Non-invasive brain stimulation effectiveness in anxiety disorder treatment: a meta-analysis on sham/behavior-controlled studies
Alessandra Vergallito, Alessia Gallucci, Alberto Pisoni, Gabriele Caselli, Giovanni M. Ruggiero, Sandra Sassaroli, Leonor J. Romero Lauro
Alessandra Vergallito
1Department of Psychology, University of Milano Bicocca, Milano, Italy
Alessia Gallucci
3Ph.D. Program in Neuroscience, School of Medicine and Surgery, University of Milano-Bicocca, Monza, Italy
Alberto Pisoni
1Department of Psychology, University of Milano Bicocca, Milano, Italy
Gabriele Caselli
4Studi Cognitivi, Milan, Italy
5Faculty of Psychology, Sigmund Freud University, Milan, Italy
Giovanni M. Ruggiero
4Studi Cognitivi, Milan, Italy
5Faculty of Psychology, Sigmund Freud University, Milan, Italy
Sandra Sassaroli
4Studi Cognitivi, Milan, Italy
5Faculty of Psychology, Sigmund Freud University, Milan, Italy
Leonor J. Romero Lauro
1Department of Psychology, University of Milano Bicocca, Milano, Italy
Data Availability
Data are available upon reasonable request
Posted January 16, 2021.
Non-invasive brain stimulation effectiveness in anxiety disorder treatment: a meta-analysis on sham/behavior-controlled studies
Alessandra Vergallito, Alessia Gallucci, Alberto Pisoni, Gabriele Caselli, Giovanni M. Ruggiero, Sandra Sassaroli, Leonor J. Romero Lauro
medRxiv 2021.01.15.21249892; doi:
Non-invasive brain stimulation effectiveness in anxiety disorder treatment: a meta-analysis on sham/behavior-controlled studies
Alessandra Vergallito, Alessia Gallucci, Alberto Pisoni, Gabriele Caselli, Giovanni M. Ruggiero, Sandra Sassaroli, Leonor J. Romero Lauro
medRxiv 2021.01.15.21249892; doi:
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