Data Availability
CODE AVAILABILITY: The source code of PathML is freely available at the following public repository: The source code of the tutorial presented in the Procedure section of the manuscript is also freely available at the following public repository: That repository also contains the code used to train PathML's deep tissue detector in its "deep_tissue_detector" subdirectory. DATA AVAILABILITY: The whole-slide images (WSIs) used in the tutorial presented in the Procedure section, along with the annotation files demarcating regions of metastasis in each WSI, are publicly available at the following link: Note that the "annotations" directory in the pathml-tutorial repository ( contains corrected versions of some of the annotation files present in the CAMELYON16 Google Drive link above (some of the original annotation files contained small self-overlapping regions), so the .xml files in "annotations" are recommended in lieu of the originals. A copy of the results from a full Procedure run can be found at the pathml-tutorial repository. A complete run of the tutorial presented in the Procedure section of the manuscript include all outputs can be found at the following link: The WSIs used to train PathML's deep tissue detector are governed by data usage policies specified by the data controller (University of Cambridge, Cancer Research UK). We are committed to complying with Cancer Research UK's Data Sharing and Preservation Policy. Whole-slide images used in this study will be available for non-commercial research purposes upon approval by a Data Access Committee according to institutional requirements. Applications for data access should be directed to florian.markowetz{at} The annotation .xml files corresponding to these WSIs are publicly available in the "deep_tissue_detector" subdirectory of the pathml-tutorial repository.