Article Information
- July 3, 2021.
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Author Information
- Miladys Limonta-Fernándeza,&,
- Glay Chinea-Santiagoa,&,
- Alejandro Miguel Martín-Dunna,&,
- Diamile Gonzalez-Rochea,&,
- Monica Bequet-Romeroa,&,
- Gabriel Marquez-Pereraa,&,
- Isabel González-Moyaa,
- Camila Canaan-Haden-Ayalaa,
- Ania Cabrales-Ricoa,
- Luis Ariel Espinosa-Rodrígueza,
- Yassel Ramos-Gómeza,
- Ivan Andujar-Martíneza,
- Luis Javier González-Lópeza,
- Mariela Perez de la Iglesiaa,
- Jesus Zamora-Sancheza,
- Otto Cruz-Suib,
- Gilda Lemos-Péreza,
- Gleysin Cabrera-Herreraa,
- Jorge Valdes-Hernándeza,
- Eduardo Martinez-Diazc,
- Eulogio Pimentel-Vazquezc,
- Marta Ayala-Avilaa and
- Gerardo Guillén-Nietoa,d,&,*
- aCenter for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology, CIGB, Ave. 31 E/ 158 y 190, La Habana 10600, Cuba
- bCivilian Defense Scientific Research Center, Carretera de Jamaica y Autopista Nacional, San José de las Lajas, Mayabeque, Cuba
- cBiotechnology and Pharmaceutical Industries Group, BioCubaFarma, Ave. Independencia 8126, esq. a Calle 100. Boyeros. La Habana, Cuba
- dLatin American School of Medicine, Calle Panamericana Km 3 1/2, Playa, La Habana 11600, Cuba
- ↵*Corresponding author:
Gerardo Guillén-Nieto Ph.D., Biomedical Research Direction, Center for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology, Ave. 31 E/ 158 y 190, La Habana 10600, Cuba, E-mail: gerardo.guillen{at}
↵& These authors contributed equally to this work and should be considered as co-first authors