Objective Hydrogen sulfide (H2S) is a gaseous signaling molecule and redox factor important for cardiovascular function. Deficiencies in its production or bioavailability are implicated in atherosclerotic disease. However, it is unknown if circulating H2S levels differ between vasculopaths and healthy individuals, and if so, whether H2S measurements can be used to predict surgical outcomes. Here, we examine: 1) Plasma H2S levels in patients undergoing vascular surgery and compare these to healthy controls, and 2) Associations between H2S levels and mortality in surgical revascularization patients.
Approach & Results Patients undergoing carotid endarterectomy, open lower extremity revascularization or leg amputation were enrolled. Peripheral blood was also collected from a matched cohort of 20 patients without peripheral or coronary artery disease. Plasma H2S production capacity and sulfide concentration were measured using the lead acetate and monobromobimane methods, respectively. Plasma H2S production capacity and plasma sulfide concentrations were reduced in patients with PAD (p<0.001, p=0.013 respectively). Patients that underwent surgical revascularization were divided into high versus low H2S production capacity groups by median split. Patients in the low H2S production group had increased probability of mortality (p=0.003). This association was robust to correction for potentially confounding variables using Cox proportional hazard models.
Conclusions Circulating H2S levels were lower in patients with atherosclerotic disease. Patients undergoing surgical revascularization with lower H2S production capacity, but not sulfide concentrations, had increased probability of mortality within 36 months post-surgery. This work provides insight on the role H2S plays as a diagnostic and potential therapeutic for cardiovascular disease.
Vascular disease patients have higher plasma hydrogen sulfide levels than controls without vascular disease as measured by two distinct methods, the lead acetate hydrogen sulfide release method and the HPLC-based monobromobimane method.
Only the lead acetate hydrogen sulfide release method robustly predicts survival after vascular surgery intervention over 35 months of follow up.
The lead acetate release method measures non-enzymatic hydrogen sulfide release from plasma which requires iron and is catalyzed by vitamin B6.
Hydrogen sulfide (H2S) is a redox modifying and diffusible gasotransmitter that plays numerous physiologic roles across various organ systems including the cardiovascular system1. While high levels of exogenous H2S are toxic, increased levels within a supraphysiologic range have been shown to mediate many beneficial effects ranging from stress resistance to longevity2-4. H2S has also emerged as a critical mediator of vascular homeostasis5 through its functions as a vasodilator6, antioxidant7, oxygen sensor8, 9, immunomodulator10, and anti-inflammatory gas11. Importantly, as atherosclerosis is a chronic inflammatory disease, it is important to note H2S is shown to regulate several atherosclerotic cellular and inflammatory processes12-15.
While H2S has been implicated in the pathogenesis of multiple cardiovascular disease processes, the measurement of H2S is arduous and often relies on indirect measures and surrogates16-21. Nevertheless, characterizing the role of H2S in systemic disease states such as peripheral arterial disease (PAD) may yield important insights on potential diagnostic and therapeutic applications.
We therefore assessed H2S levels in human plasma using two measurement methods; the lead acetate H2S production capacity quantification method and the monobromobimane method (MBB method) for sulfide quantification. Patients included in this study were diagnosed with either carotid artery stenosis requiring carotid endarterectomy (CEA), or peripheral artery disease (PAD) necessitating revascularization or amputation secondary to unsalvageable critical limb ischemia. Patients were prospectively followed for 36 months post-surgery with clinical outcomes and mortality measured. A baseline control cohort of patients matched for age, sex, and hypertension6, but with no histories of PAD, prior MI, coronary interventions, heart failure, or stroke were included for comparing H2S levels in the diseased versus healthy state. Our study provides new insight into the relevance of circulating H2S levels in patients suffering from atherosclerosis, and during surgical revascularization.
Study Design & Demographic Data Collection
Patients at a single institution undergoing elective vascular surgery including patients scheduled for carotid endarterectomy, open lower extremity revascularization, and major lower extremity amputation were enrolled. Informed consent was obtained for prospective collection of demographic and clinical data under a Partners Human Research Committee institutional review board approved protocol.
Surgical patients enrolled encompassed patients with carotid artery stenosis requiring CEA for asymptomatic (>80% stenosis) or symptomatic (>50% stenosis) carotid disease, patients with PAD requiring infra-inguinal surgical revascularization and patients with secondary critical limb ischemia (CLI) refractory to lifestyle and surgical interventions requiring major lower extremity amputation (above knee or below knee amputation).
Baseline patient risk factors and demographics were collected including age, race, history of PAD, history of stroke or myocardial infarction as well as history of coronary intervention (Supplemental Table 1). To compare levels of H2S between patients with vascular disease vs. healthy patients, a group of 20 control subjects were enrolled without documented or diagnosed PAD or CAD. This control cohort were matched for age, sex and hypertension. Patients were excluded if they were <18 years, had an emergent indication for the operation or if they were involved in another clinical research study.
Baseline Study Population Characteristics
Hydrogen Sulfide Measurements
On the day of surgery, but prior to surgical intervention, peripheral venous blood was collected into ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA) collection tubes at the time of peripheral intravenous line placement. The tube was inverted several times to ensure mixing with the anticoagulant and then transferred to the lab for processing. To obtain plasma all samples were centrifuged at room temperature for 15 minutes at 2,000g, plasma was then stored at −80°C for future analysis. All samples were then thawed and processed for H2S production capacity at once to ensure uniformity.
Hydrogen sulfide production capacity was measured using the lead acetate method22. In brief, plasma was mixed with 150ul freshly prepared reaction mixture, containing 100 mM L-cysteine and 0.5 mM PLP in Phosphate buffered saline (PBS) in a plastic 96-well plate. The plate was then incubated at 37°C with lead acetate embedded filter paper on top. Upon the reaction of H2S with the lead acetate paper, a dark lead sulfide precipitate is produced. The paper was incubated until a detectable, but non-saturated signal was seen. The amount of lead sulfide captured on the paper was quantitated by measuring the integrated density of each well area using ImageJ software.
Hydrogen sulfide concentrations using the MBB method was conducted as described previously23. Briefly: In almost complete darkness due to the light sensitivity of the MBB reagent, 20 µl of 50 mM HEPES (pH=8.0) buffer and 20 µl of 10mM monobromo-bimane (Sigma Aldrich) was added to 20 µl of plasma sample. After 10 minutes in the dark at room temperature, the product sulfide-dibimane was extracted with 200 µl of pure ethyl acetate. The organic supernatant was collected and evaporated to dryness and stored at −20°C until measurement. The solid samples were redissolved prior to HPLC measurements in acetonitrile. 10 µl was injected and separated on an Agilent Eclipse XDB-C18 (4.6×250mm, 5µm) using a Merck Hitachi L7000 HPLC instrument with a Thermo UltiMate 3000 fluorescent detector. The elution method employed a 28 min long gradient using water and acetonitrile both containing 0.1% TFA. The detection of the product was carried out using UV-absorbance measurement at 254 nm and fluorescent measurement with extinction at 390 nm and detection at 480 nm. Quantitation was done using a standard calibration curve in aqueous buffered solutions, where H2S concentrations were verified by the DTNB assays. It should be noted that the MBB method measures endogenous sulfide levels that are easily liberated from the bound plasma sulfide pool and hence absolute values largely depend on the applied conditions (temperature, alkylation time, concentration conditions etc). This is the reason why absolute values should not be compared with values reported in other studies21.
The enzymatic activity of CBS in blood samples was measured by an HPLC-MS/MS protocol previously published24. Briefly, 20 μL of plasma sample was added to 25 μL of solution containing 200 mmol/L Tris-HCl (pH 8.6), 1 mmol/L pyridoxal 5′-phosphate, 1 mmol/L SAM and 40 mmol/L 2,3,3-2H-labeled serine (Cambridge Isotope Laboratories, Inc). 5 μL of starting solution containing 280 mmol/L homocysteine thiolactone in 100 mmol/L Tris-HCl (pH 8.6), 10 mmol/L DTT, 1.225 mol/L NaOH was incubated for 5 minutes at 37°C to produce homocysteine by thiolactone cleavage, pH was adjusted to 8.6 with 1:1 HCl solution and the solution was added to the plasma mixture. After 4 hours of incubation at 37°C, the reaction was quenched by acidification of the mixture with 100 μL of EZ:faast Internal Standard Solution (Phenomenex) containing 3.3 μmol/L of internal standard 3,3,4,4-2H-labeled cystathionine. Sample preparation was carried out using EZ:faast kit (Phenomenex) kit, that included a solid phase extraction step, derivatization with propyl chloroformate, and an extraction into an organic solvent. The prepared samples were separated on an EZ:faast AAA-MS column (250 × 2.0 mm, Phenomenex) using LC and MS settings described in the EZ:faast user manual using a Thermo Scientific UltiMate 3000 HPLC connected to a Thermo Scientific LTQ-XL MS instrument. Concentrations (and enzyme activities) were calculated using the internal standard.
Plasma H2S production capacity and sulfide concentration in vascular surgery patients and healthy controls were compared using Student’s t test. Pearson correlation coefficient was calculated to assess the association between plasma H2S production capacity and plasma sulfide concentration. The Kaplan-Meier method was used to estimate survival in high and low H2S production capacity/free sulfide groups and groups were compared using log-rank test. Cox proportional hazard models were fit to estimate mortality hazard ratios between high and low H2S producing groups, corrected for potentially confounding variables (age, gender, BMI). Both unadjusted and adjusted Cox proportional hazard models met assumptions of proportional hazard. To assess the odds of post-surgical complication in high vs low H2S producing individuals, Fisher’s exact test was used. Statistical tests were performed using Graphpad Prism 7 and R version 3.3.2. Kaplan-Meier curves and Cox proportional hazard models were fit in R using the Survival package and Kaplan-Meier curves were visualized using the Survminer package. All reported P values are based on 2-sided tests and P values of less than 0.05 were considered statistically significant.
Results using the lead acetate-based H2S production capacity assay showed that healthy controls had significantly higher H2S production capacity compared to vascular disease patients (Fig1A, S1A, 64.4±5.1 vs 40.16±1.8 arbitrary units, p < 0.001). Results using the MBB method also showed that healthy controls had significantly greater plasma sulfide levels (Fig1B, 0.95±0.07 vs 0.76±0.03 µM, p < 0.05). Although both of these sulfide-based measurements were significantly higher in healthy controls, there was no observable correlation between the measurements (Fig1C, rs = −0.12, p = 0.34), suggesting that the two methods measure fundamentally different phenomena.
(A) Image of H2S released from plasma onto lead acetate paper. (B) Histogram of quantified lead acetate H2S release from healthy and diseased individuals. (C) Correlation between plasma H2S production capacity and plasma cystathionine beta synthase protein activity. (D)Correlation between plasma H2S production capacity and plasma H2S production capacity under denaturing conditions with DTT. (E) Plasma H2S production capacity under normal assay conditions (cysteine plus PLP added), or with added EDTA (12.5mM) or EGTA (12.5mM
(A) Plasma H2S production capacity and (B) plasma sulfide measured by the MBB method from human patients suffering vascular occlusive disease (n=115) and healthy age-matched individuals (n=20). Error bars indicate SD; * p<0.05, ***p<0.001. (C) Correlation between H2S production capacity and sulfide measured by the MBB method in vascular disease patients. (D) Probability of survival for vascular disease patients during follow up after intervention with low (n=57) versus high (n=57) H2S production capacity and (E) low and high plasma sulfide measurements. High versus low was determined by median split. P value calculated from log-rank test.
To assess the associations of these H2S measurements with clinical outcomes after surgical procedures, the vascular surgery patients were divided by median split into patients with high and low pre-operative H2S production capacity (FigS1B). Over 36 months of follow up, patients with low H2S production capacity had significantly decreased probability of survival compared to patients with high H2S production capacity (Fig1D, 54% vs 82% survival probability, log-rank test p = 0.0029). However, when patients were divided by median split into high and low MBB-measured sulfide measurements, there was no significant association with survival and the trend was reversed such that those with higher sulfide tended to have lower probability of survival (Fig1E, 71% vs 52% survival probability, log-rank test = 0.15).
To further assess the robustness of H2S production capacity as a predictor of mortality after a vascular surgery intervention, we generated Cox proportional hazard models to adjust for potential confounding variables. A univariate unadjusted model showed that individuals in the high H2S production capacity group had significantly reduced risk of death during follow up (HR(95% CI) = 0.31(0.11 – 0.87), coefficient p=0.025, model Wald p = 0.025). In a Cox proportional hazard model adjusted for age, BMI, gender, smoking history and race, H2S production capacity was significantly associated with survival (HR=0.94, CI=0.90-0.99, coefficient p=0.017, model Wald p = 0.009, Figure 2).
Hazard ratio estimates and 95% confidence intervals for clinically relevant parameters and plasma H2S production capacity as measured by the lead acetate release method
Finally, to characterize the biochemical nature of the plasma H2S production capacity measurement, we investigated whether it might be generated by enzymatic or non-enzymatic production. It has been proposed that the H2S generating enzyme cystathionine beta synthase (CBS) is present in plasma. We measured plasma CBS activities, but found no observable association between plasma CBS activity and H2S production capacity (FigS1C, r = −0.07, p = 0.71). We next performed the assay under denaturing conditions by including heating and adding DTT and found a highly correlated pattern of signals as when performed under non-denaturing conditions (FigS1D, r = 0.34, p = 0.0002). These results suggest H2S production arising from a non-enzymatic process. Finally, we added chelators and found that EDTA was able to almost completely ablate the H2S release, while EGTA was not (FigS1E). On the other hand, EDTA had a reverse effect on measured sulfide concentrations by the MBB method21 corroborating that the two methods measure sulfide released from fundamentally different endogenous pools. This suggests a vital role for iron as a catalyst of the measured H2S release. These results on the probably non-enzymatic nature of the signal are in agreement with the recent thorough characterization of mechanisms of H2S release in blood by Hine and colleagues25.
Pre-clinical studies have suggested that decreased levels of H2S accelerate the development of atherosclerosis12, and are reduced in the skeletal muscle of CLI patients1. Here we show that patients with vascular disease have significantly decreased circulating H2S production capacity and sulfide concentrations, compared to subjects with no clinical evidence of coronary or peripheral artery disease. Together, these results suggest that patients with atherosclerotic vascular disease have a decreased capability to generate H2S. Furthermore, patients with higher H2S production capacity measured prior to vascular surgery had reduced post-operative mortality at 36 months follow-up compared to those with lower H2S production. Interestingly, this association was not observed with sulfide levels that were measured by the MBB-method. While this suggest that although both measures are related to sulfide release from bound sulfide reserves, they specifically capture distinct biological phenomena with clinical relevance. Endogenous enzymatic biosynthesis of H2S in cells relies on three pyridoxal-5-phosphate (PLP) dependent enzymes responsible for the metabolism of the amino acid L-cysteine. These enzymes being cystathionine-gamma-lyase (CGL), cystathionine-beta-synthase (CBS)26 and cysteinyl t-RNA synthetase (CARS2)27 as well as a non-PLP dependent enzyme, 3-mercaptopyruvate sulfurtransferase (3-MST)28 which are responsible for much H2S production in numerous cell types including endothelial cells. Here we show that the clinically relevant H2S production capacity measurement captures non-enzymatic H2S production.
Hine and colleagues have recently performed a thorough chemical characterization of the mechanisms of non-enzymatic H2S production in blood, demonstrating that it is catalyzed by iron and vitamin B6 (PLP)25. Although this work gives us many clues, important questions remain about what specific components of the plasma determine and regulate H2S production capacity. One theory revolves around the sulfur containing amino acid homocysteine, which in itself has been long associated with cardiovascular disease risk, but its mechanism of pathology is not well understood29. Homocysteine has been reported to capture H2S and/or HS- to form a homocysteine persulfide in cardiac tissue, which could potentially interfere with H2S-related cardiovascular protection30. Thus, if surgical patients with decreased survival showed an increase in plasma homocysteine levels, then this could explain the dichotomy in H2S release in these patients using the two different methods (lead acetate vs. MBB), as homocysteine can trap H2S under non-denaturing conditions in the MBB method.
Furthermore, in the non-enzymatic production of H2S in plasma catalyzed by iron described previously25 and confirmed here, PLP still acts as an important co-factor by the formation of a Schiff base and subsequent cysteine-aldimine and thiazolidine five-member ring intermediates prior to iron rapidly catalyzing the release of the sulfide. Importantly, homocysteine itself can also form a Schiff base with PLP, except it will result in a more thermodynamically stable six-member tetrahydrothiazine ring31. The formation of the stable tetrahydrothiazine ring poses two complications for H2S production in circulation: the first being sequestration of valuable PLP co-factor from both enzymatic and non-enzymatic H2S production where cysteine serves as substrate; and the second being slow H2S production kinetics when iron serves as a catalyst25.
In addition to addressing the issues brought up in the discussion, the results reported here will aid in the development of specific H2S assays for diagnostic purposes. Further, they will guide therapeutic interventions if these specific determinants are shown to be causal to the disease process. Despite these remaining questions, we demonstrate that the lead acetate assay represents a simple, rapid and very low-cost method which appears to capture substantial information on clinical risk in this population.
Limitations of our study include the quantification of H2S using the lead acetate method measures only relative differences in H2S between individuals and groups, and not absolute differences. Likewise, it primarily serves as a surrogate for the actual amount of H2S produced from available substrates in plasma. It is also important to note that mortality outcomes in this study encompassed two uniquely different patient populations, patients with carotid stenosis and patients with PAD necessitating surgical revascularization or amputation. These differences may influence disparities in mortality outcomes and future work will need to validate these findings in larger cohorts with more homogenous interventions. Nevertheless, we highlight our important results showing that both H2S production capacity and MBB-method-measured sulfide levels in vascular patients were significantly reduced compared to healthy subjects, indicating a potential correlation between H2S and the progression of cardiovascular pathology. These results provide further insights into the role of H2S biology in surgical patients and open an avenue for the use of H2S for diagnostics and therapeutics in those with dysfunction of their vascular system.
Data Availability
Data may be provided to qualified researchers upon request
Sources of Funding
The Swiss National Science Foundation (PZ00P3-185927) to A.L., and the National Institutes of Health (R01HL148352) to C.H. P.N. acknowledges financial support from the Hungarian Thematic Excellence Program TKP2020-NKA-26, KH_126766, K_129286 from the Hungarian National Research, Development and Innovation Office.
- Cysteinyl t-RNA synthetase
- Cystathionine-beta-synthase
- Carotid endarterectomy
- Cystathionine-gamma-lyase
- Critical limb ischemia
- H2S
- Hydrogen sulfide
- MI
- Myocardial infarction
- Monobromobimane
- Peripheral arterial disease
- Pyridoxal-5-phosphate