Article Information
- March 24, 2021.
Author Information
- Alice R Carter1,2,*,
- Sean Harrison1,2,
- Dipender Gill3,4,5,6,
- George Davey Smith1,2,7,
- Amy E Taylor1,2,7,
- Laura D Howe1,2,† and
- Neil M Davies1,2,8,†
- 1MRC Integrative Epidemiology Unit, University of Bristol
- 2Population Health Sciences, Bristol Medical School, University of Bristol
- 3Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics Section, Institute of Medical and Biomedical Education and Institute for Infection and Immunity, St George’s, University of London, London, United Kingdom
- 4Clinical Pharmacology Group, Pharmacy and Medicines Directorate, St George’s University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, London, United Kingdom
- 5Novo Nordisk Research Centre Oxford, Old Road Campus, Oxford, United Kingdom
- 6Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics, School of Public Health, Imperial College London, London, United Kingdom
- 7NIHR Bristol Biomedical Research Centre, University of Bristol
- 8K.G. Jebsen Center for Genetic Epidemiology, Department of Public Health and Nursing, NTNU, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway
- ↵*Corresponding author: Dr Alice R Carter, alice.carter{at}, Oakfield House, Oakfield Grove, Bristol, BS8 2BN, alice.carter{at}, @alicerosecarter
↵† LDH and NMD contributed equally
Contributions: ARC designed the study, cleaned and analysed the data, interpreted the results, wrote and revised the manuscript. SH assisted with data analysis, interpreted the results and critically reviewed and revised the manuscript. DG advised on defining medication classes, interpreted the results and critically reviewed and revised the manuscript. RM advised on analyses, interpreted the results and critically reviewed and revised the manuscript. GDS, AET, NMD and LDH all designed the study, interpreted the results, critically reviewed and revised the manuscript and provided supervision for the project. NMD and LDH contributed equally and are joint senior authors on this manuscript. ARC and NMD serve as guarantors of the paper. The corresponding author attests that all listed authors meet authorship criteria and that no others meeting the criteria have been omitted.