COVIDStrategyCalculator: A standalone software to assess testing- and quarantine strategies for incoming travelers, contact person management and de-isolation
Wiep van der Toorn, Djin-Ye Oh, Daniel Bourquain, Janine Michel, Eva Krause, Andreas Nitsche, View ORCID ProfileMax von Kleist on behalf of the working group on SARS-CoV-2 Diagnostics at RKI
Wiep van der Toorn
1,2Systems Medicine of Infectious Disease (P5) and Bioinformatics (MF1), Methodology and Research Infrastructure, Robert Koch Institute Berlin, Germany
1,2Systems Medicine of Infectious Disease (P5) and Bioinformatics (MF1), Methodology and Research Infrastructure, Robert Koch Institute Berlin, Germany
Djin-Ye Oh
3FG17 Influenza and other respiratory viruses, Department of Infectious Diseases, Robert Koch Institute Berlin, Germany
Daniel Bourquain
4ZBS1 Highly pathogenic viruses, Center for Biological Threats And Special Pathogens, Robert Koch Institute Berlin, Germany
Janine Michel
4ZBS1 Highly pathogenic viruses, Center for Biological Threats And Special Pathogens, Robert Koch Institute Berlin, Germany
Eva Krause
4ZBS1 Highly pathogenic viruses, Center for Biological Threats And Special Pathogens, Robert Koch Institute Berlin, Germany
Andreas Nitsche
4ZBS1 Highly pathogenic viruses, Center for Biological Threats And Special Pathogens, Robert Koch Institute Berlin, Germany
Max von Kleist
1,2Systems Medicine of Infectious Disease (P5) and Bioinformatics (MF1), Methodology and Research Infrastructure, Robert Koch Institute Berlin, Germany
1,2Systems Medicine of Infectious Disease (P5) and Bioinformatics (MF1), Methodology and Research Infrastructure, Robert Koch Institute Berlin, Germany
5German COVID Omics Initiative (deCOI)

- Supplementary Notes 1-3[supplements/233825_file02.pdf]
Posted November 19, 2020.
COVIDStrategyCalculator: A standalone software to assess testing- and quarantine strategies for incoming travelers, contact person management and de-isolation
Wiep van der Toorn, Djin-Ye Oh, Daniel Bourquain, Janine Michel, Eva Krause, Andreas Nitsche, Max von Kleist
medRxiv 2020.11.18.20233825; doi:
COVIDStrategyCalculator: A standalone software to assess testing- and quarantine strategies for incoming travelers, contact person management and de-isolation
Wiep van der Toorn, Djin-Ye Oh, Daniel Bourquain, Janine Michel, Eva Krause, Andreas Nitsche, Max von Kleist
medRxiv 2020.11.18.20233825; doi:
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