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Article Information
- February 13, 2021.
The copyright holder for this preprint is the author/funder, who has granted medRxiv a license to display the preprint in perpetuity. It is made available under a CC-BY 4.0 International license.
Author Information
- Caleb Robinson1,+,
- Anusua Trivedi1,+,
- Marian Blazes3,
- Anthony Ortiz1,
- Jocelyn Desbiens2,
- Sunil Gupta2,
- Rahul Dodhia1,
- Pavan K. Bhatraju5,
- W. Conrad Liles5,
- Aaron Lee3,*,
- Jayashree Kalpathy-Cramer4 and
- Juan M. Lavista Ferres1,*
- 1Microsoft AI for Good
- 2Intelligent Retinal Imaging Systems
- 3University of Washington
- 4Massachusetts General Hospital
- 5Department of Medicine and Sepsis Center of Research Excellence, University of Washington (SCORE-UW)
- ↵*Corresponding authors: leeay{at}, jlavista{at}
↵+ these authors contributed equally as first-authors to all academic and professional effects, and their names can be legitimately swapped in their respective publication lists