Article Information
- November 6, 2020.
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Author Information
- Elaine O. Nsoesie1,
- Karla Therese L. Sy1,2,
- Olubusola Oladeji1,
- Raesetje Sefala3 and
- Brooke E. Nichols1,4,*
- 1Department of Global Health, Boston University School of Public Health, Boston, MA, USA
- 2Department of Epidemiology, Boston University School of Public Health, Boston, MA, USA
- 3School of Computer Science and Applied Mathematics, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa
- 4Health Economics and Epidemiology Research Office, Department of Internal Medicine, School of Clinical Medicine, Faculty of Health Sciences, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa
- ↵*Correspondence to: brooken{at}, Address for correspondence: 801 Massachusetts Avenue Crosstown Center, Department of Global Health, 3rd Floor Boston, MA 02118
Author contributions: E.O.N. and B.E.N. contributed to conceptualization. E.O.N, O.O., R.S., and B.E.N. contributed to data acquisition. E.O.N. and K.T.L.S. contributed to data analys is. All authors contributed to interpretation of results and manuscript writing.