Objective With the advent of a novel coronavirus in December 2019, several case studies have reported its adversity on cardiac cells. We conducted a systematic review that describes the symptomatology, prognosis, and clinical findings of patients with COVID-19-related myocarditis.
Methods Search engines including PubMed, Google Scholar, Cochrane Central, and Web of Science were queried for “SARS-CoV-2” or “COVID 19” and “myocarditis.” PRISMA guidelines were employed, and peer-reviewed journals in English related to COVID-19 were included.
Results This systematic review included 22 studies and 37 patients. Eight patients (36%) were confirmed myocarditis, while the rest were possible myocarditis. Most patients had elevated cardiac biomarkers, including troponin, CRP, CK, CK-MB, and NT-pro BNP. Electrocardiogram results noted tachycardia (47%), left ventricular hypertrophy (50%), ST-segment alterations (41%), and T wave inversion (18%). Echocardiography presented reduced LVEF (77%), left ventricle abnormalities (34%), right ventricle aberrations (12%), and pericardial effusion (71%). Further, CMR showed reduced myocardial edema (75%), non-ischemic patterns (50%), and hypokinesis (26%). The mortality was significant at 25%.
Conclusions Mortality associated with COVID-19 myocarditis appears significant but underestimated. Further studies are warranted to evaluate and quantify patients’ actual prognosis and outcomes with COVID-19 myocarditis.
1 Introduction
On 30 April 2021, there have been 149,910,744 confirmed cases of COVID-19, including 3,155,168 deaths reported globally1. COVID-19 is known to target multiple organ systems, inclusive of the respiratory tract. The Angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 (ACE2) receptor has been hypothesized as the receptor used by the receptor-binding domain of virus surface spike protein to enter the host cell. Such affinity could be why the lungs are affected most compared to other organs, as there is a high concentration of ACE2 receptors on the lung epithelial surface2. On the other hand, pericytes lining the microvasculature have the strongest ACE2 receptor expression in the heart. Furthermore, the receptor is also expressed in cardiomyocytes, fibroblasts, and vascular smooth muscle cells, explaining why up to 28% of COVID-19 patients harbor myocardial injury3,4.
Myocarditis, the inflammation of the myocardial tissue, has been identified as the major cause of myocardial injury in COVID-19. Myocarditis is perceived as an increased immune response (cellular or humoral) in cardiac cells. Clinical manifestations range from chest pain, dyspnea to life-threatening conditions such as cardiogenic shock and death5. Myocarditis is confirmed by laboratory testing, ECG, cardiac imaging, heart catheterization, and endomyocardial biopsies (EMB)6. So far, several case studies have been reported. A meta–summary of cases presenting coronavirus-induced myocarditis identified chest pain, ECG changes, elevated cardiac and inflammatory biomarkers, left ventricular dysfunction, and hypokinesis as hallmark features of COVID-19-related myocarditis7. Using the findings from earlier reports, we have created a conceptual framework of the pathophysiology of COVID-19-related-myocarditis (Figure 1). It highlights the entry of the SARS-COV-2 virus to the heart and the signs and symptoms associated with the cardiac injury. Nevertheless, considering the limitations of published data (< 1 year of onset of COVID -19), more data is required to establish the symptomatology, prognosis, and clinical findings of COVID-19-related myocarditis. Thus, we further discussed COVID–19 induced myocarditis and provided an in-depth review of its symptomatology.
2 Methods
2.1 Protocol and Registration
We have used the PRISMA guidelines (Fig. 2) to identify eligible articles in this review.
2.2 Eligibility Criteria
A Inclusion Criteria
We included articles from peer-reviewed journals that have reported on COVID-19-induced myocarditis. It was limited to studies published only in English.
B Exclusion Criteria
Studies like systematic review, meta-analysis, and letter to the editor were excluded. We also excluded studies that include patients younger than 50 years old and those with known heart problems.
2.3 Information Sources and Search Strategies
A comprehensive literature search was done using the search engines Pubmed, Google Scholar, Cochrane CENTRAL, and Web of Science database. The search terms were “SARS-CoV-2” or “COVID 19” and “myocarditis.”
2.4 Study Selection
Two authors carried out an independent search and screened the titles and abstracts of the identified articles for inclusion. Afterward, full-text articles were reviewed to validate if they truly satisfy the inclusion criteria of this review. Any discrepancies were resolved by consulting a third author.
2.5 Data Collection Process and Data Items
Data extracted from articles included author/s, study design, number of patients, year of publication, country, setting, age in years, gender, comorbidities, symptoms, mortality, ECG findings, echocardiogram findings, laboratory results, imaging tests results, and myocardial biopsy. The data were analyzed and synthesized qualitatively using MS Excel PIVOT.
The quality of the included studies was rated using the ‘Research and Quality Scoring Method’ by Sackett and Haynes, the Jadad scale, and the items published by Cho and Bero8. Nine criteria were appraised to determine the overall quality of each study. The score ranged from zero to nine. Those with scores of zero to three were considered low quality, scores of four to six were moderate quality, and seven to nine were considered high quality. (Supplementary Table 1 and 2)
3. Results
3.1. Study Selection
The electronic search identified 974 potential studies. No additional studies were obtained using other sources. Most of the articles were duplicates; hence, only 624 articles were screened initially. The title and abstracts were reviewed against the inclusion criteria, and 492 articles were excluded on primary screening. Around 110 articles were not on COVID-19-related myocarditis, did not provide an English translation, were review articles, pregnant female and involved participants <50 years old and with known heart problems were excluded. A review of the full-text manuscript of the 22 articles revealed that all of them met the eligibility criteria. Hence, all 22 articles9-30 were included in the systematic review illustrated according to PRISMA guidelines (Figure 2).
3.2. Characteristics of the Selected Studies
Twenty-two studies were selected for this systematic review, out of which twenty-one were case reports, and one was a retrospective study. All articles were published in the year 2020, and 41% were done within the US.
The reports included a total sample of 37 patients with COVID-19-related myocarditis. Cases were reported by patients aged between 50 to 81 years with male predominance (62%). The patients were primarily seen in the intensive care unit (41%) and emergency department (32%). In six studies (27%), the participants had no existing illness. In contrast, among those with existing morbidities, the most common diseases were hypertension (55%) and ischemic stroke (9%) (Table 1)
3.3 Methodological Quality of the Selected Studies
The ‘Research and Quality Scoring Method’ by Sackett and Haynes, the Jadad scale, and the items published by Cho and Bero were employed to appraise the quality of each study (Han et al., 2011)8. Out of 22 studies, 21 studies (96%) were deemed moderate, and one study (4%) has poor quality. The study design is a potential source of bias. The majority were case studies (96%), and there was one retrospective study (4%). Given the inherent limitations of case studies, the sample size was small, and there were no inclusion or exclusion criteria. Similarly, the sample size for the retrospective study was small at 16 (Supplementary Tables 1 and 2 presents the findings and the description of each criterion).
3.4 Results from the Selected Studies
Signs and Symptoms
Out of 22 studies, 17 articles reported the typical systemic symptoms of COVID-19 myocarditis, which included fever (77%), fatigue (41%), and myalgia (18%). Only 12 studies noted the cardiovascular complaints of the patients, such as chest pain (50%), tachycardia (25%), and hypotension (17%). Meanwhile, 21 studies discussed respiratory signs and symptoms, including shortness of breath (67%), cough (62%), acute respiratory distress syndrome (24%), hypoxia (19%), and tachypnea (14%). Out of 22 studies, only three reports examined the neurological presentation of COVID-19 myocarditis. All studies noted syncope (100%). Then, three studies documented the gastrointestinal complaints of the patients, wherein diarrhea (67%) was the most common presentation (Table 2).
Out of 22 studies, only 16 articles (73%) reported mortality, while six studies (27%) did not mention any consequent prognosis. Variable outcomes were reported on COVID-19-related myocarditis with a mortality of 25% (n = 4). Out of 16 patients, 12 of them (75%) recovered (Table 2).
Laboratory Finding
Most of the studies noted an increase in troponin (86%), NT-pro BNP (91%), ferritin (80%), WBC (80%), and D-dimer (67%) levels. The median troponin level was 290 (IQR = 3,543) ng/L, median NT-pro BNP was 4,639 (IQR = 4,678) pg/mL, median ferritin level was 948 (IQR = 244) ng/ml, mean WBC count was 17,500 (SD = 5,710.08) per μL, and median D-dimer level was 949 (IQR = 742) ng/mL. Meanwhile, in the studies that examined creatine, 50% noted risen levels with a mean creatinine level of 1.31 (SD = 0.48) mg/dL. On the other hand, all studies that evaluated CRP, CK level, CK-MB, ESR and procalcitonin noted elevated laboratory findings. The median CRP level was 18.01 (IQR = 14.09) mg/dL, median CK level was 1130 (IQR = 1005) U/L, median CK-MB level was 20.1 (IQR = 11.94) ng/ml, mean ESR was 80 (SD = 2.83) mm/hr, and median procalcitonin level was 7.69 (IQR = 7.51) ng/ml (Table 3)
Tachycardia was noted in eight studies (47%). In terms of rhythm, normal sinus rhythm was noted in nine studies (75%) and atrial fibrillation in one study (8%). The ECG reports also revealed left ventricular hypertrophy (50%). The findings also noted alterations in the ST segments (41%) and T wave inversion (18%) (Table 4). All in all, these electrocardiogram findings vary pretty broadly.
The majority of studies (77%) observed a reduced left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF). The mean LVEF was 33% (SD = 8.35). Out of the 17 studies, there were also significant abnormalities in the left ventricle in six studies (34%) and right ventricle in two studies (12%). Pericardial effusion was noted in 5 studies, but most studies had no mention of this (Table 5).
In terms of the coronary angiography results, only 1 study found a significant coronary artery disease, while of the ten studies, 8 (80%) had a chest CT noted with ground-glass changes, and 2 (20%) was noted with bilateral opacities. Similarly, in 14 studies with chest x-ray findings, 6 (43%) were noted with bilateral interstitial opacities, 2 (14%) with bilateral basal opacities, and 2 (14%) with bilateral pleural effusion (Table 6).
The CMR and myocardial biopsy results were used to identify possible and confirmed cases of COVID-19-related myocarditis. Out of 22 studies, eight studies performed CMR, and only two were able to provide histopathological findings through EMB. Eight were confirmed cases (36%), and the rest were suspected cases (Table 7).
Generally, myocarditis can be suspected with clinical presentations suggestive of acute coronary syndrome on ECG, laboratory testing (e.g., increase troponin levels), and/or wall motion abnormalities with no obstruction of coronary arteries on coronary angiography4.
Myocarditis diagnosed through CMR was based on Lake Louise Criteria, which includes signs of edema, T2-weighted imaging, and necrosis with late gadolinium enhancement (LGE), along with supportive findings of left ventricular dysfunction and pericardial effusion11. On T1-weighted imaging, two studies revealed diffuse biventricular hypokinesis, one discrete hypokinesis, and one mild hypokinesis in the lateral wall segment. On T2 weighted imaging, six studies with T2 mapping of myocardium illustrated myocardial edema, of which 2 of them revealed a diffuse, biventricular and interventricular region. Imaging on LGE results showed non-ischemic patterns in 4 studies and an ischemic pattern on the left ventricular septum wall in 1 study. Anterolateral, inferolateral, and biventricular walls were the most affected regions with subepicardial to transmural affectation. Supporting criteria in the Lake Louise consensus criteria, such as systolic dysfunction, was also noted in 3 studies, with a mean value LVEF of 42% and pericardial effusion in 1 study.
From the two studies that performed EMB, 1 study showed an increased number of T-lymphocytes infiltrates11. The result of the other study excluded other potential etiologies such as heart failure or arrhythmias, parvovirus B19, human herpesvirus, Epstein-Barr virus, enterovirus, cytomegalovirus, adenovirus, HIV, and hepatitis C virus. They have concluded that SARS-CoV-2 infection was most likely the cause17.
This systematic review aimed to describe the symptomatology, prognosis, and clinical findings of patients with probable and confirmed COVID-19-related myocarditis. Frequent clinical findings of COVID-19 constitute fever, cough, shortness of breath, and fatigue31. WHO (World Health Organization) has also cited fever and cough as striking features of COVID-1932. Fever, dyspnea, and/or chest pain are the typical manifestations of myocarditis that overlap with the symptoms of COVID-19, thus making diagnosis challenging33. However, laboratory investigations such as raised cardiac biomarkers and electrocardiogram may assist in diagnosing COVID-19 induced myocarditis.
Our study’s mortality rate from COVID-19-related myocarditis was high as 25%, which is comparable with the previous meta-summary, which noted 27% fatalities in patients with COVID-19 related myocarditis34. Our results align with a prior case report which proposes that myocardial injury is a cardinal predictor of mortality in COVID-1935. Even though the majority of the patients in our review survived COVID-19-related myocarditis, the actual mortality rate may be higher as many of the included studies did not report a fatality.
COVID-19 symptoms can be minimal to severe36. This was evident in our sample, wherein the participants displayed a varied course of the disease. The immune system plays a vital role in the severity of the symptoms in an individual inflicted with COVID-19. Those individuals with strong immunity are found to have mild symptoms compared to those with weak immunity. In contrast, aged people who have multiple comorbidities show more signs and symptoms of COVID-1937. Some of these patients can progress to acute respiratory distress syndrome, a severe complication of COVID-1938.
Conventionally, serum biomarkers are used to confirm any suspected case of acute myocarditis. Patients infected with the COVID-19 exhibited elevated troponin levels39. However, their presence cannot be used to rule out the possibility of any specific types of myocarditis. High CK-MB and BNP levels may be associated with COVID-19 induced myocarditis but are relatively non-specific as any state of volume overload or demand ischemia may also present likewise40. However, inflammatory markers such as C-reactive protein, D-dimer, and ferritin are found to be significantly increased in severe illness41. ECG findings of included studies denoted tachycardia and left ventricular hypertrophy, which coincides with the study’s conceptual framework.
Furthermore, the echocardiogram findings were positive for a reduced left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF) varying between 20% to 47% and pericardial effusion. Pericardial effusion appears to be a novel finding. Nevertheless, past literature on clinically suspected myocarditis and acute myocarditis recognized pericardial effusion as a concurrent finding in patients with myocarditis42,43. Nevertheless, reduced ejection fraction is not distinct in myocarditis. It can also occur in a myocardial injury secondary to systemic causes rather than a viral infection of the heart. Definitive findings can be ascertained in the endomyocardial biopsy and MRI, but we had a very small proportion of this cohort study. Despite such measures, we noticed mortality in one-fourth of cases during recovery in three-fourths. The authors addressed this as a limitation for this study.
COVID-19 and myocarditis can potentially present the same way and maybe hard to differentiate clinically. It may be underreported as many patients account for “new” diminished EF with elevated myocardial markers, but it is plausible that projected growth in severe outcomes might warrant special attention shortly. However, only a handful of myocarditis cases confirmed via MRI and/ or endomyocardial biopsy have been addressed. Patients were reluctant to undergo MRI and biopsy due to fear of contracting COVID-19, and available diagnostic tests such as echo and EKG were reliable for screening but not diagnostic purposes, except in the case of pericardial effusion. COVID-19 is associated with cardiovascular involvement, and patients with known cases of cardiovascular disease are prone to face severe outcomes with COVID-19. It is more toilsome to differentiate COVID-19 patients with and concomitant myocarditis based on clinical features. Biomarkers such as troponin, BNP, and CK-MB might aid in the diagnosis but are non-specific because their levels can also rise in other conditions such as acute heart failure and demand ischemia.
COVID-19 related mortality from myocarditis appears significant and under-estimated. Many cases of COVID-19 myocarditis have not been subjected to definitive diagnostic approaches, including endomyocardial biopsy and MRI. In addition, rates of poor outcomes such as mortality and the presence of myocarditis itself might be underreported. Further studies are needed to outline the trends of symptoms, outcomes, and prognosis of patients with COVID-19 related myocarditis. Moreover, an upsurge in such cases necessitates establishing treatment guidelines since current treatment approaches in practice vary from case to case.
Data Availability
available on request
Author’s Role
Research Project: A. Conception, B. Organization, C. Execution.
Statistical Analysis: A. Design, B. Execution, C. Review, and Critique.
Manuscript: A. Writing of the first draft, B. Review of Critique.
VJ: 1A, 1B, 1C, 2A, 2B, 2C, 3A, 3B
SN: 1B, 1C, 2C, 3A, 3B
JT, AP, CE: 1B, 1C, 2B, 2A, 3A
WM, ZA, YD, RV, SS, AB, PP: 2B, 2C, 3B
KB, SY: 1C, 2C, 3A, 3B.
JD: 2C, 3B.
The authors have not declared a specific grant for this research from any funding agency in public, commercial or not-for-profit sectors.
The authors have no conflicts of interest to disclose.
Out of 22 studies, only 16 articles (73%) reported mortality, while six studies (27%) did not mention any consequent prognosis. Variable outcomes were reported on COVID-19-related myocarditis with a mortality of 25% (n = 4). Out of 16 patients, 12 of them (75%) recovered (Table 2).
The authors of this article would like to thanks the sponsoring institution “Larkin Community Hospital” for helping and supporting throughout till final submission. w
Funding: The authors have not declared a specific grant for this research from any funding agency in the public, commercial or not-for-profit sectors.
Disclosures: The authors have no conflict of interest to disclose.
- S/S
- signs and symptoms
- hypertension
- type II diabetes mellitus
- RA
- rheumatoid arthritis
- NA-Not
- available