Article Information
- November 30, 2020.
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Author Information
- Ingrid Marois, MD1,¶,
- Carole Forfait, PhD2,¶,
- Catherine Inizan, PhD3,¶,
- Elise Klement-Frutos, MD1,¶,*,
- Anabelle Valiame, MD2,
- Daina Aubert, MD2,
- Ann-Claire Gourinat, PharmD4,
- Sylvie Laumond, MD2,
- Emilie Barsac, MSc4,
- Jean-Paul Grangeon, MD2,
- Cécile Cazorla, MD1,
- Audrey Merlet, MD1,
- Arnaud Tarantola, MD, PhD5,
- Myrielle Dupont-Rouzeyrol, PhD3 and
- Elodie Descloux, MD, PhD1,¶,†
- 1Internal medicine and infectious diseases department, Territorial Hospital Center (CHT), Dumbea, New Caledonia
- 2Health Authorities (DASS), Noumea, New Caledonia
- 3Institut Pasteur in New Caledonia, URE Dengue and Arboviruses, Noumea, New Caledonia
- 4Microbiology laboratory, Territorial Hospital Center (CHT), Dumbea, New Caledonia
- 5Institut Pasteur in New Caledonia, URE Epidemiology, Noumea, New Caledonia
- ↵*Corresponding author:
Dr Elise Klément-Frutos, Hôpitaux Universitaires Pitie Salpetriere-Charles Foix, 47-83 Bd de l’Hôpital, 75651 Paris cedex 13, (+33) 1 42 16 00 00, elisemarie.klement{at}
↵¶ These authors contributed equally to this work.