Article Information
- July 7, 2021.
Author Information
- Sabine Hazan, MD1,*,
- Sonya Dave, PhD2,
- Anoja W. Gunaratne, PhD3,
- Sibasish Dolai, PhD3,
- Robert L Clancy, MD, PhD3,
- Peter A. McCullough, MD, MPH4 and
- Thomas J. Borody, MD, PhD, DSc3
- 1ProgenaBiome, LLC, 1845 Knoll Dr., Ventura, CA, USA, 93003
- 2Microbiome Research, 1845 Knoll Dr., Ventura, CA, USA, 93003
- 3Centre for Digestive Diseases, 229 Great North Road, Five Dock, NSW, Australia, 2046
- 4Texas A & M College of Medicine, Baylor Dallas Campus, Dallas TX, USA 75226
- ↵*Corresponding Author drhazan{at}
Authors’ contributions: SH contributed to and led all aspects of the study, including idea formulation, clinical treatment, study design, Covidex design, analysis, and writing. S Dave carried out data analysis, Covidex design and validation, obtaining control, and contributed to writing. AWG, RLC, and PAM contributed to writing. S Dolai contributed to writing and study design. TJB led all aspects of the study, including idea formulation, study design and writing.