Introduction COVID-19 is characterised by hyperinflammation and coagulopathy. Severe cases often develop respiratory distress, requiring mechanical ventilation and critical cases progressing to ARDS. Control of hyperinflammation has been proposed as a possible therapeutic avenue for COVID-19; extracorporeal blood purification (EBP) modalities offer an attractive mean to ameliorate maladaptive inflammation.
With this work, we describe the longitudinal variation of parameters of systemic inflammation in critically ill COVID-19 patients treated with blood purification using AN69ST (oXiris®) hemodiafilter.
Methods We performed a time-series analysis of 44 consecutive COVID-19 cases treated with the AN69ST (oXiris®) cytokine adsorbing hemodiafilter; we visualise longitudinal results of biochemical, inflammatory, blood gas- and vital sign parameters.
Results Blood purification was indicated for suspected hyperinflammation or hypercoagulation, (= CRP ≥ 100 mg/L and/or IL-6 ≥ 40 pg/mL and/or Ferritin ≥ 500 ng/mL and/or Lactate Dehydrogenase > 365 U/L or D-dimers > 2000 ng/mL). All patients were treated with ≥ 1 cycle extracorporeal continuous venovenous hemofiltration (CVVHF) with cytokine adsorbing hemodiafilter (CAH); of these, 30 severe patients received CVVHF-CAH within 4 – 12 hours of hospitalisation. Another 14 patients admitted with mild-to-moderate symptoms progressed to severe disease and placed on EBP during the course of hospitalisation. The treatment was associated with a reduction of Ferritin, C-reactive protein, Fibrinogen, several inflammatory markers and a resolution of numerous cytopenias. The observed mortality across the cohort was 36.3% across the cohort.
Conclusion Extracorporeal blood purification with cytokine adsorbing hemofilter was associated with a decrease in the acute phase proteins CRP, Ferritin, and resolution of numerous cytopenias. Repetitive hemofiltration has been associated with lower levels of IL-6 in COVID-19 patients.
The Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic dominated our lives since the outbreak of the Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) started in Wuhan of Hubei Province, China [1]. Its disruptive nature was confirmed with the WHO’s classification as a global epidemic on February 28, 2020, [2].
Severe COVID-19 disease is characterised by uncontrolled inflammation [3-5]. COVID-19 patients typically present with bilateral multifocal peripheral lung changes of ground-glass opacity and, or consolidation, on chest radiography [6] low peripheral oxygen saturation (SpO2) and an increased respiratory rate strongly associated with pneumonia. Immunopathology [7, 8] is considered one of the main drivers of disease progression leading to acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) [9], multiorgan failure [10, 11, 5], secondary infections [12] and coagulopathy [13, 14].
The use of blood purification devices has been advocated as a treatment option to mitigate atypical inflammation as a means to halt disease progression.
We here describe a case series of 44 COVID-19 patients treated with CVVHF-CAH using the AN69ST (oXiris®) filter and present longitudinal analysis of clinical and laboratory parameters associated with disease severity. EBP was supplemented with systemic heparinisation and non-invasive respiratory [15] support aimed at preventing irreversible lung pathology [16] and the necessity of invasive mechanical ventilation. Mechanical respiratory support is linked to high mortality rates, especially in older patients or those with severe comorbidities [17].
This prospective cohort study evaluated variation in several biomarkers, clinical parameters and outcome associated with EBP to control hyper inflammation. Institutional review board approval was obtained from the local ethical committee of the Zan Mitrev Clinic in accordance with the declaration of Helsinki and ICH-Good Clinical Practice.
Materials and Methods
We have prospectively screened all patients consecutively admitted between June the 14th until August 11th with confirmed International Classification of Diseases (ICD) 10 code of ‘U07.1 COVID-19 or ICD-10 code of ‘U07.2 COVID-19 diagnosis.
The study designed is presented in the STrengthening the Reporting of OBservational studies in Epidemiology (STROBE) diagram, Figure 1.
Patients were classified according to their clinical presentation in 4 severity degrees:
Mild cases
The clinical symptoms are mild, with no apparent sign of pneumonia on imaging.
Moderate cases
Showing fever and respiratory symptoms with radiological findings of pneumonia.
Severe cases
Respiratory distress (30 breaths/min)
Oxygen saturation < 93% at rest
Cases with chest imaging that show lesion > 50% progression within 24 hours shall be managed as severe cases.
Critical cases
Respiratory failure requiring mechanical ventilation
With organ failure that requires ICU care.
The inclusion criteria and exclusion criteria are presented in Figure 1
Biochemistry Analysis
Blood samples were collected from each patient at the time-points shown for routine blood analysis: White blood cell count (WBC), Lymphocyte count (LYM), Neutrophil count (NEU), Thrombocyte count (PLT), Monocyte count (MONO) and Eosinophil count (EO) were determined as well as the Neutrophil-to-Lymphocyte ratio (NEU/LYM) and the systemic immune-inflammation index PLT*(NEU/LYM). Moreover, blood biochemistry parameters such as Na+, K+ Aspartate aminotransferase (AST), Alanine aminotransferase (ALT), Urea, C-Reactive Protein (CRP), Interleukin-6 (IL-6) as well as Procalcitonin, lactate dehydrogenase (LDH), were assessed using Siemens ADVIA Centaur XP Immunoassay System.
Data on coagulation parameters were obtained from all patients; coagulation tests included D-dimers, Fibrinogen (FIB) and international normalised ratio (INR). Tests were performed using a Sysmex CA-600 automatic coagulation analyser. Blood Gas Analysis (BGA) was performed on a Siemens rapidpoint 500®.
Statistical analysis
Categorical parameters were summarised as absolute numbers and percentages. Continuous data are shown as mean ± SD or median + Interquartile range (IQR).
Continuous variables were evaluated using the D’Agostino & Pearson normality test – Independent data that follow the Gaussian distribution were analysed via the Student’s t-test, and non-Gaussian continuous variables were assessed via the Mann-Whitney test for independent comparisons. Comparisons of preoperative vs postoperative data were performed using a Paired T-test or Wilcoxon Signed Rank test for non-parametric data.
The Fisher exact test was used to evaluate the association between categorical variables with the outcome. Regression and/or correlation analysis between the biomarkers over time were performed using Pearson’s or Spearman’s rank correlation testing.
The data were analysed with the statistical programs Graphpad Prism (version 8.43) and Statsdirect (version 3.3.3)
The general treatment protocol is shown in Figure 2 and follows practice safety recommendations, treatment strategies and up-to-date sepsis management guidelines [18-21]. The multidisciplinary care and therapeutic approach were previously described in detail by Ugurov et al. [15]
Extracorporeal Blood Purification
The Prismaflex® oXiris® system was mounted in the ICU and connected 4 - 12 hours after admission upon establishing control of the haemostasis, ACT = Activated Coagulation Time of 180 secs. The patient is connected to the Prismaflex® oXiris® system via a double lumen catheter placed in the femoral vein or vena subclavia.
Patient demographics and clinical characteristics at admission
Among the 61 patients admitted with COVID-19 in the selected period, 42 were treated with oXiris® and thus considered in this single-centre case series. Of these, 2 patients were readmitted and counted as independent cases, totalling 44 consecutive cases, Figure 1.
The clinical characteristics and demographics are described in Table 1. At admission, 68.2% (N = 30) could be classified as severe, and 32.8% (N = 14) with mild to moderate symptoms (= non-severe). Primary symptoms reported were dyspnea, fever and breathing difficulties; all but one case (58/59, 98.3%) had confirmed COVID-19 pneumonia at admission Supplemental Table 1 and 2.
We have highlighted 3 unique and challenging cases in Figure 3.
Patients with severe disease were characterised by more prolonged duration of symptoms; they were admitted on average 7 days (vs 5 days for non-severe cases, p=0.025) after symptom onset and were more likely to be referred from peripheral clinics (67% vs 36%, OR 3.6 [CI95% 0.98 to 13.3], p = 0.101) in comparison to direct admission following self-isolation at home.
We observed non-significant trends suggesting more pronounced respiratory difficulties and lower blood pressure in advanced disease. We aggregated selected laboratory values and patient signs that accounts for both acute and chronic disease to determine the Acute Physiology And Chronic Health Evaluation II (APACHE II) at admission; severe cases had an overall APACHE II score of 8.5 ± 4.6 vs 4.7 ± 3.0, mean difference 3.5 [CI95% 3.5 to 6.1], p=0.011.
Severe cases were admitted with a more prominent inflammatory profile, demonstrated by elevated levels of LDH, 494.5 U/L (IQR374 - 669); Ferritin, 1100 ng/mL (IQR406 - 1650); CRP, 151 mg/L (IQR82 - 211) and the immune indices NLR and SII, 11.5 (7.5 - 18.5) and 2580 (1554 - 4692), respectively. (Table 2). Moreover, we observed substantially higher D-dimers levels in severe cases compared to those with mild to moderate symptoms, median difference, 630 [CI95% 160.0 to 6220], p=0.013, (Table 2).
Despite the clinically significant increase of two key acute phase proteins and inflammatory markers, there was only a marginal increase in IL-6 across the cohort, 15.5 (7.4 - 47.3) pg/mL
Extracorporeal blood purification; treatment approach and clinical practice
A total of 14 mild/moderate (56%) and 30 severe patients (88.8%) were suspected of hyperinflammation (= CRP ≥ 100 mg/L and/or IL-6 ≥ 40 pg/mL and/or Ferritin ≥ 500 ng/mL) and indicated for blood purification using the AN69ST (oXiris®) hemofilter in an attempt to control disease progression (Supplemental Figure 1).
Flow rates were maintained as follow; effluent dose 35 mL/Kg/h, dialysate 14 – 16 mL/Kg/h, blood 150 mL/min, replacement 16 −18 mL/Kg/h; patient fluid removal is tailored to the individual’s volume status, ≈ 100 - 250 mL/h. The oXiris® CRRT modality was chosen according to the patient’s kidney function; continuous venovenous hemofiltration (CVVH), continuous venovenous hemodiafiltration (CVVHDF) or slow continuous ultrafiltration (SCUF).
The average levels of urea, creatine and the Cockcroft Gault Glomerular Filtration Rate (GFR) were 5.6 (3.9 - 8.1) mmol/L, 91.8 ± 32.2 µmol/L and 108.3 ± 39.7 mL/min, respectively. We observed 2 cases of significant kidney dysfunction (= GFR < 50 mL/min) in our COVID-19 cohort.
Consequently, CVVHF (42/44, 95.5%) was the predominant CRRT modality indicated with the primary aim to reduce inflammatory mediators. Alternatively, CVVHDF was used for renal support. Total run time on the Prismaflex system was 3303.8hr; on average severe cases were treated with 2 (IQR1 - 3) blood purification cycles, one more than the non-severe patients. The average duration of blood purification was 30.3 hours (20.8 - 44.9) (Table 3).
We observed no complications related to bleeding or thromboembolism. There were 9 occurrences of premature clotting (machine run time < 5hr) resulting in a linearised incidence premature clotting rate of 0.27% (patient-hours).
One patient experienced a hematoma following venous cannulation that required a catheter displacement. Our complete treatment approach was previously documented [15]
In parallel, during hospitalisation, 12 critical patients were treated with i.v. Dexamethasone at a dose of 8 mg q.d.
Time-series analyses of inflammatory biomarkers, vital signs and blood gas analysis parameters
Blood purification was associated with gradual normalization of several biomarkerslinked to COVID-19 disease severity (Figure 4). We observed a sharper reduction of Ferritin in severe pateints (Fig 4A), β = −23.0 [CI95% −36.79 to −9.251], p = 0.0012, vs β = −1.88 [CI95% −20.67 to 16.90], p = 0.841 for the sub-group with milder symptoms).
Likewise, EBP was associated with a decrease of CRP with treatment in non-severe cohort showing a significant time-dependent reduction β = −1.9 [CI95% −3.7 to −0.21], p = 0.03 (Fig 4B).
Moreover, EBP was also characterized by a decrease of inflammatory immune indices NLR, β = −0.73 [CI95% −1.31 to −0.15], p = 0.01 (Fig 4C) and SII, β = −72.3 [CI95% −30.2 to −6.0], p = 0.004, (Fig 4D). Neutrophilia (>75% neutrophils of total white blood cells) was a notable feature of our cohort (Table 2), blood purification was associated with a significant decline in peripheral neutrophils (Fig 4E), and was also paired with the resolution of several cytopenias. Baseline levels of eosinophils, basophils, monocytes, lymphocytes in severe patients normalised during hospitalisation leading to increased numbers of WBC (Table 2 & Fig 4F-J).
Non-severe cases had lower baseline thrombocyte counts, 138*103 counts/µL (IQR119 - 176) compared to severe patients, median difference −62*103 counts/µL [CI95% 13 to 142], p=0.012, which was normalised within a week (Fig 4K).
We did not routinely perform screening for SARS-CoV-2 spike protein-specific IgG antibodies at admission; nevertheless, the available data suggests that severe cases presented with higher baseline titers which further increased time (Fig 4L).
Levels of LDH were discriminant at admission (Table 2), and the differences between subgroups persisted despite EBP (Fig 4M). Analysis of procalcitonin levels yielded similar observations (Table 2, Fig 4N).
Hypercoagulability state was assessed via Fibrinogen and D-dimers; we noted a slight decrease in Fibrinogen levels over time in non-severe cases (Fig 4O). On the other hand, D-dimers remained significantly elevated despite hemofiltration (Fig 4P).
IL-6 is the primary inducer of hepatic CRP synthesis and secretion; individual analysis indicates a periprocedural decrease of both IL-6 and CRP (Supplemental figure 1). Nonetheless, group analyses suggest that the time-dependent decrease in IL-6 was not significant (Fig 4Q).
Paired analysis may explain the mixed response of IL-6 to blood purification; clinical recovery was associated with a decrease of IL-6 levels, median difference −21.44 pg/ml [CI95% −45.6 to −4.1], p=0.0001. Whereas IL-6 continued to rise in patients who ultimately succumbed to the disease despite repetitive hemofiltration cycles (Fig 4R); median difference 179.7 pg/ml [CI95% 42.02 to 613.3], p=0.0009.
Finally, haematological parameters showed a continuous declining trend (Figure 5). Liver enzymes remained stable during hospitalisation; however, whereas creatine remained within normal ranges, there was a rise of blood urea evident in the severe cohort (Fig 5F).
Clinically, both subgroups were characterised by normalising vital parameters over time (Figure 6); in particular, severe patients experienced a gradual improvement in SpO2 and breathing capacity. Blood gas analyses (BGA) were comparable during the early phases of hospitalisation; excluding the individual exceptions, there were no notable differences in BGA parameters over time across the cohort.
Severe cases requiring prolonged hospitalisation (> 2 weeks) showed possible signs of respiratory acidosis (ARDS) evidenced by decreasing pH-values and increasing levels of the partial pressure of carbon dioxide (pCO2) on mechanical circulatory support.
We observed 19 cases (43.2%) (Table 3) of secondary bacterial co-infections, most confirmed microbiology cultures pertained to samples collected at admission; furthermore, positive microbiology was most likely to occur in patients admitted from peripheral clinics, OR 3.6 [CI95% 0.9 to 12.4], p=0.07. We most frequently detected Staphylococcus aureus, Haemophilus influenzae, and Enterobacteriaceae; however, we also detected Klebsiella pneumoniae and Acinetobacter baumannii. The mortality rate over the whole cohort was 27%; the rate in severe cases was 44% vs 4% in non-severe, relative risk (RR) 7 [CI95%1.49 to 40.2], p=0.007.
COVID-19 is caused by the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) and was identified by the World Health Organization (WHO) as an international public health emergency; with that, a multitude of therapeutic approaches have been pioneered to counter the detrimental clinical manifestations [22-25] linked to inflammatory immune disturbances
We here describe the clinical course, outcome and longitudinal analysis of multiple biomarkers, clinical and blood gas parameters in non-severe vs severe COVID-19 patients treated with blood purification using the cytokine adsorbing oXiris® hemodiafilter.
We and others have explored the use of cytokine blood purification in an attempt to prevent, control or reduce (suspected) hyperinflammation [26-30]. Several blood-purification devices are currently on the market, showing a significant reduction of pro-inflammatory cytokines and restore homeostatic dysregulation associated with systemic inflammatory syndromes [31-33].
The United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) gave emergency approval to the oXiris® membrane filter and CytoSorb® column-based filter. Both devices have shown an exceptional capacity to reduce cytokine levels [32, 34], support hemodynamic stabilisation and increase survival probability, especially in patients whom therapy was initiated early [35, 36].
We previously reported our preliminary results on EBP using the oXiris® filter in COVID-19 [15]. The cohort’s limited size precluded comparative analyses between patient subgroups stratified according to disease severity. With this follow up analysis on an expanded cohort we show that EBP was paired with longitudinal reduction of numerous inflammatory mediators, acute phase proteins and resolution of cytopenias (Figure 3).
For instance, EBP was associated with a time-dependent decrease across the cohort in Ferritin, a well-described biomarker associated with severe COVID-19 [37, 38]. Interestingly, oXiris® was associated with significant decreases over time of CRP in non-severe cases but not in severe cases.
Moreover, our results suggest a weaker association between IL-6 and CRP in COVID-19 patients treated with EBP; the two markers showed a weak(er) correlation (r = 0.05, p = 0.66, non-severe and r, = 0.35, p<0.001 severe cases (Supplemental Figure 2). IL-6 is the main stimulus for CRP synthesis and others have described a strong positive correlation between IL-6 and CRP in numerous disease conditions [39-41].
Systemic levels of CRP were more detected in critical ranges compared to IL-6. The cytokine was increased in severe cases, but overall, the systemic levels detected were lower than observed in our historical bacterial sepsis cohort.
The higher levels of CRP irrespective of IL-6 might be explained as follows: IL-6 is the primary driver of increased production of CRP; however, during injury or other trauma, other pro-inflammatory cytokines such as IL-1, TNF-α and IL-8 may contribute the production of CRP [42-44].
Current literature indicates that although IL-6 is essential for CRP gene induction, it is not sufficient to achieve this alone [45] and might require orchestrated stimuli by multiple pro-inflammatory cytokines to boost CRP gene expression. Collectively, the increased levels of IL-1, TNF-α, IL-8 and IL-6 seen in COVID-19 plausibly synergise to enhance CRP gene expression [46].
Recently, three studies have compared cytokine levels in COVID-19 to other conditions [46-48] and hinted that the term “cytokine storm” is perhaps not applicable to COVID-19 as was previously postulated.
Possibly a case of semantics; the immunological disturbances in COVID-19 encompass both innate and adaptive arms [46, 4, 49] and clinically possess many hallmarks of cytokine storm syndrome [50, 51].
In our experience, abnormal neutrophil counts and increased neutrophil-to-lymphocyte ratios (NLR) often accompanied hyperinflammation. Neutrophilia was shown to coincide with lung lesion injury on CT [52] and predict poor outcomes in COVID-19 patients [8]. The NLR is also an independent risk factor for adverse outcome [53, 52]. Our results point to higher NLR in severe patients and EBP was associated with normalizing neutrophil counts and NLR.
Along similar lines, LDH is strongly linked with disease severity; elevated LDH serum concentrations reflect tissue/cell destruction and are regarded as a common sign of tissue/cell damage [54]. Serum LDH has been identified as an important biomarker for the activity and severity of idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis [55].
For critically ill patients with COVID-19, the rise in LDH level may indicate an increase of the activity and extent of lung injury. To this end, LDH has emerged as a prominent variable to distinguish the majority of COVID-19 patients who require immediate medical attention [56]. In our study, the patients that succumbed to COVID-19 all showed repetitive measurements of LDH surpassing the critical threshold of 365 U/L linked to mortality [56].
The incidence of bacterial co-infection (43%) was higher than previously reported [57-59]. In compliance with antimicrobial resistance (AMR) guidelines [60, 61], we collect nasopharyngeal samples and also perform hemocultures in critical COVID-19 cases at admission. We detected bacterial co-infections more frequently in patients previously hospitalised at peripheral clinics compared to the sub-group admitted from home.
Empirical antibiotics are administered for max 48hr or discontinued immediately following negative representative cultures [62]. It is possible that our AMR-protocol may be masked by unwarranted antibiotics administration elsewhere, a common clinical practice in south-eastern Europe [63-66].
Clinically, the heterogeneity among the severe cases was striking; the clinical course of severe COVID-19, the extent of the affected lung area and development of ARDS was often not aligned with systemic levels of biomarkers. Several critical cases in need of mechanical ventilation and inotrope support showed clinical deterioration despite decreasing inflammatory mediators.
A consistent observation in our study was the gradual decrease in SpO2 in critical cases and the continuous high values of D-dimers, which may point to hypercoagulability, micro-embolism, leading to inadequate peripheral oxygen homeostasis.
Interestingly, we observed just two cases of AKI during the study period; a surprising finding given that the pooled incidence rate of 8.9% (CI95% 4.6 - 14.5) reported by Chen et al. [67]
Finally, the observed mortality rate of 27% observed in this case series is comparable to what has been recently reported [68].
Because of the observational design, absence of randomisation and limited cohort size are unable to provide concrete clinical guidance on the optimal EBP strategy to control disease progression and prevent ARDS. Nevertheless, with 3000+ accumulated hours of EBP run-time and real-time data on 44 patients we collected sufficient datapoints to establish biomarker fluctuations over time and evaluate the safety-profile of oXiris® blood purification.
Our study results indicate that extracorporeal blood purification with oXiris® was associated with reduced levels of acute-phase proteins, resolution of cytopenias and control of hyperinflammation.
EBP represents an attractive treatment modality to limit systemic damage caused by aberrant immune activation and therefore may stabilise the clinical condition of COVID-19 patients.
Data Availability
The data used for this study are currently in transfer in the SCCM COVID-19 registry, https://sccmcovid19.org/. Until upload is completed the data is available for review upon reasonable request by editorial staff members.
Statement of Ethics
The local ethical committee of the Zan Mitrev Clinic reviewed and approved the clinical practice, treatment procedures described, and the results reported in this manuscript and approved the submission, #EBPZ.357. Trial registration: ClinicalTrials.gov, NCT04478539. Registered 14th of July 2020 - Retrospectively registered, https://clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT04478539
Written informed (or temporary verbal) consent was obtained from all patients for publication of this manuscript and any accompanying images; the use of all health and medical information for scientific research and manuscript preparation was approved. A copy of the written consent is available for review by the Editor-in-Chief of this journal. For those patients that were not traceable after discharge, the need for informed consent was waived by the ethical committee.
Availability of Data
The data used for this study are currently in transfer in the SCCM COVID-19 registry, https://sccmcovid19.org/. Until upload is completed the data is available for review upon reasonable request by editorial staff members.
Conflict of Interest Statement
Dr Zan Mitrev is the hospital director at the Zan Mitrev Clinic. Gianluca Villa has received support for travel expenses, hotel accommodations and registration to meetings from Baxter. The other co-authors do not have any competing interests to disclose.
Funding Sources
Not applicable
Authors’ contributions
ZM is the study director; PU, DP, DN, LVK and ZM were responsible for diagnostics and patient care. L.V-K. performed the radiological examinations. RR coordinated the study, provided academic assistance, managed data collection, analysed the data and wrote the manuscript with the assistance of PU GV provided academic input and writing support and critically reviewed the manuscript. AT and DK provided IT-support for data validation/extraction. All authors have read and approved the manuscript.
Figure Legends
Supplemental Figure 1 - Inflammatory mediator analysis; systemic levels of IL-6 and CRP during hospitalisation
Representative individual profiles showing time-series data on IL-6 (pg/mL) and C-reactive protein (CRP) (mg/L) are plotted on the left y-axis. The start of oXiris® Hemofiltration 24-cycle is depicted as a blue checkered line on the x-axis; day 0 is defined as the first 24 hours following admission. One patient also received Tocilizumab (= anti-IL6 receptor mAb) indicated in a green checkered line.
Supplemental Figure 2 - Biomarker correlation in COVID-19 patients treated with extracorporeal blood purification.
Correlation matrix depicts Pearson’s r, and colour gradient visualise the degree of positive or negative linear correlation between the respective biomarkers.
List of abbreviations
- IL
- interleukin
- tumor necrosis factor
- C-reactive protein
- acute respiratory distress syndrome
- Acute Kidney Injury
- Continuous Positive Airway Pressure
- Extracorporeal Blood Purification
- continuous venovenous hemofiltration
- continuous venovenous hemodiafiltration
- slow continuous ultrafiltration
- Non-invasive ventilation