To simulate how the number of COVID-19 cases increases versus time, various data sets and different mathematical models can be used. In particular, previous simulations of the COVID-19 epidemic dynamics in Ukraine were based on smoothing of the dependence of the number of cases on time and the generalized SIR (susceptible-infected-removed) model. Since real number of cases is much higher than the official numbers of laboratory confirmed ones, there is a need to assess the degree of data incompleteness and correct the relevant forecasts. We have improved the method of estimating the unknown parameters of the generalized SIR model and calculated the optimal values of the parameters. It turned out that the real number of diseases exceeded the officially registered values by about 4.1 times at the end of 2020 in Ukraine. This fact requires a reassessment of the COVID-19 pandemic dynamics in other countries and clarification of world forecasts.
The studies of the COVID-19 pandemic dynamics are complicated by incomplete information about the number of patients (e.g., reported by WHO [1]), a very large percentage of whom are asymptomatic. In the early stages of the pandemic, there was also a lack of tests and knowledge about the specifics of the infection spread. Because of this, there are more and more evidences of COVID-19 patient appearances before the first officially-confirmed cases [2-6]. These hidden periods of the epidemics in different countries and regions were estimated in [7-11] with use of the classical SIR model [12-14] and the statistics-based method of the parameter identification developed in [15, 16]. In particular, first COVID-19 cases probably have appeared already in August 2019 [9-11].
For Ukraine, different simulation and comparison methods were based on official accumulated number of laboratory confirmed cases [17, 18] (these figures coincided with the official WHO data sets [1], but WHO stopped to provide the daily information in August 2020) and the data reported by Johns Hopkins University (JHU) [19]. In particular simple comparisons of epidemic outbreaks in Ukraine neighboring countries can be found in [20-22]. The classical SIR model was used in [7-11, 23-25]. The weakening of quarantine restrictions, changes in the social behavior and the coronavirus activity caused changes in the epidemic dynamics and corresponding parameters of models. To detect and simulate these new epidemic waves, a simple method of numerical differentiations of the smoothed number of cases and generalized SIR model were proposed and used in [11, 26-30]. In particular, nine epidemic waves in Ukraine were calculated [11, 26-30]. Since the Ukrainian national statistics does not look complete (see, e.g., the results of total staff testing in two schools and two children gardens in the Ukrainian city of Chelnytskii, [31]), there is a need to assess the extent of this incompleteness and determine the true size of the COVID-19 epidemic in Ukraine, which became the subject of this article.
We will use the data set regarding the accumulated numbers of confirmed COVID-19 cases in Ukraine from national sources [17, 18]. The corresponding numbers Vj and moments of time tj (measured in days) are shown in the supplementary Table A. It must be noted that this table does not show all the COVID-19 cases occurred in Ukraine. Many infected persons are not identified, since they have no symptoms. For example, employees of two kindergartens and two schools in the Ukrainian city of Chmelnytskii were tested for antibodies to COVID-19, [31]. In total 292 people work in the surveyed institutions. Some of the staff had already fallen ill with COVID-19 or were hospitalized. Therefore, they were tested and registered accordingly. In the remaining tested 241 educators, antibodies were detected in 148. Therefore, the number of identified patients (51) in these randomly selected institutions was 3.9 times less than the actual number (51+148) of COVID-19 cases. Many people know that they are ill, since they have similar symptoms as other members of families, but avoid making tests. Unfortunately, one laboratory confirmed case can correspond to several other cases which are not confirmed and displayed in the official statistics. The number of cases in Ukraine reported by COVID-19 Data Repository by the Center for Systems Science and Engineering (CSSE) at Johns Hopkins University (JHU) [19] is 2-3 % higher than the Ukrainian national statistics [17, 18] yields (see [30]). Nevertheless, the special simulations will demonstrate a significant incompleteness of both data sets.
Generalized SIR model
The classical SIR model for an infectious disease [12-14] was generalized in [11, 27-30] to simulate different epidemic waves. We suppose that the SIR model parameters are constant for every epidemic wave, i.e. for the time periods: Than for every wave we can use the equations, similar to [12-14]: Here S is the number of susceptible persons (who are sensitive to the pathogen and not protected); I is the number of infected persons (who are sick and spread the infection); and R is the number of removed persons (who no longer spread the infection; this number is the sum of isolated, recovered, dead, and infected people who left the region). Parameters αi and ρi are supposed to be constant for every epidemic wave.
To determine the initial conditions for the set of equations (1)–(3), let us suppose that at the beginning of every epidemic wave : In [11, 27-30] the set of differential equations (1)-(3) was solved by introducing the function corresponding to the number of victims or the cumulative confirmed number of cases. For many epidemics (including the COVID-19 pandemic) we cannot observe dependencies S(t), I(t) and R(t) but observations of the accumulated number of cases Vj corresponding to the moments of time tj provide information for direct assessments of the dependence V (t). The corresponding analytical formulas for this exact solution can be written as follows: Thus, for every set of parameters Ni, Ii, Ri, νi and a fixed value of V, integral (8) can be calculated and the corresponding moment of time can be determined from (7). Then functions I(t) and R(t) can be easily calculated with the use of formulas (9). The saturation levels Si∞; Vi∞= Ni− Si∞ (corresponding the infinite time moment) and the final day of the i-th epidemic wave (corresponding the moment of time when the number of persons spreading the infection will be less then 1) can be calculated with the use of equations available in [11, 27-30].
Parameter identification procedure
In the case of a new epidemic, the values of its parameters are unknown and must be identified with the use of limited data sets. For the second and next epidemic waves (i > 1), the moments of time corresponding to their beginning are known. Therefore the exact solution (7)-(9) depend only on five parameters - Ni, Ii, Ri,νi, αi, when the registered number of victims Vj is the random realization of its theoretical dependence (6). If we assume, that data set Vj is incomplete and there is a constant coefficient βi ≥ 1, relating the registered and real number of cases during the i-th epidemic wave: the number of unknown parameters increases by one.
Then the values Vj, corresponding to the moments of time tj and relationship (10) can be used in eq. (8) in order to calculate for every fixed values of βi, Ni, νi, Ii, Ri and then to check how the registered points fit the linear dependence (7) which can be rewritten as follows: We can calculate the parameters γ and θ, by treating the values and corresponding time moments tj as random variables. Then we can use the observations of the accumulated number of cases and the linear regression in order to calculate the coefficients and of the regression line using the standard formulas (see, e.g., [32]). Values and can be treated as statistics-based estimations for parameters γ and θ from relationships (11).
The reliability of the method can be checked by calculating the correlation coefficients ri (see e.g., [13]) for every epidemic wave and checking how close are their values is to unity. We can use also the F-test [13] for the null hypothesis that says that the proposed linear relationship (11) fits the data set. Similar approach was used in [7-11, 15, 16, 23-30, 33, 34]. To calculate the optimal values of parameters βi, Ni, νi, Ii, Ri, we have to find the maximum of the correlation coefficient for the linear dependence (11).
The exact solution (7)-(9) allows avoiding numerical solutions of differential equations (1)-(3) and significantly reduces the time spent on calculations. A new algorithm [11, 29, 30] allows estimating the optimal values of SIR parameters for the i-th epidemic wave directly (without simulations of the previous waves). To reduce the number of unknown parameters, we can use the relationship Vi= Ii+ Ri which follows from (6) and (10). To estimate the value Vi, we can use the smoothed accumulated number of cases [11, 26-30] and the relationship following from (10) (i corresponds to the moment of time ). One more relationship can be obtained with the use of (5) and formula (following from (2) and (3)). To estimate the average number of new cases dV/dt at the moment of time in eq. (14), we can use the numerical differentiation of (13): and relationship (10). Thus we have only three independent parameters βi, Niand νi. To calculate the value of parameter αi, some iterations can be used (see details in [11]).
The optimal values of parameters and other characteristics of the ninth COVID-19 pandemic wave in Ukraine are listed in Table 1 for two cases. For SIR simulations we have used the same period of time Tc: December 11-24, 2020 and corresponding values of Vj and tj from Table A. In the first case we assumed that the numbers of registered cases coincide with the real one (β9 =1). A similar SIR simulation of the 9th epidemic wave in Ukraine has already been reported in [30], but now we have managed to find a new (larger in value) maximum of the correlation coefficient.
The last column of Table 1 illustrate the results of SIR simulations with the non-prescribed value
of β9. The maximum of the correlation coefficient was achieved at β9 =4.1024. This result testifies that the main part of the epidemic in Ukraine is invisible. At the end of 2020 the real numbers of COVID-19 cases probably were more than 4 times higher than registered ones. The real final size of the ninth epidemic wave V9∞is expected to be around 6 million. Unfortunately, we cannot wait for the end of the pandemic before the summer of 2022 (if vaccinations will not change this sad trend).
Knowing the optimal values of parameters, the corresponding SIR curves can be easily calculated with the use of exact solution (7)-(9) and compared with the pandemic observations after Tc. The results are shown in Figure by different colors. Black and blue lines and markers correspond to the case β9 =4.1024. The solid black line shows complete accumulated number of cases (visible and invisible); the dashed line represents the complete number of infected persons multiplied by 5, i.e. I(t)x5; dotted black line represent the derivative dV/dt (which is an estimation of the real daily number of new cases) calculated with the use of (15) and multiplied by 100. The red dotted line shows the dependence V(t) for the case β9 =1 (assuming that all the cases are registered). The red “circles”, “triangles”, and “stars” correspond to the accumulated numbers of cases registered during period of time taken for SIR simulations Tc, before Tc, and after Tc, respectively (taken from Table A). The blue dotted line represents dependence I (t) / β9. The blue crosses show the estimation of the derivative (16) multiplied by 100β9.
According to the results of our study, we can only say that in the case of suitability of the generalized SIR model, the value β9 =4.1024 and other optimal values of its parameters (given in the last column of Table 1) are the most reliable (provide the maximum value of the correlation coefficient). Therefore, we used additional methods to verify the calculations and showed some results in Fig. The blue dotted line represents dependence I (t) / β9 which must be close to the registered number of cases (red markers). The coincidence is very good. Significant deviations began to appear only in March 2021, which can be explained by the beginning of the next (tenth) epidemic wave in Ukraine. The blue crosses show the estimation of the real daily number of new cases (derivative (16) multiplied by 100β9) and have to be close to the black dotted line. Significant deviations began to appear only in mid-February 2021, which can be explained canceling the lockdown on January 24, 2021. May be the beginning of the tenth epidemic wave is connected also with the starting the lessons at schools and universities and mutations of the coronavirus.
The calculated coefficient of epidemic visibility β9 =4.1024 correlates with the results of testing employees of two kindergartens and two schools in the Ukrainian city of Chmelnytskii [31] which revealed the value 3.9. Probably that large discrepancy between registered and actual number of cases occurred not only in Ukraine. For example, total testing in Slovakia (65.5% of population was tested on October 31-November 1, 2020) revealed a number of previously undetected cases, equal to about 1% of the population [35]. On November 7 next 24% of the population was tested and found 0.63% of those infected [36]. According to the WHO report at the end of October, the number of detected cases in Slovakia was also approximately 1% of population [1].
Many authors are and will be trying to predict the COVID-19 pandemic dynamics in many countries and regions [7-11, 16, 23-30, 37-102]. The results of this study indicate that reliable estimates of its dynamics require consideration of incomplete data and constant changes of the conditions (quarantine restrictions, social distancing, coronavirus mutations, etc.).
Data Availability
Data are in the Text
Supplementary materials
The author is grateful to Oleksii Rodionov for his help in collecting and processing data.
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