Article Information
- July 30, 2021.
Article Versions
- Version 1 (June 21, 2021 - 13:08).
- Version 2 (June 30, 2021 - 09:42).
- You are viewing Version 3, the most recent version of this article.
1) We updated the manuscript with newer sequences and SGTF information from the past month (up to July 27, 2021) 2) We added the analysis of Cq (quantification thresholds) from 370,000 RT-qPCR results to assess whether Delta infections led to higher viral loads. This is now in Figure 2 of the paper. 3) We removed previous Figure 2 and the analysis of growth rate by county vaccination rate. The comparison with Gamma growth rate became difficult as Gamma is also being replaced by Delta as we show now in Figure 1. For the growth of Delta cases by vaccination rate, we did not have enough sequences from counties with different enough vaccination rates. The analysis of growth of case numbers by county vaccination rate can be seen on CDC website. 4) We added Data tables in supplementary material that allow anyone to replicate the figures in the paper.
Author Information
- Alexandre Bolze1,*,&,
- Elizabeth T. Cirulli1,*,
- Shishi Luo1,*,
- Simon White1,*,
- Dana Wyman1,
- Andrew Dei Rossi1,
- Henrique Machado1,
- Tyler Cassens1,
- Sharoni Jacobs1,
- Kelly M. Schiabor Barrett1,
- Kevin Tsan1,
- Jason Nguyen1,
- Jimmy M. Ramirez III1,
- Efren Sandoval1,
- Xueqing Wang1,
- David Wong1,
- David Becker1,
- Marc Laurent1,
- James T. Lu1,
- Magnus Isaksson1,
- Nicole L. Washington1 and
- William Lee1,&
- ↵&Correspondence: alexandre.bolze{at}, william.lee{at}
↵* Equal contributions