Vaccinating Australia: How long will it take?
View ORCID ProfileMark Hanly, View ORCID ProfileTim Churches, View ORCID ProfileOisín Fitzgerald, View ORCID ProfileC Raina McIntyre, View ORCID ProfileLouisa Jorm
Mark Hanly
1Centre for Big Data Research in Health UNSW Sydney
Tim Churches
2South Western Sydney Clinical School, Faculty of Medicine & Health, UNSW Sydney & Ingham Institute for Applied Medical Research
Oisín Fitzgerald
3Centre for Big Data Research in Health UNSW Sydney
C Raina McIntyre
4Biosecurity Research Program, The Kirby Institute UNSW Sydney
Louisa Jorm
5Centre for Big Data Research in Health UNSW Sydney

Data Availability
Data generated through our projections are hosted in the GitHub repo for this project. Data on the daily vaccinations per million population were accessed through
Posted February 04, 2021.
Vaccinating Australia: How long will it take?
Mark Hanly, Tim Churches, Oisín Fitzgerald, C Raina McIntyre, Louisa Jorm
medRxiv 2021.02.02.21250979; doi:
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