Objectives To evaluate the effect of mRNA SARS-Cov-2 vaccination on the incidence of new SARS-CoV-2 infections in health care workers (HCW).
Methods The evolution of the incident rate of SARS-CoV-2 infection in a cohort of 2590 HCW after a mRNA SARS-CoV-2 vaccination was assessed, as compared to the rate in the community (n=170513). SARS-CoV-2 infections were microbiologically confirmed by an antigen, a CRP positive test, or both.
Results A total of 1820 HCW (70,3% of total) received the first dose of the vaccine between January 10-16, 2021), and 296 (11,4%) the following week. All of them completed vaccination 3 weeks later. New SARS-COV-2 infections in HCW declined by 62% at 2-4 weeks after the first dose of mRNA SARS-CoV-2 vaccination and virtually disappeared after the second dose of the vaccine. Vaccination rate was negligible for this time period in the community (<5%). The decline in the incident rate of SARS-COoV-2 new infection in HCW shortly after the administration of the first dose of the vaccine was strikingly higher than the reduction observed in the general population (p<0.001and became even more pronounced after the second dose of the vaccine (p<0.001).
Conclusions mRNA SARS-CoV-2 vaccination is associated with a dramatic decline in new SARS-CoV-2 infection among HCW, even before the administration of the second dose of the vaccine.
Besides the appropriate use of personal protection equipment, vaccination has become the main tool for the control of SARS-COV-2 infection in the clinical setting [1,2]. However, there is scant evidence regarding the effects of SARS-CoV-2 vaccination on the incidence of new SARS-CoV-2 infection among health care workers (HCW) [3].
We sought to describe the effects of a hospital wide vaccination program on the evolution of new SARS-CoV-2 infections among HCW, as compared to the evolution in the general population in the same geographical area.
New HCW infections were defined as SARS-CoV-2 positive antigen or CRP from nasal swabs detected at the Occupation Health Unit. Weekly incident rates were calculated using the total HCW population (n=2590) as a reference. Community weekly incident at Alcorcón (n= 170513 inhabitants) rates were obtained from the official rates published by local and national authorities corresponding to the area [4]. For the purpose of this paper, three time periods were used: peri-vaccination time (the week before the beginning of vaccination, the first week of first dose massive vaccination, and the week thereafter), intermediate post vaccination (weeks 2-4 after 1st dose vaccination), and the post vaccination, (weeks 5-7 after the first doses of the vaccine, i.e. 1 week after the full vaccination). These times were chosen as representative of baseline pre-vaccination, expected immunological effects of the first dose of the vaccine and expected immunological effects of the full vaccination [5].
Since the incidence of the SARS-COV-2 is evolving related to the third wave of SARS-CoV-2 in Spain, changes in the incidence in HCW were compared to changes in the global incidence in the geographical area of the Hospital (Alcorcón, Madrid, Spain). The effects of time periods and settings (HCW vs community) on the evolution of the rate of new infections were analyzed by multiple linear regression with IBM SPSS statistics v 22 software.
The BNT162b2 COVID-19 mRNA vaccine was offered to all health care workers as soon as it was available (January 10, 2021). A total of 1820 HCW (70% of total) received the first dose in the first week (10-16 January 2021), and 296 (11%) the following week (Figure). The number of HCW diagnosed of acute SARS-CoV-2 infection attended at the Occupation Health Unit dropped dramatically in the weeks 2-4 after first dose vaccination. New SARS-CoV-2 infections virtually disappeared 4 weeks after the first dose of the vaccine.
Weekly incident rate per 100000 individuals of new SARS-CoV-2 infections among Health Care Workers (HCW) at Hospital Universitario Fundación Alcorcón (n=2590 −−). As a reference, the incident rate and the general population at Alcorcón (Madrid, Spain; n=170513 ---) depicts the evolution of the ‘third’ wave of the disease. The proportion of HCW receiving the first and second dose of the BNT162b2 mRNA Covid-19 Vaccine are indicated at the appropriate times (bars). Vaccine-related periods are highlighted indicating the expected immunological effects of the vaccine.
In parallel with this dramatic response, there was also a substantial reduction of new SARS-COV-2 incidence rates in the general population at Alcorcón (Figure), depicting the evolution of the ‘third’ wave of the disease. The reduction was much more intense for HCW as compared to the community (p<0.001 for all periods post vaccination). The average incidence reduction in HCW in the weeks 2-4 after the first dose of the vaccine was 63% as compared to a 7% reduction in the community (p<0.001). The average incidence reduction in HCW in the weeks 5-7 after the first dose (1 week after vaccination completion) was 99% as compared to a community reduction in the community of 68% (p<0.001). The single positive HCW diagnosed at week 5 after the first dose of the vaccine corresponded to a subject who refused to be vaccinated. No new cases have been diagnosed thereafter.
Our results show a dramatic reduction in new SARS-CoV-2 infections in HCW after a hospital wide vaccination program with the BNT162b2 mRNA Covid-19 vaccine. Interestingly, the decline was important even before the administration of the second dose of the vaccine, suggesting that a single dose may confer a substantial proportion. However, our results should be interpreted with caution. First, we report a limited follow-up in a medium size hospital. Second, there was also a significant decline in the SARS-CoV-2 incidence in the general population in this time frame. The important reduction in the community rate most likely reflects general public health measures by regional and national governments, since as of today the rate of vaccination in the general population in our area (Madrid) is lower than 5% [6]: Therefore, its potential effect on the declining infection rates in the community should be minimal. The much more intense reduction among HCW strongly suggests a main role for the vaccine.
Our results after a single dose of the vaccine might not be extrapolated to other settings: our vaccination program was extended to all HCW, including a 30% of HCW with a previous SARS-COV-2 documented infection [7]. We and others have recently shown that HCW with a previous SARS-CoV-2 infection exhibit a strong serologic response to the first dose of the vaccine, reaching higher IgG anti spike titer than those obtained after the second dose in SARS-CoV-2 naïve individuals [8,9]. Other vaccination programs have excluded previously infected HCW from the vaccination program and exhibit a lower degree of protection [3]. In addition, our results are restricted to the BNT162b2 mRNA vaccine. Whether similar results may be obtained with other vaccines cannot be ascertained from our data. The optimal program vaccination for HCW with previous SARS-CoV-2 infection remains to be defined.
In conclusion, a wide vaccination program for HCW in the real world seems to offer a powerful protection from new SARS-CoV-2 infection and provide a much safer clinical environment. Significant declines in SARS-CoV-2 infection rates may be achieved even before the full vaccination program is completed. These data may encourage hesitant HCW to join vaccination efforts[10].