Purpose By optical coherence tomography (OCT) imaging, hyperreflective foci (HRF) indicate progression risk for advanced age-related macular degeneration (AMD) and are in part attributable to ectopic retinal pigment epithelium (RPE). We hypothesized that ectopic RPE are molecularly distinct from in-layer cells and that their cross-retinal course follows Müller glia.
Method In clinical OCT (61 eyes, 44 AMD patients, 79.4 ± 7.7 years; 29 female; follow-up = 4.7 ± 0.9 years) one HRF type, RPE plume, was reviewed. Twenty eyes of 20 donors characterized by ex vivo OCT were analyzed by histology (normal, 4; early/intermediate AMD, 7; geographic atrophy (GA), 6; 3 neovascular AMD (nvAMD). Cryosections were stained with antibodies to retinoid (RPE65, CRALPB) and immune (CD68, CD163) markers. In published RPE cellular phenotypes, red immunoreactivity was assessed semi-quantitatively by one observer (none, some cells, all cells).
Results Trajectories of RPE plume and cellular debris paralleled Müller glia, whether ordered or subsident, near atrophy borders. RPE corresponding to HRF lost immunoreactivity for retinoid markers and gained immunoreactivity for immune markers. Aberrant immunoreactivity appeared in individual in-layer RPE cells and extended to all abnormal phenotypes. Müller glia remained CRALBP-positive. Plume cells approached and contacted retinal capillaries.
Conclusion Gain- and loss-of-function starts with individual in-layer RPE cells and extends to all abnormal phenotypes. Down-regulated RPE retinoid handling may impair rod vision while Müller glia sustain cone vision. Evidence for RPE transdifferentiation, possibly due to ischemia, supports a proposed process of epithelial-mesenchyme transition. Data can propel new biomarkers and therapeutic strategies for AMD.
Précis Hyperreflective foci (HRF) are OCT progression risk indicators in age-related macular degeneration. Abnormal RPE cells including some that correspond to HRF lose immunoreactivity for retinoid markers and gain immunoreactivity for immune markers, indicating molecular transdifferentiation.
Age-related macular degeneration (AMD) causes vision loss in older persons worldwide. 1 Neovascular complications are managed medically, 2 whereas the underlying and prevalent atrophic (“dry”) disease is not yet treatable. AMD affects vertically integrated cellular layers formed by light-sensing photoreceptors and support cells (retinal pigment epithelium (RPE), choriocapillaris, Müller glia). Characteristic extracellular deposits (drusen, subretinal drusenoid deposits) form between photoreceptors and their choroidal and retinal blood supplies. 3
AMD is increasingly understood via clinical optical coherence tomography (OCT). This technology provides depth-resolved and registered images of retinal and choroidal tissue layers 4 that resemble histology and can be followed over time. 5 Not only are RPE cells central to, and impacted by, both atrophic and neovascular AMD, they can be uniquely monitored in vivo by OCT. RPE health is also an OCT readout of the less visible Bruch’s membrane and choriocapillaris. Each RPE cell has >1400 organelles 6 capable of generating OCT reflectivity. Further, as neovascular AMD is managed clinically, many OCT images of at-risk eyes are captured. A progression sequence for drusen-initiated atrophy supported by OCT and histology is age-related deterioration of choriocapillaris and Bruch’s membrane preventing egress of wastes to the circulation, growth of drusen with death or migration of overlying RPE, and reactive gliosis. 5
Longitudinal studies and post-hoc analysis of clinical trial imaging datasets revealed OCT biomarkers for progression from intermediate AMD to geographic atrophy. Tissue damage in atrophy is severe and possibly irreversible. 7 Currently the only imaging outcome accepted by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration for AMD trials is slowing the expansion of atrophy. Identifying outcome measures earlier in disease progression is the goal of an international consensus group. 5, 8-10 Of OCT biomarkers, hyperreflective foci (HRF) within the neurosensory retina confer the largest progression risk. 11-14 Our histologic survey of RPE phenotypes in AMD, 15-17 confirmed in clinically characterized eyes, 15, 18 identified two RPE phenotypes corresponding to HRF. These are “sloughed” cells in the subretinal space and “intraretinal” cells within the neurosensory retina. In a hypothetical progression sequence (Fig. 1), morphologically distinct cells deploy along separate pathways of cell fate. These include death, migration, and transdifferentiation to other cell types, without intervening dedifferentiation and proliferation. 19 Due to migration and death-in-place of RPE, the layer disintegrates, scattering fully pigmented and nucleated cells (“dissociated”) across atrophic areas.
Some cells appear to dive below the intact layer and migrate outside the atrophic area (“subducted”). 16 In neovascular AMD, lipid filled non-RPE cells also correlated to HRF 18, 20 and may represent microglia, macrophages, or both.
We postulated that one HRF form called “RPE plume” represents cells crossing the retina within the Henle fiber layer (HFL), which varies in thickness and angle with retinal position (Supplementary Fig. 1). 17 We herein provide a clinical OCT description for this feature in patients with AMD and show RPE-derived debris in relation to the cross-retinal course of Müller glia. To probe the identity of HRF and test whether they include transdifferentiated RPE, we used immunohistochemistry of human donor eyes to show loss of retinoid processing and gain of immunologic function in all abnormal RPE phenotypes. Widespread RPE transdifferentiation, consistent with a proposed process of epithelial-mesenchyme transition, 21 supports a strategy of visualizing and targeting pathology earlier in AMD progression than atrophy.
Study of a clinical cohort and use of human tissue samples was approved by institutional review at Vitreous Macula Retina and University of Alabama at Birmingham (IRB-150910011), respectively, and complied with the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 and the Declaration of Helsinki.
Patient selection, clinical image capture, and image analysis
Consensus nomenclature was used for reflective bands of OCT. 22 RPE+BL band refers to the RPE and its basal lamina atop drusen or other material in the sub-RPE-BL space. This space is between RPE-BL and inner collagenous layer of Bruch’s membrane. 23
To analyze RPE plume natural history, patients with non-neovascular AMD on OCT imaging seen by specialists (authors KBF, LAY) at a tertiary private retinal practice were retrospectively reviewed (author BL). Inclusion criteria included age >50 years, >12 months of follow-up with tracked OCT B-scans at an inter-scan spacing of ≤250 μm, and maximum follow-up interval of 6 months, and at least one eye containing HRF. HRF were defined as features with reflectivity like that of the RPE, separated from the RPE layer (i.e., discrete HRF), and thought to originate from the RPE layer. Reduced RPE+BL thickness in a scan subsequent to HRF appearance was considered evidence for RPE origin. Patients with diabetic retinopathy, retinal vascular disease, previous vitreoretinal surgery, laser treatment or ocular inflammation were excluded. Eyes were evaluated at baseline by presence of AMD lesions including soft and cuticular drusen, subretinal drusenoid deposits, and acquired vitelliform lesions 24). If color fundus photographs were available, pigmentary changes were also considered. Presence of drusenoid pigment epithelial detachment 25 and complete RPE and outer retinal atrophy (cRORA) 9 was noted.
All patients underwent spectral domain OCT and near-infrared reflectance imaging (Spectralis HRA + OCT, Heidelberg Engineering, Heidelberg, Germany) with eye tracking enabled. The OCT protocol comprised 20° horizontal raster line scans centered on the fovea (19 to 49 B-scans per eye; scan spacing at 115 to 250 µm, automatic real-time averaging between 4 and 23).
Consecutive tracked OCT and near-infrared reflectance images were analyzed over time and with reference to the foveal center, from the date of HRF appearance. Plume status over time was recorded as no change, change to a different morphology, formation of a discrete HRF as defined above, and dissolution. Plume direction towards the OPL was noted as congruent or incongruent with normal HFL architecture (Supplementary Fig. 1), i.e., parallel or non-parallel with fibers. To evaluate plumes as progression indicators, expansion of cRORA and drusen growth and collapse were also noted.
Overview of laboratory studies
To elucidate the molecular repertoire of RPE phenotypes corresponding to HRF, we obtained human donor eyes with and without AMD and performed immunohistochemistry. We used antibodies for retinoid- and immune-related proteins 26 (Supplementary Table 1) and positive and negative controls in human tissues (Supplementary Fig. 2). Cryosections were processed with an avidin-biotin-peroxidase immunohistochemistry detection system and a red reaction product. We checked the immunolabeling of all RPE phenotypes 27 (Supplementary Table 2) using bright field microscopy for direct observation of cellular pigmentation and status of surrounding tissue.
Donor eye acquisition, ex vivo imaging, AMD diagnosis
Whole eyes were obtained from deceased human donors (≥ 80 years of age, white, non-diabetic, and ≤6 hours death-to-preservation) to the Advancing Sight Network (Birmingham AL USA) during 2016-17. Eye health history was not available. After anterior segment removal, eyes were preserved in 4% buffered paraformaldehyde, screened for AMD using ex vivo multimodal imaging including OCT 17 (details in Results). Tissues were stored in 1% buffered paraformaldehyde at 4°C until used.
Rectangles of full-thickness eye wall (5×8 mm) including fovea and optic nerve were dissected. To prevent ice crystals, tissue was cryoprotected in ascending concentrations of sucrose in phosphate buffered saline (PBS) then ascending concentrations of tissue embedding medium and sucrose buffer (HistoPrep, Thermo Fisher Scientific, #SH75-1250D, Rockford IL USA); 4 parts sucrose buffer and 1 part medium then 2:1 sucrose: medium. Tissue was placed into a cryomold (Electron Microscopy Sciences, #70176-10, Fort Washington PA USA) with embedding medium, oriented, frozen in liquid nitrogen, and stored at −80°C. Tissues were sectioned at 12 µm thickness on a cryostat (Leica CM3050 Vashaw Scientific, Norcross GA USA), air dried at 37°C overnight, and stored at −80°C until used.
For AMD diagnosis and imaging-histology correlation, cryosections through the fovea and perifovea (recognized by HFL) were stained with periodic acid Schiff hematoxylin to highlight Bruch’s membrane and sub-RPE deposits. One stained section per slide was scanned with a 20X objective and a robotic microscope stage (Olympus VSI 120, CellSens; Olympus, Center Valley PA), scaled to tissue units, and centered on the fovea or vertical meridian (where Henle fibers diverge) using a custom plugin for FIJI (https://imagej.nih.gov/ij/download.html). Ex vivo OCT B-scans and scanned whole sections were matched for major landmarks (e.g., overall tissue contour, foveal center, large vessels, individual pathologies). For detailed examination, some sections were scanned with a 60X oil immersion objective (numerical aperture = 1.4). For figures, images were adjusted to maximize the intensity histogram for contrast and white balance and made into composites (Photoshop CS6, Adobe Systems, USA).
Immunohistochemistry and evaluation
Detailed methods for immunohistochemistry are available in the Supplementary Materials.
Glass slides were scanned using the system described above and 20x and 40x objectives. RPE phenotype was categorized using the Project MACULA grading system. 15, 16 (Supplementary Table 2). In each stained section (1 per antibody per eye), immunoreactivities for each RPE phenotype were scored semi-quantitatively by a single observer (author DC after training by author CAC) as 0-not stained, 1-some stained and 2-all stained. These scores were converted to percentages using by total scores of eyes for each phenotype divided by maximum score (2 x number of eyes with the phenotype) times 100. Each phenotype was seen in at least 3 eyes.
Clinical imaging
Four morphologies of RPE plume were defined (Fig 2). Curvilinear plumes (Fig. 2A) appear as hyperreflective features of constant width, above the RPE layer with or without drusen, and pointing towards the outer plexiform layer. Relative to curvilinear, comma plumes (Fig. 2B) are similarly reflective, with a wider base at the RPE layer and tapering anteriorly. Like curvilinear, thread plumes (Fig. 2C), previously seen in inherited retinopathies, 28 are of uniform width but are thinner. A vitelliform plume (Fig. 2D) is thick at its base, typically an acquired vitelliform lesion (autofluorescent and yellow subretinal extracellular material), 24 with an anterior taper that widens over time.
To observe plume lifecycles and intraretinal trajectories, 44 patients with non-neovascular AMD (61 eyes, 29 females, 79.4 years (standard deviation 7.7 years)) with at least one HRF were enrolled (Supplementary Table 3). In 29 eyes of 21 patients (15 female), 129 plumes were localized and followed for characteristics including presence of cRORA and iRORA). 5, 9 Mean follow-up duration was 4.67 years (standard deviation 0.09 years). As shown in Supplementary Fig. 3A-B, plumes obliquely crossing horizontally oriented OCT B-scans appeared as small reflective dots that were connected by inspecting consecutive scans. Over time individual plumes evolved considerably (Fig. 3), converting from one morphology to another (Fig. 3B,D,E) or to discrete HRF as defined above (Fig. 3C). They also disappeared with (Fig. 3A,B,D) or persisted after (Fig. 3A, B, C, D) druse collapse to atrophy. One plume preceded druse appearance (Fig. 3E).
Curvilinear and thread plumes were the most common morphologies at baseline and the longest lasting over follow up (Supplementary Fig. 4A). Plume number and dynamism (i.e., appearance, disappearance, and conversions) could be striking (Supplementary Fig. 4B). Of 129 plumes at baseline (Supplementary Table 4), 73 (56.6%) converted to another plume morphology or discrete HRF during follow-up, with 38 disappearing and 35 remaining; 56 (43.4%) plumes retained the original morphology.
Most plumes (101/129, 78.3%) were geometrically congruent with the local trajectory of the normal HFL (Supplementary Table 5), especially temporal to the fovea. More non-congruent plumes appeared superior nasal to the fovea than in other quadrants. Of 129 plumes, 73 (56.6%) were associated with cRORA. Near cRORA, plumes were seen traveling in directions unrelated or opposite to the normal HFL (Supplementary Fig. 5). Accordingly, at the final visit (Supplementary Table 6), 48 of 129 (37.2%) plumes associated with cRORA were congruent with the local normal HFL and 25 of 129 (19.4%) were incongruent, with 16/129 (12.4%) of incongruent plumes located at the cRORA border. In contrast, all 6/129 (4.7%) plumes associated with iRORA were congruent with the HFL. Finally, 50/129 (38.8%) of plumes were not associated with either cRORA or iRORA.
Laboratory study
To molecularly characterize normal and abnormal RPE cells, especially those corresponding to HRF, we used ex vivo OCT imaging to find human donor eyes with AMD (Fig. 4). HRF found in macular OCT B-scans were matched with pigmented cells in the subretinal space and retina of stained sections (Fig. 4). Atrophic AMD eyes with RPE plume in OCT exhibited pigmented cells in the outer nuclear layer (ONL) and HFL on histology (Fig. 4, C1 to C2 and F1 to F2). Results are based on 20 eyes of 20 donors (mean age 89.2 ± 5.0 years; 16 total AMD (7 early-intermediate, 6 atrophic, 3 neovascular, 4 control), with mean time from death to preservation of 3.9 ± 0.7 hours (Supplementary Table 7).
Gain of immune function
We begin by demonstrating that cells of RPE origin label with antibodies against two well-known immune cell markers, Cluster of Differentiation (CD)68 and CD163. 29 CD68 is a transmembrane glycoprotein that is abundantly expressed by macrophages and widely used as a myeloid-specific marker. 30 CD68 is one member (LAMP-4) of a 5-protein family that together accounts for 50% of the protein in lysosome membranes. 30 In tissue sections (Fig. 5), positive controls for CD68 immunoreactivity are choroidal macrophages (Fig. 5D) and negative controls are healthy RPE (Fig. 5A). Fully pigmented cells in the neurosensory retina are strongly CD68+ (Fig. 5F). Importantly, individual sloughed cells in the subretinal space (Fig. 5C and 5F) are also positive, as are individual cells still within the layer (Fig. 5E). Dissociated RPE scattered in the atrophic area are universally labeled (Fig 5H and 5N), as are cells under the continuous layer (Fig. 5I), and within tubes of scrolled photoreceptors (Fig. 5J and 5K; outer retinal tubulation31). Some bilaminar (Fig. 5D) and melanotic (Fig. 5M) cells are CD68+.
CD163 is a high-affinity haptoglobin-hemoglobin scavenger found in bone marrow-derived macrophages 32 and in retinal cells resembling microglia. 33-35 The latter are phagocytes of embryologic yolk sac origin that reside in inner retina when quiescent and migrate into outer retina when photoreceptors are damaged. 33 Figure 6 shows that anti-CD163 labels inner retina cells but not the normal RPE layer, as expected. It does label abnormal RPE phenotypes in a pattern like that of CD68, with overall lighter reaction product. These include fully pigmented CD163+ cells in the ONL (Fig. 6Fand 6N), HFL (Fig. 6L), above (Fig. 6E and 6I) and below (Fig. 6I) the continuous RPE layer in the subretinal and sub-RPE-basal laminar spaces, respectively, and dissociated cells in atrophic areas (Fig. 6 H, 6J and 6K).
Loss of retinoid function
Next, we show that abnormal RPE cells cease to exhibit detectable quantities of retinoid processing proteins essential for vision. Rod-mediated (dim light) vision is affected early in AMD, because rods depend on the choriocapillaris-Bruch’s membrane-RPE complex. 36 Cone-mediated (bright light) vision, which is also sustained by Müller glia and retinal vessels, 37 persists into later disease.
We begin with RPE65, the isomerohydrolase of the classic visual cycle. RPE65 catalyzes the conversion of retinyl esters to 11-cis-retinol, which is subsequently oxidized to 11-cis-retinal, required for visual transduction by rod and cone photoreceptors. 38 Figure 7 shows that in AMD eyes, intraretinal RPE in ONL (Fig. 7F) and individual sloughed cells overlying the continuous layer (Fig. 7C and 7L) lack RPE65-immunoreactivity. Cells in areas of photoreceptor degeneration and depletion are also RPE65-, including dissociated (Fig. 7N), subducted (Fig. 7I) and entubulated (Fig. 7J) cells. Importantly, some individual cells in the continuous layer are RPE65-(Fig. 7F and 7H). Interestingly some bilaminar cells within fibrotic scars of neovascular AMD remain RPE65+ (Fig. 7M).
Cellular retinal binding protein (CRALBP) is important in the RPE-based visual cycle. It is also expressed by Müller glia in a second visual cycle thought to supply cones. 37, 39 CRALBP is a 36-kDa water-soluble protein with 2 conformational states facilitating intracellular transport of hydrophobic 11-cis retinoids. 40 Figure 8 shows that healthy RPE has a strong CRALBP signal (Fig. 8A). In AMD, ectopic RPE in the ONL, recognizable by pigment load, are CRALBP-(Fig. 8F and 8L). Individual sloughed cells (Fig. 8H and 8L) and in-layer cells (Fig. 8E) are also negative as are pigmented cells in atrophic areas (dissociated, Fig. 8C, 8K and 8N; subducted, Fig. 8I). Shed granule aggregates 15, 41 are CRALBP-, under a continuous CRALBP+ layer (Fig. 8B, J).
In contrast to RPE, Müller glia remain strongly CRALBP+ in their cross-retinal course, regardless of the degree of photoreceptor loss. Distinctive features (Fig. 8L) are the external limiting membrane (junctional complexes between glia and photoreceptors) 42 and pericellular baskets 43 around ONL cell bodies. In the HFL of areas with lesser disease involvement, stained Müller glia are parallel and straight (ordered, 7 Fig. 8L). At the border of atrophy (descent of the external limiting membrane, 44 Fig. 8C, 8K and 8N) and outer retinal tubulation (Fig. 8J), CRALBP+ fibers curve down towards Bruch’s membrane and then head laterally, parallel to it. In some locations immunolabeled fibers zig-zag in parallel, presenting cross-sections of dots and lines (disordered, 7 Fig. 8F and 8N). CRALBP signal also appears in fibrotic scars resulting from neovascular AMD (Fig. 8D, 8G and 8M).
Semi-quantitative assessment of immunohistochemistry
The number of stained cells in each RPE phenotype was assessed a semi-quantitatively (0, not stained; 1, some cells of a phenotype stained; 2, all cells stained). These scores were summed and expressed as a percent of the highest possible score, as if all phenotypes had been stained completely by each antibody. Supplementary Figure 6A shows that all RPE phenotypes were found in immuno-stained sections of these 16 AMD eyes, with similar patterns in neighboring sections. Supplementary Figure 6B graphically summarizes the marker studies. Age-normal uniform and non-uniform RPE is positive for retinoid markers and negative for immune markers. Abnormal RPE phenotypes have overall less retinoid immunoreactivity (although some stained cells were found at 5%) and universally more immune marker immunoreactivity (up to 75%). Thus, cells corresponding to HRF in OCT are part of an overall pattern of transdifferentiation resulting in gain-of-function and loss-of-function of RPE.
Histology of plume lifecycle
Our clinical study indicated that RPE plumes have lifecycles that are observable in vivo. We previously showed in type 3 (intraretinal) neovascularization that RPE cells contact the deep capillary plexus. 18 Figure 9, A to C accordingly shows RPE plume cells crossing the HFL to approach and encircle capillaries of this plexus. Cells are nucleated and contain numerous RPE-characteristic spindle-shaped melanosomes and melanolipofuscin granules. Fine processes extend along a capillary (Fig. 9D).
We previously showed RPE organelles in the HFL of photoreceptor-depleted atrophic areas, 7 suggesting that Müller glia ingested and cleared debris from degenerating RPE. Here we show region-specific distribution of RPE organelles, consistent with the local trajectory of Müller glia. In the macula, Müller glia are Z-shaped. 45 Fibers are oriented vertically in the ONL, obliquely in the HFL, and vertically in the OPL and inner retinal layers (Supplementary Fig. 1). In plumes near the fovea (Fig. 9E and 9F; Fig. 6N), fully pigmented RPE cells obliquely cross the HFL, with individual and grouped organelles in the lead. The path turns vertically at the INL and IPL, following a Z-shaped course. In contrast, in the peripheral retina, where Müller glia are vertical, Supplementary Figure 7 shows melanosomes on a vertical track away from RPE above a druse.
For RPE plume, one HRF type in AMD, we established a clinical lifecycle, including both cRORA and resolution without cRORA, with evidence of clearance by Müller glia. HRF are one of four OCT indicators in a composite risk score for AMD progression (with soft and calcified drusen, plus subretinal drusenoid deposit). 46 Of these four, HRF confer the largest risk (odds ratio at 24 months, 5.21 (3.29-8.26)),13 yet have received histologic investigation only recently, a gap that is herein addressed. We provide strong evidence that ectopic RPE can manifest as HRF, without excluding the possibility that other cells, such as microglia, macrophages, or both, may also correspond to HRF, as they do in nvAMD. 18, 20 We further show that sloughed and intraretinal cells corresponding to HRF are two of many abnormal RPE phenotypes undergoing molecular transdifferentiation.
Our parallel findings of CD68 and CD163 immunoreactivity in all abnormal RPE phenotypes adds important new information to a decades-old debate 47, 48 about whether RPE, a phagocyte itself, shares or assumes properties of other phagocytes. This investigation like our previous studies used high resolution comprehensive microscopy to link cells with characteristic RPE organelles 15, 16 to a time course of activity visible through longitudinal clinical imaging. Our cellular phenotyping system 15 built on prior literature and is used by others. 49, 50 We posited that these phenotypes represented discrete steps towards death, migration, or transdifferentiation of individual cells that could be followed over time in OCT due to high RPE reflectivity. In prior electron microscopic analysis of pigmented cells corresponding to HRF 51 we did not observe phagolysosomes, i.e., cytoplasmic vacuoles formed by phagosomes with ingested material fusing with lysosomes, as expected from phagocyte activity. In a separate study of HRF over a large drusenoid pigment detachment, 17 all detectable HRF could be attributed to fully pigmented and nucleated intraretinal cells. In clinical cases of that prior study, 17 HRF appeared in the retina vertically above and several months after disturbances of the RPE layer. Our current data further show that individual in-layer cells and all abnormal phenotypes exhibit CD68 and CD163 immunoreactivity. We cannot exclude the possibility that phagocytes ingest and retain characteristic RPE organelles, seamlessly intercalate into the layer, and either become abnormal phenotypes or induce them. However, extensive transdifferentiation in response to common perturbations is also a parsimonious explanation.
We emphasize that snapshot immuno-detection of CD68, a lysosomal protein of unknown function reliably found in macrophages of myeloid origin, 30 does not indicate that labeled cells have assumed macrophage behavior. Our data do not imply that macrophages of hematopoietic origin previously shown in choroid and sub-RPE-BL space 52, 53 started as RPE. Our data do not bear on the identity of CD68+ cells seen by others, e.g., high-passage cultured RPE 54 and surgically excised neovascular membranes. 55, 56 In rapidly preserved eyes with experimental laser-injury, individual detached cells atop an intact RPE layer are CD68+ 57(compare to Fig. 5C and Fig. 6C). Recent authors interpreted CD68+ cells in aqueous after RPE tear 58 and in proliferative vitreoretinopathy 59 as RPE. CD68+ cells in the outer junctional zone of atrophy in AMD were demonstrated by laser confocal microscopy and immunofluorescence. 49 This technique does not directly reveal melanin, and the authors did not comment on cellular identity. 49
Our data illuminate subducted cells on the inner collagenous layer of Bruch’s membrane containing RPE organelles and originally called “spent RPE”. 60 Using single continuous high-resolution histologic sections of eyes with cRORA, we saw plausible transitional morphologies between fully pigmented RPE outside atrophic areas and flattened cells with fewer organelles in the sub-RPE-BL space. 16 We hypothesized that dissociated RPE in an atrophic area, 61 loosed from constraining junctional complexes, dove under the intact layer and moved into the outer junctional zone to participate in atrophy expansion (Fig. 1). 16 Herein we show CD68+ and CD163+ cells and highly pigmented RPE65- and CRALBP-cells in the same sub-RPE-BL tissue compartment of the same eyes. The sub-RPE-BL space can harbor macrophages of myeloid origin, multinucleate giant cells, and fibroblasts. 62 It is possible that co-localized CCR2 and CD18 immunoreactivity in these locations, attributed to macrophages, 63 may represent subducted and dissociated RPE, respectively. Multi-label immunohistochemistry is needed to confirm how many subducted cells are RPE-derived. Macrophages that co-express CD68 and CCR7 can be assigned to a ‘‘proinflammatory’’ M1 subset, whereas CD68+ CD163+ macrophages most likely belong to an ‘‘anti-inflammatory’’ M2 subset. 64 Longitudinal studies with higher resolution OCT 65, 66 may make it possible to detect subducted cells and determine if they promote or retard atrophy expansion, of value to validating this regulatorily-approved anatomic endpoint.
Our expectation of plume congruence with HFL trajectory was largely met and of note was non-congruence near cRORA (Supplementary Table 6). This is likely due to subsidence (sinking) of the OPL, HFL, and ONL, a committed step toward cRORA onset. 67 Subsidence is visible where photoreceptors focally shorten and are scrolled by Müller glia. 7, 68 Our data on plume trajectories and CRALBP immunohistochemistry thus add to prodigious activities of Müller glia in AMD. These include descent and curving of the ELM (border of atrophy), reactive gliosis, adherent glial seal in areas of photoreceptor depletion, and invasion of individual drusen. 31, 44, 69, 70 CRALBP immunohistochemistry confirmed HFL fiber geometry as well as retinoid capacity of Müller glia, still supported by retinal circulation late in disease. Single and grouped RPE organelles paralleling Müller glia 7, 71 are presumably carried intracellularly. In contrast RPE cell bodies travel between HFL fibers (Fig. 8L and Fig. 9) following a trail of organelle detritus. Active glial disassembly and removal of fragments is suspected. Because almost 40% of plumes were not associated with atrophy at follow-up (Supplementary Table 6), plumes should be considered indicators not predictors. Factors underlying variable plume outcome in our study include inclusion of patients with established disease, short observation period, and a “come and go” behavior consistent with cells subject to constant pro-migratory stimuli being dismantled en route.
Given evidence that many RPE cells are transdifferentiating, HRF may indicate risk by revealing an overall level and type of disease activity. Epithelial-mesenchyme-transition (EMT) is one candidate activity. In this complex process, cells lose apical-basal polarity, modulate cytoskeleton, and reduce cell-cell adhesion. 72 A defining feature of an epithelium is localization within organs stabilized by a basal lamina and integrin-mediated interactions with extracellular matrix. Epithelial cells that detach from extracellular matrix normally undergo a programmed cell death called anoikis. 73, 74 Tumor cells of epithelioid origin can escape anoikis by EMT. Thus, they assume amoeboid morphology, become motile and invasive, and travel in the circulation to other organs, with most dying en route. EMT of RPE has been suspected in AMD due to findings of characteristic molecular markers (vimentin 76 and the transcription factor Snail1 21) and the presence of HRF. 75 Another contributor is the separation of the RPE-BL from its native basal lamina by BLamD, 23, 77 an extracellular matrix that also contains other components. RPE cells undergoing EMT might indeed resist cell death 21 but they may also be dysfunctional, due to gain-and loss-of-function suggested by our data. One factor promoting EMT over anoikis is hypoxia, 74 of high AMD relevance due to age- and disease-related loss of choroid and choriocapillaris 78-81 and the distancing of RPE from choriocapillaris by BLamD and drusen. 82 Thus we showed RPE cells not only contacting the deep capillary plexus (Fig. 9 17, 18) but also aiming towards and clustering around vessels as a seemingly coordinated group (Fig. 9) rather than as single cells. Parallels with cancer are appropriate due to the unusual metabolic demands of photoreceptors and their supporting system compared to other neurons. The retina, of all body tissues, shares with tumors a dependence on aerobic glycolysis (the Warburg effect). 83-85 A consensus group of cancer researchers recently advocated monitoring cellular properties as part of the main criteria for EMT, along with molecular markers. 72 The high OCT visibility of RPE makes it uniquely possible to view these cellular activities in AMD.
Strengths of the clinical study are high-quality images and long follow-up on known progression risk factors. Limitations include the small number of patients and lack of independently assessed HFL trajectory with directional OCT. 86 Strengths of the laboratory study are short post-mortem specimens with attached retinas, comprehensive photomicroscopy to visualize pigment, a color-contrasting readout for immunoreactivity, and a cross-sectional format conducive to OCT comparison. Limitations addressable in future studies include lack of clinical records with pre-mortem imaging, lack of correlative data from flat mounts to show early RPE pathology, limited assessments of RPE adjacent to AMD deposits, and lack of double-label experiments to determine cell-by-cell overlap among the four markers. Nevertheless, this is most detailed characterization of RPE pathology in AMD to date in either clinical or laboratory settings. HRF are a consensus OCT feature in AMD, 10 encouraging longitudinal studies in other clinical centers, ideally with comprehensive en face OCT and fundus autofluorescence imaging to determine the proportion of HRF that are RPE-derived. Our data can propel new biomarker and therapeutic strategies for a common and currently untreatable cause of impaired vision.
Data Availability
Available on request.
Supplementary Figures
Supplementary Figure 1. Henle fibers in the human macula.
Supplementary Figure 2. Positive and negative controls for immunohistochemistry
Supplementary Figure 3. Retinal pigment epithelium plumes exhibit directionality
Supplementary Figure 4. Duration and evolution of plumes
Supplementary Figure 5. Variations in RPE plume trajectory in atrophy.
Supplementary Figure 6. Gain- and loss-of-function of RPE and RPE-derived cells
Supplementary Figure 7. Dispersing melanosomes follow regionally specific trajectories of Müller glia
Supplementary Tables
Supplementary Table 1. Antibodies used
Supplementary Table 2. Morphologic phenotypes of RPE and its basal lamina in AMD
Supplementary Table 3. Demographics of clinic patients and study eyes
Supplementary Table 4. Plume disposition at final visit
Supplementary Table 5. Plume trajectory relative to HFL and macular quadrant
Supplementary Table 6. Plume association with atrophy
Supplementary Table 7. Characteristics of donor eyes
This work was supported by National Institutes of Health (Bethesda, MD, USA) grant R01EY015520 (CAC); The Macula Foundation, Inc., New York, NY; an anonymous donor to AMD research at UAB; unrestricted funds to the Department of Ophthalmology from Research to Prevent Blindness, Inc.; and EyeSight Foundation of Alabama. Acquisition of human tissues for immunohistochemistry was funded by NIH grant R01EY015520 (CAC) and R01EY027948 (CAC, TA) and IZKF Würzburg (N-304, TA).
Author contributions
C.A.C. designed, supervised study and wrote the manuscript. D.C. designed and performed immunohistochemistry experiments. B.L. designed and conducted clinical studies and wrote the manuscript. J.M. conducted ex vivo imaging, tissue cryosections, and microscopy. D.K. made Fig. S1. T.A. edited manuscript. L.A.Y. and K.B.F designed and supervised clinical study. K.B.F. edited manuscript. C.A.C. and T.A. raised funding.
Competing interests
T.A. receives research funding from Novartis and is a stockholder of MacRegen Inc. K.B.F. is a consultant to Genentech, Optovue, Zeiss, Heidelberg Engineering, Allergan, and Novartis. C.A.C. receives research funds from Genentech/ Hoffman LaRoche and Heidelberg Engineering and is a stockholder of MacRegen Inc.
Data and materials availability
All other data associated with this study are present in the paper or the Supplementary Materials. Materials are available upon request from the corresponding author.
We thank Advancing Sight Network (formerly the Alabama Eye Bank) for timely retrieval of donor eyes and David Fisher for graphics in Figure 1.
Previous meeting presentations: annual meeting of the Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology, 2019 (clinical imaging) and 2020 (laboratory study)
Supplementary Figure 6 is now main figure 6. Some labels in Figures 7-8 were changed. All text was reviewed for simplification and clarification. Headers were inserted into the Results to improve readability. Text was inserted to confirm that all hyperreflective foci are not accounted for by RPE. All claims in this direction were tempered. A new paragraph was written for the Discussion about the potential role of endothelial-mesenchyme transition.
- Age-related macular degeneration
- optical coherence tomography
- hyperreflective foci
- BLamD
- basal laminar deposit
- BrM
- Bruch’s membrane
- Ch
- choroid
- ChC
- choriocapillaris
- complete RPE and outer retinal atrophy
- d
- drusen
- external limiting membrane
- EZ
- ellipsoid zone
- fv scar
- fibrovascular scar
- Ganglion cell layer
- Henle fiber layer
- internal limiting membrane
- inner plexiform layer
- inner nuclear layer
- IS
- inner segments of photoreceptors
- complete RPE and outer retinal atrophy
- IZ
- interdigitation zone
- nvAMD
- neovascular AMD
- outer nuclear layer
- outer plexiform layer
- OS
- outer segments of photoreceptors
- R
- retina
- retinal pigment epithelium
- Sc
- sclera
- subretinal space
- x
- detachment
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