The Kids Are Not Alright: A Preliminary Report of Post-COVID Syndrome in University Students
View ORCID ProfileJulie Walsh-Messinger, Hannah Manis, Alison Vrabec, Jenna Sizemore, Karyn Bishof, Marcella Debidda, View ORCID ProfileDolores Malaspina, Noah Greenspan
Julie Walsh-Messinger
1Department of Psychology, University of Dayton, 300 College Park, Dayton, OH 45469
2Department of Psychiatry, Wright State University Boonshoft School of Medicine, 2555 University Blvd, Dayton, OH 45324
PhDHannah Manis
1Department of Psychology, University of Dayton, 300 College Park, Dayton, OH 45469
BSAlison Vrabec
1Department of Psychology, University of Dayton, 300 College Park, Dayton, OH 45469
BAJenna Sizemore
1Department of Psychology, University of Dayton, 300 College Park, Dayton, OH 45469
Karyn Bishof
3Long-Hauler Advocacy Project, Boca Raton, FL
BSMarcella Debidda
4Pulmonary Wellness Foundation, 218 East 36th Street, Apartment BB, New York, NY 10016
PhDDolores Malaspina
5Departments of Psychiatry, Neuroscience, and Genetics and Genomics, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, 1 Gustave L. Levy Place, New York, NY 10029
MD MSPHNoah Greenspan
4Pulmonary Wellness Foundation, 218 East 36th Street, Apartment BB, New York, NY 10016
Data Availability
Data is available by request. Please request via e-mail jmessinger1{at}
Posted November 29, 2020.
The Kids Are Not Alright: A Preliminary Report of Post-COVID Syndrome in University Students
Julie Walsh-Messinger, Hannah Manis, Alison Vrabec, Jenna Sizemore, Karyn Bishof, Marcella Debidda, Dolores Malaspina, Noah Greenspan
medRxiv 2020.11.24.20238261; doi:
The Kids Are Not Alright: A Preliminary Report of Post-COVID Syndrome in University Students
Julie Walsh-Messinger, Hannah Manis, Alison Vrabec, Jenna Sizemore, Karyn Bishof, Marcella Debidda, Dolores Malaspina, Noah Greenspan
medRxiv 2020.11.24.20238261; doi:
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