Article Information
- September 1, 2020.
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Author Information
- Janik Goltermann#,1,
- Daniel Emden#,1,
- Elisabeth J. Leehr1,
- Katharina Dohm1,
- Ronny Redlich1,2,
- Udo Dannlowski1,
- Tim Hahn1 and
- Nils Opel1,3,*
- 1Department of Psychiatry, University of Münster, Germany
- 2Institute of Psychology, University of Halle, Germany
- 3Interdisciplinary Centre for Clinical Research (IZKF) Münster, University of Münster, Germany
- ↵* Corresponding author: N. Opel. Department of Psychiatry. University of Münster. Albert-Schweitzer-Campus 1. 48149 Münster. Germany. Phone: ++49-251-8356610. Fax: ++49-251-8356612. Email: n_opel01{at}
↵# This is to indicate that JG and DE contributed equally to the present work