests cases and hospitalizations are underreported rather than over,(17) however, and the CDC admission rate of 19.3% is consistent with rates in other studies with older populations. In a study of monoclonal antibodies delivered to outpatients testing positive, Chen et al found a 15% admission rate in patients 65+ or with BMI > 35.(41) Moreover, our sample was taken in a socioeconomically challenged catchment area with five-fold more minority patients than the CDC cohort. In a similar health system to ours, Price-Haywood et al found a 39.7% admission rate; a Cochran database of minority patients’ admission rates in similar time periods and demographic location to our enrollment period consistently found admission rates as high as 60%.(26, 42)
The duration of symptoms of our participants varied. While the goal was to initiate irrigation as quickly as possible after a positive test, healthcare infrastructure and testing turnaround time may limit the potential for fast intervention. The requirement to participate on 24-hour notice could have biased our sample toward healthier, technologically connected, higher socioeconomic status patients. The bias from feeling too well or too sick to participate could have been an issue, but approximately equal numbers declined participation due to “brain fog” as declined because they felt well and deemed any intervention unnecessary.
While irrigation could be an effective mechanical protection against variants in vaccinated people, adoption of a new hygiene intervention – or any intervention – is a barrier. Of the 537 patients contacted, 28 did not want to perform nasal irrigation. Of those who initiated irrigation, most continued twice daily use, but how this would generalize outside a research setting is unknown.
As an intervention, pressurized nasal irrigation showed promise to reduce the severity of COVID-19 infection when initiated within 24 hours of a positive test. As large unvaccinated populations pressure evolution of variants, an effective mechanical outpatient intervention to reduce viral load and hospitalizations can save lives and reduce the stress on hospital staff. Further research into the frequency and adjuvants of irrigation will be important not just for this pandemic, but for future viruses to come.
Author Approval
All authors have filled out ICMJE and approved submission.
Competing Interests
Materials were provided by Neilmed Inc. and Rhinosystems Inc. The Bernard and Anne Gray Donor Advised Fund Community Foundation for Greater Atlanta, Neilmed Inc., and Rhinosystems Inc. all donated $10,000 in unrestricted funds to the National Disaster Life Support Foundation who supported additional materials for the study. No authors received external funding or have any prior or ongoing economic relationship with any donors.