Context As the COVID-19 pandemic persists around the world, the scientific community continues to produce and circulate knowledge on the deadly disease at an unprecedented rate. During the early stage of the pandemic, preprints represented nearly 40% of all English-language COVID-19 scientific corpus (6, 000+ preprints | 16, 000+ articles). As of mid-August 2020, that proportion dropped to around 28% (13, 000+ preprints | 49, 000+ articles). Nevertheless, preprint servers remain a key engine in the efficient dissemination of scientific work on this infectious disease. But, giving the ‘uncertified’ nature of the scientific manuscripts curated on preprint repositories, their integration to the global ecosystem of scientific communication is not without creating serious tensions. This is especially the case for biomedical knowledge since the dissemination of bad science can have widespread societal consequences.
Scope In this paper, I propose a robust method that will allow the repeated monitoring and measuring of COVID-19 preprint’s publication rate. I also introduce a new API called Upload-or-Perish. It is a micro-API service that enables a client to query a specific preprint manuscript’s publication status and associated meta-data using a unique ID. This tool is in active development.
Data I use Covid-19 Open Research Dataset (CORD-19) to calculate COVID-19 preprint corpus’ conversion rate to peer-reviewed articles. CORD-19 dataset includes preprints from arXiv, bioRxiv, and medRxiv.
Methods I utilize conditional fuzzy logic on article titles to determine if a preprint has a published counterpart version in the database. My approach is an important departure from previous studies that rely exclusively on bioRxiv API to ascertain preprints’ publication status. This is problematic since the level of false positives in bioRxiv metadata could be as high as 37%.
Findings My analysis reveals that around 15% of COVID-19 preprint manuscripts in CORD-19 dataset that were uploaded on from arXiv, bioRxiv, and medRxiv between January and early August 2020 were published in a peer-reviewed venue. When compared to the most recent measure available, this represents a two-fold increase in a period of two months. My discussion review and theorize on the potential explanations for COVID-19 preprints’ low conversion rate.
In their article Preprinting a Pandemic, Fraser et al. (2020) document the unparalleled role of preprints and the digital repositories hosting those scientific manuscripts in the diffusion of COVID-19 science. Between January and April 2020, preprints accounted for nearly 40% of all English-language COVID-19 scientific work (Fraser et al., 2020). The current estimate puts that figure at 28% (NIH iSearch, 2020). Majumder and Mandl (2020:30) suggested that during the early days of the pandemic “because of the speed of their release, preprints – rather than peer-reviewed literature in the same topic area—might [have been what drove the] discourse related to the ongoing COVID-19 outbreak”. Speed and efficiency in the race to share and disseminate scientific knowledge about the disease is a clear reason for the massive adoption of preprint servers during the pandemic (Chiarelli, Johnson, Pinfield, and Richens, 2020). For instance, once submitted on its server, bioRxiv usually only takes two days to screen and upload a manuscript while medRxiv takes four days (Fraser et al., 2020; Abdill & Blekhman, 2019a; Kwon, 2020). In addition to transforming how scientists share their work, preprint servers in the context of the pandemic are also changing the form-factor of knowledge itself as preprint manuscripts tend to be significantly shorter, use fewer references and tables (Fraser et al., 2020; Lin et al., 2020). But, giving the ‘uncertified’ nature of the scientific manuscripts curated on preprint repositories, their integration to the global ecosystem of scientific communication is not without creating serious tensions, a double-edged sword of sort. This is especially the case for biomedical knowledge since the dissemination of bad science can have widespread consequences for a host of health practitioners and social actors who changed their professional practices or/and behaviors based on scientific findings. The case of chloroquine and hydroxychloroquine as a viable treatment to COVID-19 is a clear example of the risks of circulating bad or unascertained science (Pastick et al., 2020).
And indeed, in the past few months, several initiatives have emerged to mitigate this inherent problem of preprint research’s unreviewed-ness. In early March, Nature announced the launch of Outbreak Science Rapid PREreview, a platform “for rapid review of preprints related to emerging outbreaks” (OutbreakScience, 2020). Even more recently MIT introduces Rapid Reviews COVID-19 (RR:C19), a tool relying on AI and humans to identify important preprint manuscripts in need of peer-review (RR:C19, 2020). On the integration front, biomedical bibliometric powerhouses began indexing preprint manuscripts’ metadata to their platforms. For example, the National Library of Medicine (NLM) just launched the NIH preprint pilot with the goal indexing NIH-funded preprints on both PubMed Central (PMC) and PubMed websites (NIH preprint pilot, 2020). More than two decades ago, NIH’s first attempt to index preprints on PMC (Varmus, 1999; Smaglik, 1999) was scrapped when the National Academy of Sciences “successfully negotiated the exclusion of work that had not been peer-reviewed” (Abdill et al., 2019a: 3). Just as CORD-19 data science project has been doing since its inception in March 2020 (Wang et al., 2020), NIH also begin including preprint manuscripts from six sources in its curated COVID-19 online publication database, NIH iSearch COVID-19 portfolio (NIH iSearch, 2020).
Existing peer-reviewed journals are also participating in that integration push. Let take the example of eLife Celebrating preprint servers as “one of the most inspiring things about research in the age of COVID-19”, the journal for the biomedical and life sciences announced they made “posting to bioRxiv or medRxiv – either by the authors themselves or the journal – the default for all eLife submissions” (Eisen, Akhmanova, Behrens, and Weigel, 2020). Recognizing the utmost importance for the swift dissemination of knowledge in a time of global health-crisis, several medical journals have conducted internal reforms to their publication process. As a result, research indicates that the time between the submission and the publication of a manuscript has shrunk on average by 49% for coronavirus-related research (Horbach, 2020). The open- access nature of online repositories also highlighted the proprietary nature of academic publishing. By mid-March, after an online campaign by the academic community, more than 30 scientific publishers have decided to make all COVID-19 work freely accessible (Nature, 2020; Karr, 2020). Here, there is little doubt that preprint servers played a role in that decision to make knowledge more available.
Meanwhile, in an environment where publication norms are changing quickly and call for reforms in the peer-review system are mounting (Shopovski and Slobada, 2020), preprint repositories are also revising and tightening some of their screening policies. For example, early in the pandemic, bioRxiv announced that it “would no longer accept manuscripts making predictions about treatments for COVID-19 solely on the basis of computational work” (Kwon, 2020). In some corners of academia, we have preprint advocates defending preprint servers as a parallel system, that is, a potential and viable alternative model of knowledge communication to the traditional peer-review pipeline. Put differently, in fields like mathematics or biology, scholars have, in the past, opted to use preprint servers as the only and final venue to ‘publish’ their important work (Lariviere et al., 2014; Singh, 2017; Nature Bio, 2020). Studies—both on non-COVID-19 and COVID-19-related—have found evidence against the idea that preprint research doesn’t meet the gold-standard of peer-review research (Vale, 2015; Klein et al., 2016; Nature Bio, 2017; Fraser et al., 2020).
In the life science, however, “the potential harm from posting erroneous provisional research is one reason why the medical community was so cautious about preprints in the first place” (Gianola, Jesus, Bargeri, and Castellini, 2020:17; see also, Kwon, 2020; Cobb, 2017; Desjardins-Proulx et al. 2013; Abdill and Blekhman, 2019). The formal peer-review process that stands as the cornerstone of modern science can still intervene and judge preprint manuscripts after they are uploaded on digital repositories. bioRxiv server, for instance, is already seemingly aligned with the traditional peer-review system as more than 100 journals accept submissions directly from their repository (bioRxiv submission guide, 2020). Preprint servers might seem to operate as a parallel system in the midst of the pandemic, but the landing page of the major biomedical repositories’ website continue to stipulate that preprints are not peer-reviewed articles – “[Preprints] should not be relied on to guide clinical practice or health-related behavior” (medRxiv landing page, 2020).
Findings on publishing practices during the early phase of the pandemic indicate that only 8.6% (n = 329) of the 3,805 medRxiv and bioRxiv COVID-19 preprints uploaded up to May 20, 2020 were published in peer-reviewed venues (Gianola et al., 2020). The only other research measuring medRxiv and bioRxiv COVID-19 preprints uploaded up to April 31st, 2020 report a publishing rate of 4% (n = 101) (Fraser et al., 2020). As for studies on the fate of preprints on the peer-review pipeline unrelated to COVID-19, upon reviewing the emerging literature, Abdill and Bleckhman (2019a: 26–27) conclude that “the majority of bioRxiv preprints do appear in journals”. For instance, if Schloss (2017) found that only 33.6 % of bioRxiv manuscripts uploaded before 2015 were published in peer-review journals, Abdill et al. (2019a) who reproduce a similar study in 2018 report that close to 70% have been published. More recently, Lin, Yu, Zhou, Zhou, and Shi (2020) found that nearly 80% of computer science (CS) related preprints uploaded to the arXiv repository server between 2008 and 2017 were eventually published in peer-reviewed venues. Time is an important dimension as a manuscript need time to make their way through the peer-review system. For bioRxiv, findings indicate 75% of published preprints appears in a journal within eight months of their initial upload (Abdill et al., 2019a:27). For arXiv, this figure is about 12 months (Lariviere et al., 2014). This is also what the only two COVID-19 studies of preprints’ conversion rate suggest. Between April and May 2020, the proportion of published preprints appears to have double.
Given the strong integration movement described earlier and research indicating the positive relationship between time elapse since first upload and formal publication it is likely that a reproduction of Gianola et al.’s or Fraser et al.’ study will find an increased proportion of published COVID-19 preprints. That said, the core objective of this paper is to introduce a more robust method to measure COVID-19 preprints’ conversion rate. Both studies just discussed rely on bioRxiv/medRxiv API to ascertain the publishing status of COVID-19 preprints. But recent findings indicate that the proportion of false negatives – unpublished preprints that were in fact published – to be as high as 37.5% (Abdill et al., 2019a:15). Therefore, preprint repositories API metadata should be used only as a supplementary method and not as the primary means to determine preprints’ publication status. The objectives of this paper are three-fold:
First, to provide an updated measure of COVID-19 preprints’ ‘conversion rate’. In this paper, using CORD-19 data and conditional fuzzy matching, I measure the proportion of preprints produce between January and August 2020 have been published as peer-reviewed articles, a measure I will refer to as ‘conversion rate’.
This paper is more than a ‘replication study’. I propose a robust steam-data system that can automatically calculate the COVID-19 preprints’ conversion rate every time CORD-19 updated their dataset which is usually twice a week. In other words, I develop a Python program that ensures not only the reproducibility but also the frequent monitoring of this important metric.
Last, but not least, I introduce a new API called Upload-or-Perish. Also written using Python programming language, the micro-API service allows a client to query a specific preprint manuscript using a unique ID—DOI parameter for beta-version. The API returns a JSON dictionary first indicating if the preprint in question has been published as a peer-reviewed article. If so, the API provides additional metadata of the published articles (pr_title, pr_journal, pr_date, pr_author). The data is also available in a database format. I am confident this tool will join an exciting pool of data science tools—Rxivist.org (Abdill et al., 2019b), bioPreprint (Iwema, LaDue, Zack, and Chattopadhyay 2016)—that aims at (1) providing accurate and new data-points pertaining to the preprint environment and (2) laying the groundwork for more in-depth empirical examination of preprint practices.
CORD-19 Dataset
I use Covid-19 Open Research Dataset (CORD-19) to calculate COVID-19 preprint corpus’ conversion rate to peer-reviewed articles. Arguably the most ambitious bibliometric COVID-19 project, CORD-19 is the collaborative effort between the Allen Institute for AI and half a dozen organizations including NIH and the White House (for more details, see Wang et al., 2020). CORD-19 was built with data scientists in mind as its main user base as it was “designed to facilitate the development of text mining and information retrieval systems” (Wang et al. 2020:1). What makes CORD-19 stand-out in the always-growing field of COVID-19 bibliometric projects is the fact that in addition to providing the largest dataset containing nearly 200, 000 coronaviruses-related publications’ metadata, CORD-19’s freely downloadable zip file includes over 87,000 fully parsed full text.
Early Inclusion of Preprints
CORD-19 is a record-linkage project that merges coronaviruses-related publications from Elsevier, PMC, WHO, PubLine, and three preprint servers—arXiv, bioRxiv, and medRxiv. To the author’s knowledge, before NIH launched its own COVID-19 bibliometric platform (NIH iSearch), CORD-19 was the only project to include English-language COVID-19-related preprint manuscripts to its database. The curation of preprints’ metadata (author(s), title, venue, etc.) in the dataset alongside peer-reviewed publications’ is what allows us to use a string matching technique –fuzzy logic– to identify which preprints have been published in peer-reviewed venues.
Filtering non-COVID-19 Publications
I conducted my analysis using the 42nd version of the CORD-19 metadata dataset (retrieved on August 12th, 2020). The raw csv file (metadata.csv) contains 210, 537 publications. As already mentioned, since CORD-19 covers not only COVID-19 publications, but all coronaviruses-related literature published in English-language since the 1950s, I use two filtering strategies to identify COVID-19 articles. First, I exclude all articles with a publishing date prior 2019 since we know the first COVID-19 article was published that year. This step removed 39% of all cases, or 82, 054 publications (see Table 1). In a second time, since not all 128, 483 remaining cases with the publishing year of 2019 or 2020 are COVID-19 research, I utilize a keyword approach to identify COVID-19 related publications. I relied on a curated list of 19 keywords to carry this second filtering step (see Table X). For each case, if the abstract or title (CORD-19 dataset’s field or variable) contains at least one of the COVID-19 keywords, the Python program marks the case as a valid COVID-19 publication. This algorithmic step brought the dataset size to 92, 591 as it retained 72% of cases. Using the keyword method on the NIH iSearch dataset (n = 49116) as a validation set yields an accuracy score of 0.98.
Because CORD-19 dataset includes both preprints and published work, filtering out duplicates requires special attention. It is not uncommon for a preprint and its peer-reviewed published counterpart to share the exact same title (Lin et al., 2020). Therefore, if we were to use ‘article title’ to identify case duplication in the CORD-19 publication dataset, we would effectively flag either several preprints or its published counterparts and remove them from the final dataset. In other words, it would prevent us to accurately measure the publication rate of preprints. Therefore, to avoid this problem, I first identified and removed duplicates amongst preprint titles before doing the same thing on the published titles. I found 1, 355 (1.5%) duplicates. For those familiar with COVID-19 bibliometric datasets, this figure of 91,236 publications might appear twice as high compare to the number of documents indexed by LitCovid – 46, 393 (Chen, Allot, and Lu, 2020) – or NIH iSearch – 48, 264. CORD-19 dataset’s record-linkage coverage includes non-article document type and non-English language work as well. {author’s note: v2 will filter out non-English language literature from CORD-19 dataset.}
Preprints Documents in CORD-19 Dataset
In the final dataset I use for analysis, COVID-19 preprint manuscripts represent nearly one-tenth of all publications captured by CORD-19 dataset (n = 9, 048; 9.9%). That said, for a more accurate representation of preprint articles in the English-language literature, the NIH iSearch dataset suggest that figure is at 28%. In terms of the source distribution, nearly two-thirds of all preprint articles found in CORD-19 dataset emanated from medRxiv (n = 5, 670), with Biorxiv (n = 1, 553) and Arxiv (n = 1, 825) sharing close to equal representation for the rest of this type of document. MedRxiv webpage keeping track of medRxiv and bioRxiv’s COVID-19/SARS-CoV-2 preprint indicates 7, 901 manuscripts (respectively; 6, 231 and 1, 670) as of August 27th. Our data (till August 12th) for those two sources amounts to 7, 223 cases (medRxiv COVID-19, 2020). {author’s note: v2 will include a stack column graph to show the distribution of each source. Also,s the next version will include all the preprint data from the month of August as the current dataset stops on August 12th.}
Identification of Published Preprints
Case duplicity in bibliometric datasets is generally quite straightforward to handle, especially when numerical unique identifiers (NUIs) (doi, pmc id, pubmed id) are available. To match preprints to their published counterpart in a giving dataset however is a non-trivial task since NUIs cannot be mobilized. Because of their different institutional origin—online repository vs. academic publisher, preprints and its final published counterpart carry distinctive metadata.
Conditional Fuzzy Logic
Giving the unavailability of NUIs to link preprint manuscripts to its published counterparts, or rather to determine if the “conversion event” has occurred, researchers often turn to string-type metadata such as the article title instead as a unique id to perform fuzzy matching test. Fuzzy logic is a computing that is based on degrees of truth. In this form of many-valued logic, the result range between 1 (completely true) and 0 (completely false). When comparing two article’s titles using fuzzy logic, we are asking the question “how similar are titles A and B?” Boolean logic, on the other hand, ask “are titles A and B exactly the same?”. Fuzzy string matching, in other words, is the process of finding a string –in our case, a published article’s title—that roughly or approximately match a giving pattern—a preprint’s title. The procedure has several applications such as spell-checking (Pirinen and Linden, 2010), DNA analysis (Fan and Yao, 2011), and spam detection (Singh, Kumari, and Mahajan, 2017).
I use Python package “Fuzzywuzzy” (seatgeek, 2020) that relies on Levenshtein Distance to calculate the differences between sequences and patterns. Lariviere et al. (2014) used fuzzy matching to match a corpus of arXiv preprints with their potential corresponding published versions on Web of Science (WoS). Their method yields an accuracy of 0.50 and an overall F1-score of 0.67. In other words, of all the preprints with a known published version available on WoS, only half were correctly matched using fuzzy logic. Giving this method’s low F1-score, researchers have recently begun experimenting with encouraging results with Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers (BERT), a state-of-the-art NLP tool developed by Google engineers (Devlin, Chang, Lee, and Toutanova, 2018), for that task (Lin et al., 2020).
To address the limitation of fuzzy matching, I developed a conditional approach. In its simple implementation, a preprint’s title is to be compared to each (non-preprint) publication’s title from the clean CORD-19 dataset (n = 83, 543). That is, for each test, the computer program returns a fuzzy score between 0 and 1. With this design, the program would compute 83, 543 fuzzy tests for each preprint, but only keep the one(s) with the highest score. The programmer then needs to determine a cut-off point, namely, a fuzzy matching score that tends to minimize false positives/negatives and return valid matches. This final step effectively transforms fuzzy matching into a binary classification {match or no match}.
The two main limitations of this simple implementation of fuzzy matching algorithm are (1) errors (type I and II) and (2) computational time. For instance, to generate a score for our 9, 048 preprints the Python program needs to compute 755, 897, 064 fuzzy tests. The main driver of errors however rests within the nondiscriminatory nature of this design. By using every non-preprint title as a comparator, the program runs the risk of misidentifying one as a match. This is especially true in a context where all titles include similar keyword(s)—see Table 1; filter 2—and where all publications pertain to the same topic—COVID-19.
Conditional fuzzy matching is an effective solution to handle this problem. The algorithmic strategy consists of gate-keeping the actual fuzzy matching step in the program by adding several pre-test conditions journal name non-missing 3 author(s) non-missing that considerably reduce the number of fuzzy tests performed per preprint. All conditional tests rely on metadata available in CORD-19 dataset. Therefore, to be compared to a preprint’s title, each publication title contained in the COVID-19 dataset goes thought a conditional process that effectively weed out unlikely ‘duplicate’ or published counterpart. The screening process is built around eight conditions (see Table 3). First, for the Python program to try and match a published counter to a preprint, the latter needs to have both a non-missing title and non-missing author metadata. Then, the script starts iterating through the list of the 83, 543 potential cases. But for a fuzzy test to be computed a potential case needs to pass six conditional tests: (1) title non-missing, (2) journal name not missing, (3) author(s) not missing, (4) the same number of author(s) as preprint’, (5) preprint’s first author’s last name in the list of author(s), and (6) absolute difference of titles’ length smaller than five words. {author’s note: (1) Fraser et al. (2020) found that 15.8% of all published preprints have added authors to the list of contributors. This suggests that condition iv in Table 3 will need to be revised for v2. (2) The gold-standard of any classifier is a F1-score. I am currently building the validation set to generate a F1-score. The second step is to run multiple tests while playing with the parameters (see Table 3) to see how they affect the overall accuracy of the model. Final results should be added by September 10th, 2020.}
The CORD-19 dataset I use for my analysis (update 34; August 12th, 2020 version) contains 9, 047 unique preprint cases. Giving the medical nature of the topic at hand (infectious disease) it is not surprising to find that MedArxiv accounts for nearly two-thirds (n = 5, 793; 64%) of all COVID-19 preprints found in CORD-19 dataset. BioArxiv and Arxiv share a similar representation with respectively 18% (n = 1, 675) and 20% (n = 1, 826) of the remaining preprint manuscripts. Of all the cases only 123 were uploaded to more than one preprint servers.
To the main research question of this paper, namely, which proportion of COVID-19 preprint manuscripts in CORD-19 dataset were also published in a peer-review journal, the analysis reveals that 14.68% (n = 1, 328) research documents uploaded on MedArxiv, BioArxiv, and Arxiv servers between January and (early) August, 2020 were published as a peer-reviewed article (see Table 4). Although the method section exclusively focuses on the string fuzzy matching method, in practice I use five different strategies to identify published preprint articles (see Table 4). I call the first two methods – Boolean and fuzzy matching—internal methods since they rely exclusively on CORD-19 metadata to identify the preprint corpus’s published counterpart. I call the last three approaches external (and non-probabilistic) methods since they rely on APIs and web scraping to confirm a preprint’s publication status.
Internal Methods: Conditional Usage of CORD-19 Metadata
First, running a Boolean test on each preprint title, I identify 390 cases as published preprint articles. In other words, I found only 4.3% of preprints for which the title was exactly the same as its peer-reviewed counterpart’. In a second time, I ran a conditional fuzzy logic script on all remaining cases that returned a negative or false Boolean result (n = 8, 657). The Python program yields a final list of 917 matched cases (10.6%). That is, using a cut-off point of 0.60, the algorithm identified 917 peer-reviewed articles as the published counterpart of a COVID-19 preprint. Of those, 220 were matched with a fuzzy score of 100 (see Appendix I for distribution of fuzzy matching results). One might ask why the previous Boolean test did not return a True result for those very cases. It has to do with the way Python’s fuzzy matching package prepare strings before computing a test. In other words, for those 220 cases, the only difference was a period (‘.’) at the end of the title. With the fuzzy matching algorithm, those symbols are automatically removed from each string before a test while non-alphabetic symbols remained while computing a Boolean test. If fuzzy string logic appears to be efficient or accurate in identifying preprints’ published counterparts, why implementing a Boolean test as a first step? The reason has to do with computational time, namely, reducing the number of preprint cases needed to be processed for the fuzzy test.
External Methods: Bibliometric APIs as Additional Resources to Identify Published Preprints
In addition to using CORD-19 metadata and fuzzy logic to identify preprint manuscripts that have a published counterpart, I also use freely available bibliometric APIs to detect more cases harboring a publishing status. Some digital repositories have record-linkage functionality that automatically updated its preprint profiles to reflect its publication history—e.g., journal, title, date, etc. Preprint servers also encourage authors to update this information themselves for their accepted manuscripts (Lin et al., 2020). Altogether, this second effort produces 154 new cases.
bioRxiv API
When querying bioRxiv API with the list of all remaining ‘unmatched’ CORD-19 preprints originating from that digital repository, I found an initial total of 129 cases that had a DOI generated by a peer-reviewed journal which is a reliable indicator of published status. From that load, 54 had not been identified by the internal methods. {author’s note: I came to realize that bioRxiv API also gives access to medRxiv preprint metadata as they are run by the same entity. The next version of this paper will reflect that.}
PMC Web Scraping
For unmatched CORD-19 preprint cases with a PMC id and/or a PUBMED id, I query the PubMed Central website using Python BeautifulSoup and Requests packages to determine if they were linked to a peer-reviewed version as well. The occurrence of “Update of” or “This article had been published” is a reliable indication that the preprint was published in a peer-reviewed journal. This method produced 25 new cases (89 raw).
Finally, I use the Python wrapper ‘arxiv’ to access arXiv API. Compare to other well-established preprint servers, arXiv has the particularity of not automatically generating a DOI for manuscripts uploaded on its platform. That said, arXiv “cooperates with Inspire (formerly SPIRES) to provide an automatic update to DOI information and journal references if a preprint is published (Lin et al., 560).” This last approach allowed me to further identify 74 additional Arxiv manuscripts related to a peer-reviewed version.
Introducing a new API: Upload-or-Perish
{author’s note: The current beta-version of the micro-API is functional. I am working on setting up my own server to host the database and writing the full documentation on my GitHub repo (github.com/lanbufan). I except the beta to be operational and open for client’s queries by September 7th, 2020}
My analysis reveals that around 15% of COVID-19 preprint manuscripts in CORD-19 dataset uploaded on three major repository servers between January and early August 2020 were published in a peer-reviewed venue. As I predicted, when compare to the more recent COVID-19 preprint’s conversion rate of 8.6% (Gianola et al., 2020), the results suggest a near two-fold increase. We can compare our measure to Gianola et al.’s finding without arXiv preprints since they did not include that server in their sample, our conversion rate increased by nearly 1% to 15.91%. In sheer number, the population of medArxiv and bioRxiv preprints went from 3, 805 in late May, 2020 to 7, 193 in early August; a near twofold increase. Meanwhile, the number of converted preprints went from 329 to 1, 145; a near three-fold increase.
When compare to Lin et al. (2020) publishing rate of 77% for arXiv repository’s computer science-related preprints uploaded between 2008 and 2017, then, our finding for COVID-19 preprints does appear to be on the lower side of the conversion spectrum. As reviewed in the introduction, measures of publication rate for bioRxiv and arXiv preprints indicates that most manuscripts eventually get published (Abdill et al., 2019; Lariviere et al., 2014; Schloss, 2017). The author knows of no comparable research for medRxiv preprints.
So, why is the proportion of COVID-19 published preprints so low, and why are we witnessing an upward trend? Regarding the former question, Gianolo et al. (2020: 16) speculate that time is a key variable to consider. In other words, converting a preprint manuscript into a published peer-reviewed takes time which is why the scientific community turned to preprint repositories as a means of research dissemination and communication early on in its effort to study the pandemic. Biomedical journal editors and reviewers are swamps by an unprecedented volume of scientific knowledge to certify.
The results from Graph 3 help to start explaining how time plays a key role in the process of transforming a preprint manuscript into a published peer-reviewed article. The near-perfect correlation between the linear trendline and the monthly proportion of published preprints (r = 0.99) suggests a positive relationship between time elapse since the first server upload of preprint and the chance of being published. My preliminary results (not shown), using CORD-19 dataset’s publish_time variable, indicate an average length of 51 days for a preprint to get published. In a pre- and non-COVID-19 related-context, for bioRxiv, findings indicate 75% of published preprints appears in a journal within eight months of their initial upload (Abdill et al., 2019a: 27; similar results – Iwema et al., 2016). For arXiv, this figure is 12 months (Lariviere et al., 2014). Another research on bioRxiv preprints found the probability for a successful conversion from preprint to article 48% within 6 months (Serghiou and Ioannidis, 2018). In the context of the current pandemic, it is unlikely that the temporal window for a 48% probability would be at six months.
Competition and Epistemic Oversupply
Let me now considerer another likely contributing factor for the low publishing rate of COVID-19 preprints, which I call ‘epistemic oversupply’. I mean by that the fact that giving the high level of knowledge production, scientific work on COVID-19, including preprint formats, run the risk of suffering from accelerated obsoleteness as several teams around the globe work, submit, and try to publish research on the same topic independently of each other. After all, uncertainty is a key feature of scientific labor (Whitley, 1984). Scientific activities rely on cooperation to advance towards its goal, but like any other human pursuits, competition also plays a vital role in the way scientific fields operate (Merton, 1973; Bourdieu, 1984). As countries (Keck, 2020; Horowitz, 2020) and pharmaceutic giants (McDonnell, 2020; Callaway, 2020) are competing in the billion-dollar vaccine race against COVID-19, teams of scientists are also competing for symbolic and material capital—e.g. huge grants and funding—as they rush to produce novel insights on the deadly virus. Some scholars have framed this problem of competition in the context of COVID-19 as one of waste (Casigliani et al, 2020; Gale, 2020). “Some replication of studies is important, but unnecessary duplication of studies is wasteful” (Glasziou, Sanders, and Hoffman, 2020).
Therefore, in a context of high competition, it is possible that behind a low conversion rate hides a high rejection rate. It might not simply be that authors of preprints are not submitting to peer-reviewed journals, but rather that they were rejected because of “unnecessary duplication”. Or, in the face of discovering too many similar studies, researchers decide to abandon or rework the focus of their work. A social survey of contributors to COVID-19 preprints would be an appropriate study design to collect data on mechanisms, or emerging practices around the “after-life” of preprint manuscripts.
Performative Assent – Peer-Skippers and The New Distributed Nature of Peer-Review
There are ample shreds of evidence to suggest that in the context of “the lightning-quick progression of a pandemic” (Fraser et al., 2020: line 395), a fair share of scientists see the traditional system as an unfit channel of knowledge dissemination but preprint servers as an effective alternative for sharing research. As Thomas Kuhn, the author of The Structure of Scientific Revolutions (1962) would remind us, with its ongoing effort to study and respond to the global pandemic, the scientific community left ‘normal science’ to enter an “extraordinary” phase of development. One might be tempted to brush off the notion that a scientific revolution is underway, but an extensive revision to existing scientific practices—such as what we are witnessing with the key role of preprints in helping maintain an effective research ecosystem— is a core characteristic of a scientific revolution. As we know, extraordinary phases in the history of science are marked by a sharp acceleration of progress. Covid-19 research represents one of the most intense scientific efforts in the modern history of science (Vlasschaert, Topf, Hiremath, 2020). Scientists and journal editors and reviewers alike were (and arguably still are) overwhelmed with a tsunami of COVID-19 papers (Brainard, 2020; Kwon, 2020). And this extreme phase of knowledge production on the virus is not behind us. The week of August 24th replaced the week of May 11th (2, 585 pubs) for the most publications indexed by PubMed on COVID-19 in a single week with 3, 241 (LitCovid, 2020).
Times of crisis tend to see the emergence of new forms of legitimate knowledge. As explained by the sociologist of science Steven Epstein in his seminal book Impure Science (1996), during the HIV pandemic, not only did AIDS activists notoriously confront medical authority, but they also durably helped transformed deep-rooted research practices. For instance, at the time high-status medical journals vigorously forbade the early release of scientific research before publication. But with the pressure of AIDS activists, early release emerged as an acceptable practice. Early release is now a SOP in health-crisis like the current COVID-19 pandemic. Certainly, the case of the preprint is different than early release in that the latter has already been peer-reviewed while the former remains in a liminal state; a scientific research stuck between high visibility and questionable legitimacy. As surveyed in the introduction, this very characteristic is what makes preprints a very contentious form of scientific knowledge.
But although this line of argument can explain the popularity of preprint servers, it does not totally explain preprints’ low conversion rate. Put differently, what interests me as a sociologist of science, is the question of why researchers might decide not to submit their preprints for peer-review—we might want to call them the peer-skippers. Granted, to empirically test how much this decision help account for preprint’s low conversion rate, we need survey data on submission and rejection of preprints. But it is still worth asking how peer-skipper researchers deal with/justified the fact that their preprint work will not receive the ‘traditional’ stamp of certification. They might not be alone. In recent years, some preprint advocates began breaking rank with the established standard operating procedures as they argue preprint research can receive scientific assent outside the traditional peer-review process (Singh Chawla, 2017; Kaiser, 2017). Those defending the idea of final version preprint (or peer-skipping) use the distinction between ‘pre-publication peer-review’ (pre-ppr) and ‘post-publication peer-review’ (post-ppr) to make their point. From this perspective, the main difference between a peer-reviewed article and a preprint is that the former received both pre- and post-ppr while the latter only received post-ppr. But, against the belief that preprint servers are a digital far-west where anything can be uploaded, a recent analysis of 44 preprint servers’ uploading procedures found that the majority have quality-control mechanisms in place and 32% include researchers in the vetting process (Kirkham et al., 2020). Although not to be mistaken for a formal pre-ppr, it does indicate that most biomedical preprints vet preprints for quality-control before officially make manuscripts available on their repositories. Finally, preprint advocates point to the effectiveness of post-ppr, or ‘post-upload’ peer-review process. After all, the retraction of both preprints and peer-review articles during the pandemic usually happens because of post-publication quality control by fellow-researchers using, interacting, and ultimately evaluating scientific works (Singh, 2017; Yeo-Teh and Tang, 2020; RetractionWatch, 2020). A scholar even suggested that the peer-review process during the pandemic might be, in some cases, even more “imperfect” or “porous” than usual, that is, “non-existential” (da Silva, 2020: 1).
I am not suggesting those ‘fringe’ voices advocating for the preprint culture as an alternative system has spread their gospel during the pandemic—although it might be the case—but I believe one of the contributing factors to the low conversion rate of COVID-19 preprints is linked to this new form of post-ppr. Da Silva (2020: 1) call it “open public scrutiny for preprints”. That is, even though preprints are not formally reviewed before being uploaded to preprint servers, they are often commented on and shared on social media—including blog posts (Vlasschaert, Topf, Hiremath, 2020)—by laymen and experts alike (Majumder et al, 2020; Fraser et al., 2020), downloaded, and periodically updated by its author(s) once online, and cited – even more cited than published articles (Gianola et al., 2020). Some independent initiatives have also “arisen whereby reviews are posted in the comments section of preprint servers and hosted on independent websites” (Fraser et al.; from 34). It is not unlikely that author(s) perceived these social processes as something I call “performative assent”, a type of approving green light of sort that differs from the traditional pre-publication review. Preprint servers are not only unusually fast in sharing research, but their public nature might increase the scrutiny scientific manuscripts usually received. This feature may be preprint servers’ best protection against bad science. A poor manuscript is not about to receive the private feedback of a few peers, but potentially the critical gaze of hundreds or thousands of readers on several platforms. More scrutiny prevents bad uploads. Is this form of distributed review or watchfulness as sociologist Keith Hampton called it (2015) a closer implementation or realization of open science? This might help explain how research on the textual similarity of 12, 202 scholarly preprints and their final published counterparts in STEM disciplines found no significant difference between preprints and published versions (Klein et al., 2019). Similar analyses by Fraser et. al (2020) reveals that only 4.9% of COVID-19 published preprints “display[ed] major changes in the conclusions”.
The concept of performative assent captures the notion that preprints can gain a legitimated status as users evaluate and interact with the document. Could it be that performative assent disincentivize author(s) to carry their research through the classic channel of peer-review because they already received a level of approval based on the public and expert interaction with their text, especially in a digital world where all those metrics (views, download, citation, alt-metric, etc..) are a click away. Findings indicate that compare to non-COVID-19 preprints, COVID-19 preprints received 15 times more views and 30 times more downloads (Fraser et al., 2020).
Limitations & Future Directions
In this article, the main goal was to measure the proportion of COVID-19 preprints that were published in peer-reviewed journals between January and July 2020. I followed with a discussion, although perhaps speculative, on some reasons that can help explain the low publication rate of COVID-19 preprints. More notably, I coined the concept of “performative assent” to articulate how a sets of relational metrics – view, download, citation, peer-comment, altmetric – can, in the age of social media, help construct scientific legitimacy (or the illusion of) in a loosely-defined post-publication peer-review process. I also point that in a context where multi-level cooperation (civil society, government, private sector, science) is paramount to fight the pandemic, scientific competition remains well and alive. In other words, redundancy happens as researchers fight for the limited prime space in top academic journals. I encourage students of preprint culture and knowledge production to use social survey to start documenting the experience and decision-making of COVID-19 researchers who are users of preprints’ digital repositories. Questions pertaining to their experiences of submission to peer-reviewed venues, rejection, and revision—the whole cycle—can help illuminate emerging practices and tactics around preprints. Of particular interest is researchers’ thinking (and justification) around the decision of not submitting their manuscript to peer-reviewed journals—peer-skippers.
My next priority is to empirically test my performative assent theory. The rather counter-intuitive hypothesis posits that the more a preprint manuscript received attention—tweet, comments, download, etc—the less it is likely to be submitted for formal peer-review. Since Rxivist API allows the retrieval of preprints’ twitter metadata and Disqus API allows the retrieval of bioRxiv and medRxiv’s comments on its preprints (for example, see Fraser et al., 2020), I am very confident I can test this important theory.
That said, more quantitatively-inclined scholars will also want to use zero-inflated negative binomial regression analysis to model factors predicting the likelihood for a preprint to get published. In their recent work, Lin et al. (2020:568) identified version history, number of authors, article length, number of references, citation count, number of figures and tables as potential variables to include in predictive models. That said, researchers will need to mitigate the influence of important confounding factors, more notably the existence of platforms like Nature’s Outbreak Science Rapid PREreview and MIT’s Rapid Review (RR:C19) which can select preprints for a round of peer-reviewing. Time is also a critical dimension to account for. Time-lagged or survival analysis are idle tools to model the temporal component of publishing.
In terms of the author’s own plan, the first task is to merge NIH iSearch COVID-19 publication database’s preprint articles to CORD-19 dataset as it will add three additional preprint servers (ChemRxiv, SSRN, and ResearchSquare) to the list of online repositories curating COVID-19 scientific content. An important data science contribution would be to start integrating COVID-19 preprints from all major English-language preprints servers. I am also planning for the next iteration of this project to provide more granularity in the analysis and exclude cases where the peer-reviewed version is published before the date of the preprint’s uploading.
The pandemic is unquestionably a stress-test for the preprint infrastructure and the traditional system responded with a host of initiatives to normalize the peer-review process of preprints. On their side, online repositories of scientific preprints will need to standardize their data-management practices. The establishment of an API pipeline and the systematic tracking and updating of the publication status of the manuscripts under their curation should become the norm. It would also not be surprising to see third-party initiatives like Rxivist (Abdill and Blekhman, 2019b) or others working towards the consolidation of all English-language preprint curation services data into one platform or API service. But until then, string matching techniques either using fuzzy matching or state-of-the-art AI will remain our best tools to further document the changing relationship between public drafts of scientific work and their finalized legitimate versions.
Conclusion: From Publish or Perish to Upload or Perish?
The pandemic will leave deep scars of change on most human institutions. The uneasy relationship between preprint servers and the traditional system of peer-review is one such example. In a post-pandemic scientific landscape, some will return to their lab converted to the motto of “upload or perish” where preprints will stand at the center of their cultural practice of knowledge production. Some will have their preprints picked by AI algorithms, then reviewed and published regardless of their preferences. Some will have just discovered online repositories for their work. Some will make strategic usage of preprint servers only for certain types of contributions.
In other words, we likely see a wider acceptance of the preprint online repositories as a ‘parallel’ system – a challenger to the traditional system of science. Underlying this potential radical change is the very way academic work can gain scientific assent, from a close to an open system. Only time will tell if the future of science will be done by uploading one preprint at the time, or still by submitting one manuscript at the time.
Data Availability
I use Covid-19 Open Research Dataset (CORD-19) to calculate COVID-19 preprint corpus' conversion rate to peer-reviewed articles. Arguably the most ambitious bibliometric COVID-19 project, CORD-19 is the collaborative effort between the Allen Institute for AI and half a dozen organizations including NIH and the White House (for more details, see Wang et al., 2020). This is an open-source dataset. I also used bioRxiv API pipeline to determine if COVID-19 preprints were associated with a peer-review final counterpart. I also scraped pubmed and pmc NIH's websites for the same purpose. Finally, I use the Python 'wrapper' package "arxiv" to query arXiv aPI to, again, determine if certain COVID-19 arXiv preprints had also been a published peer-reviewed journal.