Associations Between Google Search Trends for Symptoms and COVID-19 Confirmed and Death Cases in the United States
Mostafa Abbas, Thomas B. Morland, Eric S. Hall, View ORCID ProfileYasser EL-Manzalawy
Mostafa Abbas
1Department of Translational Data Science and Informatics, Geisinger
Thomas B. Morland
2Department of General Internal Medicine, Geisinger
Eric S. Hall
1Department of Translational Data Science and Informatics, Geisinger
Yasser EL-Manzalawy
1Department of Translational Data Science and Informatics, Geisinger

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Posted February 24, 2021.
Associations Between Google Search Trends for Symptoms and COVID-19 Confirmed and Death Cases in the United States
Mostafa Abbas, Thomas B. Morland, Eric S. Hall, Yasser EL-Manzalawy
medRxiv 2021.02.22.21252254; doi:
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