Article Information
- March 28, 2021.
Author Information
- Haruyoshi Tanaka1,
- Mitsuro Kanda1,*,
- Dai Shimizu1,
- Chie Tanaka1,
- Norifumi Hattori1,
- Yoshikuni Inokawa1,
- Masamichi Hayashi1,
- Goro Nakayama1 and
- Yasuhiro Kodera1
- ↵*Correspondence:
Dr. M. Kanda, Department of Gastroenterological Surgery (Surgery II), Nagoya, University Graduate School of Medicine, 65 Tsurumai-cho, Showa-ku, Nagoya 466-8550, Japan, Tel: +81-52-744-2249, Fax: +81-52-744-2252, E-mail: m-kanda{at}
Author Contributions:, Study concept and design; MK and YK., Acquisition of data; MK, HT, DS, and YK., Analysis and interpretation of data; HT, MK, and YK., Drafting of the manuscript; HT, MK, and YK., Critical revision of the manuscript for important intellectual content; HT, MK, SD, CT, NH, YI, MH, GN, and KY., Statistical analysis; HT and MK., Obtained funding; MK and YK., Technical, or material support; HT, MK, DS, and CT., Study supervision; YK.